Boston Fundraiser for Deval Patrick a Serial Rapist!

From the Miami Herald:

A Boston defense attorney once dubbed one of People Magazine’s Most Eligible bachelors was arrested for allegedly drugging and raping a college student he met at a Miami Beach nightclub.

Gary Zerola — already facing trial in two sexual attacks in Boston — was arrested last Friday night and booked into Miami-Dade County jail.

Miami Beach police charged Zerola, 36, with sexual battery.

Once known for his work on behalf of foster children, Zerola was also a candidate to star in the first season of ABC’s reality hit The Bachelor,” according to Boston media reports.

Zerola did not return phone calls from The Miami Herald. Because of the Miami Beach arrest, prosecutors in Massachusetts on Monday filed a motion to revoke his bond.

According to a Miami Beach police report, this is what happened:

Zerola and a woman named Jheri Leigh Burch met a female Florida International University student at the club Mansion, 1235 Washington Ave. They shared drinks.

Surveillance video showed them entering the Catalina Hotel, 1756 Collins Ave, at 3:03 a.m.

But once inside, Burch ”got upset that [Zerola] brought another woman home with them,” the report said. Burch left and checked into another room.

Then, Zerola attacked the FIU student, police said. ”He held her face with his hand and forced her to take an unknown amount of pills with an unknown liquid,” according to the report.

The bloodied girl later woke up naked laying next to Zerola.

Donning a bathrobe, she called police on her cell phone. When officers arrived, she was ”emotional and distraught,” police said.

When Miami Beach officers arrived, Zerola said spontaneously: ”I never had sex with her,” the report reads.

In November 2006, Zerola was indicted on charges of rape, indecent assault and battery and procuring alcohol for a minor stemming from a 2004 attack in Suffolk County, Mass.

He was also indicted in connection with a 2006 attack on a 19-year-old woman. According to Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, he tried forcing himself on a woman, forced her dress off and when she ran into a hallway naked, he covered her mouth and threw her to the ground.

Zerola — a former prosecutor with Suffolk County — forced her back into the apartment and ”slammed her head off a wall,” Lawyers Weekly reported, citing police reports.

He later escaped when he saw flashing police lights.

What a prince.

Hmmm. A scumbag lawyer with the stroke to get listed in People’s Most Eligible Bachelor issue who also likes to rape young girls. And from Boston. Go figure. Must be something in the water up there.

I wonder what his party affiliation is?

Northeast Liberalism at it’s best!

Suddenly Ron Paul’s White Nationalist Supporters Becomes Big News in the Blogoshpere

By big news I of course mean that it’s made it to Hot Air via this blog which attacks Paul on a fairly regular basis. The Paul campaign is now apparently advertising on Stormfront’s forum, or at least people are saying now because they’ve just noticed it.

As we pointed out before, Paul’s campaign has been reaching out to White Nationalists as soon as Paul decided to run. The supporters of Paul run the gambit from anti-government kooks who threaten to kill government officials to Pro-rape racists who think Jews and Blacks are more dangerous to America than Islamic Imperialism. The Paul campaign often half heartedly distances themselves from these dreg who are so pivotal in their fundraising, but will not condemn them, even if you ask them to. I know, I asked them to do it.

The whitewash of of Paul’s alliance with White Nationalism even extended to the Huffpo piece about the subject. Partly because the alliance was formed on the left side of the Libertarian spectrum. Sites like and Lew Rockwell are frequented by White nationalists who recycle the borderline anti-semitic or fascist propaganda of author like Brian Wilson or Justin Raimondo for their own sites.

These sites gave birth to an ideological alliance between radical libertarians and neo-Nazis who are both invested in dismantling our Republic to make room for their very different world views. David Duke regularly reprints Ron Paul’s essays and shills for Paul on his site, and Stormfront isn’t the only White Nationalist site to allow Paul supporters to shill for Paul in their forums.

As the story picks up steam now that the bigger sites have caught it, many are wondering if this will tank Paul’s campaign. Not a chance, kids. Paul’s supporters know about the Nazis in their Midst and don’t care. Paul will never win an election for Presidency, but he’ll raise millions of dollars from these scum with which to line his pockets and continue to poison the minds of Americans against their own nation.

