Suicide Bomber Holding Clinton Campaign Office Hostage in New Hampshire

Fox is reporting a man with what is believed to be a bomb strapped to his chest is holding two Clinton campaign staffers hostage in her New Hampshire office.

Police have responded to a hostage situation at the office. Clinton is not in New Hampshire.

State and local officials are managing the situation, the official told FOX. reported: “A young woman with a 6-month or 8-month-old infant came rushing into [a nearby store] just in tears, and she said, ‘You need to call 911. A man has just walked into the Clinton office, opened his coat and showed us a bomb strapped to his chest with duct tape,'” witness Lettie Tzizik said.

A Clinton spokesman said no one has been hurt.

Fox is updating this story, check back often.

Reports are coming in that the bomber is a man known to law enforcement with a history of mental illness.

I’m taking bets that this is a tax protester.

Update: Fox just interviewed a kid who said he knew the guy. Surprise! He’s apparently a conspiracy theorist. 9/11 truthers aren’t looking so harmless now huh?

Update: Yawn! The son of the bomber says the “bomb” is just some flares taped together.

Update: Leeland Eisenberg? That’s what’s being reported. The lefty blogs have info on him, but it’s just nonsense.

AboveTopSecret thinks that the whole thing is a conspiracy by Fox News to make conspiracy theorists look paranoid. They call it Faux News just like Keith Olbermann. Hmmm.

Update: The hostage taker has been arrested and taken in. There is still a question as to exactly who the guy is. No tasering was involved, much to all our disappointment.

Just Doing the Jobs Americans Won’t: Killing Teenage Girls


The above couple is 24 year old Israel Mireles and his 16 year old pregnant girlfriend Victoria Martins. Authorities believe they’re on the run and heading to Mexico because one or both of them are responsible for the disappearance of 18 year old Emily Sander.

EL DORADO, Kan. — Authorities said Tuesday they suspect foul play in the disappearance of an 18-year-old community college student, and they searched for the man she left a bar with the last time she was seen.

Police searched a bloodied room in the motel where the man had been living, and asked the public for help in locating a white bedspread with a floral design.

Emily Sander left a bar called Retreat, east of El Dorado, with 24-year-old Israel Mireles on Friday, police said. Her car was found the following day at the bar.

The rental car Mireles was believed to be driving was found Tuesday in Vernon, Texas, about 350 miles southwest of El Dorado, El Dorado Deputy Police Chief Rick Kennedy said.

“As of now, Israel Mireles has not been located and we are aggressively seeking his whereabouts,” Kennedy said.

He is likely traveling with his 16-year-old girlfriend to Mexico, authorities said. They do not believe Sander is with him.

Authorities released a photo of a white bedspread with a floral design and asked the public for help locating it. Police suggested the public pay attention to areas east of El Dorado along two highways and conducted their own roadside searches.

Police on Saturday searched a room at the El Dorado Motel, where a manager reported an altercation may have occurred. Mireles had been living at the motel, about 1 1/2 miles from the bar where Sander was last seen, and worked at a restaurant that recently opened next to the motel.

Emily Sander had been posing nude on various amateur porn sites under the name Zoey Zane something authorities have declared to be unrelated to her disappearance, but adds salacious detail to the story that news reporters, ever eager to blame the victim, will use to distract from the unseemly truth of a 24 four year old man murdering a co-ed then fleeing to his native Mexico with under age pregnant girl in tow.

But I suppose I’m a racist for stating the obvious. Israel Mireles exported his misogyny and violence here. If his immigration status is revealed as “undocumented” it’ll be more racist I assume to point out that Emily Sander would not be missing and Victoria Martens might be in school and not fleeing a possible murder charge had we enforced immigration laws.

Dreamin’ Demon has more.

Update: Fox is reporting that a body that might be Emily Sander has been found:

EL DORADO, Kan. — The preliminary physical description of a body found east of here matches that of missing college student Emily Sander, El Dorado Police Chief Tom Boren said.

Boren said the body was found around 2:20 p.m. Thursday, about 50 miles east of El Dorado, where the 18-year-old Sander had attended college and was last seen leaving a bar with a man who has been the subject of a nationwide search.

Her case drew wide attention after it was revealed that she appeared nude on a popular adult Web site under the name Zoey Zane. That site was temporarily inaccessible Thursday, as were several sites that bill themselves as “fan” sites of Zane.

But Boren insisted Thursday that Sander’s Internet activity had no connection to her disappearance.

“The issue of the Internet and the spin-off of that has been literally crippling our investigation,” Boren said.

Emily Sander posed nude on the Internet and it has not been revealed that she performed in hardcore pornography. If it’s just nudes she’s done nothing more risque than celebrities who pose for Playboy or appear nude in movies.

