Inshallahshaheed Posts New Threats Against New York and Washington

Loyal reader Mitch tipped me off to Inshallahshaheed’s newest threats against New York and Washington posted at his new site. In case they take it down, as Jihadists are wont to do when their sites get noticed by non-Muslims, here’s a screen shot:


The screen in the above flashes several images, but my feeling is that the words above has some import that we may want to consider. Mitch came through again with a tentative translation of the term Ghazwat as meaning a battle in which Allah takes part. He should really get the byline on this.

Ghazwat has several variations and connotations, all having to do with the battles Mohammed himself led to expand Islam. Most worrisome is the Wikipedia entry on the operational usage of the term:

When performed within the context of Islamic jihad warfare, the ghazw’s function was to weaken the enemy’s defenses in preparation for his eventual conquest and subjugation. Because the typical ghazw raiding party often did not have the size or strength to seize military or territorial objectives, this usually meant sudden attacks on weakly defended targets (e.g. villages) with the intent of terrorizing/demoralizing their inhabitants and destroying material which could support the enemy’s military forces. Though rules of war in Islam’s rules of warfare offered protection to non-combatants such as women, monastics and peasants (in that, generally speaking, they could not be slain), their property could still be looted or destroyed, and they themselves could be abducted and enslaved (Cambridge History of Islam, p. 269)

The precise term Ghazwatul has been used by Jihadists to describe their operations on various forums. The Taliban’s planned offensive to retake Kabul is referred to by the operational name “Ghazwatul Badr”, a reference to the Battle of Badr in which Mohammed commanded the Islamic forces. Jihadist forums call the terror campaign against India Ghazwatul Hind. In this context, “Ghazwatul New York and Washington” seems to imply some sort of demoralizing raid on the cities with the intent of preparing them for long term Jihad. Perhaps some sort of Intifada?

Glen Beck is reporting that Islamic Militants are planning multiple coordinated attacks against soft targets like schools, malls and movie theaters. It’s a week long program called Exposed: The Perfect Day and now I regret not watching it.

Inshallahshaheed has also waxed philosophic about the appropriateness of assassination and is collecting an email contact list of fellow Jihadists. I say he’s up to something, as is Mujahid, whose new site, a G.I.M.F. site by the way, is now “protected” from the public.

The High Cost of Liberalism

Progressivism is a term Liberals like to use when they become enamored with Marxist theories and socialist ideas. It is applied often to any scheme or program that breaks down traditional cultural norms and morality to give the social engineering that Liberals love so much a veneer of respectability, validity and modernity. Unfortunately, most progressive ideas lead to a devolution of the individual and the host society when implemented and have consequences far worse than the social ill the idea was meant to combat.

In America, progressives have fostered ideas about criminal rehabilitation, “privacy rights” and communal as opposed to individual responsibility that absolve criminals of the burden of accountability and create a public unable to stem the tide of criminality. From Fox News:

LOGAN, W.Va. — A woman who authorities said was sexually abused, beaten and stabbed while held captive for at least a week was repeatedly called a racial slur during the attacks, the victim’s mother said.

Six people, all white, including a mother and son and a mother and daughter, have been arrested in connection with the alleged abduction of the 23-year-old black woman, sheriff’s officials said Monday.

Authorities were still looking for two people they believe drove the woman to the home where she was abused, said Logan County Chief Deputy V.K. Dingess.

The FBI, which was asked by the sheriff’s department to aid in the investigation, will look into whether a hate crime occurred.

The woman’s abductors called her the N-word “every time they stabbed her,” the woman’s mother told The Charleston Gazette for a story published Tuesday.

The woman underwent surgery for leg wounds, Dingess told the paper.

Deputies found the woman Saturday after going to the home in Big Creek, about 35 miles southwest of Charleston, to investigate an anonymous tip.

One of the suspects, Frankie Brewster, was sitting on the front porch and told deputies she was alone, but moments later the woman limped toward the door, her arms outstretched, saying, “Help me,” the sheriff’s department said in a news release.

Besides being sexually assaulted, the woman had been stabbed four times in the left leg and beaten, Logan County sheriff’s Sgt. Sonya Porter said. Her eyes were black and blue. The wounds were inflicted at least a week ago, deputies said.

During her capture, the woman was forced to eat rat and dog feces and drink from the toilet, according to the criminal complaint filed in magistrate court. She also had been choked with a cable cord and her hair was cut, it alleges.

“The things that were done to this woman are just indescribable,” Porter said.

One of those arrested, Karen Burton, is accused of cutting the woman’s ankle with a knife. She used the N-word in telling the woman she was victimized because she is black, according to the criminal complaint.

