Allah is Full of Hatred for Non Muslims!*

*At least according to this Al-Qaeda mouthpiece who’s upsets that some Muslims, especially Sufis, make the argument that Allah loves everyone. He strongly disagrees and whips out “hadeeth” to back him up:

Verily, whenever Allah loves a servant of His, He calls Jibreel and says, “O Jibreel, verily I love so-and-so, so love him.” Thus, Jibreel will love him. Then, he (Jibreel) will call out to the dwellers of the heavens, “Verily, Allah loves so-and-so, so you too must love him.” Then the dwellers of the heavens love him and he will be given acceptance in the earth.

Verily whenever Allah hates a servant of His, He calls Jibreel and says, “O Jibreel, verily I hate so-and-so, so hate him.” Thus, Jibreel will hate him. Then, he (Jibreel) will call out to the dwellers of the heavens, “Verily, Allah hates so-and-so, so you too must hate him.” Then the dwellers of the heavens hate him and hatred for him will be placed in the earth.”

(Saheeh al-Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim, and Musnad Li’l-Imaam Ahmad)

What would Rumi say to that? Maybe something like:

At every instant and from every side, resounds the call of Love:
We are going to sky, who wants to come with us?
We have gone to heaven, we have been the friends of the angels,
And now we will go back there, for there is our country.
We are higher than heaven, more noble than the angels:
Why not go beyond them? Our goal is the Supreme Majesty.
What has the fine pearl to do with the world of dust?
Why have you come down here? Take your baggage back. What is this place?
Luck is with us, to us is the sacrifice!…
Like the birds of the sea, men come from the ocean–the ocean of the soul.
Like the birds of the sea, men come from the ocean–the ocean of the soul.
How could this bird, born from that sea, make his dwelling here?
No, we are the pearls from the bosom of the sea, it is there that we dwell:
Otherwise how could the wave succeed to the wave that comes from the soul?
The wave named ‘Am I not your Lord’ has come, it has broken the vessel of the body;
And when the vessel is broken, the vision comes back, and the union with Him.

Refute that “inshallahshaheed”, you bloodthirsty savage.

Islamists Stepping Up Attacks on Women’s Rights (American Feminists Still Silent)

After all there are more important threats to Women, particularly the affluent White women from the northeastern United States who are the real constituency so-called feminists represent. Meanwhile the supporters of a world wide caliphate march ever closer to their goal, over the bodies of dead women who American feminists are glad to ignore while sipping lattes and loudly proclaiming that they live in a fascist state.

The Islamist occupation of Iran has claimed another life, this time a young girl who was shot by security force in her own home. Kamangir uploaded the video and provided a translation for non Persian speaking viewers. It’s made it to Gateway Pundit, but it still remains unverified, though given the theocracy’s history of abusing women, I’d be shocked if this wasn’t true.


But Iran isn’t the only country where women are being physically attacked by Islamist, as the case of Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen who was brutally attacked by a group of Muslim men recently. Those men have gone on to call for her death and are publicly planning a lynching at her house. What’s her crime you ask? She hurt Muslims feelings by expressing herself in books like this one.

Some of these Muslims are lawmakers in India. Imagine if some of our congress members did the same thing. Would feminists still be silent?

The lefts new heroes of Hamas have been caught forcing a women to convert to Islam and Christian teenage girls are disappearing in the Muslim world with alarming regularity.

Muslim YouTubers were still busy berating yours truly over my reluctance to accept that a 54 year old man marrying a 9 year old is acceptable, until the video said discussion was on was finally yanked down. Maybe YouTube finally figured out it was a pro-pedophilia vid. I blogged about these child rape supporting perverts before, although many feminists have not. Hmmm.

The Anti-Fascist Action, a left wing “direct action” group from Sweden who have been working tirelessly to intimidate those they claim are racists (but tend to target counter-Jihad activists and those who are seen as Islamaphobic) recently tied up and assaulted the girlfriend of controversial politician. From Gates of Vienna:

The girlfriend of the Martin Kinnunen, the chairman of the youth movement of Sverigedemokraterna [SD, the Sweden Democrats] was attacked Wednesday afternoon and tied up in her apartment in Stockholm. The assault took place after a longer period of threats.

Around 4:30 pm three men knocked on the door to Kinnunen’s apartment. Kinnunen wasn’t at home, and his 19-year old girlfriend opened the door. The men entered the apartment and threatened the girl with a knife, tied her up and put a gag on her using tape.

The woman was then dragged out of the apartment, where she fell and hurt herself. The three attackers fled the scene, leaving the woman lying in the stairway. A neighbor found her and alerted the police.

Though some on the left might be sympathetic to these Islamist allies supposedly anti-racist goals (I notice they’re not in Darfur defending the victims of Islamic imperialism) they couldn’t support binding and gagging a 19 year old girl at knife point and attempting to drag her off to do what ever they want with her. Or could they?

G.O.V. has more on this left wing auxiliary of Sweden’s Islamist bloc here and here, it’s worth a read and may help you understand why so called feminists are so eager to be out of the cross hairs of radical Muslims and the far left goons that support them.

I guess it’s up to us “wing nuts” to speak out for them, because they’re too scared to speak out themselves.

It’s Raining Rocket Launchers!

Mere weeks after a New Jersey woman found an AT-4 on her lawn, another rocket launcher turned up in a Orlando Gun buy back program. From the Orlando Sentinel:

Orlando emptied its bureau drawers and closets Friday of more than 300 unwanted guns — and one surface-to-air missile launcher.

