Brown Berets Behind Columbia University Minutemen Riot?

Marxist paramilitary group The Brown Berets hosted a meeting where one off the organizers of the Columbia University riot was a “keynote speaker.” La Voz de Aztlan, who I’ve blogged about here and here provides fallacious propaganda for this momentous meeting:

Los Angeles, Alta California – August 23, 2007 – (ACN) Karina Garcia, President of the Chicano Caucus at Columbia University, who single-handedly knocked out the founder of the Minutemen vigilantes Jim Gilchrist at a widely televised debate, was the keynote speaker at the Brown Berets de Watsonville “Youth and Power Conference” on August 14, 2007. Karina is a courageous and articulate leader of the Immigration Rights Movement who is greatly respected by her peers. She represents the greatly admired qualities of women in Mexican history like “La Adelita, “La Valentina” and “Sor Juana Ines de La Cruz” combined. Karina is today being compared to a modern day Emma Tenayuca also known as “La Pasionaria de Texas”.

A “Youth and Power Conference” is held yearly by the Brown Berets de Watsonville. This year’s 7th conference theme was “Immigration Behind Enemy Lines” and focused on the increasing terrorism, discrimination, and splitting up of families by the Federal Government’s Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) that is targeting communities where Mexican-Americans, Mexican Nationals, Chicanos, and Latinos live. The conference took place prior to the callous arrest and deportation of Elvira Arellano by ICE outside “La Iglesia de Nuestra Señora Reina de Los Angeles” at “La Placita” . The 32 year old undocumented mother had to leave her 8 year old US citizen son behind.

Karina Garcia also led an effort that successfully deported Jim Gilchrist and his vigilantes from Columbia University located in New York City. Gilchrist was scheduled to speak at the university’s Roone Arledge Auditorium on October 4, 2006 but as he took the stage and uttered his first sentence on “the Mexicans at the border” most of the 350 students in the auditorium rose up and objected to Gilchrist’s hateful invective. Some of the students stormed the stage and Gilchrist had to be escorted off the stage by security personnel. Unfortunately one of the vigilantes on the stage managed to brutally kick a student on the head before he ran. The savage act was caught on video tape by the Univision Television Network but the police did not arrest the vicious assailant.

The Columbia riot is old news, and the Brown Berets are still milking it? And why is Karina Garcia, an “immigrant rights activist” interested in peace and justice, attending an event held by a group that claims to have shot down a police helicopter and who has Immortal Technique perform for them? Why did she react so violently in Columbia anyway?

Could it be that Karina’s immigrant rights group is a Brown Beret front group? A friendly face on a nationalist movement which allows her to receive support form liberals who would otherwise be put off by the Berets exclusionary racist platform?

As the Truthers are wont to say, I’m just asking questions!

Illiterate Jihadi Thinks Red Alerts is “Cowardly”

Angry that I included his favorite Islamist propaganda site in a post about suspicious activity on the ‘net “Mujahid” published a tedious screed full of childish taunts and grammatical errors aimed at hurting my feeling as if I was the boy who just dumped him before prom. This is actually not the first such post by some angry terror supporter, and the “Rob Taylor sucks!” post has found a home on such illustrious blogs as Pandagon and The Civic platform. Why even Hot Air has taken me to task over posts of mine that were a tad too over the top.

When the criticism of me is worthy of a response I’m glad to throw down, when it’s just nonsense I usually ignore it but this post is in a class all it’s own. I reprint it here in it’s entirety and dare the author to sue me for royalties:

Well this is going to be an unusual post in an untraditional way. This is not my topic and this is not the purpose of this blog, but i thought why not have some fun for once and talk about the scared chickens of cyber world????

Its really funny that there are so many scared chicken around this cyber world and interesting fact is most of them are Americans.

I don’t know if there is more coward nation in the world then the Americans

One of the most coward chickens in the cyber world I know is Rob Taylor of Red Alert

Here let me share some really funny things about his assumptions perceptions and analysis which some times make me laugh badly.

One of the Most Stupid Analysis I ever saw on his website is this one.
Jihadi Website Post Terror Threat Against NYC!

This is about a recent post on the blog of InshallahShaheed .

let me quote some of the text which he assumed.

The website of Al-Qaeda propagandist Inshallahshaheed has posted a threat regarding the “upcoming invasion of Manhattan” which is scheduled for this coming 9/11. Most of his post is in Arabic, with a link to a bizarre sound file featuring gunfire and what I think is Arabic speakers giving some sort of instructions.

