Bill Cosby on Meet the Press

Here are clips of Bill Cosby promoting his new book on Meet the Press. If you’re Black (or half Black in my case) it’s what the blogs refer to as Red Meat, not so much because it breaks new ground but because it challenges those people, Black and White, who make a living “fighting” White Supremacy and thus have no interest in ending Black victimization. If you’re not it may seem a bit dull but watch it anyway, or you’re a racist!

Every Black person should listen to Cosby and decide for themselves if he’s right or if his critics, who claim he’s letting the “White power structure” off the hook, are going to lead Black America to a more prosperous tomorrow.



His new book is called Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors and is a must read. Bill Cosby’s official website is here and well worth a visit as well.

Wapo Editorial Creeps Out Web’s Most Beloved Porn Journalist

Nice job Steven Hunter, it isn’t everyday a Washington Post editorial can make a man who covers the adult industry for a living feel dirty. Gram the man in his own words:

There are creepy people in porn, to be sure – I’m thinking of some now – and, while it is certain that their creepiness has adverse effects on, say, people attending the consumer-based adult conventions and/or award shows they run, their range is limited. It is not often that one encounters such mass-market perviness as what I saw in the Washington Post yesterday.

In a piece titled “Farewell to Arms (…and Legs and Ankles and Toes and Shoulders and Necks and…)”, Baby-Boomer Stephen Hunter laments the arrival of autumn and the disappearance of female flesh from public places.

Brother, sister, child and pet, do I mean the taut glory of the outer thigh? Do I mean the curves where it’s all streamline and suggestion, where the promise is the faintest vapor on the air? Do I mean a neck? Take it from me, brother, necks are okay. Oh, and what about that meadowlike expanse across the back, from the shoulder line down, with its muscular tides, its shallows, its occasional pools of limpid viscosity. Do I mean that?

At least if a woman were reading this in the pages of an old man’s porn mag like Nugget, that paid $10 for such eloquent masturbation fantasies, she would feel that the sentiment had found its perfect medium. But this is the paper that brought Nixon down.

Yeah. I’d have to agree, but what’s worse is Hunter’s creepy screed is a perverted ode to voyeurism with a tedious overlay of baby boomer angst:

You young guys, you see a beautiful woman — young, old, fat, slim, tall, short, green, white, yellow, black, brown, who really cares? — walking across the street in a sleeveless shift on a summer’s day, her hair possibly ponytailed back carelessly, her limbs sleek, hairless, her dainty toes displayed, her careless look utterly, sublimely, tragically perfect! Do you understand how grateful you should be? Why, son, in my day, all the women pranced about like Knights in Shining Elastic, not a human quiver anywhere under their perfect clothes. Before you marches Lady Godiva but for a few loose patches of material, and you have no big response. You might not even notice. The woman isn’t a treasure to you, a glimpse of paradise; she’s just a gal in a summer dress, ho-hum. You saw it all two minutes ago, you’ll see it in two more minutes.

But think of yourself some half-century ago, growing up in a magic land called ’50s America, which lasted until the double hits of Oswald’s trigger work and the Beatles’ invasion changed the place forever. Was it great back them? Er, yes and no. I think of it as a frozen Arctic of repression and superstition — but also of confidence, security, unlocked doors, Rules to Be Obeyed. It was where my generation’s wiring was soldered into place. In that era, benighted or not, the one thing we guys all knew about, all suffered from, all regretted, all raged, raged, raged — do you hear me? — raged against the dying of the light, was a thing called the panty girdle.

Dude. I’ve met plenty of boomers and none of them sound like they’re reading lines cut out of an episode of Law and Order: SVU. He sounds less like the victim of 50s repression (although the 50s had its share of sex) and more like someone who just got out of prison. And it pretty much gets worse from there.

So what’s the deal? Hunter’s not the first boomer to ejaculate the details of his twisted inner fantasy life onto the bosom of society, and by the gods, I’m sure he won’t be the last, but why? Why the hell does everyone over 45 think the world needs to know every minute detail of their often troubling inner life? Why do we need to know that Steven Hunter spends his free time staring at the bare arms and “dainty toes” of women young enough to be his granddaughter with an expression reminiscent of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs?

Baby boomers are so desperate to be hip, relevant and most of all remembered that they’ll do anything to make a splash, including vomit forth a supposedly humorous essay that makes people who watch gang bang videos for a living uncomfortable.

Way to go Wapo, and you stay classy.

Motherland Meltdown! Half of All Jerseyites Wanna Vamoose!


As a native Jerseyite myself, one who hasn’t set foot in Jersey in at least half a decade, I can’t say I blame them for wanting to leave the motherland. High taxes coupled with a high percentage of douchebag/hot chick co-mingling takes all the fun out of enjoying the natural charms New Jersey has to offer.

New Jersey sucks, not because it isn’t a cool place to live, but because it’s being run into the ground by White liberals who don’t care how many Black kids get gunned down in racist hate crimes as long as they can get their lawns mowed by companies paying slave wages.

This is a state that still has blue laws and where strippers can be arrested for showing people their nipples, yet lectures the rest of the country about tolerance in regards to gay marriage as if their half hearted attempt at liberal smugness makes them better than the rest of us.

I’m all for gay marriage (or civil unions for gays and straight couples who don’t want to partake in a religious “marriage”) but let’s repeal those 1920s-style morality laws before getting on our high horse, ‘kay Jersey?

