Sympathetic Portrayal of D.C. Sniper’s Jihad Brings Victim to Tears

CNN continues to aid and abet the John Allen Mohamed by airing a video appeal by the Beltway Jihadi to his degenerate supporters. After whitewashing the beltway sniper story since the beginning and continuing to do so to this day you’d think CNN would be satisfied that they did enough to help this mass murdering Jihadist off with a lighter sentence than he deserves, but now they’re actually helping with his defense by airing his plea!


One of Mohammed’s victims, Kellie Adams, has posted a video of her thoughts on CNN’s perfidy:


CNN has a history of supporting terrorism and enabling the Jihad. To them the victims of these insurgents who struck right in the heart of America are beneath notice. Their pain and torment inconsequential in pursuing their political agenda, facilitating the alliance of the radical Marxists and Islamic Imperialists.

CNN should be boycotted until they stop supporting Jihadism.

h/t Stop the A.C.L.U.

Members of Gang That Stoned Old Man to Death in England Get “Tough” Two Year Sentence

Five members of a gang of twenty or so youths who set upon a 67 year old man bowling in park with his 17 year old son and stoned the older man to death in an unprovoked and extraordinarily vicious attack were sentenced to two years in England’s version of Juvenile detention. From the BBC:

five boys have been sentenced to two years’ detention for killing a father who collapsed with a heart attack after being pelted with stones and rocks.

Ernest Norton, 67, was playing cricket with his son at a leisure centre in Erith, south-east London, when he was targeted in February 2006.

The pair came under a hail of missiles and two stones hit Mr Norton’s head.

The boys, now aged between 12 and 14, were convicted of manslaughter and violent disorder in August.

Passing the sentence at the Old Bailey, Judge Warwick McKinnon said: “The conduct of all of you as a group was utterly disgraceful and criminally irresponsible.”

Yes the judges outrage was clear when he sentenced these future murders to such an imposing sentence. Hopefully with tongue firmly planted in cheek one of the officers involved n the case blurted out this seemingly satirical statement:

Following the sentence, Det Insp Clive Hayes said he hoped the “tough sentence” will “act as a deterrent” to other youths tempted to get involved in anti-social behavior.

He added that Mr Norton’s family was “satisfied” and felt “justice has been done”.

I’ll suspect something has been lost in the translation between family of dead victim and the authorities who imposed what is in essence a slap on the wrist to these burgeoning Mansons.

The question is this: What kind of people raised these kids to think stoning people to death seems acceptable weekend activity?

h/t Theo Spark

Georgetown Anarchist’s Attempt to Murder Innocent Woman Covered Up by the MSM


The media is reporting that the Internet planed violent riot called October Revolution was a “protest” in which one woman was hurt. Newscasters are implying that the woman was accidentally hit in the head with a brick when some of the rich white kids whose neglectful, permissive parents turned them into self entitled violence junkies was innocently throwing a brick at a store window and missed.

I call bullshit. The anarchist movement has increasingly rejected non-violence as a form of protest and is actively groomed for the role of revolutionary stormtroopers by the Stalinist and Maoist groups that organize the “protests” Anarchists frequent.

Anarchists have embraced Peter Geldeloos call for protest groups to engage in violence key to the “revolution” and openly advocated violence against the police and other individuals. Just check out this comment left on this anti-cop screed at the Phoenix Insurgent blog by this Ron Paul supporter:

Now if only more cops were shot at, shot or killed for failing to mind their own business or just feeling like exercising one’s authoritay, what more respectful cops they would be.

Now I do not wish to paint all cops with the label bad, or downright evil. But more than two-thirds fall into that category. And being a bunch of cowards, they often pick on someone going about their business rather than search out those who initiate force on others. That would be dangerous. So much easier to bully John Q. Public. And it only stops when John Q. Public starts inflicting a price for their indignity.

Sadly, this is why good cops end up eating the barrel of their own gun…they joined to preserve the peace; they found out they were pawns in a den of thieves.

This hateful and nihilistic rhetoric is not the exception but the rule for those who follow the path of Anarchism, usually as a way to fullfill their selfish anti-social desires. The philosophical underpinings of the movement give ample justification for any crime the struggling revolutionary can commit in the name of “freedom.” From’s Anarchy Manifesto:

The moral construct of “good” and “evil” by which society lives is a materialist notion: it is designed to protect life and property, and does not consider the intent behind or results from an action, for example the necessity of driving away destructive people or confiscating property used to pollute rivers, as in the case of a dirty factory. Morality says simply yes or no depending on whether someone dies, or had their “rights” violated, or their property was taken away. Only secondarily do moral societies pass judgment over life and property, but by the very nature of morality, they are unwilling to do so on a large enough scale to have an impact. The death penalty is futile because a murderer stands good odds of beating it, and fining large corporations for their pollution is pointless because they will almost never pay anything commensurate to the actual damage done. Morality protects life and property, including of those who by virtue of possessing both will do untold damage to the citizens, the environment, and the public goodwill.

