Cultural Cringe?

I never heard the term before reading this article from the Daily Telegraph describing the over the top teeth gnashing of the Australian left in the wake of President Bush’s visit to the Apec conference hosted in Sydney:

THERE is a two-word phrase that is so uniquely Australian that its very utterance evokes cliched images of a sunburnt country and the like.

I’m talking, of course, about cultural cringe, which is so woven into the fabric of the Australian psyche that it pops up with little effort at all, even at a time when you thought it had been discarded, finally, as last century’s baggage.

It hasn’t. When the 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush, flew into town last week for the 19th annual APEC meeting, the Cultural Cringers couldn’t help themselves.

There they were, the determined self-flagellators, flooding the talkback radio lines moaning about what they saw as Australia’s and Prime Minister Howard’s misplaced but slavish devotion to the US and President Bush.

What’s wrong with us, they whimpered, wailing even more when the President said America had no better friend than Australia. They whined about the inconvenience of roadblocks caused by the presidential motorcade: did he really need that many gas-guzzlers? they griped.

One wondered why, out loud on radio, the President brought his own chefs as if the local talent wasn’t good enough. I’m not making this up.

There were those who even asked why Australia had to host the President at all.

What they all seemed to have collectively ignored was that Australia, and Sydney, in particular, was also hosting 20 other nation members of the APEC community, 11 of which have been attending APEC meetings since they first began in 1989.

Why now, why here? Because it was our turn, not because Mr Howard was kissing up to Mr Bush.

So obsessed are the Cringers about feeling inferior to the US on Australia’s behalf they acted as if those 20 other nations didn’t exist.

The focus was singularly anti-American and prescriptively anti-Bush and anti-Howard. And it was embarrassing.

Cultural Cringe. It’s a good term and it describes the American hating leftist behavior here as well as in Australia. Read essays like this one from DailyKos or this one from Pandagon and you’ll realize that many people are simply embarrassed to be part of the west and hateful of it’s leaders due to years of liberal pablum spewed from left leaning teachers and talking heads of the media. Pam Spaulding should get a special regard, as it takes real visceral hatred of Bush and America combined with emotional immaturity and intellectual dishonesty, to cite Pravda who in turn are citing the Stalinist, Pro-Milosevic Worker’s World.

She’s got a raging case of cultural cringe. I just made that up, and I’m going to use it ad nauseum.

h/t No Pasaran

Even the English Admit Strict Gun Control Laws Cause Crimes!


Despite what some of our English cousins like to claim, America is actually safer than Britain which is seeing a spike in violent crimes despite draconian gun control laws. From the Times Online:

Despite the recent spate of shootings on our streets, we pride ourselves on our strict gun laws. Every time an American gunman goes on a killing spree, we shake our heads in righteous disbelief at our poor benighted colonial cousins. Why is it, even after the Virginia Tech massacre, that Americans still resist calls for more gun controls?

The short answer is that “gun controls” do not work: they are indeed generally perverse in their effects. Virginia Tech, where 32 students were shot in April, had a strict gun ban policy and only last year successfully resisted a legal challenge that would have allowed the carrying of licensed defensive weapons on campus. It is with a measure of bitter irony that we recall Thomas Jefferson, founder of the University of Virginia, recording the words of Cesare Beccaria: “Laws that forbid the carrying of arms . . . disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes . . . Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.”

One might contrast the Virginia Tech massacre with the assault on Virginia’s Appalachian Law School in 2002, where three lives were lost before a student fetched a pistol from his car and apprehended the gunman.

Virginia Tech reinforced the lesson that gun controls are obeyed only by the law-abiding. New York has “banned” pistols since 1911, and its fellow murder capitals, Washington DC and Chicago, have similar bans. One can draw a map of the US, showing the inverse relationship of the strictness of its gun laws, and levels of violence: all the way down to Vermont, with no gun laws at all, and the lowest level of armed violence (one thirteenth that of Britain).