New Jersey allowed itself to become the fall back suburb for pretentious New Yorkers who are priced out of Manhattan, and then complain when those people price them out of New Jersey. Now the inevitable happens, more than half the folks there can’t afford to live there anymore. From BreitBart:

TRENTON, N.J., Oct. 17 (UPI) — About half of New Jersey residents wish they were living somewhere else, with most citing high living costs as the reason, a newspaper poll found.

Just over half of those who said they want to move expect to follow through on it, Gannet News Service reported.

Frederick Huffenus, a retired police officer, said he plans to move to North Carolina as soon as he gets a heart transplant. He has one son already there and hopes his two children still in New Jersey will also make the move.

“I love New Jersey,” Huffenus said. “New Jersey has everything I want. … But I want that peace of mind. You’re penalized for living here all your life, you work hard and save all your life, and then you’re taxed.”

A Rutgers University study released last week found a sharp uptick last year in out-migration.

Fifteen percent of those polled picked Florida as their destination, while 14 percent would like to go to North Carolina. A total of 21 percent would like to make a short move to nearby Pennsylvania, Delaware or Maryland.

The University of Monmouth Polling Institute surveyed 801 adult New Jerseyans. The margin of error is 3.5 percent.

So if this poll is worth the ink it was printed with we can deduce that New Jersey will lose roughly 25% of it’s population sometime soon in a mass exodus. I guess this is Bush’s fault, after all he raised all the taxes…oh, wait.

It’s a corrupt Democrat infested government that continues to enrich themselves and their supporters by pillaging the state, and will raise taxes again when the population drops.

Speaking of the tragic destruction of New Jersey from within, Kevin Smith is doing a new horror flick called…wait for it … Red State. The movie will focus on a Fred Phelps-like character, something that really scares the suddenly effeminate Smith. Call me that guy but I already see a problem with the film. Phelps is a registered Democrat.

His son served as a delegate for Gore in ’84 after Phelps did some fund raising for him (Gore took an anti-Gay stance in the ’80s) and ran for governor as a Democrat. That’s info that’s even on Wikipedia, so Smith has no excuse to not know it.

Oops. I guess Smith will change the name of the movie to Blue State (or Hypocrite). Another douche bringing shame to the good name of New Jersey.

As New Jersey crumbles beneath the weight of its own corruption, take heart that the legacy of New Jersey’s former glory lives on:


Islam and Democracy: Are They Compatible?

Many, including myself most days, would probably answer no. But are there Muslims who embrace the idea of living in a Republic where everyones rights, Muslim and non-Muslim, are guaranteed?

I don’t think so, these days even Democrats don’t believe in the idea of a Republic which protects individuals inalienable rights from the “tyranny of the masses” and Wahhabisms inroads into Islam have produced a generation of Muslims more nihilistic and imperial than even the Barbary states. Unless Sufi’s become the majority, or the Monarchical powers (like Her Royal Highness Farah Pahlavi, the woman the Mullah’s deposed) that checked the power of Islamism are re-instated, Muslims will increasingly demand theocratic societies world wide.

Join the U.A.C. sponsored panel discussion on Islam and Democracy at Cal State Fullerton on Oct. 26th and see where I’m wrong. It sounds like it’ll be boiler plate stuff:

The United American Committee has funded two speakers to take on the notorious Muslim Public Affairs Council at an upcoming College Republican sponsored panel discussion on the subject of whether or not Islamic doctrine is compatible with democracy. Nonie Darwish and Hasan Mahmud, along with former Republican Party state chairman Shawn Steel will be countering pro-Sharia (Islamic law) arguments from the Islamist MPAC and will bring to light the facts which show how Sharia is everything counter to what democracy stands for.

Cal State Fullerton
800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA
Titan Student Union Pavilion C

Friday, October 26th
3:00 PM

Parking is available on campus for $5 (passes from parking machines in lot)
Off campus parking is sporadic and we can not provide information for off campus parking availability.

If you’re in the SoCal area be sure to stop in and support the patriots of th United American Committee. CAIR, using the words of mouth breathing fledgling political hack Chelsey Perkins, has already come out against any dialog between Muslims and non-Muslims which “unabashedly invites Muslim student associations to support the freedom of Americans from Muslim terrorists.” so you know discussions like this must be a good thing.

Contact the U.A.C. for more information.

Bill O’Reilly Supports Islamist Attack on Women’s Freedom?


Bill O’Reilly had a segment on tonight’s show where he claimed Beyonce Knowles courageous stand against Islamic extremism was culturally insensitive. He implied that Beyonce, upon being told by the extremist authorities running Malaysia (a country which has a significant portion of non-Muslims whose freedoms are being limited under Sharia law by the way) that she needed to “cover up” should have knuckled under like the craven Gwen Stefani.

O’Reilly couldn’t be more wrong. Beyonce Knowles shouldn’t compromise her art (no matter what some people think about it) but more importantly should never compromise her freedom. When the founding fathers drafted the Constitution they didn’t claim that the document granted us our freedoms, but that all people were born with these rights. They believed they were granted to us by divine right.

Liberty, and the struggle for it doesn’t end at our borders, freedom isn’t the exclusive domain of America. There are Christians and Buddhists and even Muslims in Malaysia who want to choose for themselves what they watch, what they wear and how they choose to live their lives. There are women in Malaysia who want to dress themselves, not have men dress them according to barbaric notions of women’s sexuality.

Years ago we called the idea of supporting freedom being Pro-American, and supporting women’s freedom was called feminism. Now it’s “wingnut” talk according to the new feminists, and to Bill O’Reilly it’s more acceptable for a woman to allow misogynists to make unreasonable demands of her than it is for a woman to make a stand for her self and all the people world wide who love freedom.

And that is what is truly ridiculous.