My Humble Contribution to Islamofascism Awareness Week

Since Oct 22 was the kick off of Islamofascism Awareness Week (and Monsterfest) I’ve decided it’d be appropriate to post material pertinent to the world wide war against Islamist Imperialsm, but I didn’t want to miss too much of my very favorite television marathon.

Thus I shall steal my material from Mosquewatch! (Jeff said it was O.K.)


Act for America’s spokeswoman Brigitte Gabriel has a her remarkable speech to the Heritage Foundation broken up into six easy to digest nuggets on Media4truth’s YouTube channel. If you have a some time on your hand, I think one of her best interviews, and most informative about the dangers of unassimilated Islamist populations, is this one:


She’s a firebrand. And just what the West needs to wake us up. But I know the lefties who come here won’t take the words of some “Christian Fascists” that the Islamist Imperialists want to kill us all, so I’ll let the Muslims speak for themselves. From the article The Path to Resume the Khalfa Rashidah hosted on this Jihadist site:

Since the fall of the Ottoman Khilafah the wall that was boundary between us and the Kufar also fell. And so when this wall fell the enemies were able to attack and wage war of all sorts against this Nation in order to attack its prestige and honour. And so they took over our Lands and divided it between the people and moreover, they actually took control of the prestige and honour of the Muslims.
Hence, it prevented the Ummah from living in Islamic life in our reality. So when the disbelievers decided to leave our countries they left behind Tawaghit (false tyrannical rulers) who would work and act on behalf of the previous people that took control over them in the first place. So these Tawaghit, their plan is to continue with their laws and their political system and the rest of their aspects upon the Muslim countries. Their exit from Muslim lands is only dictatorial.So we see now how the Tawaghit are supported in the Muslim lands and how they oppose any Islamic movement who stand to establish the Islamic way of life onthe methodology of Muhammad (saw).
Since the demise of the Uthmani Khilafah, establishing the Khilafah has becomeone of the most important objectives of those who call to Islam of our time. TheIslamic Nation itself will not cease to martyr Muslims after Muslim one after the other in order to fulfill this objective… and why not so? When establishing the Islamic way of life upon this earth is the foremost obligation after Tawhid. There are many aspects of this Din that cannot be fulfilled except through power,governance and a rule. We see how the Islamic Shari’ah has been altered,changed and negated, how the enemies are playing with the Islamic People and they do with us as they wish. It is narrated from the Sahabah that it is not possible for Islam to be established and exist except through Islamic government and rulership and these affairs are linked together.

Of course the above Jihadists have a YouTube page where they spread thier vile hatred. It’s of course called Islamic Empire. Here’s an example of thier work:


Happy Islamofascism Awareness Week!

Study: Identity Thieves Don’t Rely on Internet Scams for Your Personal Information

The Center for Identity Management and Information Protection released a study of identity theft that all Americans should read. The take away facts you need to remember: Identity Thieves are still using good old fashioned mail fraud and dumpster diving to get the goods. Whether this is because the free market Internet community has taken steps to ensue safe commerce on the web or because thieve in general aren’t your cream of the crop is anyones guess, but I’d say it’s a little of both. From the Chron:

UTICA, N.Y. — Identity thieves are typically young, work solo and rely on the Internet for fewer than one-fifth of their crimes, according to a new study of Secret Service cases.

The Center for Identity Management and Information Protection also found that “insider” employees were the offenders in just one-third of the cases. Employees who stole identity information often worked in the retail industry, the report found.

“There are some common perceptions we have that identity theft involves a person sitting at a computer hacking into corporate or individual computers. … Certainly it is happening, but it is a crime that is happening in a multitude of ways, some of it as simple as stealing mail out of a mailbox,” said Gary Gordon, a professor of economic crime programs who founded and heads the center at Utica College.

The Department of Justice-funded study, which was to be released today at a news conference in Washington, differs from previous studies because it focused on identity thieves and their methods, rather than victims, said Michael Stenger, assistant director of investigations for the Secret Service, which agreed to open its case files to the center.

Researchers reviewed 517 cases closed by the Secret Service between 2000 and 2006. Two-thirds of the cases were concentrated in the Northeast and South and there were 933 defendants. The Federal Trade Commission has said about 3 million Americans have their identities stolen annually.

