Al Gore Beats Out Woman Who Saved 2500 Children During Holocaust for Peace Prize

Finally the world has it’s priorities straight. Al Gore’s movie which has made millions of dollars and is being used to start a billion dollar a year green industry is much more important than the story of a Catholic social worker who rescued thousands of children from the Warsaw ghetto and the Nazi death camps they were destined for:

Eight years ago, in a tiny southeast Kansas town, four girls had a goal: Tell the story of a woman who saved 2,500 children during the Holocaust.

Maybe, through their high school history project, these students could do Irena Sendler’s story justice.

But no one in Uniontown, Kan., could have imagined how far the 10-minute play they would write and perform would take them.

Or that they’d find themselves so eager for Friday morning when, in Oslo, Norway, the Nobel Peace Prize winner will be announced. Observers focus on a handful of finalists: Al Gore, Canadian environmentalist Sheila Watt-Cloutier, Bolivian President Evo Morales.

And Irena Sendler.

“Our goal all along was to share her story with the world,” said Megan Stewart-Felt, one of the original students who created the play, “Life in a Jar,” based on Sendler’s story. “I just feel like God has led this every step it’s needed to go. We’d get to a place where we’d realize, ‘Wow, this is changing people’s lives. It can’t get any bigger.’

“Then it blows up again.”

The explosion this time surrounds the Nobel nomination. This year, 135 individuals and 46 groups are nominated. The nominations are confidential.

But those who submit names often announce them. In Sendler’s case, the president of Poland and the prime minister of Israel nominated the 97-year-old woman, who lives in a Warsaw nursing home and still communicates with the Kansas girls.

She sounds like a wonderful woman, much more deserving than the star of a documentary and certainly more deserving than Evo Morales, the man turning Bolivia into a Venezuelan client state and launching pad for the next world war. Of course we all know what the Nobel committee considers important to world peace:

The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2007 is to be shared, in two equal parts, between the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change.

Indications of changes in the earth’s future climate must be treated with the utmost seriousness, and with the precautionary principle uppermost in our minds. Extensive climate changes may alter and threaten the living conditions of much of mankind. They may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the earth’s resources. Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens on the world’s most vulnerable countries. There may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states.

Tortured logic? Certainly. But par for the course on the left these days. Global Warming will cause more wars in the future, not Jihadism, resurgent communism or the Balkanization of western countries. And thus a woman like Irena Sendler is ignored for a heroic stand against totalitarianism as the new excuse for decades of totalitarian “fixes” to climate change becomes the divine law of the left with the coronation of their new pope.

The fact that the kids she saved were Jews no doubt played into the decision I’m sure, 2500 future Zionists who were being a pain in the neck to that nice Hitler fellow don’t carry much weight against the sci-fi inspired doomsday fantasy of baby boomers.

And the fact that this was the one chance for this woman would get recognition for heroism before she dies… who cares baby, we’ve got a planet to save. Possibly by raising taxes and planned rolling blackouts.

Gutfeld agrees.

via Hot Air Gore revels in his new found glory:


Look a re-invigorated Tipper Gore, that’ll go well.

h/t Sheepdog’s Blog

Gorbachev Threatens to Overthrow American Government!

A threat which drew loud applause from a crowd of American leftists. From The Times-Picayune:

Mikhail Gorbachev drew loud cheers in New Orleans Friday when he promised to lead a local revolution if the Army Corps of Engineers doesn’t keep its promise to improve levees by 2011.

“We will be coming back,” the Soviet Union’s last leader said, through an interpreter, during a ceremony in the Lower Garden District. “If this pledge is not fulfilled, we will start a new revolution in New Orleans.”

After the applause died down, Gorbachev said that action should be a last resort, even though, he added, most Americans apparently have forgotten that their country is the result of a revolution.

“We shouldn’t want another revolution,” he said. “We should do our best in every (other) way.”

Gorbachev, who is in New Orleans as the board chairman of a worldwide organization that promotes environmentally friendly construction, spoke at the International School of Louisiana after a quick tour of the Katrina-ravaged Lower 9th Ward.

“A few brief hours are not enough to see everything,” he said, “but it is enough to appreciate the scale of the disaster that the city had to go through.”

As a result of that trip, “my impression was that New Orleans is beginning to come back,” Gorbachev said, “but, still, there is a lot that remains to be done. . . .

“We saw many traces of the devastation, but we also saw the signs of the city coming back.”

In a meeting with City Council President Arnie Fielkow earlier Friday, Gorbachev said he had been told of the work that businesses and citizens’ groups have done to help restore the city.

Such action is commendable, reflecting the citizens’ courage, he said. But, he added in an interview, it is not enough.

A civil war seems more and more likely every day. Soon America may look like the America in Orson Scott Card’s Empire

h/t Moonbattery

Act for America Website Now Online

The website for Brigette Gabriel’s new anti Jihad organization Act for America is now up and running. The war on terror is being won abroad but lost at home and the counter Jihad movement needs a fresh new voice to defend our country.