America’s disenchantment with “gun control” is based on experience: whereas in the 1960s and 1970s armed crime rose in the face of more restrictive gun laws (in much of the US, it was illegal to possess a firearm away from the home or workplace), over the past 20 years all violent crime has dropped dramatically, in lockstep with the spread of laws allowing the carrying of concealed weapons by law-abiding citizens. Florida set this trend in 1987, and within five years the states that had followed its example showed an 8 per cent reduction in murders, 7 per cent reduction in aggravated assaults, and 5 per cent reduction in rapes. Today 40 states have such laws, and by 2004 the US Bureau of Justice reported that “firearms-related crime has plummeted”.

In Britain, however, the image of violent America remains unassailably entrenched. Never mind the findings of the International Crime Victims Survey (published by the Home Office in 2003), indicating that we now suffer three times the level of violent crime committed in the United States; never mind the doubling of handgun crime in Britain over the past decade, since we banned pistols outright and confiscated all the legal ones.

The English are three times as likely than we Americans to fall victim to violent crime. Interesting. Though to be fair there are other factors that likely work hand in hand with the English resistance to the idea of self defense to make England a criminal wonderland.

Thank the gods I live in America.

Are We About to Get Nuked?

Reliapundit lays out a compelling case for believing that Al-Qaeda is planning on nuking us in this post over at Astute Bloggers which also points to this hair graying article from The Jamestown Foundation’s website:

After 9/11, bin Laden received sharp criticisms from Islamist scholars that dealt with the al-Qaeda chief’s failure to satisfy several religious requirements pertinent to waging war. The critique focused on three items: (1) insufficient warning; (2) failure to offer Americans a chance to convert to Islam; and (3) inadequate religious authorization to kill so many people. Bin Laden accepted these criticisms and in mid-2002 began a series of speeches and actions to remedy the shortcomings and satisfy his Islamist critics before again attacking in the United States.

Bin Laden devoted most attention to warning Americans that, to prevent another 9/11-type attack, they had to elect leaders who would change U.S. policies toward the Islamic world. He focused especially on the U.S. presence in the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, and Afghanistan, unqualified support for Israel, as well as support for Muslim tyrannies in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and elsewhere. Animosity toward these policies had long been a staple of bin Laden’s statements, but since 2002 he has spoken directly to Americans about what they – not their leaders – must do to avoid another attack.

In America’s democratic system, bin Laden said, U.S. leaders are elected by the people and stay in office only if the people support their policies. Arguing that the U.S. policies perceived by Muslims as attacks on Islam have been in place for decades, bin Laden said it is clear that the American people as a whole approve of anti-Islamic policies. “The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change their Government,” bin Laden said in October 2002, “yet time and again polls show that the American people support the policies of the elected Government.” On this basis, bin Laden warned Americans on four occasions between mid-2002 and October 2004 that they would be responsible for any military disaster that befell them if they did not elect leaders who would change the policy status quo. Indeed, bin Laden’s speech of 30 October 2004 appears to be an exceptionally explicit warning. It was largely devoid of the religious and historical allusions usually present in his speeches, as if he wanted to ensure that translators would get his warning to Americans quickly and clearly. (Al-Jazeera, 30 October, 12 Nov 02;, 26 Oct 02)

Parallel to the warnings, bin Laden on two occasions since 2002 asked Americans to convert to Islam as the means of terminating the war al-Qaeda is waging against the United States. “We call you to Islam,” bin Laden said on both occasions, addressing himself to President Bush – as the leader of the American people – and asking him to lead his countrymen to Islam. He also offered to serve as guide and teacher for the American people, urging them to “follow the right path” to Islam. “I am an honest adviser to you.” bin Laden concluded, “I urge you to seek the joy of life and the after life…. I urge you to become Muslims….” (Al-Jazeera 6 Oct 02;, 26 Oct 02)

To remedy the criticism of inadequate religious authorization for mass American casualties, bin Laden received the necessary sanction from a young, radical Saudi Shaykh named Hamid bin al-Fahd. In May 2003, al-Fahd published a fatwa on his website entitled “A Treatise on the Legal Status of Using Weapons of Mass Destruction Against Infidels.” (FBIS, May 23 2003) In this lengthy work, al-Fahd affirmatively answered the question of whether it was permissible under the four schools of Sunni Islam for the mujahideen to use nuclear weapons against the United States. Bin al-Fahd concluded that each school did permit the use of such weapons and that the mujahideen would be justified in inflicting millions of casualties in the United States. “Anyone who considers America’s aggression against Muslims and their lands during the last decade,” al-Fahd maintained, “will conclude that striking her is permissible merely on the rule of treating one as one has been treated. Some brothers have totaled the number of Muslims killed directly or indirectly by their [America’s] weapons and come up with the figure of nearly ten million.”