The shoulder-fired weapon showed about 6 p.m. when an Ocoee man drove to the Florida Citrus Bowl to trade the 4-foot-long launcher for size-3 Reebok sneakers for his daughter.

“I didn’t know what to do with it, so I brought it here,” explained the man, who said he found the missile in a shed he tore down last week. “I took it to three dumps to try to get rid of it, and they told me to get lost.”

About a decade ago I worked for a real estate company supervising a Maintenance department in a project in one of the worse parts of the Bronx. There was a guy from El Salvador working there who claimed to have fought the Sandinistas before fleeing here. I didn’t believe him until he showed me his unfired LAW rocket and a working Galil he had stashed in the maintenance shop.

Point is that while this is scary stuff today, rocket launchers have been on the black market here for years. Hopefully people with these weapons are getting rid of them for fear of a DHS crack down. Hopefully.

That is a lot of rocket launchers though.

h/ Gateway Pundit

“A Muslim that Doesn’t Support Jihad is a Hypocrite”

Old news but something our friends on the left always fail to remember; that a significant portion of the Muslim leaders traveling throughout the west believe in violent Jihad as a compulsory obligation for all Muslims. The money quote starts around 5:30 or so, but the whole vid is a good reminder of the danger we face.


h/t Winds of Jihad

Maine Democrats Assign “Trackers” to Harass Female Republican Senator

Imagine if your mother or sister was followed around wherever she went by strange men who described themselves as her “trackers” and filmed her wherever she went. Imagine that they were being funded by a group of people who were eager to embarrass and annoy your relative because they wanted to get her fired from her job and run her out of town. Would you call this acceptable behavior, or stalking?

The Maine Democratic Party seems to think the former. From Gateway Pundit:

Democrats are already harassing Republicans a year before elections!
And, their violent tactics continue from assaulting conservative speakers, to spitting on soldier amputees, to ambushing speakers on stage, to screaming at conservative speakers during public events, to strange protests at senate hearings.

Former Nazi Youth member Hilmar Von Campe compares this behavior by democrats to the former storm troopers in Nazi Germany who would shut up the opposition.

Now the Maine Democratic Party is stalking Republican Senator Susan Collins a year and months before the election.
The stalker posted his video at the Maine Democratic YouTube page

The video he mentions is this creepy clip of an out of work reporter named Rick Redman who seems to have a history with the woman being stalked, Senator Susan M. Collins, as the first few minutes of the video make clear.


He also has a history of stalking, and you can find comments on left wing sites praising his work as a stalker on the Allen campaign. The “tracking” program is one residents of Maine have already noticed, and like anyone else gotten creeped out by. From Bangor Daily News:

Tracking is the campaign practice of filming an opponent to the greatest extent possible, making amply certain the opponent is aware of the filming. Nominally, tracking is used to gather information, but in reality, a camera stuck in the face of the opponent is a weapon to intimidate, harass and provoke that person into doing something foolish. Once accomplished, as fast as you can say “macaca,” the embarrassing film clip is sent, oh, everywhere in the universe.

Maine Democrats currently are using the tactic against Republican Sen. Susan Collins, whose chief of staff Monday asked the Tom Allen for Senate Campaign to cease. The campaign has refused. This is unwise, not only because it worsens the opportunity for Maine to hold a decent race between two strong candidates, but because it could backfire — Maine has a low tolerance for this kind of campaigning. As Democratic Rep. Mike Michaud said Monday of tracking, “Something like that, I don’t think Maine people will appreciate.”

He is correct, and they should not appreciate it because it does not reflect Maine values. It certainly doesn’t make for a fair election and, at the very least, it tramples on the privacy of Maine people who commonly approach elected officials with specific issues on which they need help. Those previously private conversations could now end up on YouTube if the tracker feels something unusual was said.

Democratic officials defend the tactic by arguing that everybody does it and that a form of tracking was used by the Baldacci campaign in 2006 against Republican Chandler Woodcock. Two things: Maine is not obliged to adopt egregious practices from other states, no matter how often national senatorial committees insist it does; and if the best campaigns can do is match the dismal 2006 gubernatorial race, they might as well pack it up now.

Before the use of tracking gets out of hand, the Allen and Collins campaigns should develop ground rules for the use of cameras by anyone associated with their campaigns. For instance, filming speeches, meetings, events where the candidate is offering policy or ideas, are all fair game as exercises in information gathering, as the Collins camp suggested. Using the camera to harass the candidate is not. (In the most recent case, Democratic Party worker Rick Redmond tracked Sen. Collins in a recent Stockton Springs parade, perhaps waiting for her to frown at the wrong time or sneeze inappropriately, but certainly not expecting a policy announcement in midparade.)

BDN is a center left publication which is trying to be politic in the criticism it heaps on the Democratic candidate Tom Allen, but the subtext is clear. Moderate and centrist Democrats are not yet sufficiently Kossified to accept this sort of unseemly behavior, and most are decent enough people to realize that a man following around a woman is an outrageous attempt at intimidation. What the Maine Dem’s would say if some conservative followed around Amanda Marcotte with a camera and described himself as her “tracker?”

The video is hosted at the Maine Democrats Youtube page and the Maine Democrats contact info is here. All decent Americans should let them know that this is unacceptable.

And surprise, the top link on the Maine Dem’s link page: DailyKos.