The study found that 42.5 percent of offenders were between the ages of 25 and 34. Another 18 percent were between the ages of 18 and 24. Two-thirds of the identity thieves were male.

Nearly a quarter of the offenders were born outside the United States.

Eighty percent of the cases involved an offender working solo or with a single partner, the report found.

While identity thieves used a wide combination of methods, fewer than 20 percent of the crimes involved the Internet. The most frequently used non-technological method was the rerouting of mail through change of address cards. Other prevalent non-technological methods were mail theft and dumpster diving.

Of the 933 offenders, 609 said they initiated their crime by stealing fragments of personal identifying information, as opposed to stealing entire documents, such as bank cards or driver’s licenses.

Most of the offenses were committed by non-employees who victimized strangers. Employee insiders were the offenders in just one-third of the 517 cases. When an employee did commit identity theft, the offenders were employed in a retail business in two out of every five instances, the report said. Stores, gas stations, car dealerships, casinos, restaurants, hotels, doctors and hospitals were all considered retail operations in the study.

In about a fifth of the cases, the employee worked in the financial services industry.

C.I.M.I.P. also has some useful publications for those interested to peruse especially of interest to Red Alerts readers is this white paper entitled Identity Fraud: A Critical National and Global Threat. They’re doing some good work their and hopefully the full version of their report will be released soon.

h/t Crime Scene KC

Dog Tortured to Death in Art Gallery

Where’s the miserable bastards from PETA now?

A Costa Rican artist found himself in hot water with the animal protection people in his home country after using a starving, sick street dog as part of an exposition in Managua, Nicaragua, in August. Guillermo “Habacuc” Vargas allegedly found the dog tied up on a street corner in a poor Nicaragua barrio and brought it to the showing.

He tied the dog, according to furious animal lovers, in a corner of the salon where it died after a day. Habacuc’s exhibition included a legend spelled out in dog food reading “You are what you read,” photos and an incense burner that burned an ounce of marijauna and 175 “rock’ of crack cocaine. In the background, according to reports, the Sandista national anthem played backwards.

According to the artist, his “art” was a tribute to Natividad Canda, a Nicaraguan burglar killed in Costa Rica by two rottweilers guarding property he had entered at night. The incident caused friction between the two countries. Habacuc told the daily La Nacion, “I won’t say the dog died. The importance to me is the hypocracy of the people where an animal is the focus of attention where people come to see art but not when it’s in the street starving to death.”

“The same thing happened with poor Natividad Canda. The people sympathized with him only after he was dead,” the artist added.

The artist apparently is unaware that at least three large, active organizations are dedicated in Costa Rica to the protection of animals and that several persons have been prosecuted for cruelty to animals. They are hampered in their efforts by the old Hispanic customs of disregard for animal welfare and by a lack of funding.

Modern art is a blight on humanity, and cases like this prove that today’s “artists” are little more than hacks who sell pretentious politically themed garbage to intellectually deficient people with too much money and not enough class to keep themselves out of trouble. I hope this “artist” dies in a gutter, where his works belong.

I’ve always been partial to Art Nouveau myself no doubt because of my fondness for Romanticism. But I rarely get to point to so clear an example of the vileness of modern “art” and why I can hardly bring myself to attend gallery openings anymore. Awful.

Though there are some rather good artists plying their trade these days, though no artist is officially acknowledge by the elitist modern art world unless they fill a glass with urine and make a chocolate penis for a life sized Jesus. The confrontational aspect of modern art has completely overtaken the love of beauty and expression of the sublime that is the heart and soul of Art.

the fashion stills of Alix Malta come to mind, I find them quite provocative and beautiful despite their commercialism. The paintings of Stephanie Alice Rogers or the high tech Gothic symbolism of Erland Mork seem to me more worthy of study by art critics than dog torture.

But the dog killing artist will be lauded for his “bravery” in transgressing the boundaries of morality through art, even though he simply created a living torture porn exhibit that owes more to Hostel than to any real artistic feeling. He will ultimately be rewarded, while we’re punished with a lifetime of hideousness passed off as art.

h/t Moonbattery