Pandagon and VNN: The Joys of Political Blogging

My post about Seymour Hersh claiming “Jewish money from New York” is buying off Democratic Presidential candidates on the Pro-Communist cable access miscarriage Democracy Now!, (a peace by any means outfit that’s been surprisingly silent on Chavez’s invasion of Guyana or North Korea’s execution of citizens for making phone calls) has been linked to by the miscreants at VNN.

At issue is my characterization of testosterone challenged Peta member/Nazi “Yankee James”, of the Innsmouth James, as a whiny, racist, hippy whose tearful post on evil Jewish slaughterhouses was far too effeminate to be offensive.

That earned me some true Aryan ire. And by ire I mean a six post thread full of emoticons and Ron Paul ads. The “revolutionary White warriors” of VNN rallied around their pet sissy by anonymously visiting my site (and clicking my ads!) and posting refutations of my disdain of James on the forum that sounded like they were written by third graders from the Oprah Winfrey academy.

Like this one from 42 year old stoner Stan Sikorski:

Why do you hate meat?!?! You meat Nazi you!!!!

That dude has his head so far up the Cold War’s ass he’s got icicles hanging from his nose. Hey! Red Alert Guy! Itz the joooos stupid!!

What does that even mean? Was there a Cold War against middle aged shut-ins who peddle bad music on-line when they’re not posting on White Supremacist forums? Does that Cold War have an ass? And check out his comment loaded with more animated emoticons than the MySpace page of a 13 year old girl.

Butch it up Nazis! I get more racist bile spewed at me in the Pandagon comments section. And you know that’s what made me realize something about White Nationalists and their place on the food chain of threats to America.

Let me stop to apologize in advance to Red Alerts favorites Gay Patriot and Tammy Bruce and any other gay bloggers I may offend but what needs to be said here can’t be said another way.

See, I thought White Nationalists were a dangerous group of domestic terrorists but it turns out they’re just a bunch of Ron Paul loving emo faggots hanging around forums while blasting 30 Seconds to Mars and repeating Peta propaganda.

That’s when it became clear that not only was there a Liberal/White Nationalist convergence, which I blogged about a number of times, but that the result was that Liberals became the dangerous domestic terrorists and neo-Nazis settled into their new role as whining, childish finger wagers who end all their sentences with fifteen exclamation points and a crying blue emoticon.

What I’m getting at is that Amanda Marcotte is the new Tom Metzger and it’s only a matter of time before there’s a Pandagon driven plot hatched to knock over some banks to fund “the revolution” while the “White warriors” at VNN are busy demanding free health care and and 9/11 “truth.”

Nazis are the new hippies, a lazy, dirty hate cult which appeals only to people too engrossed in the left leaning “libertarian” fever swamp of “Patriot” websites to figure out that they’re not quoting Hitler or emulating the Third Reich but are the modern day Manson family, dangerous only to pregnant actresses and sleeping businessmen.

The left has already co-opted their platform and are planning to start a civil war. Just ask Naomi Wolf.

That’s the joy of political blogging. I’m on the fore front of the news reporting something that will become obvious in a few years; Nazis don’t matter anymore. Like your flapper grandmother they’re just hanging on to the past and racing toward oblivion. The left are the new Nazis. They’re the ones who are hateful, violent and destructive.

And they’re they ones who will end up burning crosses on my lawn. The Nazis will just dream about it.

N.J. College Forces Students to Buy Sprint Phones for Their Own Safety!

Blue state totalitarianism at its best. From WCBSTV:


College students at Montclair State University are all talking about a new requirement that will require students to have a cell phone.

CBS 2 HD has learned more on this required feature that is forcing students to dig into their wallets.

At Montclair State, there is no excuse for being out of touch.

“‘School Phone’ I use for campus e-mail, different things like that,” freshman Angela Vuocolo said.

That’s right.

First-year student Vuocolo said ‘School Phone’ — as in a Sprint-operated cell phone — is now mandatory for all students. It’s the first program of its kind in the country.

The cost: $420 a year for a base plan which is bundled into the tuition bill.

It includes just 50 peak voice minutes a month, but unlimited text messaging to any carrier, unlimited campus-based data usage, and student activated emergency GPS tracking.

“What it does is allow students to have an extra pair or group of people watching over them when they’re going from one location to another,” Montclair Police Department Chief Paul Cell said.

The positive impact is already being felt across campus.

“It makes me feel comfortable,” MSU freshman Ricky Bodtmann said. “I guess if people want to feel safe.”

Added student Vanessa Adames: “It’s very helpful. I have the train schedule on there. I can check my e-mail.”

There are various phone and call plan options, but the bottom line is you have to pick one. That could be a problem for someone with their own cell phone and their own monthly bill.

“I don’t see why they should be adding unnecessary fees to the students who have a hard time paying for college like I do,” freshman Sury Lopez said.

One mother agrees.

“It’s very expensive and quite honestly for the protection of the kids on campus the school should be giving that for free,” Patty Carragh said.

The casual acceptance of Stalin-esque totalitarianism in a state full of people who believe George Bush is a dictator tells you all you need to know about the sad state of New Jersey. I’ll never go back.

It also need not be elaborated upon that a cell phone will not protect you from crime unless it comes with a special disintegration ray feature. A simple video presentation from Kateysfirearmfacts makes the point much better:


But since N.J. is a blue state and people actually defending themselves is frowned upon, how about the school taking a little responsibility for their students safety by hiring more security? The school is gouging the students for a phone which will not keep them from being mugged, raped, shot or stabbed, then claiming it’s mandatory for “safety reasons”.