Anarchist morality is simple: do what you will. Those who are of like minds will congregate and form their own allegiances without formalizing them and thus detaching themselves from the task of building trust, and those who act in conflict with others will eventually find their will driven away or terminated by those who have a different agenda. This means that local communities will form according to the shared values of the individual wills involved; some communities will be dedicated to crime and drug use, and other communities will be intolerant of such choices and will defend against them. It is worth noting that no central government has ever solved the problem of crime, which is almost completely eliminated in local communities where everyone knows each other and have established a communal trust and values system, against which any transgression is clear and unwanted, whether it is “legal” or “moral” – or not. You cannot make enough rules to identify every destructive act, and those acts will differ from community to community.

The truth is that some people will always do that, and while they are protected under centralized authority, they are not in anarchies and therefore cannot get away with their legal and moral but unethical and destructive acts. Anarchy is not a revolt against morality, but as with government, a decentralization of it.

The “decentralization” of morality has a name: Antinomianism. The above philosophy illustrates the worst aspects of antinomian thought, it’s at best a secularized left hand path hindered by the adherents juvenile understanding of Crowleyan Thelemic law (do what thou wilt) as spelled out in The Book of the Law and their fundamental misunderstanding of how power vacuums are filled.

At worst anarchism is the political justification for criminality. The anarchist vision of justice is one in which criminality is checked by violent retaliation by random people. The Anarchist is encouraged by inaction, which in their childish philosophy is tantamount to approval. This is why after the assault on that poor woman the anarchist themselves issued this glib statement:

We appreciate that the fear generated by the Metropolitan Police Department forced many large, corporate, exclusive stores in Georgetown to close, but recognize that the World Bank and IMF continue to force poverty on millions around the world, all the while continuing to not pay a penny in taxes to DC.

We are very pleased that many stores in the heart of Georgetown, long reviled by many longtime residents of the colony that is DC, including The GAP, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters, Banana Republic, and several cosmetics stores decided to close early Friday. Many of these stores rely on sweatshop labor, while at the same time denying their employees guaranteed rights, including the right to unionize and bargain collectively.

Georgetown has a long history, sadly not yet complete, of keeping out working class people of color. Once a separate city from Washington DC, Georgetown, at one point during the 19th century, was a haven of many recently freed slaves. However, much as low-income residents are now being pushed out of Washington, DC altogether through gentrification and the included increasing property values, poor people of color were also forced from Georgetown through “urban renewal”, even as early as the 1920’s.

We understand that much has been made of an unfortunate accident in which a young woman was hurt in Georgetown.

We would find it very puzzling, however, if people were more bothered by a woman unintentionally being hurt in an unfortunate accident, than by the intentional cold-blooded murder of 14 year old Deonte Rawlings, just a few shorts weeks ago, by members of the Metropolitan Police Department, right here in Washington, DC. Deonte Rawlings was shot in the back of the head, and despite police claims that he fired first at them, an autopsy revealed no gunshot residue on his entire body. Sadly, due to the color of his skin, and the fact that his murder took place in a working class community, the apparent murder of Deonte Rawlings by members of the Metropolitan Police Department has largely been ignored.

For a brief period, people in Georgetown, playing host to delegates from the IMF and World Bank, who force poverty on millions across the world, were hopefully forced to stop, if only for a second, and think about the suffering that they perpetrate, both abroad, and right here in Washington, DC, in their exclusive enclave.

The Rawlings case they mention above, the tragic death of a Black child that they use to divert attention from their own crime, involves an unsupervised 14 year old who stole a vehicle from some cops garage and later fired on the cop and his friend when they went looking for him.

As far as I have been able to discern, the woman who had her head bashed in with a brick wasn’t involved.

And tell me how likely it is that someone “accidentally” throws a brick at a window and hits a young woman with such force she needs to be hospitalized?

Again I call bullshit. One of the spoiled cretin in that protest decided to hit that woman with a brick in an attempt to injure her. Young, pretty and working in a retail store, the woman represented the “power structure” the Anarchists seek to smash, and better yet as a petite woman she was the perfect victim for the criminal element the anarchists movement attracts. Criminals seeking supportive groups that allow them to beat women, break windows and otherwise act out the violent impulses they never learned to controlled while their rich, liberal parents coddled them. They knew the woman wouldn’t be able to retaliate, so she was chosen as their victim.
But the media is buying the story that this was an “accident.” Watch this report, especially the end:


Protesters? Accident? No this was a terrorist attack. An act of violence disguised as politics, an urge to hurt others hidden in a Utopian message of freedom. They threatened violence prior to the march and they came through.

If these were a group of Black kids they’d be in jail now. But the police allowed the Anarchists to leave the scene of a vicious crime. This woman could have died. She still might die, brain injuries can be reamin hidden from doctors until it’s too late.

