Superbug Hysteria Costs Man His Job

From Staph News:

Two years ago, Morris Yomtov contracted a methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection while clearing hurricane debris from his Florida yard. This week, he’s out of a job.

Yomtov was chatting with coworkers and mentioned that he acquired an antibiotic-resistant strain of staph when he scraped his arms two years ago, he told Miami’s CBS 4. Before the day was over, Yomtov had been fired by a supervisor who erroneously believed that Yomtov must still be contagious. The infection was successfully treated by a medical professional two years ago, but Yomtov’s boss would hear none of it, insisting that MRSA is a new disease that wasn’t around years ago.

At the request of his employer, The Hollywood Telemarketing Company, Yomtov provided a note from an infectious disease specialist certifying that he was no longer infected with MRSA. However, his boss refused to accept the note from Yomtov’s hand, directing him to fax it to the company. No one from The Hollywood Telemarketing Company has spoken to the media.

While the “superbug” threat is real and anti-biotic resistant Staph is currently spreading like wildfire through New Jersey schools and and is becoming such a concern in Virginia that they’re launching an initiative to track the treatment resistant infections, the real danger to people in this situation is the panic caused by misinformation. The above man lost his job because his boss know nothing about Staph infections, except some rumor about it being a biblical plague.

Panic endangers people more than anything else in an emergency. Stay calm, get the right information and act accordingly.

The Raw Story has more

Protests at Nonie Darwish Speech Organized by Violent Marxist Organization

Zombie has the evidence in full color. Nonie Darwish was effectively silenced by the college storm troops of the Revolutionary Communist Party, a militant Maoist group which openly advocates violent revolution in America. The RCP is reviled even by other communists groups for their dogmatic devotion to Maoism and their cult like structure. The founder of the party himself justifies his typically Marxist blood lust with the incoherent hypocrisy one would expect from a Berkley raised baby boomer:

Communists oppose the use of the death penalty by the bourgeois state because this will be used overwhelmingly against people from the oppressed masses and will be wielded to reinforce the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, fortifying its repressive apparatus and forging a more repressive political atmosphere which, again, will be overwhelmingly directed against the oppressed masses and those who oppose the status quo. This finds concentrated expression where the bourgeois state seeks to execute political and especially revolutionary opponents of its rule.

On the other hand, communists recognize that, under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the execution of some people–and in particular those representatives of the old order who have committed outrageous crimes against the people–is positive because it is a necessary part of enabling the masses of people to fully raise their heads, to smash the old state machinery and establish and develop their own forms and organs of political power, and to carry forward the revolutionary transformation of society. This is especially so in the early stages of the new society, when the proletarian state is just being consolidated and the old bourgeois state machinery–which has held the masses down for so long through intimidation and terror–is being thoroughly shattered and dismantled.

This differing stand toward the carrying out of the death penalty in two radically different kinds of societies–under the rule of fundamentally opposed classes–represents a consistent application of communist principles, of communist ethics and morality.

I put this quote in to illustrate the hypocritical nature of these “anti-Imperialism” protesters, who are associated with an organization openly advocating the executions of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Businessmen, Police officers, the bank teller who lives next door to you, all the people who represent the American system in their eyes will be lined up against the wall and shot in their vision of a perfect society.

The Avakian death list would ironically include the parents and loved ones of the predominantly upper middle class followers of the RCP and it’s front groups, including the child stalking World Can’t Wait and Maoist International Movement.

It will also include feminists like Nonie Darwish whose crime is speaking out against Islamic Imperialism, a type of imperialism the RCP is apparently supportive of.

It’s interesting to note, if you read through the entire Zombietime post, that no Muslims disrupted the speech or attacked Darwish, only RCP goons. Odd isn’t it, almost as if they’re trying to stir the pot a little and create civil unrest. It is their modus operandi:

Throughout its history, one of RCP’s principal objectives has been to foment civil unrest in the United States. The most notable example of such efforts occurred on April 29, 1992, when RCP members looted and trashed the downtown and government districts of Los Angeles, triggering the infamous Rodney King riots. During the days immediately preceding the violence, RCP — which maintained close ties to the L.A. gangs known as the Crips and the Bloods — had circulated throughout South Central Los Angeles a leaflet featuring a statement by RCP National Spokesman Carl Dix, titled “It’s Right To Rebel” — a quote popularized by Mao Zedong. Encouraged by Dix, RCP activists helped lead the riots that would leave 58 people dead, more than 2,300 people injured, some 5,300 buildings burned, and $1 billion in property damaged or destroyed. On the ten-year anniversary of the rioting, RCP member Joseph Veale fondly recalled the violence as “the most beautiful, the most heroic civil action in the history of the United States.”

