Murder Attempt on Anti-Jihad Activists Unreported by Media


Stop the Islamization Of Europe held a rally for Islamofascism Awareness Week which ended up proving to the world that Islamic Imperialists and their Marxist allies have a violent agenda of extermination planned for all their political opponents. From SIOE’s website:

On Sunday the 21th October SIOE Denmark had announced a demonstration in Copenhagen. Read previous post. Before the demo Anders Gravers (SIOE and SIAD) and 2 other members were driving in a van with three seats in the front, following the security car, where an elderly woman, 74 years, (foto) and member of SIAD and another SIAD member were passengers.

Anders was driving and followed the security car down in a parking cellar to park so the cars would be in a secure place before the demo.
He drove very slowly down because apparently there was very little space in the hight for the van. The driveway is very steep and is divided by concrete pillars. Because of the delaying, the driver of the security car got out of his car to open the metalgate again because it was closing after 30 sek. so we could enter the cellar. He directed the van forwards close along the pillars and directly in front of a big concrete pillar supporting the cellar roof.

2-5 sek. after there was a loud bang and the frontwindow was damaged. About two autonomous looking types were in the front and two on each sites smashing the site windows shouting Get him out get him out! and started hitting Anders and the SIAD passenger in the other site with ironbars. The SIAD member in the middle (foto) was hit of a thrown filled soda bottle in her backhead.

Anders succeeded after a while to kick one of the autonomous hard in the face as he leaned in to unlock the door. Anders managed to get out with a fire extinguisher from the van and hit another one hard on the shoulder. It remained later that they attempted to stab him down when there was found cut holes in the shirt, jacket and vest. Anders was wearing his security vest which saved his life.

Suddenly they disappeared and Anders got around the van and saw a SIAD member (foto top) lying on the floor while he was beaten in the head of 4-5 persons with ironbars. Apparently they also tried to stab him down, but again he also wore his security vest which saved his life.

Suddenly someone screamed RUN RUN and they disappeared up the steep driveway. The elderly woman was lying on the floor completely still. She had been in the security car and got out immediately when the driver shouted OUT OUT. She didn’t’t know what to do and started running. She was hunted down by two persons and banged down with an ironbar. She lay completely still in the hope she wouldn’t get anymore. She felt they stood a moment watching her if she would move. Then they presumably ran to the other SIAD member on the floor and joined the attack on him.

English is the second language of many of the SIOE crew so I left the above unedited. This horrific attack was perpetrated in the name of Islam, but it unlikely that Muslims were the only criminals involved. I’ve blogged before about left wing direct action group “Anti-Fascist Action” which has been acting as government sanctioned shock troops to suppress counter jihad activism. They’ve even managed to get Wikipedia editors to white wash the organization in this entry which claims the group only attacks “fascists” ignoring their attempted abduction of a 19 year old girl for the gods knows what purpose.

Sweden’s AFA openly brags about beating several “homophobes” on their site, one so severely that he or she went to the hospital and have stalked a Swedish judge going so far as to vandalize his house. My guess is that AFA in Denmark, or a group very much like them, are involved.

Gates of Vienna has more on the loathsome AFA here and how the media covers for their crimes. Daily Pundit has a post which puts AFA in perspective here.

Here’s a clip of AFA among others fighting “fascists” in Berlin:


You’ll of course notice that all the “fascists” here are riot police simply trying to keep the peace. This next one’s worse:


Trust me if someone’s arrested for this horrendous attack, they’ll be AFA or affiliated with some similar group of anti-social White welfare staters. Not that you’ll hear about it anyway, the attempted mass murder of four political activists by a groups of assailants doesn’t rate MSM coverage these days.

h/t Jihad Watch

Update: Gateway Pundit is reporting that, as I predicted, the thugs were “anti-fascist” anarchists who have seemingly confessed on one of their websites. AFA related or just imitators, as the news of their brazen attack going unpunished, and in fact unmentioned in most of the MSM, expect ideologically affiliated groups in the U.S. to follow suit.