Thus, when bin Laden spoke to Americans in October 2004, he was tying up loose ends leftover from 9/11 and telling Americans again that changing the “policy of the White House … [is] the ideal way to prevent another Manhattan….” (Al-Jazeera 30 Oct 04) By then he had repeatedly warned Americans that al-Qaeda would attack unless U.S. policies were changed. Strange and even comic sounding to American and Western ears, bin Laden’s warnings and invitation to conversion are meant to satisfy Islamic scholars, and Muslims generally, that al-Qaeda has abided by the Prophet Muhammad’s instructions of offering a warning to the enemy before launching an attack. Likewise, Shaykh al-Fahd’s treatise attempts to overcome the lack of religious grounding for mass casualties for which Islamic scholars criticized the 9/11 attack, and will be used by bin Laden as such after his next attack against the United States.

Jihad Watch concurs with the Jamestown reading:

That the jihadists are mounting this kind of theological appeal is one of the least-noted aspects of their communiques to the West. Most analysts don’t understand and don’t care what they are doing in these statements, and just brush past them.

In reality, however, such statements go right to the heart of why Al-Qaeda and other jihadists are fighting, and what they are fighting for. I discuss this in my book Religion of Peace?, but I’m not seeing it much of anywhere else. The ideological challenge that the jihadists are making to the West is still almost universally misunderstood. Here is Osama inviting us to accept Islam, and probably very few Americans would be able to articulate why they wouldn’t want to accept the invitation. If more attention is not paid to this, Osama’s appeal will surely make inroads among Westerners that will deeply surprise most analysts.

As I’ve said before, the theft of radioactive materials has been a recurring and underreported problem these last few years, both here and in Canada. In 2003 the government released a report saying that at least 1300 radioactive devices were unaccounted for, and that the risk of terrorist getting enough material to cobble together a dirty bomb was “significant.”

Here’s some bitter irony for you, I’m in the middle of packing for a move to South Carolina … from New York. I also started a survival blog where I was going to put up articles on, among other things, surviving a nuclear attack but only posted to it twice before deciding to move.

I thought I’d have time to start it next month.

OBL Calls for Americans to Overthrow our own Government

Gateway Pundit has scans of the OBL transcript which explicitly call for Americans to rise up and overthrow our Capitalist system and “embrace Islam.” The instructions to American terror sympathizers are on pgs 4 and five. Gateway’s also being reported that many Al-Qaeda supporting websites have shut down.

Islamic Revival hasn’t though and have coincidentally has penned a anti-Capitalist diatribe which elaborates on many of Osama bin Ladin’s points about our financial system here.

For the Pleasure of My Lord has more Jihadist death poetry, this time from a wife whose Husband died in Iraq, and she hopes to “follow my beloved quickly so I can hug him soon.” Creepy, maudlin and oddly timed to say the least.

So why does Osama think there are Americans ready to rise up and join his Jihad anyway? What could possibly imply to Al-Qaeda that there are non-Muslim Americans who will jump at the chance to convert, accept the leadership of a man who claims responsibility for 9/11 (truthers take note) and “smash capitalism” with him?

Could it be this?

Or This?

Maybe this?

How about this?

The truth is that bin Ladin believes (and is likely correct) that left wing organizations have radicalized thousands of young, impressionable Americans and left them without much of a platform to stand on besides hating America, now like a vulture he’s swooping in to pick at the carcass and get fresh fodder for his war against civilization.

How many “anti-war” protesters do you think will heed his call, I’m going with a good 25%.