It does this poor girl a disservice to harp on her modeling career choices while her killer roams free. Israel Mireles is the villain here, no a girl who called herself Zoey Zane.

Update: is back on-line and issuing a plea for the publics help to catch the killer. They have an updated picture of Israel Mireles and clarify the misperceptions the MSM has been spreading about Emily Sander and her “porn” career:

It truly saddens us to see, in this day and age, that we still live in a society that ridicules a women for doing something that is completely legal. There was some incorrect information leaked to the press yesterday by a unknown individual named “David Thomas” claiming to have information about Emily’s “Porn” career. We want to set the record straight. Emily was a solo nude model whose site went live September,25 2007. She was exactly that – a solo girl. There was no interaction between Emily with any Male. It was just Emily, her fun loving personality, and the camera. We decided, a day before the media reports came out about Emily’s “porn” career, to take down her website out of respect to Emily and Emily’s family. We were unaware if Emily’s family knew of the site and didn’t want to add any unneeded stress or burden to them. The last thing we wanted was for her case to turn into a “missing porn star” case, which is exactly what the media turned it in to, which sadly took away the focus of Emily’s disappearance and the importance of finding Israel Mireles.

So the pornographers in this case are being more respectful than the media. That says something doesn’t it?

Update: Web Marketing blog HitUSA is reporting that Israel Mireles has a history of abusing women:

Israel Mireles previously resided in Cupertino, California where he was arrested in June 2007 for a violent attack on his pregnant young girlfriend there. Seems Israel really enjoys beating defenseless women because he broke this young girl’s jaw in two places and knocked out several of her front teeth.

A Cupertino arrest warrant is still outstanding in that assault and battery case.

Anyone that may have information about the whereabouts of Israel Mireles is asked to contact the El Dorado, Kansas Police Department at 1-800-KS-CRIME.

This wasn’t sourced so I’ll try to find where they got the info from for confirmation. Also as I’ve said earlier I believe Mireles is illegal, but only because his lifestyle is the standard one for undocumented aliens (living in a motel, working in restaurants) which I’ve personally run across myself. While finishing my Masters in CT I stayed in a motel for a few weeks and most of the residents fit this profile.

Can anyone confirm? The MSM seems not to be stating it explicitly.

Update: The Kansas City Star is reporting Mireles is a legal alien with residential status. I guess that’s why after beating the front teeth out of his under age girlfriend he was allowed to run the streets killing young girls. His family is not cooperating with the investigation and the mother of 16 year old Victoria Martens is said to be worried about the girls safety:

Boren said investigators have “no information at all” from Mireles’ family, and have received “very little cooperation,” from them in Vernon, Texas, where they live.

Investigators have talked to the mother of Mireles’ pregnant 16-year-old girlfriend, Boren said. “Her mother is concerned.”

Authorities believe Mireles has been traveling with his girlfriend.


Investigators say they think Mireles has traveled to Texas, where the rental car he was driving was found Tuesday.

“We have no indication at all that Mireles ever knew her before this (past) weekend,” Boren said.

Boren said Wednesday that Mireles and his girlfriend could be headed for Mexico, where he has relatives.

Mireles has been in the United States legally and has “resident alien” status, Boren said.

So why was he living in a motel and working a “laying low” job? He did have a warrant out and nothing says drug involvement like living in a motel and having a 16 year old pregnant girlfriend. Any theories?

Update: Jawa Report has evidence that the underage girl impregnating, co-ed murdering Israel Mireles is different than the girlfriend beating Israel Mireles. How weird is it that these two scum have the same name?

Serves me right for getting tips from a marketer’s blog.

An Illustration of the Differences between Left and Right

The way in which a person uses certain words can tell us a lot about a person. Love, hate, passion, all these words can have shifting meanings depending on the speaker and their ideological leanings. Cowardice is one of those words that seems to shift and twist in the minds of the people using it. One person will call it cowardice to not fight the local blow hard in a bar, some people call it cowardice to not ask your boss for a raise.

Pandagon commenter “Zylon” defines cowardice this way:

Sorry to disturb the peace of your ghost town of a blog, but I just wanted to point out to both of you that Rob is nothing more than a coward. Rather than refuting my points here, he chose to run with his tail between his legs. Well, I guess running away is all you know how to do and it’s all you’re good at.

By the way, why do you even have a blog? Shouldn’t you be working? Lazy.

The background of the post he’s talking about is here, but in summary, I left a comment on one of Amanda Marcotte’s bigoted rantings fully expecting that the White “liberals” at Pandagon would display their characteristic racist bile. They did. Apparently for two days or so.

