Happy Halloween America!

halloween-babe-sexy-witch.jpg (Photo courtesy Hegre-art.com)

I was going to jump on a high horse and decry the sad state of Halloween, a uniquely American holiday that is increasingly under attack joyless communists who think passing out candy to children (followed by some harmless debauchery) is in some way oppressing the proletariat. They’re worse than the ironically uncharitable evangelicals for whom Halloween has been Jack Chickified into some sort of blood soaked orgy of the New World Order.

But why spoil my Halloween? I’m going to be enjoying myself and you should too! Take the day off, pass out some candy then go out for some good old fashioned Samhain fun.

If you’re not lucky enough to be celebrating your Halloween Hellfireblogs style, and are stuck by the computer, here’s some good old fashioned Halloween fun that’s a keystroke away.

Why not shock your friends with some naughty Halloween E-cards?

Horrorfest starts up Nov. 9th in selected theaters. Buy your tickets and don’t forget to check out the new crop of Miss Horrorfest contestants.

Ghost Town has music appropriate to the season. One of the greatest niche blogs on the web.

Sexy Witch has a NSFW section guaranteed to make your hair, among other things stand on end.

No Halloween is complete without a little Calabrese, check out their YouTube page.

Also good music for your All Hallows soirée: The Young Werewolves, Ghoultown, 69 Eyes and of course The Damned.

Victorian Halloween and Dragonfly Design Studios are essential stops for the adult reveler planning a party. Tell ’em I sent you!

Happy Halloween America, go out and enjoy yourselves!

The Sinister Piffle of The Center for Vigilant Freedom

I borrow the phrase from the legendary Christopher Hitchens fisking of Maureen Dowd’s insistence on the moral authority of people like Cindy Sheehan when it comes to criticizing the war, attacking America or even slandering individuals. Or recycling White Supremacist propaganda as she has been known to do:

Am I emotional? Yes, my first born was murdered. Am I angry? Yes, he was killed for lies and for a PNAC Neo-Con agenda to benefit Israel. My son joined the army to protect America, not Israel. Am I stupid? No, I know full well that my son, my family, this nation and this world were betrayed by George Bush who was influenced by the neo-con PNAC agendas after 9/11.

Statements like these, coming from a degenerate thief and liar, are indeed piffle as Hitchens would so brilliantly describe, and when otherwise rational people provide cover for them or openly declare support, the statements become sinister not just in tone but in potential consequences.

Now read this statement promoted by the C.V.F., written by one of their members and articulating the group’s opposition to proposals that America allow Iraqi refugees who are endangered by their association with the coalition forces to resettle in America:

Last week I posted on a report from the Brookings Institution entitled, Iraqi Refugees in the Syrian Arab Republic, in an effort to answer the question, who are the Iraqis who have fled to Syria? Since the United States has already begun resettling this fiscal year’s goal of 12, 000, it’s important for us to know who is coming to America. See also Judy’s post about Christian Iraqi refugees in Jordan.

More from Brookings, who are they?

* ”… many [are] urban, moderate or secular Sunnis who do not want to live under the sway of Salafi insurgent groups.” Salafis are the hard-line fundamentalist Muslims.

* “Many of the Kurds seem to be crossing into Syria in the hope of obtaining third-country resettlement….” Apparently in May, Kurdish men were crossing into Syria to register as asylees but then freely returned home making them not true refugees.

* Shia Iraqis are entering Syria looking for better economic conditions, to escape hardline Islam and to obtain resettlement in third countries.

* Many Christian Iraqis went to Syria in the 1990’s to escape the Saddam Hussein regime. Others had worked for that regime and left after the regime was toppled. Many Christians who stayed in Iraq worked for foreign organizations or the multinational forces and have now left Iraq. The report mentions several times that Christians who sold alcohol were especially driven from Iraq by hard-line Islamic groups.

There are additional reports of radical Sunni insurgents asking Christians to pay the jizya to the Mosque or leave the country. The report describes the jizya as “a head-tax that non-Muslims historically paid in Muslim states.”

