Madness! Hamas Bans Women in Bikinis!


But ironically men wearing what resembles ankle length house dresses is considered kosher.

Backward barbarians:

GAZA CITY — For years, the seaside Flower of the Cities resort was that rare place in the Gaza Strip where the dress code did not rule out bikinis. Now, with some of its cinder-block cabanas turned into prayer rooms, the beach club shows how Hamas is consolidating its hold here three months after seizing power.

Bushy beards and black head-to-toe cloaks for women have become common at the club, which the armed Islamic movement torched in June after routing the secular Fatah party on the streets. The facility has been rebranded the al-Aqsa Resort, with a new logo featuring the revered mosque complex in Jerusalem next to a beach umbrella. Hamas followers collect the $2.50 entrance fee.

Like the party it supported, the bikini crowd has disappeared, leaving the trash-flecked beach and murky swimming pool to Bassem al-Khodori and a half-dozen other Hamas supporters, who now have jobs at the resort.

Outrageous! What kind of man who claims to be heterosexual demands that women be completely covered? Why are these effeminate misogynists so interested in ensuring that their young male companions can’t get a glimpse of of a beautiful woman? Jealousy?


The barbarity of Islamism knows no boundaries. The radical Muslim is taught to be so disgusted by women that they can’t even bear to look at them. They are anti-joy, anti-freedom and anti-life, everything the harpies at Pandagon claim American Christians are but 100 times worse. Of course you won’t find Amanda marcotte or Pam Spaulding attacking this sort of behavior, they’re on Hamas side on this one.

I just thank the gods that I live in America.


France to Iran: “We’ll Bring the Whoopin’, You Bring the Ass!”

I love the new France, full of manly men and femme fatales who are looking for trouble and willing to throw down the wine glass, adjust their berets and and put a very stylish boot up the ass of the first country that gives them an excuse.

Right now it looks like Iran has gotten the Sarkozy government feeling froggy, excuse the pun. From The Telegraph:

The world should “prepare for war” with Iran, the French foreign minister has said, significantly escalating tensions over the country’s nuclear programme.

Bernard Kouchner said that while “we must negotiate right to the end” with Iran, if Teheran possessed an atomic weapon it would represent “a real danger for the whole world”.

The world should “prepare for the worst… which is war”, he said.

His comments came after Washington reminded Teheran that “all options were on the table” in confronting its nuclear policy, which many officials in the West believe has the ultimate aim of arming a nuclear warhead, despite Iran’s claim that it is for civilian purposes.

The five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States – plus Germany, are due to meet to discuss a new draft UN resolution on sanctions against Iran later this week in Washington.

So far proposals for tough sanctions have been resisted by Russia and China, while Teheran has ignored UN deadlines to stop enriching uranium, insisting its nuclear activity is for peaceful purposes only.

Sounds like they’re coming along for the ride this time if Uncle Sam decides Iran has a few too many unbombed military installations. Welcome aboard, Frenchie!

It’s nice to have an ally in Europe, instead of a bunch of people hiding behind America’s apron while giving us the finger.

The Muslim Brotherhood has Big Plans for America

Since at least 1991 they’ve been secretly planning to conquer us from within. From the Dallas Morning News:

Our strategy is this,” President Bush said last month. “We will fight them over there so we do not have to face them in the United States of America.”

He was talking about jihadists, of course. And Mr. Bush is behind the curve. The president apparently missed the smoking-gun 1991 document his own Justice Department introduced into evidence at the Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas. The FBI captured it in a raid on a Muslim suspect’s home in Virginia.

This “explanatory memorandum,” as it’s titled, outlines the “strategic goal” for the North American operation of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan). Here’s the key paragraph:

The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a “Civilization-Jihadist” process with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who choose to slack.

The entire 18-page platform outlines a plan for the long haul. It prescribes the Muslim Brotherhood’s comprehensive plan to set down roots in civil society. It begins by both founding and taking control of American Muslim organizations, for the sake of unifying and educating the U.S. Muslim community – this to prepare it for the establishment of a global Islamic state governed by sharia.It sounds like a conspiracy theory out of a bad Hollywood movie – but it’s real. Husain Haqqani, head of Boston University’s Center for International Relations and a former Islamic radical, confirms that the Brotherhood “has run most significant Muslim organizations in the U.S.” as part of the plan outlined in the strategy paper.