C.A.I.R.’s Anti-Black Racism on Display at GWU Protest

(Photo Courtesy Gateway Pundit)

Just as in the case of the Sandra Hall hit and run murder, where a 44 year old mother of two was dragged to death by an Arab Muslim whose supporters claimed the crime was self defense the C.A.I.R led protests of Islamofacism Awareness Week has brought to the fore the anti-Black sentiments of those unreformed Muslims who still cling to the Arab Imperialist version of Islam that assigns all non-aryan races to second class citizen status.

Arab Anti-Black racism is a problem even other Muslims have adressed, and so it rears its ugly head again.

From Gateway Pundit:

After the discussion got too heated, this CAIR supporter was kicked out of the building following the George Washington Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week talk by David Horowitz. The CAIR supporter threw out a few racist comments at the cop on his way out of the building.
The Video was taken by the Incorrect U. crew who filmed the event


This is what the CAIR supporter said to the black policeman on the way out of the building in case you missed it:

“Your a good boy. Your a good boy. Go sit in the Master’s house.”

Nice exchange, huh?

The video he mentions is from Incorrect University which has great coverage of all the madness of this week. Check them out.

Here’s the clip:

Update:I knew he looked familiar! The Muslim racist above was indeed radical Islam’s pet White Devil Umar Lee.

Here’s the klanner’s post about the incident, white washed for his fans of course. Pun intended.

Muslims Against Sharia Issue Statement in Support of Islamofascism Awareness Week

Muslims fighting against the Wahhabi death cult find themselves isolated from many of their brethren and demonized by leftists. Still they bravely stand against the rising tide of Islamism to defend their ideals and protect the hope of the world for an Islamic reformation that will see the Muslim peoples of the world take their rightful place in modernity.

One such group is Muslims Against Sharia who have issued a statement in support of the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s Islamofascism week:

Muslims Against Sharia congratulate David Horowitz FREEDOM CENTER and Mike Adams, Tammy Bruce, Phyllis Chesler, Ann Coulter, Nonie Darwish, Greg Davis, Stephen Gale, David Horowitz, Joe Kaufman, Michael Ledeen, Michael Medved, Alan Nathan, Cyrus Nowrasteh, Daphne Patai, Daniel Pipes, Dennis Prager, Luana Saghieh, Rick Santorum, Jonathan Schanzer, Christina Sommers, Robert Spencer, Brian Sussman, Ed Turzanski, Ibn Warraq and other speakers on the success of the Islamofascism Awareness Week.

Islamofascism (or Islamism) is the main threat facing modern civilization and ignorance about this threat is astounding. We hope that this event becomes regular and reaches every campus.

A great many Westerners do not see the clear distinction between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism). They need to understand that the difference between Islam and Islamism (Islamofascism) is the same as the difference between Christianity and Christian Identity Movement (White Supremacy Movement).

Predictably, leftists are offended that there are Muslims who break the first commandment of the Left: Thou Shalt Not Defend American Ideals. This commisar in training left the following pretentious comment on the M.A.S. site that shows how the left feels when some minority refuses to toe their Marxist line:

I hope that you realize that the people you are congratulating up there don’t care about that distinction either.

(Remember it was Ann Coulter who said of Muslims that “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity.”… and the other names on your list have said far worse.)

Rather these people-

1) Simply demagogue this issue as way of egomaniacal self-promotion for their pet cause… their own bruised egos.

2) Use this issue as a context for starting more preemptive military actions which they support because… well, who the knows at this point.

It’s been dirty American liberals like me have been trying to make clear the very distinctions you point out above for years now. The ones who truly see no distinctions? The right-wing demagogues who created this ‘awareness’ week.

This blog post I quoted in my piece points this out… that the same people you’re congratulating are the ones who saw/see no difference between Sunni and Shia, no difference between Hussein and bin Laden, and lump the entire Middle East into one amorphous ‘them’ to rail against.

If you are serious about this cause, I’d find some new (sane) allies and quickly.

Peace be with you.

Peace be with you if you buy a Che t-shirt and are willing to work as storm troopers for groups like A.N.S.W.E.R., the R.C.P. and any other White dominated Marxist group who imagine standing in the background as a glorious horde of “the oppressed” smashes the system and then meekly turns over the reigns of power to them and their college professors. I guess for the college Marxist crowd Muslims are the new Black.