I’ve said it before, the “hard left” see Islamist as the shock troops of their revolution who will do what the effete professional students and baristas who make up their core will not. Namely massacre whole cities of Americans. The Darwish protests were just another attempt by the nihilistic death cult of Bob Avakian to inflame the passions of the nihilistic death cult of Whabbism.

h/t Jawa Report.

Palestinians Planning New Intifada Regardless of Peace Talk Outcome

Let’s give them a state alert from Fars News:

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement to Tehran dismissed the Mideast peace conference in the US as a failed effort, and said he expected that a new wave of Intifada would arise in the occupied territories following the US summit.

Speaking in a press conference here in Tehran on Tuesday, Naser Abu Sharif said the so-called Mideast peace conference, similar to previous meetings hosted by the US, is merely aimed at rendering support and buying credit for the Zionist regime of Israel which sustained a great loss and defeat in its invasion of Lebanon last summer.

Meantime, he said that the US and Israel are seeking to use the conference to attract the companionship of the moderate governments of the region to form a front against Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

“Palestine is the main issue of the world of Islam and Arab countries cannot have the required legitimacy for accompanying the US plots against Iran, Lebanon and Syria without having the support of their nations,” Abu Sharif said.

He also perceived an obvious failure for the conference, saying, “All political analysts have envisaged failure for the peace conference because this conference has not been built up on proper fundaments.”

“Given the United States’ unilateral support for the Zionist regime, Israel will make no concessions to the Palestinian nation in the conference,” the Islamic Jihad official added.

He also said that Palestinian negotiators are not powerful enough to receive concessions, “Palestinian leaders will step into this conference without the support of the Palestinian nation while Islamic Jihad, Hamas and other groups will not participate in the meeting. Considering all the above, the Palestinian delegation will not have a winning ace in the conference.”

Abu Sharif warned Palestinian negotiators against participation in the conference, saying that if they attend the meeting, they will be forced to sustain a failure.

“The Palestinian and Israeli sides will not achieve anything in the conference,” he said, adding, “and since the Israelis are aware of this point, they will merely strive to normalize their relations with the regional countries during the meeting.”

Abu Sharif said the failure of the conference is a taken-for-granted fact for all the participants, adding that not only the Palestinian side, but also the Israeli regime has accepted to partake in the conference due to the United States’ pressures.

He also anticipated that following the conference in the US, Palestinians would start a new round of Intifada in the occupied territories.

Nice to see the Palestinians are giving peace a chance. I guess within the next few weeks another round of violence will start, no doubt simultaneous with a Hezbollah/Syrian offensive against our Jewish allies in Israel. Debka is reporting Fatah al Islam has taken credit for a drive by shooting attack on Israeli targets while Hezbollah is warning that Lebanon will become “the next Iraq” for America.

I guess the Intifada is on.

California Wildfires Officially Declared Arson!


From CBS News:

(CBS/AP) CBS News has learned a task force of agencies, including the FBI, ATF, the Orange County Fire Authority and the California Department of Forestry will announce shortly that the massive Santiago Canyon Fire – which has caused an estimated $10 million in damage – is being officially declared an arson, and a $50,000 reward is being offered to find the arsonist.

Investigators have identified two separate “points of origin” where they believe the fire was set, CBS News has learned. FBI agents secured the scene to “maintain its integrity.”

The Santiago Fire has burned about 19,200 acres east of Irvine, officials said, and it is around 30 percent contained. Six homes and eight outbuildings have been destroyed, with another eight homes and 12 outbuildings damaged. Four firefighters have been injured fighting the blaze and about 3,000 people evacuated.

The devastating wildfires in Southern California have caused at least $1 billion in damage in San Diego County alone, officials said Wednesday, as easing wind gave firefighters hope that they begin to gain ground against the flames.

Other blazes were believed to have been started by downed power lines and a car fire.

The fires, now in their fourth day, have destroyed 1,500 homes and caused nearly 1 million people to flee – the largest evacuation in state history. At least 1,200 of the damaged homes were in San Diego County, and officials believe that number will rise.

“Clearly, this is going to be a $1 billion or more disaster,” Ron Lane, San Diego County’s director of emergency services, told reporters during a news conference.

The announcement of San Diego’s staggering losses came as President Bush signed a major disaster declaration for California in the wake of the wildfires that have burned about 426,000 acres, or about 665 square miles.

The declaration puts in motion long-term federal recovery programs to help state and local governments, families, individuals and certain nonprofit organizations recover.

“Americans all across this land care deeply about them,” the president said after a Cabinet meeting convened to coordinate federal relief efforts. “We’re concerned about their safety. We’re concerned about their property.”