Donate to this worthy cause or volunteer to help counter the Jihad, but do not ignore this opportunity to defend western civilization!

Don’t wait, go now!

h/t Mosquewatch

The Left Doesn’t Just hate America, It Hates Americans

The left’s demonization of the so-called red states goes beyond stereotyping everyone not from New York or L.A. as rednecks, but includes indoctrinating young leftists into the belief that southerners and middle America are all disease ridden sub humans:

The House Homeland Security Committee planned a fact-finding trip about public health preparedness at mass gatherings and decided to conduct the research at two of the nation’s most heavily attended sporting events, NASCAR’s Bank of America 500 event this weekend and the UAW-Ford 500 last weekend.

Staff who organized the trips advised the NASCAR-bound aides to get a range of vaccines before attending — hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and influenza.

Rep. Robin Hayes, a Republican from Concord, took umbrage when he heard about it.

“I have never heard of immunizations for domestic travel, and as the representative for Concord, N.C., I feel compelled to ask why the heck the committee feels that immunizations are needed to travel to my hometown,” Hayes said in an Oct. 5 letter to Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., who chairs the Homeland Security panel.

“I have been to numerous NASCAR races, and the folks who attend these events certainly do not pose any health hazard to congressional staffers or anyone else,” Hayes added.

Lauri Wilks, vice president of communications for Speedway Motorsports, which owns Lowe’s Motor Speedway and other tracks, said Wednesday that immunizations aren’t needed for the race.

“There’s no health risk that we know of,” she said, laughing. “We have never had any disease outbreak during one of our weekends.”

The four aides were asked to explore public health issues at events involving large gatherings, such as how law enforcement and medical personnel would respond to an act of terrorism or other emergency. Lawmakers weren’t part of the trip.

The staffers traveled to Talladega last weekend, and are scheduled to be at Lowe’s Motor Speedway this weekend.

Thompson said the immunizations are commonly recommended for people working in hospitals, holding centers and similar locations.

Thompson’s covering. This is a spill over of the bigotry against Americans encouraged by left leaning elitists.

How long before the Democrats announce their forced sterilization program on everyone who live south of north Jersey and west of California?

Death by Multiculturalism: Austrian Man Shot, Castrated on Street in “Honor Killing”

I’m a staunch supporter of the melting pot theory of society. Assimilation into a larger culture preserves the worthy and noble traditions of other cultures while weeding out the dark age degeneracy that characterizes too many parts of the world. The opposite view, multiculturalism, ghettoizes minorities creates small pockets of lawless barbarity.

From Fox News:

VIENNA, Austria — Austrian authorities said Thursday they arrested an elderly Turkish-born man suspected of fatally shooting a younger Turkish associate and slicing off the victim’s penis in what investigators called an “honor killing.”

Police in the town of Wimpassing in the province of Lower Austria made the arrest shortly after the Wednesday night slaying, and said the suspect — described only as a 76-year-old native Turk — did not resist.

Officials said witnesses claimed the man allegedly shot the victim, a 58-year-old Turkish-born man, in the street with a shotgun at point-blank range and then cut off his penis with a knife, leaving him to bleed to death.

Two teams of surgeons worked at the scene to save the man but were unable to revive him, authorities said.

Investigators believe the suspect apparently was jealous that the younger man had flirted with his wife, and had sought him out as “a question of honor,” said Franz Polzer, head of the region’s criminal investigations office.

Honor killings, driven by the view that a family’s honor is paramount, are an ancient tradition associated with Kurdish regions of Turkey, Iraq and Iran as well as tribal areas in Pakistan and some Arab societies.

The suspect initially fled into a nearby house after the slaying, but witnesses alerted police to his location and he walked out and surrendered shortly thereafter, Polzer said.

Police said the man appeared to have purchased the shotgun earlier on Wednesday. They said he had disposed of the knife, but that officers recovered the weapon after searching the area.

It was the first known attack of its kind in Austria, which is home to about 200,000 Turks — Europe’s third-largest Turkish expatriate population after Germany and France.

But so-called honor killings have occurred elsewhere in Europe:

— In August, a federal court in Germany ordered a retrial for two brothers acquitted of fatally shooting their sister —an attack that prosecutors said was meant to punish the Turkish-German woman for her Western lifestyle.

— In Britain in July, the father and uncle of an Iraqi Kurd woman who was murdered for falling in love with the wrong man were sentenced to life in prison for ordering the killing.

— In 2006, a Danish court sentenced a Pakistani man to life imprisonment for ordering the slaying of his 19-year-old daughter, who was gunned down two days after her wedding because her family allegedly disapproved of her choice of husband.

Maybe it’s time we put respect for people’s life and liberty before our politically correct respect for “diversity.” When it comes to ordering the murders of 19 year old girls and castrating people on the streets, I prefer to live in a society where citizens have the courage, and good sense, to condemn such outrages as disgusting and wrong.