The website, called Ignored Puzzle Pieces of knowledge has posted footage from the Iraqi insurgency as well as from Jihadists in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Chechnya. This is to my knowledge the first threat posted prior to some sort of operation.

Wow, That was huge, I didn’t know how come some one can be that much of a stupid.

I mean there is a person saying something in very simple words easily understandable by everyone and there is nothing complex in his words nothing confusing, and a psycho case mentally ill coward chicken heard him and assumed something totally different from it just because of his fear.

Thats what happened here.

The post was about the New Video production by Al-Qaeda Media Network going to be released on this 9/11 in the memory of the Blessed Attacks of Manhattan.

It was clear the post was clear the words was clear and it was clearly saying that in the memory of the blessed attacks of manhattan a new production is going to be released on coming 9/11

and this coward chicken thought its gonna be another attack???

I mean how much more coward these things can become???

Back in home these people are scared and fearing from these small numbered low resourced terrorists while having the most advance technologies in the world on the other hand their so-called brave soldiers are crying for their safety in the battlefield just like these ones.

(Inserted crappy YouTube propaganda video)

But the story of the stupidity of this coward chicken Rob Taylor don’t end here.

he made another stupidity right here.
Inshallahshaheed Gone to Ground!

Well this is another funny one.

Inshallahshaheed closed his blog for some reasons and this coward chicken assumed that the authorities have closed this site.

But that doesn’t give him any courage or something but increased his cowardness and he become more scared.

Let me quote some of his funny text here.

This isn’t a victory however as the author and those he recruited through his site, like would be Jihadist Faizia are now likely in the process of covering their tracks. The shutting down of their site may be a precursor for direct action. I believe Faizia is a 20 year old White or White looking Muslim convert who may be in the NYC area. She may work with computers and has stated on the website her desire participate in the Jihad.

Other frequenters of Inshallahshaheed’s site can sometimes be found o sites like Caravan of Martyrs. Some of Ignored pieces of the Puzzle’s fellow Jihadist site are also displaying suspicious behavior that are causes for concern:

Shaheen of The Jihad Fields are Calling! has posted a Jihadist suicide note on his site.

Caravan of Martyrs has this odd post up plugging a transcription of a mysterious text that need not be named, if you’re an Islamist I guess.

Ahmed Ismail is signing off to “move to another country.”

With less then a week until the anniversary of 9/11, and a major storm that might be headed our way, this is the perfect time for Islamists to strike. I just hope the authorities have this situation in hand.

While reading this text it came to my mind that thinking about the real Mujahideen in the Jihad fields is some thing very far, this guy Rob taylor May wet his pants while thinking of these Jihad supporting Bloggers.

Can you feel his cowardness???

Ahmed Ismael Signing Off, going to another country oh I am afraid he is suspicious he must be planning for an attack thats why he is moving to another country

caravan of martyres posted an odd post with mysterious transcription, oh its also at the same time while Ahmed Ismael signed off, oh am very much afraid that must be some planning going on,

Shaheen posted on Jihad Fields are calling the will of a Mujahid


Inshallahshaheed posted about coming 9/11

very suspicious

suspicious suspicious suspicious

every single blogger who even say a single world against America is suspicious in his eyes.

Well Rob Taylor I sincerely advice you to consult a psychetrist or you end up in a mental hospital.

When this war started I never even imagined that the Americans will come out to be that much of chickens even Russians were Ten time more brave then these cowards

Taking down America will really be a fun!

So I’m a coward for being caring about degenerates killing innocent Americans? Or is he saying I’m worried about nothing? I don’t know, but aside from the glaring grammatical errors riddled through this ill-conceived abortion of a hit piece, the main problem with the post is that it suggests “Mujahid” doesn’t actually know what cowardice means. A coward is a person who displays an unseemly amount of fear in a dangerous situation, you know like the Jihadi who shut down his website and ran off when his threatening posts made the news.

Pointing out behavior I think is suspicious may not be the height of bravery, but I’m not sure it counts as cowardice. I guess he’s saying that not stoically sitting back and allowing him to perforate my fellow Americans with ball bearings launched from a suicide vest makes me a coward. I guess we’ll agree to disagree.