Brookings says the Iraqi Christians expect they cannot go back to Iraq but “that leaving Iraq will lead to the disappearance of their communities and their distinct identities.”

* Then there were 30,000 Palestinians in Iraq, ”favored under Saddam”. Many have gone to Syria and some are in refugee camps along the border between Iraq and Jordan. Somehow Hamas is involved in the “deadlock around the Palestinian refugees blocked between Iraq and Jordan.” Incidentally recent reports are that some of these Palestinians are being resettled by Brazil.

* Finally the report discusses the Sunni and Shia radical groups that have left Iraq and entered Syria. The first group right after the invasion were members of the Saddam Hussein regime and then in the last couple of years the radicals are likely a result of stepped up military action by the multi-national forces (the Surge?).

According to Brookings some of these are coming as refugees, others come “for rest-and-recuperation, or even to check up on whether other members of the group are living cleanly, in keeping with strict Islamic instructions.”

At the end of this Brookings report, there are some statistics gathered from interviews of 192 Iraqis in Syria. Although the sample must be too small to be accurate it is nonetheless worth mentioning.

44% of the Iraqis living in Syria are Sunni

22% Shia

13% Christian

73% are men

69% are aged 18-50

41% left Iraq in 2006

1% say they left due to an affiliation with the international presence

2% operated liquor stores

23% left due to sectarian violence

I kind of got a chuckle out of the statistics above. The primary reason given by the mainstream media for the persecuted refugees who must come to America immediately is because of their involvement with the US government (as translators and such), yet only 1% gave that as a reason for fleeing Iraq.

I may have been overly kind when I said it articulated their position, but it does seemingly state it. They are against allowing our allies, men and women who fought alongside our troops, safe haven when the the Democrats finally force a withdrawal and the blood bath begins.

Understand before we go in further that the official policy of the Center of Vigilant Freedom, as articulated here, is that we allow Islamists to behead the translators, policemen and other Iraqis who joined the coalition, allow their families to be murdered and raped or perhaps sold into slavery then I suppose sit back and wag our fingers at the anti-war left while saying “We told you this would happen.”

This is to them more acceptable than letting the Iraqis become Americans, I suppose because the above “evidence” indicates that most Iraqis fleeing to Syria were not coalition members.

It’s piffle to the nth degree of course. Syria is a Baathist country to which Baathists, and later those who were at least nominally allied with Baathists, fled. Syria is a de facto enemy of America, a client state of Iran run by an Islamized National Socialist regime. The difference between who would seek shelter there as opposed to who would seek shelter here in America is vast and easily understandable by all except those with the most sinister motives.

I assume the argument that “DKShideler” is trying to make is that we should abandon these brave men and women to a barbaric and blood thirsty enemy because they might be terrorists. While I’d say it’s unlikely that someone who worked with us against terrorists in Iraq, then fled the country to America is himself a terrorist, I recognize that possibility. But every Muslim and Leftist and Peace Activist and Ron Paul supporter is a potential terrorist in reality. Will we be throwing them out the country as well?

The fact is that America has a chance, and a responsibility, to save thousands of lives if the left gets their way and cedes Iraq (and eventually the entire middle east and all of Africa) to a re-emerging Caliphate. If Iraq falls, due to the betrayal of freedom and democracy by the new left, we can still be a shining light of civilization in the world, taking in our allies who fought for a free Iraq and rewarding them with the chance to become what many of them already are in their hearts: American.

It would be more politically expedient for us on the right to allow the massacre and use the images of our friends’ rapes and murders as leverage to get our seats back in the house and senate. It’d be sinister indeed if that’s the author’s intention, but I would be willing to bet that the author is motivated by fear and bigotry. That he’s not heard of the Umar Lees and Andrew Stones of the world and clings to the belief that if we only stopped letting middle easterners come here there would be no way for terror to strike. In other words it’s piffle.

And the end of my involvement with the C.V.F.