Any number of radical groups may have started the fires, but as was the case of the fires in Greece I suspect the authorities are covering up an Islamist/Marxist link. USA Today reports that a detainee at Gitmo confessed to plotting just such an attack:

PHOENIX (AP) — The FBI alerted law enforcement agencies last month that an al-Qaeda terrorist now in detention had talked of masterminding a plot to set a series of devastating forest fires around the western United States.

Rose Davis, a spokeswoman for the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, told The Associated Press that officials there took note of the warning but didn’t see a need to act further on it.

The contents of the June 25 memo from the FBI’s Denver office were reported Friday by The Arizona Republic. Davis declined to share a copy of the memo and an FBI spokeswoman in Denver didn’t immediately return a telephone call.

The Republic reported that the detainee, who was not identified, said the plan involved three or four people setting wildfires using timed devices in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming that would detonate in forests and grasslands after the operatives had left the country.

Pamela of Atlas Shrugs has more.

Islamists aren’t the only suspects we should consider. Eco-terrorists primarily use arson to attack targets of “human imperialism” and the building boom in the affected areas likely would have attracted the ire of more than one “rainbow warrior.” The Earth Liberation Front uses arson to destroy housing developments as a matter of course.

Marxist groups are eager to disrupt the economy and the scale of this destruction will have far reaching consequences for California and America, but perhaps the bitter irony of a eco-terror or Marxist scenario is that the arsonist would have come from the same area. It will be one of the children of the rich White liberals who allow their off spring to run amok who will have burned them out of house and home.

Michelle Malkin has reported that the SoCal fires are also arson. One man has been shot dead by police during an attempted arson and another is in custody. From The L.A. Times:

Amid worries of new blazes adding to the firestorm already afflicting the region, a man in Hesperia has been arrested on suspicion of arson, and police reported shooting and killing another arson suspect after chasing him out of scrub behind Cal State San Bernardino.

Law enforcement officials said today that they didn’t know whether either of the men had started any of the more than a dozen large fires that have devastated Southern California in recent days, including the nearby Lake Arrowhead blaze. The brush fire in Hesperia was quickly extinguished by residents.

Investigators have said that at least two of the huge wildfires, one in Orange County and the other in Temecula, were the work of arsonists.

The confrontation that ended in the shooting death started about 6 p.m. Tuesday when San Bernardino university police spotted a man in a rural area of flood channels and scrub near the campus. University police tried to detain the man, but he got into his car and fled, authorities said. When he began to ram officers’ vehicle, they shot him.

The suspect is described as a 27-year-old man with a home address in Arizona. Sheriff’s investigators will search his impounded pickup truck pending a search warrant, Lt. Scott Patterson of the San Bernardino Police Department said this afternoon.

No additional information, including his identity will be released until Thursday.

“We don’t know whether he was an arsonist,” Patterson said. “What was related by the Cal State police was that they tried to contact him as a suspicious person in a brush area. Things being how they are, there was a suspicion that he could be an arsonist.”

The area near the campus had been affected by the massive Old Fire of 2003, Patterson said, adding that “it’s very fire-prone. It’s an area that would be very devastated if a fire were to start there.”

San Bernardino police joined campus authorities in pursuit of the suspect. He drove north on Waterman Avenue and up a dirt fire road into the foothills. When officers tried to take him into custody, he began to batter officers’ vehicles with car, Patterson said. Officers shot and killed him.

A man willing to run down police in a car is up to something in my experience. Is there some sort of arson ring operating in Cali?

Update: Fox News has extensive coverage including this tidbit from Adam “Charles Barron is a Son of a Bitch” Housley’s blog revealing the identity of one of the arsonists:

We broke this story at 6am after we met some California Highway Patrol Officers still disgusted with an arrest. This morning the smoke was thick and my mask and eye protection rarely left my face. Your eyes and throat sting and it feels like standing next to a campfire when the wind changes and blows the smoke into your face, only it never ends.
While wearing this Star Wars looking get up, a patrol car looking for looters (after they had already arrested one) came upon our location. I began to talk with them and ask about their night, that’s when they told me about the guy who allegedly tried to make a horrible fire situation up here even worse. Here’s the rundown …

According to police, a man named John Alfred Rund was seen just south of Arrowhead Lake Road. Sheriff’s officials say he had just started a fire along the flat, isolated, scrubby road and witnesses said he took off on a Honda motorcycle, wearing a red and white striped helmet. A CHP helicopter, using infrared equipment, caught sight of Rund on his motorcycle and radioed to CHP officers and sheriff’s deputies. They found and arrested him at a home along Highway 173 near Highway 138. Rund is being held on $750,000 bail on suspicion of arson and is to appear in court tomorrow in Victorville.
He has not been connected with the big fires burning near the lake.

