Europe Claims Pollution is Deadlier than Car Wrecks

Europe Says Pollutions Deadlier than Car Wrecks

Leftist nonsense in its purest form. Car wrecks are of course deadlier than me throwing a bag of McDonalds out my car window, but the narrative of the left is designed to give them the totalitarian power, including the power to treat littering as worse than murder, so we get tortured logic and the minimizing of the pain and suffering of car crash victims.

From Reuters (where else):

LONDON (Reuters) – Air pollution has cut the average life expectancy of Europeans by nearly a year and contributes to the premature deaths of hundreds of thousands of people annually, the European Environment Agency said on Wednesday.

More than 100 million people in the region encompassing 53 countries also lack access to safe drinking water, a problem most acute in rural areas, the group which compiles data for the European Union said in a report.

Levels of air pollution reduce life expectancy by as much as two years in the most affected areas of Belgium, the Netherlands, northern Italy and parts of Poland and Hungary, the report said.

“Poor air quality is still causing hundreds of thousands of premature deaths in Europe every year and continues to damage crops and ecosystem health,” the report said.

“The estimated annual loss of life is significantly greater than that due to car accidents.”

Some 870 million people live in the region, more than half in western and central Europe, the report said.

Air pollution cuts a whole two years off people’s lives in some undisclosed way we should just take their word for. Odd. No mention of increased cancer rates in the article, no mention of asthma, just an assertion that two years are cut off everyone’s life by pollution.

I wonder what the report really says. Because I’m thinking it doesn’t say being torn asunder in a high speed auto wreck is better than 89 year olds not making it to 91. But maybe it does, those wacky Europeans see things a bit differently than the rest of us.

Before I get any complaints, the above still is from a movie called Zombie Hunter. We don’t do snuff here.

Greenpeace Wants People to Eat Kangaroos to Prevent Global Warming


Now they’re just pulling our legs, right?

MORE kangaroos should be slaughtered and eaten to help save the world from global warming, environmental activists say.
The controversial call to cut down on beef and serve more of the national symbol on our dinner plates follows a report on curbing greenhouse gas emissions damaging the planet.

Greenpeace energy campaigner Mark Wakeham urged Aussies to substitute some red meat for roo to help reduce land clearing and the release of methane gas.

“It is one of the lifestyle changes we can make,” Mr Wakeham said.

“Changing our meat consumption habits is a small way to make an impact.”

The eat roo recommendation is contained in a report, Paths to a Low-Carbon Future, commissioned by Greenpeace and released today.

It also coincides with recent calls from climate change experts for people in rich countries to reduce red meat and switch to chicken and fish because land-clearing and burping and farting cattle and sheep were damaging the environment.

They said nearly a quarter of the planet’s greenhouse gases came from agriculture, which releases the potent heat-trapping gas methane.

Roughly three million kangaroos are killed and harvested for meat each year. They are shot with high-powered guns between the eyes at night.

Australians eat about a third of the 30 million kilograms of roo meat produced annually. The delicacy is exported to dozens of countries and is most popular in Germany, France and Belgium.

The Greenpeace report has renewed calls for Victoria to lift a ban on harvesting roos for food.

Kangaroo Industry Association of Australia spokesman John Kelly said roos invading farmers’ crops were already being illegally shot.

“They are being culled and left to rot,” Mr Kelly said.

Kangaroo meat sold in Victoria is imported from interstate.

Australia’s kangaroo population has halved to 25 million in the past five years as the drought has taken a toll on breeding and the animals’ food sources, Mr Kelly said.

Under a quota system, 10 to 12 per cent can be killed for the meat and leather industry. Aerial surveys estimate their numbers.

Today’s report by leading scientist Dr Mark Diesendorf, from the University of NSW, says greenhouse gas emissions need to be slashed by at least a third by 2020 to avoid a climate change catastrophe.

His recommendations include:

REDUCING beef consumption and increasing kangaroo meat production.

CUTTING gas and coal production.

HALTING land clearing and deforestation.

SHIFTING to renewable energy such as wind power and bioelectricity from crop residues.

“The world is currently on track to experience runaway global warming with average temperatures soon to exceed 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels, Dr Diesendorf said.

So the mighty environmentalist is planning to kill more Kangaroos even though their numbers are already being decimated by drought? Because temps will average 97 in the summer instead of 95?

Ignore that many of his recommendations, like switching to wind and “bioelectricity” will leave Australians in a pre-industrial hellhole, reverting a first world country into a third world one in one fell swoop, but if Kangaroos are already being hard pressed by drought, isn’t it irresponsible to advocate harvesting more of them?

And I say this as a man who has eaten Kangaroo before. I’m no ‘roo lover, but this is just awful.

Full Circle: Finnish Politician Journeys From Nazism to Islamism

I blogged before about the Aryan Nations promotion of Islam as a legitimate expression of Aryanism. I also noted how David Duke amongst other racists, seem to have a soft spot for non-Whites when their Muslims, and will even throw Whites on the fire to help them.