“Sun King” Chavez has Catholics Worried in Venezuela

From CNA

Caracas, Oct 26, 2007 / 10:41 am (CNA).- The vice president of the Bishops’ Conference of Venezuela, Archbishop Roberto Luckert, has called on the leader of the National Assembly, Cilia Flores, to clarify what the definition of the State and the government is according to Chavez’s proposed constitutional reform. If the two concepts are confused, the archbishop said, “then we are dealing with a Caribbean version of the French sun king (Louis XIV), in which the State was the king. Likewise, in this reform it would seem the State is Hugo Chavez.”

Archbishop Luckert said the Chavez reforms would make Venezuela a Socialist state, in contrast to the federal and democratic state established by the previous constitution. He warned that the model for this new state is Cuba, but he said Venezuelans would not allow themselves “to be trampled like Cuba was, because they came out of the Batista dictatorship only to fall into Fidel’s. We still have a little bit of freedom to discern, to choose a different Venezuela because we do want a different one, but one that is under democracy and not repression,” he said.

The archbishop said Venezuelans should learn from the example of Cuba, which he called “a failed island” which young people seek to escape from, “because they are not happy with that system and the repressive oppression of that nation.”

The Catholics in Venezuela have been increasingly targeted by Chavez’s regime with one archbishop warning that Chavez’s regime will cause a civil war in future as the people becoming increasingly oppressed:

Konigstein, Sep 4, 2007 / 10:49 am (CNA).- The Venezuelan government is increasingly interfering with Catholic education, leading to divisions across the country and possibly paving the road for a civil war.

A Catholic priest and headmaster of a Catholic school in Venezuela has expressed his fear that the government will confiscate Church schools and health facilities as part of its nationalization program of the education and health systems.

He also cited that his activity in the school is increasingly threatened. The state has increasingly been exerting influence on the subject matter of the teaching, he alleged, adding that the schools were now compelled to use state-approved teaching materials and indoctrination was constantly on the increase.

Just as prolific, are deliberate campaigns to denigrate the Catholic Church in the public mind. The government has continued to vilify and attack the Church in the person of her representatives, the bishops and priests, the priest told the international Catholic pastoral charity, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). The state was adopting an “increasingly aggressive tone,” he said, and there was a “dramatically deepening gulf between the Church and the government.”

According to him, the divisions in Venezuelan society between opponents and supporters of the policies of President Hugo Chavez have never been as profound as they are today. A division in society is never good, he said, but if such a situation were to grow worse, and people were to become too impatient, it could even degenerate into a civil war, he explained. But even without such an extreme outcome, he still believes that difficult times are coming to Venezuela and to the Catholic Church in this country.

The Church has been targeted because of their official position of opposing totalitarianism and Marxism. A brave position to take, but as Chavez’s neo-Communist economic policies take their inevitable toll the government will be looking for enemies to distract people from how quickly the tin pot dictator is running their country into the ground.

The Catholics don’t need more enemies, the Church in Iraq is under siege, Catholics and other Christians continue to be terrorized by Muslims in Gaza and Christians in Egypt have said their religious freedom is being withheld from them.

Some good news for my Catholic friends though, three Irish Anglican Churches have petitioned to join the Holy See. Seems they are fed up with the liberal politics passed off as theology in much of European protestantism.

If only they’d become Americans, we could really get excited.

There’s a Knife Attack Every 24 Minutes in “Progressive” England

The Daily Mail reports on the high cost of living in a society where self defense is considered barbaric and actively discouraged and crime a symptom of societal or political inequality. The English have allowed a decade of neo-Socialism to make them little more than unguarded children relying on the non-existent benevolence of the state to protect them from those who prey upon the defenseless.

In this climate the draconian gun laws in England are largely irrelevant as gangs of criminals with no regard for the law or human life will use whatever available, knives, sticks and in one recent murder stones, to attack a weak and compliant public with little fear of punishment and no fear of retaliation.

From the Mail:

Labour’s record on knife crime was again under scrutiny yesterday after it was revealed that an offense involving a knife is committed every 24 minutes.

Figures from 37 police forces, published by the Mail on Sunday, showed there were 5,500 serious crimes involving knives in just three months this year.