The HLF trial is exposing for the first time how the international Muslim Brotherhood – whose Palestinian division is Hamas – operates as a self-conscious revolutionary vanguard in the United States. The court documents indicate that many leading Muslim-American organizations – including the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim American Society – are an integral part of the Brotherhood’s efforts to wage jihad against America by nonviolent means.

The Muslim Brotherhood is an affiliation of at least 70 Islamist organizations around the world, all tracing their heritage to the original cell, founded in Egypt in 1928. Its credo: “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Quran is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Sayyid Qutb, hanged by the Egyptian government in 1966 as a revolutionary, remains its ideological godfather. His best-known work, Milestones, calls for Muslims to wage violent holy war until Islamic law governs the entire world.

According to a 2004 Chicago Tribune investigation, establishing the Brotherhood in the United States has been a 40-year project that has worked mostly underground – even beneath the notice of many Muslims. Richard Clarke, the former top U.S. national security official, told the Senate in 2003 that the Muslim Brotherhood is the common thread linking terrorist fundraising schemes in the United States – which likely explains why so many mainstream American Muslim organizations were named by the feds as “unindicted co-conspirators” in the HLF trial.

Is this just alarmist paranoia? Not at all.

This matters because high-profile organizations with roots explicitly in the Muslim Brotherhood have successfully established themselves in a paramount position to define Islam in America according to a radical politicized model. And they’ve done so without the American public having the slightest idea about their real agenda. Indeed, the Bush administration is unwittingly helping the Islamist cause by including their leaders in public events, thus conferring them legitimacy. On Labor Day weekend, the same Department of Justice that’s presenting evidence of the ISNA’s involvement with radical Islam at the Dallas trial sponsored a booth at – wait for it – ISNA’s national convention in suburban Chicago.

Look, no rational person believes America is going to exchange the Constitution for a caliphate. Rational people aren’t the point. As the London subway bombings showed, even a tiny cell of committed radicals can kill a lot of people. Mustafa Saied, an American Muslim who left the Brotherhood, told the Tribune that he worried about the radicalism the Brotherhood inculcated in its membership here. “With the extreme element,” he said, “you never know when that ticking time bomb will go off.”

h/t Mosquewatch

Wisconsin Judge Thinks it’s Legal to Attempt to Lure Children for Sex in Public Parks

From The Chicago Sun-Times:

MADISON, Wis. — Prosecutors in Sheboygan County thought they had this one nailed.

After deliberating for just half an hour, a jury found 44-year-old Mitchell Pask guilty of trying to lure a 9-year-old girl to a park shelter for sex.

But after the verdict was read Wednesday, Judge Timothy Van Akkeren stepped in. In a rare move, he overturned it and found Pask, who was convicted of sexual assault in 1992, not guilty. The reason?

He said the park shelter wasn’t secluded enough to satisfy Wisconsin’s child enticement statute.

The reversal left prosecutors beside themselves Thursday. They spent the morning on the phone with the state Justice Department trying to line up an appeal and drumming up media coverage.

”I’m like, come on,” District Attorney Joe DeCecco said. ”We convinced the jury this was a good case. We were going to get a sexual offender off the streets. It’s disappointing. It’s frustrating. I’m upset.”

Pask’s attorney, George Limbeck, said the shelter consists of four poles and a roof and lies just yards from a constantly traveled road.

”The judge did what was right. The judge in essence followed the law, given the facts of this case,” Limbeck said.

A ruling overturning a jury verdict in a criminal case is fairly rare in Wisconsin but does happen, said Marquette University law professor Janine Geske. ”I’m sure it was a tough decision for him and not one he relished making, but that’s what judges are sworn to do — uphold the constitution and the law,” she said.

According to a criminal complaint, the 9-year-old girl was in a Sheboygan’s Worker’s Park with her friends this past June. Pask walked by, carrying a beer and smoking a cigarette.

He remarked ”Look at those sexy little salty girls” and told the 9-year-old he had candy for her. He then motioned her to follow him to the shelter. The girl refused, and police captured Pask in the park.

He was charged with child enticement, a felony punishable by up to 25 years in prison.

But the wording of Wisconsin’s child enticement statute is explicit, prohibiting someone from luring a minor into a vehicle, building, room or secluded place.

