Defending Barbarism: Female Academics Defend Genital Mutilation!

Not that they’d be willing to go through the barbaric process themselves. It is however considered a “brave” stance among the intelligista to defend other cultural practices against American and European “cultural imperialism” even when those practices are oppressive patriarchal violence against women. From the National Post:

It was a surprise to Janice Boddy when she realized that the altering of female genitals through surgery, professional or amateur, looms large whenever the Sudan is mentioned. In 1976, when she went there for the first time, she was interested in studying religious beliefs of rural Muslim women. But her fellow graduate students in Canada made it clear that when they thought of the Sudan they thought first of female circumcision.

Moreover, the women in the village she chose for her anthropological research insisted that she should learn about this practice and see it performed if she hoped to understand them. She followed this advice and eventually concluded that circumcision validates the village women’s lives, safeguards their fertility and establishes “the meaningful parameters of their selfhood.”

Now chair of the anthropology department at the University of Toronto, she boldly addresses this question with her new book, Civilizing Women: British Crusades in Colonial Sudan (Princeton University Press). The fact that she then falls on her face, academically speaking, does not necessarily diminish her bravery.

Her readers discover, almost at the beginning, that she has a limited idea of academic detachment and fairness. A chronology of events at the front of her book twice uses the politics-laden term “propaganda” to describe Britain’s efforts in the 1940s to publicize the harm done by genital cutting. But then she quickly buckles down to her own propaganda project, a storm of disapproval directed at those who argue against the ritual cutting of female genitals.

In her first four pages she says this worldwide campaign has been sustained by imperialistic logic and spurious empathy. Much of its literature, she claims, is “moralizing and polemical” as well as self-righteous. Its supporters, including the 1995 World Conference of Women in Beijing, have “leaped to condemn what they’ve only presumed to understand.” The word for Boddy’s approach is “tendentious”– obviously, it’s calculated to promote a particular view.

She sets the terminology firmly in place, so that she can argue in her own terms. She thinks “female genital cutting” (FGC) properly describes the issue. Apparently she considers that a relatively neutral term. But “female genital mutilation” (FGM) is improperly censorious — an “invidious” label, according to one scholar Boddy approvingly quotes.

As Boddy sees it, those who take a passionately anti-FGM position have no understanding of the context. She doesn’t much like the argument that FGM can be fatal, particularly when executed by people without medical training, though she won’t quite say it’s false. Nevertheless, that warning is “inflicted on ignorant and powerless women by sadistic men.”

The type of cutting widely favoured in the Sudan, “pharaonic circumcision,” or “pharaonic purification,” involves, she says, “paring [a curiously chosen word, normally used for wood carving or the preparation of fruit] a girl’s external genitals and stitching together remaining skin so as to cover the wound, all but obscuring the urethra and vaginal opening.”

She is by no means unique. I’ve run into academics in my sojourn through the University life who defend everything from Aztec child sacrifice to pedophilia based on the notion that to condemn those things is “Imperialism.” It led me to believe that either college professors were completely amoral and unable to generate an ounce of compassion for their fellow human beings or this was a pretension based largely on mot knowing what Imperialism means. In the above authors case I suspect both.

You can pick up the book cheap on Amazon.

h/t Vorzheva, who was on this story way before me.

Not on this story, Pandagon the webs premier feminist blog.

All Americans Should be Proud of Tila Tequila!


I got a comment once where a person was nice enough to inform me that I had risque ads showing up featuring my favorite capitalist, Tila Tequila. It read:

FYI, your Internet ad is advertising a Maxim poster of Tila Tequila in scantily clad and suggestively postured. And a button of her which description, to give you an idea, says “huge boobs”.

It should be noted that thus far this is the only complaint I’ve received, but it isn’t the first time I had to explain to someone why I think Tila Tequila is a great example of what’s right with America in a time every politician, pundit and shut-in with an Internet connection is talking about what’s wrong with America.

Tila Tequila proves that America is still the land of opportunity, that America is still a country that rewards risk takers. You can be who you want without government interference and if you work hard and are smart you can make a living being that person. That’s what Tila did, isn’t it? She took an appearance on Surviving Nugent and a popular MySpace page and parlayed it into fame and fortune.

That’s America, a place where you can literally live your dreams. There is no English Tila Tequila, there is no Canadian Tila Tequila, there’s certainly no Russian, or Venezuelan or North Korean Tila Tequila, because Tila’s success is a product of American culture, political life and our free market system. She’s a product of freedom, and that’s something that, sadly, even our friends in Canada and England have less of than us.

Despite what some will say, Tila is also wholesome, for lack of a better word, but even my wife finds her adorable, not slutty. She may be in an issue of Penthouse or she may do some very provocative photo shoots (NSFW) but Tila still maintains an image of a fun loving, hard living woman who respects herself and is facing the world on her terms. That’s American.

Sure she got suckered in by Sicko and started yammering about free health care and and how great Cuba is. That just means she hasn’t read my Sicko Fun Fact posts showing that a socialized health care system leads to worse treatment for a nation’s most vulnerable populations, not better. Or maybe she needs to read about The Real Cuba and how the women there are treated by the Communist government. Or maybe she’s an old fashioned lefty. But so what? That’s her right as an American.