The statistic equates to one every 24 minutes, around the clock, and includes 55 knife-related murders, more than 2,000 stabbings and almost 2,500 muggings at knife point.

The Tories immediately criticized the Government for ignoring the true extent of the knife problem on Britain’s streets and claimed its denial of the seriousness of the issue was adding to the problem.

Critics also pointed the finger at Labour for failing to enact tougher measures against perpetrators of knife crime, and insisted they needed to take the issue far more seriously.

Shadow home secretary David Davis claimed the figures showed the Government was in denial.

He said: “These shocking figures betray the desperate state of violent crime under this Government.”

There’s a handy and colorful crime map for those of you contemplating a visit to those bloody, shadowed shores. As you’d expect the English have found a man with Absolute Moral Authority to put forward a very typically English “solution” to this plague of violent miscreants:

After we lost our son, we were helped by Tom’s law firm Linklaters to set up a trust in his name and have raised more than £1 million to date.

The aim is to help disadvantaged children and young people by providing them with educational and vocational training opportunities they might never otherwise receive.

We also wanted to tackle and prevent the root causes of violent gang culture and street crime.

One of the charities we support is the WAVE Trust (Worldwide Alternatives to ViolencE).

WAVE is dedicated to advancing awareness of the root causes of violence; as without understanding why people act, how can we ever hope to reduce violent crime?

In 2005, it produced a report called Violence And What To Do About It.

According to its findings, “A violent act results from an interaction between two components: an individual’s propensity to violence (personal factors) and external triggers (social factors).

“In the absence of a weapon, a trigger is harmless.”

The research revealed that “the propensity to violence develops primarily from wrong treatment before the age of three”.

Of course. If only the state could step in and raise everyones children for them, as well as enacting some tough knife control laws (after all, there’s no reason the average person should need a set of knives in their kitchen. They can cut their steaks with plastic ware) then violent gangs will no longer find preying on people who aren’t capable of defending themselves or their family appealing. It’s so simple.

People who think a ban on weapons can stop crime have never seen a street fight, where broken bottles, sticks and any object at hand becomes a weapon. They also underestimate the human capacity for both evil and sadism. It doesn’t occur to people like the grieving father above, who is deserving of all our sympathy, that violence exists sans tools.

They live in a fantasy world where banning knives would stop people from being stabbed, seemingly unaware of the millions of homemade knives made of toothbrushes and disposable razors that are made in prisons world wide.

They live in a safe, secure world where heavy blunt objects and sharp pointy things can be safely stowed in government run danger houses while the rest of the world is covered in pillows and glitter that magically transform rapists and murders into soft cuddly teddy bears.

In short they’re sheltered. The English government aided by a Marxist dominated media are happy to keep them in the dark, to tell them that their children are dying because of social inequity not because there are violent gangs comprised of people who like being violent and who will commit crimes as long as they think they won’t be punished severely. And many people like being sheltered, they like thinking that if they embrace non-violence that violence will never touch them.

It’s another fantasy indulged in by people who call themselves “peace activists” but in the real world are known by their true name: Victims.

Steyn talks about fantasy based interpretations of reality in this magnificent piece. Read it and see how it applies to our friends in the United Kingdom.

Lionheart has a a streets eye view of the political ramifications of England’s criminal appeasing policies, as well as this important post as to the fate of all peoples who refuse to defend their families and communities.

When it comes down to life and death, you have two options. The first is to be a victim the second is to be self-reliant:


I agree with this young woman, and any rational person would as well.


Bush on Cuba

President Bush dared to speak of the evils of Communism at a speech where the families of Cuban political prisoners were present. The che worshiping left, infiltrated by pro-Cuban Communists like Medea Benjamin, often minimizes the torment the Cuban people have received for decades at the hands of a Stalinist dictator. With Castro near death, if not dead already, a new hope shines for the Cuban people. Let’s hope the American left doesn’t betray them the way they have betrayed the rest of the world to Marxist madmen
[wmv width=”320 240″ height=”320 240″]http://mfile.akamai.com/5913/wmv/whitehouse.download.akamai.com/5913/2007/10/20071024-6.v.asx[/wmv]