It’s illustrative that “Zylon,” a man who posts anonymously and leaves fake e-mail addresses in the comment fields on blogs, considers it the height of cowardice for me to have moved on with my life. “Zylon” considers it cowardly for me to have had enough of White “liberals” calling me an uncle Tom, of being insulted by people I don’t know.

In this situation what “Zylon” would consider “brave” on my part is in actuality the masochism that bloggers like Pam Spaulding display by continually associating with a group of Whites who think they are entitled to decide what Black people think. “Zylon” wants someone to yell at (in the virtual sense) and to take that from him is “cowardly.”

But he doesn’t really think that does he? This is similar to the “chickenhawk” argument that many on the left use against Iraq war supporters, but was strangely absent during the Clinton years despite the various wars then. To them cowardice is mutable, always changing depending on the situation.

I myself think cowardice has a fixed meaning. It has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with morality, personal honor (an outdated concept, I know) and responsibility. It is cowardice that keeps people from intervening in street crimes, or that makes people ignore the next door neighbor beating his wife.

Not that I consider myself inordinately brave, but these are things I don’t do. I get involved when I see a crime, I call the police and when necessary I have intervened. “Zylon” may or may not do the same, but I get the feeling it wouldn’t impress him as much as his own “bravery” displayed by his personal attacks on me or his anonymous postings and racism.

I don’t consider anything I do on the Internet brave. My various sites are part of a business that my wife and I run. We also do consulting. It’s all rather boring and gives little opportunity for heroics. I understand that.

Seemingly the left does not. Originally they began commenting on this now too much talked about Pandagon thread while I was working (for someone else, meaning that they became the priority) and when I didn’t respond by mid afternoon they called me a coward. I pointed out that most people work all day and can’t sit around commenting at 1:00 in the afternoon. Racism ensued.

When I did respond, they called me a coward. Then they patted themselves on the back for their bravery. Name calling online may feel good, but it isn’t bravery.

When I was done with being called names by people and moved on, I was called a coward yet again. Do you see a pattern?

The left doesn’t see cowardice as anything more than a bait word, something to hurl at people who refuse to engage them. “Zylon” has no real understanding of the word, he just threw it out to insult me. I’m not sure that in the face of true cowardice he’d even recognize it.

The left sees the world as subjective and malleable by consensus. if they all agree someone is a coward, a “race traitor” or in Bush’s case evil, then that is reality. Objective truth means little to them and that is why those on the right and left can never bridge the gulf between them.

It’s a small thing, but a good example of the real difference between right and left.

Goddamn … Just Damn!

Ugh! This is some nasty s***!

You know those hotel workers who are supposedly “doing the jobs Americans won’t do?” Looks like one of the jobs the hotel workers won’t do is wash dirty glasses properly. MyFoxAtlanta, a local news station in Georgia, went undercover earlier this month to investigate housekeeping sanitary practices at several hotels–and once you watch the results of their hidden-camera probe, I guarantee you’ll never want to drink out of hotel cups or mugs again

The double M has the video. Watch it if you dare. It came from The Black Informer who has saved thousands with this post from some serious infections.

And when traveling I used to think it was the water that got me, turns out it was lack of water.

The reporter who broke the story has a blog post about it. Dig this:

There is no way around it, our dirty hotel story was gross. Even our public health expert called what we found at the Holiday Inn Downtown, the Alpharetta Embassy Suites and the Sheraton Galleria Suites disgusting and outrageous. But most importantly, he said what we watched was a clear health code violation.

This is how we found out about the story: a former employee called me to say that housekeeping doesn’t wash the guest room cups or glasses. Sure enough, armed with hidden cameras we found he was right. The Embassy Suites housekeeper sprayed a blue liquid labeled “Do Not Drink” into our cups, which she put in our dirty sink. She rinsed them out then set them back out for the next person.

A spokeswoman for Embassy Suites wouldn’t go on camera but let it slip, “Well they only have X amount of time to clean a room and that’s why they do it.” What?!?!?!?! Is she saying management doesn’t allow them time to properly follow county health codes?

At the Holiday Inn housekeeping just splashed some water around the glasses then left them for the next person to use.

But the most disturbing thing we saw was at the Sheraton where our housekeeper, wearing a big glove, cleans the toilet. Next, she uses that same glove to clean our cups. But there’s more: she sniffs our dirty wash cloth and uses that to dry our glasses.

What did Sheraton management have to say? “It’s too controversial an issue” to comment. Hmmm….. Why is it controversial if it’s an isolated incident?

Damn! Just Damn!

Is there an immigration angle to this as the Malkster seems to think? Looks like it. As one commenter there said “third world hygiene comes to America”.