He hasn’t been connected yet. I wonder what group he’s affiliated with? Or is he just a degenerate feeding off misery and pain?

Update: Fox is reporting that Rund (or Hund) set a small fire said to be unrelated to the wildfires. He was apparently a degenerate copy cat arsonists, or that’s the word. Another man, Catalino Pineda, was arrested and is thought by media to be involved. Officials won’t confirm.

The death toll is now a eight.

The fires are still threatening thousands of homes.

Iran Wants Republicans Tried for War Crimes

I guess because Democrats didn’t vote for the war in Iraq, or Bosnia, or Somalia…

Here’s a text book case of projection From Fars News:

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Deputy head of Iran’s judiciary here Tuesday called on the world’s independent legal and judicial bodies to form a war tribunal to punish the United States’ warmongering ruling party for its crimes.

Seyed Ebrahim Rayisee viewed the recent statements made by the US president about contingencies of World War III as a serious threat to the international peace and security, and stressed, “Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities are carried out under the legal and technical inspections of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and such remarks indicate the ignorance and confused status of the US ruling party in dealing with international relations, and specially Iran’s peaceful nuclear activities.”

He further said that the crimes committed by the US ruling party in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as Washington’s increasing threats in the international arena would bring nothing to the US but further political isolation.

The official said the world today knows very well that the hawkish policies of the US administration have come to a dead-end, “and in case the United States continues violation of the international norms and criteria, it will have to face increased pressures from the side of the world Public opinion, particularly the American people, insisting the illogical leaders of that country to revise their current attitudes.”

It’s almost as if the rulers are talking about themselves and their relationship with the Iranian people who’ve toiled under the occupation of an Arabized regime that Jimmy Carter helped put into power for decades.

It’s no wonder the G.O.P. is attacked by Iran, the Mullahs were put into power by the perfidity of Jew hating communist Carter and still retains an ideological alliance with the Marxists in this country now. The Mullahs owe the “hard left” in this country everything, and still retain hope that a new leftist government will give them the same gift Carter gave them in the 70’s: A free hand to enact their barbarity:

Remember Carter’s human rights program, where he demanded the Shah of Iran step down and turn over power to the Ayatollah Khomeini?

No matter that Khomeini was a madman. Carter had the U.S. Pentagon tell the Shah’s top military commanders – about 150 of them – to acquiesce to the Ayatollah and not fight him.

The Shah’s military listened to Carter. All of them were murdered in one of the Ayatollah’s first acts.

By allowing the Shah to fall, Carter created one of the most militant anti-American dictatorships ever.

Soon the new Iranian government was ransacking our embassy and held hostage its staff for over a year. Only President Reagan’s election gave Iran the impetus to release the hostages.

I believe Carter’s decision to have the Shah fall is arguably the most egregious U.S. foreign policy mistake of the last 50 years. [Former President Bush’s decision to allow Saddam Hussein to stay in power is a close second.]

With the Shah gone, the whole region was destabilized. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan; no doubt a direct link to the rise of the Taliban can be traced to this invasion. Iraq also took advantage of the Shah’s departure to invade Iran. A long war followed that helped make Saddam’s Iraq a great Middle Eastern power.

And decades after Carter’s ignominious act, Iran is still bent on destroying America. President Bush named it one of the three nations in the “axis of evil.” Iran is developing both nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver these weapons to its enemies.

We can thank Jimmy Carter for all of this.

Since Carter left the presidency, he has had little to say about the human rights abuses in Iran. Why should he? Iran opposes the U.S.

Instead, he has focused his attention on Israel, America’s lone democratic ally in the Mideast. Recently, Carter suggested that the U.S. should cut off aid to Israel, so angry was he after Israel sought to defend itself in the wake of suicide bombings.

Fair enough. But what has Carter said about Arab or Muslim countries that have had long records of human rights abuse – Syria or Libya or Iran or Iraq?

Not much. One reason may be money. As NewsMax’s Dave Eberhart reported recently, Carter and his Carter Center foundation are recipients of millions of dollars of Arab money.

It should be no surprise, given the closeness of Radical Islamists with the “anti-Zionist ” left that now their officials are getting their talking points from Soros affiliated websites and the horde of armchair revolutionaries who parrot their every word. How much different was Iran’s call for G.O.P. persecution than calls from these sites that have been going on for years?

Read these entries and see if you can see a discernible difference between the post authors position and the position of a regime that murders gays and execute rape victims:



Common Dreams


Existentialist Cowboy (a hanger on to Kos coat tails)

The comments section of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s weblog. See how far the Dems have tracked to the left?

Iran, just as Islamists in general, are reaching out to the anti-American left in America to find allies. And it’s to our great shame that they can so easily find them.

h/t Gateway Pundit