Harold Ford’s Pro-Gun Message

“Blue Dog” Democrat Harold Ford released a video in support of the N.R.A. and Americans’ right to self defense through gun ownership. After the lynching he received from the left in the last election cycle, and their continued hostility toward him in reaction to his faith and midwestern values, it’s no surprise he wants to keep a gun around in case the Kossacks decide to dust off their white robes and follow Robert Byrd’s example.

It’s nice to agree with a Democrat for once:


I wonder how long before the left starts howling about this new “travesty” of a Black man realizing that he needs a gun to protect himself from the new klan.

French Intifada in Paris Continues


Yet again the deaths of two degenerate criminals, due to their own stupidity, causes “youths” to riot in the French ghettos surrounding Paris. Two Police stations were destroyed according to reports, proving that a festering sub-culture of Islamic supremacy endangers the viability of France as a nation. From Reuters who white washes the entire thing as usual:

PARIS – Dozens of youths clashed with police and set fire to buildings in a Paris suburb on Sunday after two teenagers were killed in a crash with a police car.

The pair were riding on a stolen motorcycle when the accident happened on Sunday in the town of Villiers-le-Bel, north of Paris, a police union source said.

France’s worst urban unrest in 40 years broke out in the northeastern Paris suburb of Clichy-Sous-Bois in November 2005, after two teenagers died electrocuted in an electricity sub-station after apparently fleeing police.

The circumstances in this case, however, were different.

“It was not a chase but apparently a traffic accident,” a police source said.

The town’s police station caught fire and that of the neighbouring town, Arnouville-les-Gonesse, was ransacked, the local authority said.

A Villiers garage was set ablaze and fires were put out before they could spread in a neighbouring garage and a petrol station in the same town.

“The situation is tense tonight. We do not know how it will evolve during the night,” the mayor’s chief of staff, Nicolas Carrier, told Reuters.

What’s more outrageous is that had this happened in an Islamic country the two would have been tortured and mutilated by the government had they survived the accident. There likely wouldn’t have been any riots in that scenario.

The French nation state is increasingly less viable as Muslims divide France into Islamic fiefdoms where the authorities have no ability to enforce law and order. It is a pattern that has been repeated in other European countries and hasn’t happened here only by luck and the the fact that many Americans are armed and able to resist a theocratic occupation of their neighborhoods.

In ’08 the Democrats will look to change that. Don’t let them.

Fort Huachuca Attack Planned with Help from Mexican Drug Gangs

The leaked F.B.I.’s terror warning to the Arizona based Fort Huachuca didn’t include this frightening new information. The planed attack on the Fort by Jihadists who were going to work in tandem with Mexican drug gangs. From the Washington Post:

The nation’s largest intelligence training center changed security measures in May after being warned that Islamist terrorists with the aid of Mexican drug cartels were planning an attack on the facility.

Fort Huachuca changed security measures after sources warned that possibly 60 Afghan and Iraqi terrorists were smuggled into the U.S. through underground tunnels with high powered weapons to attack the post, according to multiple confidential law enforcement documents obtained by The Washington Times.

“A portion of the operatives were in the United States, with the remainder not yet in the United States,” according to one of the documents, an FBI advisory that was disbursed to the Defense Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Customs and Border Protection and the Department of Justice, among numerous other law enforcement agencies throughout the nation. “The Afghanis and Iraqis shaved their beards so as not to appear to be Middle Easterners.”

According to the FBI advisory, each Middle Easterner paid Mexican drug lords $20,000 “or the equivalent in weapons” for the cartel’s assistance in smuggling them through tunnels along the border into the U.S. The numerous tunnels supposedly ended at warehouses in Laredo, Texas, and in Arizona.

Those who say the illegal immigration is not a national security issue should take note of this story.

h/t Jihad Watch

A Typical Clinton Supporter

This one was a Bill Clinton supporter. The video is from ’92, originally posted at Hot Air as an example of a man who wasn’t ‘tased but should have been. I’d remind Allahpundit that the early 90’s were stun gun times. Had the state trooper below had a “pain compliance device” I’m sure things may have ended quite differently.

Stick with it, after a minute and a half of immature belligerence, there’s a hysterically effeminate meltdown when he learns how much his ticket is going to cost him and the end is an endorsement of Clinton that sounds exactly it could be from think progress.

Maybe this guy’s a blogger, now?


He keeps saying his wife pays his bills. This guy was a kept man?

The Violent Oppression of Women in Islam (Pandagon Take Note)

A little something for my feminist friends looking for more thought provoking fare than a Black Friday shopping orgy (which is what I’m doing right now) or a Sci-Fi Channel marathon. It’s from the David Horowitz Freedom Center, so I know Marcotte et al will automatically dismiss it as “neocon” (Jew) propaganda. After all, Muslims and Christians treat women exactly the same in the Marcotte world view, which was formed from a semester’s worth of lecture notes cribbed from her favorite Women’s Studies class I’m sure.

But let me ask them all this question: What ever happened to Women’s Liberation?


h/t Mosquewatch