Deputies say the woman was also doused with hot water while being sexually assaulted.

“She wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, ‘Mommy,”‘ the mother told the paper. “What’s really bad is that we don’t know everything they did to her. She is crying all the time.”


Brewster, the 49-year-old who owns the home where the alleged attacks occurred, is charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and giving false information during a felony investigation.

Her son, Bobby R. Brewster, 24, also of Big Creek, is charged with kidnapping, sexual assault, malicious wounding and assault during the commission of a felony.

Burton, 46, of Chapmanville, is charged with malicious wounding, battery and assault during the commission of a felony.

Her daughter Alisha Burton, 23, of Chapmanville, and George A. Messer, 27, of Chapmanville, are charged with assault during the commission of a felony and battery.

Danny J. Combs, 20, of Harts, is charged with sexual assault and malicious wounding.

This horrendous story of racist violence features a family of neer-do-wells that the police should have been watching closely all along, “privacy rights” be damned. And do you think this clan of inbred degenerates were otherwise hard working, upstanding members of the community or was this collection of human garbage the product of a welfare state that supports the kinds of “mothers” who help their sons rape and torture women?

If they had of video taped their exploits, the ACLU would have defended them I’m sure, and at least one member would have paid good money for a copy. But a tribe of failed humanity like this, which should be hung en masse will get “sex offender treatment” and sympathies from leftists (many of whom share their core values with regard to minority women) who will blame society at large for the crimes of these sub-humans.

If they mention it at all. My fellow Bi-racial blogger Pam Spaulding at Pandagon has a much more important sex scandal to cover. Black and Missing but Not Forgotten picks up her slack though, and even has pictures of the assailants. They look like you’d expect them to.

Then there’s the story of Jon Schillaci who was lucky enough to have been pen pals while in prison with a woman who offered him the chance to live with her and her family when he was released. Even though he was child molester:

Police say Schillaci established a pen-pal relationship with a family in Deerfield, New Hampshire. According to police, Schillaci wrote letters back and forth with an editor of a student literary magazine at the University of New Hampshire. The charming and heartfelt letters struck a cord with the young woman; she was convinced that he had become a better person. She said, “He’s a very eloquent person and he wrote very nice letters, talking about how he was studying in prison and how he regretting the mistakes of his youth.”

Corresponding with the young woman his entire prison term, Schillaci convinced her through his manipulative writings and poetry that he was a changed man and asked if he could stay with her, her husband and 5-year-old son when he got out of prison. The family happily agreed. That was in the fall of 1999, and cops say it didn’t take long for Schillaci to revert back to his old ways.

“I Have A Secret”

A couple of weeks after Schillaci moved in, the 5-year-old told his mom, “I have a secret to tell you.” The child claimed that he and Schillaci had an inappropriate relationship, revealing that the visiting ex-con had been sexually assaulting him. Upon hearing the news, the parents went to confront Schillaci and reported the sexual assault to police. But before cops could arrest the cunning con, he took off.

Read the report at AMW, which includes video of the guilt ridden parents.

I’m sure it seems very “progressive” to befriend the downtrodden prisoners of the evil American empire, or so lefties like to convince themselves, until they meet the dregs from our prison system. In the video the wife says “we were naive”, which is not quite true, what they were was pretentious.

They wanted to look down on their friends and neighbors with disdain and lecture them about supporting Bill O’Reilly’s Jessica’s Law campaign. Now that there pretensions have been shattered, they pretend they never knew about the high rates of sex offender recidivism.

More likely they just didn’t wantbeleive it because it sounded like “Faux Noise” (as liberals are fond of calling Fox News) propaganda.

Liberalism heaps praise on the thriving sub-culture of professional protesters without acknowledging that these shiftless transients are not simply dedicated activist, but deranged misfits that are used as shock troops by immoral political recruiters who need people willing to throw away their lives to push a leftist agenda. the results are predictable, from Expatica (h/t Gateway Pundit):

ROOSENDAAL – The 41-year-old American suspected of killing a 22-year-old student with an axe at the Roosendaal train station on Saturday had planned to attack a Dutch commando from the nearby barracks.

He wanted revenge for the Dutch participation in the war in Iraq, he has told police according to reports from BN/De Stem.

Lawyer Peter Dirven of the law firm representing the suspect confirmed on Tuesday morning the tenor of the first confession and statement.

The newspaper reports that the suspect worked for the US air force in the past. The man’s family says he never served in Iraq, has not suffered any trauma, and had resigned from the force himself.

The man claims to have worked out a detailed plan to attack the commandos. He arrived in the Netherlands last Thursday and spent the night in a hotel. Police have searched his hotel room and confiscated several books.