And like my fellow Black Americans they get attacked when they don’t agree with the new plantation owners.

Muslims Against Sharia has a blog. Check them out. While you’re at it check out Brigitte Gabriel’s Act of America website. Maybe the two groups should work together?

The Death of the Grown Up: A Little Something for the Ladies


Diana West’s The Death of the Grown Up: How America’s Arrested Development is Bringing Down Western Civilization is pure genius, not just because it’s a devastating critique of devolving modern culture but because it basically promotes itself.

The news is replete with examples of childish behavior encouraged by societies that re-enforce stunted emotional growth. Like this one from the Spiegel in which a 77 year old man is suing a 19 year old girl he wined and dined because she wouldn’t have sex with him:

It’s no secret that Germany has a problem with ageism. Workers here who lose their jobs after the age of 50 are virtually assured of spending the rest of their lives on the dole. A recent plan to up the retirement age to 67 was lampooned because most Germans of that age are no longer employed anyway.

But aging German playboy Rolf Eden seems to have developed a somewhat warped view of what age discrimination actually is. According to Bild Zeitung on Thursday, the 77-year-old Eden has filed suit against a 19-year-old Berlin woman for the following reason: Despite a night on the town with Eden, which ended back at his place, she refused to have sex with him, saying the he was too old for her.

“That was shattering. No woman has ever said that to me before,” Eden told the tabloid. “I was crushed.” He has filed charges with the prosecutors’ office, he said. “After all, there are laws against discrimination.”

A woman not wanting to allow a man old enough to be her great grandfather to mount her and maybe die atop her is, in his mind, discrimination? Is he saying that it’s his right to have sex with 19 year old women?

But more importantly, why is Germany allowing this frivolous lawsuit which in essence is a man not suing “for sex” as the Spiegel titles it, but suing for the right to demand sex from women he’s kind to. In America there’s a word for this: Rape.

I’m 36 and if I wasn’t a happily married man my personal cut of for sex partners would be 25 or so. A ten year difference is about all a real relationship can maintain. I’ve worked with teens and can tell you people younger than 25 more often view me as the kindly uncle or perhaps a mentor/father figure.

Which is how it should be and at my age I’m happy to be that to someone. As an adult, I don’t stalk teens and young adults for sex, but hope that I can be a good influence and positive presence on the few I come into contact with.

Rolf Eden sees 19 year old girls as part of some sort of government mandated entitlement to dirty old men. Rolf took a girl to dinner who was probably either doing what she thought was a good deed, or looking for a grandfatherly figure in her life, but he was blinded by his own childish fantasy of being an eternal ladies man to see that this girl just wanted a little good conversation and to hear some stories of how he survived the Nazi regime.

He refuses to grow up and accept a non-sexual role in the lives of young women, and he’ll tie up the German court system to keep living out his fantasy. Or as a way to get attention. Either way, it’s extremely childish.

h/t Bookworm Room

The Real War on Children is Being Waged by Selfish Liberals

As I’ve said before the Frost family dust up was little more than a push by White liberals to defend the creation of a special welfare state just for them, a sweeping program of “entitlements” aimed at the unambitious, lazy horde of middle aged adolescents who refuse to grow up, take responsibility for themselves and live within their means.

The rabid defense of the frost family came from not just the Democrats who trotted them out in their child and pony show but by the perpetually outraged left wing bloggers who declared that anyone with the temerity to question why a couple with several children, three cars and two properties refuse to work full time to pay for any of those things to be black hearted scoundrels of the worst sort.

And in from the perspective of an Amanda Marcotte or Christy Hardin Smith we are black hearted scoundrels. Any one who dares tell the well off children of the comically selfish baby boom generation finds out more often than not that their basically the first person to have done so seriously.

The Marcottes and Smiths of the world were raised by granola crunching hippies who bent over backward to ensure that their precious bundles of self absorbed neer-do-welldom lived a sheltered life of half hearted hedonism, spoiled expectancy and above all unlimited boundaries.

These are the people who’ve begun living at home well into their thirties if their parents don’t pay for an apartment for them.