This then should come as no surprise to anyone. From Tundra Tabloids:

Oh my how the circle completes itself. You just can’t make this up if you tried. Founder and spokesman for the Finnish Islamic Party, (FIP) Abdullah Tammi, is not only a former Social Democrat, he’s also a former Communist …….and Nazi (in Finnish).

According to a Tundra Tabloid source, during the 60’s, Tammi was one of the more radicalized followers of (edit) Pekka Siitoimen Siitoin, a one time leader of Finland’s National Socialist Party (KDP), a fascist party that was never officially registered.

According to the TT’s source: “he (Tammi) became convert fundamentalist Christian in 70’s. He also made his journey through Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormon Church, before found the ‘Truth’.

However, to excuse all this (at least in his own pov), he recently claimed that he was not really all that loony, but infiltrated those movements and churches because he was a Soviet spy. Sounds like he’s mentally sane and stable doesn’t it?

Aside from the praying five times a day, just how different do you think this guys life is from when he was a Nazi?

h/t Infidel Blogger Alliance

NYC Libraries Offer Terror Recruitment Propaganda

Yet another reason I’m glad to be out of New York. From the leftist rag Daily News:

hard-line Islamic books that justify violence against non-Muslim societies – including texts used as terrorist “recruiting tools” – are freely available in New York City public libraries.

A Daily News spot check found a book by an Islamic theorist who inspired Osama Bin Laden and terror Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, as well as others that promote the hatred of other religions and one with the misogynistic title: “Women Who Deserve to Go to Hell.”

Several of these texts can be found at the Brooklyn Public Library’s main branch, a mile from the Al Farooq mosque, where Rahman once inspired followers to try to blow up New York.

In the main stacks sits “Milestones,” a notorious work revered by Bin Laden and Rahman and penned by Seyyid Qutb, a Muslim Brotherhood member executed in 1966 for trying to overthrow the Egyptian government.

In its final report, the Sept. 11 Commission noted Rahman and Bin Laden’s attraction to Qutb: “Bin Laden shares Qutb’s stark view, permitting him and his followers to rationalize even unprovoked mass murder.”

An August NYPD report on the “homegrown threat” of terrorism contended Qutb believed “militant jihad had to be used … to overthrow non-Islamic governments and to bring about a ‘pure’ Islamic society.”

Qutb’s treatise is hardly the only hard-line book on library shelves in New York and Long Island, The News found.

The reference room of the Brooklyn main branch carries “Fundamentals of Tawheed.” In it, author Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips writes, “Un-Islamic government must be sincerely hated and despised for the pleasure of God.”

In the research section of the New York Public Library in Manhattan, The News found “Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women” and “Women Who Deserve to Go to Hell.”

“We have no intention to accuse women when we say that they will be a majority in hell,” wrote author Manssor Abdul Hakim.

The availability of such controversial books in public libraries points out the difficulties a society faces in balancing an aversion to censorship against the need to prevent terrorism.

“These are also recruiting tools,” said counterterrorism consultant Ilana Freedman of the Gerard Group International. Freedman said she was not suggesting banning books, “but without balance, without counterpoint, children cannot make informed decisions.”

Librarians said it is not up to them to decide what belongs on their shelves.

“We don’t censor what people read,” said Mary Haines, director of the South Country Public Library in Bellport, L.I., which just added “Milestones” to its collection.

Brooklyn Public Library spokeswoman Ruth Wagner said libraries have the responsibility to be inclusive, and “efforts are made to represent the widest possible diversity of views.”

I’ll bet they don’t include authors like Ayaan Hirsi Ali or Robert Spencer in their diverse collections. Hell, I was hard pressed to find Aleister Crowley in the new dhimmified NYC public library system which seems to bend over backward to not offend Islamic sensibilities but doesn’t care how offensive it is to carry Jihadist propaganda in the very shadow of the ruins of the World Trade Center.

A New York where the public libraries don’t care the nihilistic quasi-satanic ramblings of “the great beast” is one that has changed a great deal since I was a young imitator of Dashwood.

The Jihad has a foothold in America, and if it isn’t dislodged soon whole cities will fall to the Wahhabi death cult in the not too distant future.

h/t Atlas Shrugs

Patriotic Pin-Up Queen Gina Elise’s New Calendar Out now


Pin Ups for Vets is a worthy cause where sultry actress Gina Elise puts out vintage pin up calendars featuring very sexy, yet tasteful, pictures of herself. The proceeds go to help wounded veterans and the 2008 calendar is on sale now.

Here’s sneak peak at the calendar, set to appropriate 40’s style music:


Yowza, as pin up aficionados would say. Is she the most patriotic pin up in America today? Well, she comes a close second

Buy the calendar here.