It’s interesting to note that Mujahid is not the author of the post I pointed out, he’s speaking for Shaheen, almost as if the death craving Jihadi is too busy doing something to defend his “honor.”

Since Mujahid moderates comments, I’ll put forward this tidbit for him and his Islamist brothers to mull over. There is little sting in being called a coward by people who plot and plan secretly to kill innocents, and especially when they do so on webpages whose bright and pretty colors would be more at home on a ‘tweens MySpace page.

It is the Jihadist, fearful of modernity, insecure in his masculinity and terrified of the supposedly corrupt world, that is the coward. It is those in the Ummah who don’t speak out against the depravity, barbarism and evil of Osama bin Ladin and the Islamic Imperialists who are the cowards. It is the man who sits on his computer cheering others to fight the Jihad that is the coward.

If the Jihad fields are truly calling, how does Mujahid or those like him have the time or inclination to post insults about me, unless he is hiding from the “glory” of Jihad out of craven cowardice?

Sicko Fun Fact: Canada Doesn’t Care About Prostates

From CBC News:

A shortage of urologists has become so pronounced that patients’ lives are at risk, managers of a St. John’s-based health authority have been warned.

In a powerfully worded letter to the Eastern Health regional authority, urologist Dr. Douglas Drover said an “excessive volume of work” in the specialty has meant waiting times of almost a year for patients seeking treatment.

Drover, who was attending a medical conference last week, was not available for an interview with CBC News.

However, his letter lays out a litany of problems. For instance, about 300 patients are waiting for operating room time so that surgery can be performed.

Drover is one of just seven urologists practising in Newfoundland and Labrador. He urged Eastern Health to hire more specialists, warning that not to do so would be “tantamount to medical negligence.”

Andy Grant, a member of a prostate cancer support group in St. John’s, said he is afraid that people will die — or already have — while waiting for surgery.

“First of all, [patients deal with] the shock you might have prostate cancer, then the shock of being confirmed with prostate cancer,” he said. “Now you have the shock of saying, ‘I have to wait until next year?’ ”

New Democratic Party Leader Lorraine Michael said she was disturbed to learn of the problems that Drover outlined.

“I think the word I would use is ‘horrified.’ I could not believe what was in his letter,” she said.

“We’re sounding like we’re in a developing country and not in a province that has the resources that we have.”

Odd, here in America where the markets run wild and free our prostates live in constant fear of being prodded by some private medical practitioner. In socialist Canada prostates live sheltered lives of isolation and seclusion until their owners die a painful death from cancer.

I don’t know which I like better, being close to the age where someone will no doubt tell me that I need to be digitally sodomized by a doctor.

But technically the good ‘ol U.S.A. and our evil capitalist medical system wins this again. Take that hippies! Tila Tequila, we’re looking at you.

h/t Moonbattery

Inshallahshaheed Gone to Ground!

I posted about the 9/11 terror threat from Al-Qaeda mouthpiece Ignored pieces of the Puzzle about four days ago. I also reported them to the F.B.I. like any good citizen, one of hundreds I’m sure. Now the blog is down, presumably because of all the attention they’ve been getting and the anti terror operations that are ongoing.

This isn’t a victory, however, as the author and those he recruited through his site, like would be Jihadist Faizia, are now likely in the process of covering their tracks. The shutting down of their site may be a precursor for direct action. I believe Faizia is a 20 year old White or White looking Muslim convert who may be in the NYC area. She may work with computers and has stated on the website her desire participate in the Jihad.

Other frequenters of Inshallahshaheed’s site can sometimes be found on sites like Caravan of Martyrs. Some of Ignored pieces of the Puzzle’s fellow Jihadists’ sites are also displaying suspicious behavior that is cause for concern:

Shaheen of The Jihad Fields are Calling! has posted a Jihadist suicide note on his site.

Caravan of Martyrs has this odd post up plugging a transcription of a mysterious text that need not be named, if you’re an Islamist I guess.

Ahmed Ismail is signing off to “move to another country.”

With less then a week until the anniversary of 9/11, and a major storm that might be headed our way, this is the perfect time for Islamists to strike. I just hope the authorities have this situation in hand.

Now That’s Good Anti-Clinton Propaganda!

A little over the top, and a hodge podge of 80’s style survival fiction cliches but it plays to the crowd and articulates the fears of many the right of what a Second Clinton presidency would lead to.

Plus it’s just plain fun:


Not as entertaining as this maybe, but entertaining none the less.