On Friday the suspect spent the night in the forest near the commando barracks. When he was unable to commit an attack there he changed his plan and decided to attack a government worker.

The 22-year-old Bergen op Zoom man was most likely his arbitrarily chosen target on Saturday evening. The suspect was arrested at the station.

No doubt Noam Chomsky’s Failed States will be one of the books that were confiscated from his room. That and a copy of one of Al Franken’s literary abortions.

But this is the behavior that supposed Liberals not only cover for with their inane psychobabble but they encourage it. Liberalism long ago stopped being the rational philosophy of individual rights (the so called classical liberalism that permeates much of conservative thinking) and has become an all embracing sub-culture of Charles Manson-esque anti-establishmentism. A collection of mostly rich, mostly white under educated fanatics with too much time on their hands and too much nonsense in their heads. That’s why so many of them wear Che Guevara tee-shirts and P.L.O. inspired accessories.

If we were a communist country it’d be “progressive” to wear Reagan shirts and read Ann Coulter.

Liberalism is a pretension, but it’s one that forces the police to allow undesirables to flourish, children to be violated and the mentally ill to wallow in their insanity. Tortured women, victimized children and the blood of innocents is the cost we pay in this country for allowing liberals to control our culture.

Fox News has more on the West Virginia torture case.

We Will Never Forget 9/11

The Jawa report has this vid up as a tribute. It’s one of many I’m sure, but I can’t look through them all myself to find one that’s different. 9/11 is still too painful for me to watch:


Islam Watch has an interesting nine part paper up entitled Islamization of Europe and policies to Prevent It. I read through it in the wee hours of 9/11 and found it insightful, brutally honest and disturbing. Parts One and Four are particularly thought provoking and should be read by anyone concerned with the question of Islamic communities integration into modern societies.

Jihadi Swine Celebrating 9/11 Attacks: “Happy 9/11 to All the Muslims of the World”

The Jihad Fields are Calling has a post up celebrating the terror attacks of 9/11 and lavishing praise on the attackers and Osama bin Ladin. It’s long and as tedious as anything else Mujahid writes, so I’ll excerpt the only part that will interest you:

On the 6th Anniversary of the Blessed Attacks of September 11 it is our message to all the Americans and their allies. The Blessed Attacks of September 11 was just the beginning, by these blessed attacks we drag you to your graves in Afghanistan and Iraq, your countries and governments faced in these lands the worst humiliation in their history. But all what is happened to your countries yet is nothing.

Mark these words and mark them well, what your countries have suffered in 9/11 and in Afghanistan and Iraq is just the beginning, the worst is yet have to come, and its coming very soon Allah Willing.

We invite you to invade in more of our lands and bring yourselves more and more closer to your destruction or just wait and watch your destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan because in either case the destruction is your destined fate which you must met soon Allah willing and we promise you we will not let you run away from our lands until you will be completely destroyed.

God Bless Osama bin Laden

God Bless Al-Qaeda

God Bless Mujahideen all around the world

God Bless the Muslim Ummah

and Curse be upon America and all of its allies, puppets and pets.

Happy anniversary of the blessed attacks of September 11 to all the Muslim Ummah

The Jihad Fields are Calling is not the only site for whom the anniversary of 9/11 is a joyous occasion. Muslims the world over are deliriously happy that 3000 of our fellow Americans died at the hands of the Jihadist death cult and use this sacred date as base propaganda for recruitment. But his year they seem bolder, as if they expect something to happen that will top 9/11.

Also Inshallashaheed’s original website is still down but he has slapped up a new version here, which has excised much of the comments and articles which led them to shut down the first site. The author’s are claiming that some mysterious force shut down their site. I have it on good authority that force was panic when he found out I, along with dozens of others, had dropped dime on him. He’s back to posting Al-Qaeda propaganda though, so it’s just a matter of time before he gets picked up.

And since we’re talking about Jihadists desecrating the memories of the victims of the cowardly 9/11 attacks, nows a good time for me to announce the Red Alerts contest starting September 20th which ironically will be entitled “Desecration 07.” I’ll put up official rules on a separate page but in a nutshell the contest will be open to all artists to explore the theme of desecration using the Koran as either the subject or the medium. The winner will be announced the week before Halloween and will receive a (modest) monetary reward and maybe an invite to my the greatest Halloween celebration ever.

For inspiration, just read through Mujahid’s entire “Happy 9/11” post and let the muse speak to you. Nudity is acceptable and encouraged. Not for my sake, but for the art!

UPDATE: In the time it took to type out this post, The Jihad Fields are Calling disappeared. Has Mujahid gone to ground with his cohorts?