For the safety of some back ally deal with Sprint no doubt. I call for a boycott of Sprint until this outrageous program is dismantled.

Free Republic has more

h/t Michael Manna at T4, otherwise know as Bloggin’ Stevie Richards!

Sy Hersh Says “Jewish Money” Buys Off Democratic Presidential Candidates

While on the loathsome Democracy Now! dispensing the usual Stalinist agi-prop, the kind he’s been peddling for some time now, Hersh told the host that “Lots of Jewish money from New York” was responsible for the “hawkish” positions on Iran of the top Democrats.

I guess he’s in agreement with Wesley Clark.

Unsurprisingly it’s White Supremacist websites passing this clip around. I saw it on the site of vegan pantywaist/neo-Nazi The Hudson Valley Freeman. Here’s a picture of him. He looks exactly how you’d expect right?

The Nazi uses the Liveleak version which has just the money quote. The clip is from Hersh’s appearance on Oct 2nd. YouTube has the whole show broken into three parts. Parts One and two are worth your time if you’ve never seen the mind of committed anti-American leftists at work. Part three is Hersh’s Jewish money quote. It begins around 5:54


Aside from the quote in question, Hersh’s view of America and Israel is … nuanced to say the least. It’s almost as if his career is based on feeding hippies lies based on their petty bigotries and immature world view…

Pandagon Calls Bi-Racial Man a “Race Traitor” for Disagreeing with White Liberals

As I’ve said before, the white robes that hide under their cloak of self-righteous liberalism are always a comment thread away from being donned for a good old fashioned Internet lynching.

Just ask Francis Holland.

So last night I commented, in my usual temperate and erudite fashion, on this extra offensive Amanda Marcotte abortion which is just a rehash of the old “I’m a good white person, Republicans are the bad White people” cretinism that is de rigeur in liberal thought these days. It’s apparently about how offensive it is for rich White Liberals to be exposed as rich.

As I suspected my comment was followed with a flurry of racism, paranoia and ad hominem attacks.

The “high point” Pandagon’s own Mike Ess who after telling me that half of me hates the other half for being a Republican (but he’s not a racist) threw up this little glimpse into the mind of a modern liberal:


That’s right, every Black man who disagrees with the White liberal establishment is a “race traitor” … to the White race which is all MikeEss cares about. Liberalism is an ideology that is based on the idea of group supremacy. It is the literal incarnation of the “tyranny of the masses” that a Republic must guard against. In the majority rules vision of politics of the liberal, Whites are the de facto leaders because of their sheer numbers.

Blacks are outnumbered by Whites and White and non-White Hispanics. With out safe guards to protect our freedoms anyone of African decent can be voted into poverty, servitude or worse. This is a chance White liberals are willing to take, with inevitable results.

The Pandagon comment thread is a microcosm of the liberal vision of America. Hateful, bigoted and a place where Blacks and any minority has to toe the line drawn by Whites or be attacked as a “race traitor.” A “race traitor” for thinking for myself. I’m a “race traitor” for not agreeing with Amanda Marcotte and the rest of the White liberals at Pandagon.

If it sounds familiar it’s because it is. The whole “race traitor” concept is borrowed from White Supremacists and recycled by the left to attack Black conservatives. That the left has no problem using neo-Nazi propaganda in slightly altered form is due largely to the love of totalitarianism inherent in both. That’s why they have no problem posting Nazi videos on DailyKos or why the White Aryan Resistance is in bed with the “peace” movement.

Read through all the comments, like I said it’s an orgy of left wing hate. The worse part though is that someone criticized Red Alerts design scheme as if Pandagon is eye achingly beautiful. That’s the most offensive part.

LaShawn Barber Converts Me to Intelligent Design

I was convinced by Intelligent Design opponents in the media that I.D. was in some way tied into Christian theology, picturing some sort of unholy mish-mosh of Genesis and Darwin that strained credibility as it highlighted the flaws in both. Though I consider myself a religious man I’m not a Christian and believe in a vast and unknowable universe, a true mystery in the esoteric sense of the world. I therefore was suspicious of Intelligent design (and Darwinism to be frank) as I was led to believe both sought to “prove” the Truth of life in the universe, something I would politely call over reaching.

LaShawn Barber however wrote an excellent review of The Dawkins Delusion: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine which explained Intelligent Design not as the product of Christian Fundamentalisms but as a philosophical contemplation of the beauty, intricacy and harmony of the living world:

One doesn’t have to believe in the God of the Bible to hold the view that life’s complexity is evidence of an intelligent agent. The idea that an undirected, random series of events caused something as wonderfully complex, specifically magnificent, and infinitely beautiful as life is, to put it mildly, ludicrous. Living things look designed because they were designed.

Contrary to common belief, ID is not a negative argument against naturalistic evolution. It’s a positive argument for an intelligent designer based on observing the same informational properties in nature that are found in human-designed structures.

Put that way, I.D. is no different than many of my own philosophical musings, and fits into almost any religious framework. It has a universality to it that is almost Theosophical yet it is derived from a Aristotelian philosophical framework.

In other words it’s not a crackpot theory that can, or should, be devalued based on trendy anti-Christian sentiment or political bias. Instead it is a philosophical stance on the nature of reality that should be use as a jumping off point for any discussion of Humanity and its place in the universe.

Atheists and Darwinists often argue, for example, for various forms of morality even though from their own world view morality is irrelevant. Since there is no design in the universe no action can be claimed to be inherently good or bad, right or wrong. The introduction of intelligent design into the conversation forces us to confront the possibility of the existence of good and evil actions. This sounds like a great discussion for children preparing to go off to college, one that the people keeping I.D. out of schools don’t want to happen.

I wonder why.