This is the generation of $30,000 a year undergraduate degrees and $6 lattes. And often enough their parents pay for both almost indefinitely.

It’s no wonder you have people like the Frosts who are demanding that America step in when their own parents step out. It’s no wonder that it never occurred to the to the Frosts to sell one of their three cars (they only need two, right?) or the commercial property they own. It’s no wonder it never occurred to Mr. Frost, a father whose wife was working part time, that maybe “intermittent” work doesn’t cut it. Maybe a Father bites the bullet and finds a full time job, even if he hates it.

Instead they want to live a teen-agers life. Working part time, buying cars and “following their dreams” while hoping that if their kid gets sick someone else will appear, wallets open, to take care of things. Mark Steyn summed up the attitude best in this editorial:

In France, President Sarkozy is proposing a very modest step – that those who retire before the age of 65 should not receive free health care – and the French are up in arms about it. He’s being angrily denounced by 53-year old retirees, a demographic hitherto unknown to functioning societies. You spend your first 25 years being educated, you work for two or three decades, and then you spend a third of a century living off a lavish pension with the state picking up every healthcare expense. No society can make that math add up. And so in a democratic system today’s electors vote to keep the government gravy coming and leave it to tomorrow for “the children” to worry about. That’s the real “war on children” – and every time you add a new entitlement to the budget you make it less and less likely they’ll win it.

A couple of weeks ago, the Democrats put up a 12-year old S-CHIP beneficiary from Baltimore called Graeme Frost to deliver their official response to the President’s Saturday-morning radio address. And immediately afterwards Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin and I jumped the sick kid in a dark alley and beat him to a pulp. Or so you’d have thought from the press coverage: The Washington Post called us “meanies”. Well, no doubt it’s true we hard-hearted conservatives can’t muster the civilized level of discourse of Pete Stark. But we were trying to make a point – not about the kid, but about the family, and their relevance as a poster child for expanded government healthcare. Mr and Mrs Frost say their income’s about $45,000 a year – she works “part-time” as a medical receptionist and he works “intermittently” as a self-employed woodworker. They have a 3,000 square foot home plus a second commercial property with a combined value of over $400,000, and three vehicles – a new Suburban, a Volvo SUV, and a Ford F250 pick-up.

How they make that arithmetic add up is between them and their accountant. But here’s the point: The Frosts are not emblematic of the health care needs of America so much as they are of the delusion of the broader western world. They expect to be able to work “part-time” and “intermittently” but own two properties and three premium vehicles and have the state pick up healthcare costs. Who do you stick the bill to? Four-car owners? Much of France already lives that way: a healthy wealthy well-educated populace works a mandatory maximum 35-hour week with six weeks of paid vacation and retirement at 55 and with the government funding all the core responsibilities of adult life.

And that’s the point isn’t it. The reason for the anger at conservative commentators over the Frost affair isn’t out of pity for the family, this is about the right standing in the way of the juvenile left’s short sighted fantasy of never having to grow up.

The Marcottes and Smiths of the world don’t want to have to make hard choices, they don’t want to be put in the position of giving up their personal wants to pay for their children, or even themselves. They want no responsibility for themselves at all, just the ability to use their paychecks for beer money and the chance to fall into the warm protective embrace of a vast bureaucracy when the going gets tough.

I know people just like them. I know a kid who just graduated from college and got a decent paying entry level position at NPR. She can’t afford to move out of her parents home on her “measly” 30-something grand a year, but she can afford to treat herself to the occasional $500 hand bag. Her parents still pay for her car. And insurance.

Something tells me she’s on the Frost’s side.

There’s a cost to this selfishness, there are consequences to handing out money to people who don’t need it. Poor people will receive less services. There will be less government support for those who truly deserve it when we start paying for the Frost’s third car and daily Frappacino.

I believe in a welfare system for the poor, especially children and single parent households. I might have even supported expansion of SCHIP if the Dems had brought out a widow and some orphans. But I’ll never support a couple of selfish Liberals who won’t work and are demanding that the money that should go to the most needy Americans go to finance their lavish lifestyle. And neither should you.