The fact is, Tila Tequila is the Gene Simmons of the Internet, a genius marketer who created not just an act but a brand. She makes a living just being Tila, and on this blog no ad has a higher click through rate than one with her name attached. She’s not just a celebrity, she’s an industry, and she makes sites like this one and dozens of others possible.

So I proudly display Tila merchandise, and for Labor Day, leave you with a selection of Tila Tequila web fluff sure to bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

Here’s Tila’s most recent single. I respect her for going around the corporate machine and doing her own thing (even though I’m more of a Sabbath fan):


Click here for a patriotic (and topless) video salute to America!

Click here for more dancing Tila madness!

This one’s for Theo Spark:


This one’s for me:


So in the future, don’t assume that because I’m a “conservative” that I’m stodgy, uptight and don’t want sex on my page. I’m for freedom, pure unadulterated freedom for all people everywhere to lead their lives as they see fit, and I’m blessed to have been born in the one country on earth where most people feel the same way. May the gods bless America and Americans like Tila Tequila.

Jihadi Website Post Terror Threat Against NYC!

The website of Al-Qaeda propagandist Inshallahshaheed has posted a threat regarding the “upcoming invasion of Manhattan” which is scheduled for this coming 9/11. Most of his post is in Arabic, with a link to a bizarre sound file featuring gunfire and what I think is Arabic speakers giving some sort of instructions.

The website, called Ignored Puzzle Pieces of knowledge has posted footage from the Iraqi insurgency as well as from Jihadists in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Chechnya. This is to my knowledge the first threat posted prior to some sort of operation.

The author has just recruited a young woman named Faizia who may be a accomplice in a New York operation if there is one. Her MySpace page was set to private shortly after she had inquired about helping with the Jihad on this post, but I think she listed the New York area as her residence, I’m not 100% sure however.

Given the recent panicky statements by the Northeast Intelligence Network this sort of posting obviously gets me suspicious. Any readers who can translate Arabic drop me a line.

DailyKos Commits Treason! (Sort of)

At least it would be treason if the story was true. DailyKos diarist Maccabee apparently has some sort of imaginary girlfriend serving on an aircraft carrier who wants the brave patriots at Kos to tell the world the exact details of an upcoming attack on Iran.

As Macranger points out, there’s a word for this besides dissent:

I passed this post on to the ONI AG – Office of Naval Intelligence AG to have a look-see and see if they can find this young lady – if she exists and have a chat. An active duty officer on a ship preparing for operations giving out the op plans to said operation is called – treason.

Again, considering the source (Kos), buyer beware, but if true the poster who goes by the name “Maccabee” – will be having some visitors.

That would of course be if the report wasn’t some lefty wet dream, which is the general consensus on the subject. If it were true though, wouldn’t Maccabee be endangering her fellow soldiers by releasing details of the attack plan?

Is that how you support the troops?

h/t Hot Air

Another Filthy Jihadist Pervert Claims Child Rape is Acceptable

The second YouTube video in as many months where a fairly young guy argues for marrying children based on Islamic values. His argument is straight from the undergraduate liberal arts textbook. He’s preaching moral relativism, the flip side of social science doctrine to view cultures without your inherent ethnocentrism. His argument is that since our (westerners) ethics aren’t universally accepted, it isn’t “ethical” to judge other cultures using our moral compass, but we should use the morals and ethics of the society we’re judging to judge them.

A comfortable enough argument for many people who are the product of western higher education, until you apply that standard to, let’s say, the murderous Nazi infested Germany of WW II or the blood soaked Aztec empire. In both those societies the brutal and barbaric murders of sacrificial victims (political for the Nazis, religious for the Aztec) were quite common place and accepted. Should we not judge them? Is the Holocaust acceptable because it conformed to the ethics of Germans at that time? Skinning unwilling people alive who were captured from other villages? Human experimentation? Child Sacrifice?

This is how Wahhabism lures young Muslims into it’s fold, by offering “perks” to its followers like sex slaves, murdering infidels and for those with the “short eyes” child brides.

Watch to be disgusted, it’s in two parts so settle in. Vid one starts slow, but the last three minutes will make any feminist worth their salt go ballistic. It’s also the verbatim argument made by Jihadi Pervert one who was from California. Odd that the someone from Canada would be repeating the same tripe. It’s almost as if their being self radicalized by hanging around a jihadi propaganda outlet:



I wonder if this guy’s willing to extend the same non-judgmental courtesy to our western traditions, though he’s pretty clearly applying his ethics to Canada in the first video. It’s like he’s just using some tired old college lefty’s lazy Thursday lecture to fool college kids into thinking being against the sexualization, objectification, and exploitation of little girls is Islamophobia.

h/t MosqueWatch

Pandagon who mysteriously treats my comments as spam, has more important things to worry about than child exploitation. Like equating h2b visas to American slavery. Don’t worry, it’s o.k. that said that, their White liberals