She is scarred for life, not just physically but emotionally. She’ll never feel safe at a protest of rally. And she shouldn’t. Anarchists, and the left in general are becoming more and more violent. By ignoring the enormity of this assault, this attempt to end that woman’s life with a brick, the media is complicit in encouraging further violence from the anarchists.

Because they’re of the left and of course the children of some of their rich white colleagues, the Anarchists involved in this incident will get a pass from the mainstream media who want a Democrat in the White house so bad they’ll do anything to insure that independent voters don’t get a whiff of how dangerous and evil the hard left is. That includes covering up an obvious violent crime perpetuated by these monsters on an innocent young woman by the rabble that will be campaigning for the Dem’s in 08.

I agree with Kevin Sullivan: I don’t like Anarchists.

More coverage by Jawa Report and Michelle Malkin

h/t Jawa for this telling video. Watch it and tell me you think it was an accident:

Red Alerts Housekeeping Weekend


Red Alerts is doing some much needed housekeeping and getting ready for the Hellfireblogs massive Halloween shindig celebrating our just over a year or so anniversary. Thanks to everyone who visits us, except the ones who don’t visit our sponsors.

While we’re cleaning up here be sure to check out some of these fine blogs:

Sheepdog’s blog-My man Chris was blogging the Mexican TB traveler story before them all.

Velvethammer of Ironic Surrealism has a new blog called Scarlett Crusader which is a must read.

Smooth Stone debunks the two Jerusalem’s myth.

Dissident News Cries for the Knicks … from the front row? Who knew he had those kinds of connections.

Lionheart says it’s Armageddon, I think he’s right. Also he’s got a site for the upcoming fight of the century. If you’re a anti-jihad boxing fan this is your site.

We’ll be back Monday and may even divulge a few details of the greatest Halloween party of all time, which will set the standard for seasonal debauchery for decades to come. The great American tradition of Halloween has been under attack recently, and after this party I fully expect the attacks to increase twenty fold.

It’ll look something like this:


We also recreate Ed Woods infamous Cat Dance from Orgy of the Dead every year. NSFW

Our party won’t look like such a sausage fest though.

Sorry kids, invitation only. Unless you’re willing to send us some sort of (ahem) proof that you’ve got what it takes to raise hell this Halloween. If you do, contact us, we’ll make it a contest.

The Death of the Grown Up: Consequences Edition

Hot Air interviewed author Diana West about her new book The Death of the Grown Up: How America’s Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization a while ago. It’s an interesting book, which dwells mostly on the impact our devolving culture has on America’s foreign policy and our ideological war against Islamic Imperialism.

But in my mind nothing illustrates the concepts in her book, specifically the infantile inability of our society to make adult distinctions between right and wrong, especially in regard to sexuality, than the disgusting case of Micheal Benham. Benham raped his daughter over a prolonged period of time, starting when she was 7 years old and ending when he was finally caught when she was around 14.

He is defending his actions by saying she came on to him. From the Poteau Daily News:

In an interview with a Child Welfare Services worker, Benham allegedly made remarks that his daughter had initiated the sexual activity.
The affidavit also states, “When Amanda asked him to explain, he stated, ‘The end result was intercourse’ and that he had stopped before orgasm occurred. Mr. Benham stated that at the point that intercourse occurred, ‘She was coming onto me pretty good.’ Mr. Benham stated that, ‘She knew what she was doing and I was surprised.’

Benham is claiming that he was seduced, that he was not in complete control over his rape victim. It’s clearly a preposterous concept and most people would agree, but the idea of children being the sexual equals of adults is a concept that’s been brewing for some time now. Our sexualization of children, and Benham’s mistaken belief that he could convince other adults of his victim’s role as instigator of her own victimization, are a by-product of the constantly blurring line between the world of adulthood and sexual responsibility and adolescence.

Beham thinks that there are people out there who will sympathize with him, who are unwilling to stand up and say “This is an evil act,” and he’s right. Our society, full of eternal teenagers in a state of constant rebellion, is full of people unwilling to accept the simple truth that sex is something that adults should engage in privately and something children should wait until they’re adults to engage in. And adults and children should never be sex partners. Sounds like common sense, right? But it apparently isn’t.

They are unwilling to say that adults accept the concept of right and wrong, that the “whatever feels good” mentality of the 60s must not be allowed to apply to child rapists. They fear that by taking that stand they have to give up their own indulgent lifestyles, which may or may not be true, but if it was isn’t that what an adult would do to protect children?

Benham would be an evil degenerate in any society, but our culture of youth worship empowers him, provides him succor, psychological refuge and the opportunity to delude himself into thinking he’s anything but what he is: a living nightmare.

Benham is a monster who was set loose into a society without any adults around to keep him from harming our children, and that is a consequence every bit as dire as anything in Diana West’s book.

h/t CrimeShadows News