So, because this pervert might have gotten caught while savagely raping a 9 year old the judge throws out the jury verdict. Correct me if I’m wrong but even if the park shelter was “just yards” from a trail where people are, the perp thought it was secluded enough to try to lure a little girl so it was in his mind secluded. The intent was there and the shelter must have at least semi-secluded because Pask thought he could take a girl of nine there and drink beers with and do who knows whatever else without raising suspicions.

This seems like another case of some judge, likely a pervert himself or at least sympathetic to perverts, looking for an excuse to let this child rapist walk. Maybe he wants to get on the O’Reilly Factor?

h/t Lost in Lima Ohio

Food Shortages Predicted for Europe!

From EU Referendum:

Evidence is beginning to accumulate to suggest that, not only has the EU’s management of grain stocks been deficient, but its proposed emergency measures to bring more grain onto the market and stabilise food prices is going to be completely ineffective.

More worrying still, the EU commission is showing every sign that it has not the faintest idea of what is going on. As a result, we are set to see spiralling increases in the price of basic food commodities and there is the very real prospect of shortages.

It was only a few days ago that we reported that the EU commission had so misjudged the grain supply that it had sold off the bulk of grain stocks last year, in anticipation of a “bumper harvest” that has not materialised.

Yesterday, however, in a widely anticipated emergency move, the commission proposed the removal of the compulsory set-aside requirement for the next planting season – a requirement which currently takes ten percent of land out of food production.

This news has received limited media coverage, notably the BBC and The Guardian, the latter reporting EU agriculture commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel’s comments (pictured on the right in the photograph). She says that this will release up to seven of the ten million acres now under obligatory set-aside and produce 10-17million tons more grain.

The problem though – of which the commissioner seems to be wholly unaware – is that by far the bulk of set-aside is not available, being already dedicated to non-food production. This we have noted before, in the context of the land being used for biofuels production, but that is by no means the only use.

According to the commission’s own website, such uses include the production of textile fibres (flax, cotton and hemp), starch for industrial use, vegetable oils, chemical and pharmaceutical products and medicinal plants. Maize is also produced, not only for bio-energy but for several industrial processes such as surface finishing and heat and sound insulation. Maize particles can also be used in the packing industry for fragile goods.

Additionally, there is widespread growing of linseed, with the oil used for paint products and a co-adhesive in popular fibreboard. It also replaces some solvents and petroleum-based chemicals in the products’ formulations, and is used in linoleum flooring. Thus, rather than the popular view of an uncultivated, weed-filled land, this bucolic scene in Gloucestershire (right) is more likely to represent a set-aside area.

As well as these industrial products, farmers are also permitted to grow a wide range of crops for the production of processed animal feed and, although use of set-aside for these purposes, and particularly for biofuels, has been slow to develop – largely due to the bureaucratic obstacles and poor prices, more recently we have seen explosive growth in the non-food sector.

Thus, while in 1993/94, 17 percent of set-aside was under production (EU-12) it rose to 44 percent in 1995/96 (EU-15) and while it dropped to 20 percent for some years, the combination of increased demand for biofuels and the CAP reforms which brought about the Single Farm Payment scheme opened the floodgates. Currently, therefore, the bulk of usable set-aside land is under cultivation and, in 2006 the commission was reporting that more than 95 percent of the non-food set-aside areas were dedicated to energy crops.

Read the rest, it sounds like a TEOTWAWKI scenario from a survivalist blog. In essence, the EU bureaucrats, following the bio-fuel fads and blissfully unaware of how agriculture works, have set into motion a program guaranteed to create food shortages by encouraging farmers to not grow food. What’s worse is that now that the problem is visable on the horizon, the socialist political appointees seem to have no idea how to handle the situation:

One would have thought that commissioner Mariann Fischer Boel could not possibly be unaware of this as the non-food uses of agricultural land have been a core policy of the EU since 1993. Further, one would also have thought that she would have been aware that most of this land is tied up in long-term contracts and, even if production was switched, the shortfall would have to be made up from imports or from the conversion of land at present used for food crops.

With that knowledge, she would thus know that her predictions for increases in food production through the release of set-aside are fantasy. They cannot possibly be achieved. It therefore begs the questions as to whether she is in fact aware of the consequences of the EU’s policy or whether she is deliberately disregarding them.

Thus illustrating the problem of Marxist style central planning. Commissioner Boel has no idea how to solve the problem, but she has a directive to keep producing bio-fuels and that’s all that matters. Europeans will starve as Europe goes green, just as the left wants.

h/t Moonbattery