The Newark Murders:Why Did They Have to Die?

Mark Steyn offers sobering analysis of the liberal white establishments responsibility for the barbaric massacre of three young Black kids, and the almost fatal wounding of a fourth, in this op-ed piece from the O.C. Register:

At the funeral of Iofemi Hightower, her classmate Mecca Ali wore a T-shirt with the slogan: “Tell Me Why They Had To Die.”

“They” are Miss Hightower, Dashon Harvey and Terrance Aeriel, three young citizens of Newark, New Jersey, lined up against a schoolyard wall, forced to kneel and then shot in the head.

Miss Ali poses an interesting question. No one can say why they “had” to die, but it ought to be possible to advance theories as to what factors make violent death in Newark a more-likely proposition than it should be. That’s usually what happens when lurid cases make national headlines: When Matthew Shepard was beaten and hung on a fence in Wyoming, Frank Rich wrote in the New York Times that it was merely the latest stage in a “war” against homosexuals loosed by the forces of intolerance. Mr. Shepard’s murder was dramatized in plays and movies and innumerable songs by Melissa Etheridge, Elton John, Peter, Paul and Mary, etc. The fact that this vile crucifixion was a grisly one-off and that American gays have never been less at risk from getting bashed did not deter pundits and politicians and lobby groups galore from arguing that this freak case demonstrated the need for special legislation.

By contrast, there’s been a succession of prominent stories with one common feature that the very same pundits, politicians and lobby groups have a curious reluctance to go anywhere near. In a New York Times report headlined “Sorrow And Anger As Newark Buries Slain Youth,” the limpidly tasteful Times prose prioritized “sorrow” over “anger,” and offered only the following reference to the perpetrators: “The authorities have said robbery appeared to be the motive. Three suspects – two 15-year-olds and a 28-year-old construction worker from Peru – have been arrested.”

So, this Peruvian guy was here on a green card? Or did he apply for a temporary construction-work visa from the U.S. Embassy in Lima?

Not exactly. Jose Carranza is an “undocumented” immigrant. His criminal career did not begin with the triple murder he’s alleged to have committed, nor with the barroom assault from earlier this year, nor with the 31 counts of aggravated sexual assault relating to the rape of a 5-year-old child, for which Mr. Carranza had been released on bail. (His $50,000 bail on the assault charge and $150,000 bail on the child-rape charges have now been revoked.) No, Mr. Carranza’s criminal career in the United States began when he decided to live in this country unlawfully.

Jose Carranza isn’t exactly a member of an exclusive club. Violent crime committed by fine upstanding members of the Undocumented-American community is now a routine feature of American life. But who cares? In 2002, as the “Washington Sniper” piled up his body count, “experts” lined up to tell the media that he was most likely an “angry white male,” a “macho hunter” or an “icy loner.” When the icy loner turned out to be a black Muslim named Muhammad accompanied by an illegal immigrant from Jamaica, the only angry white males around were the lads in America’s newsrooms who were noticeably reluctant to abandon their thesis: Early editions of the New York Times speculated that Muhammad and John Lee Malvo were being sought for “possible ties to ‘skinhead militia’ groups,” which seemed a somewhat improbable alliance given the size of Mr. Muhammad’s hair in the only available mug shot. As for his illegal sidekick, Malvo was detained and released by the INS in breach of their own procedures.

America has a high murder rate: Murdering people is definitely one of the jobs Americans can do. But that’s what ties young Malvo to Jose Carranza: He’s just another killer let loose in this country to kill Americans by the bureaucracy’s boundless sensitivity toward the “undocumented.” Will the Newark murders change anything? Will there be an Ioefemi Hightower Act of Congress like the Matthew Shepard Act passed by the House of Representatives? No. Three thousand people died Sept. 11, 2001, in an act of murder facilitated by the illegal-immigration support structures in this country, and, if that didn’t rouse Americans to action, another trio of victims seems unlikely to tip the scales. As Michelle Malkin documented in her book “Invasion,” four of the killers boarded the plane with photo ID obtained through the “undocumented worker” network at the 7-Eleven in Falls Church, Va. That’s to say, officialdom’s tolerance of the illegal immigration shadow-state enabled 9/11. And what did we do? Not only did we not shut it down, we enshrined the shadow-state’s charade as part of the new tough post-slaughter security procedures.

Of course the answer to Ms. Ali’s question is they didn’t have to die at all. Jose Carranza shouldn’t have been here, and MS-13 with a high proportion of illegals, shouldn’t be allowed to establish strongholds in this country. It is White liberals and their lemming like adherence to political correctness that allowed this murder to take place.

Michelle Malkin has more on the arrest of new suspects and the MS-13 angle. An angle we’ve been following for some time, and one that the left definitely doesn’t want made public.

There are a couple of good profiles of MS-13 here and here. The author of the second link thinks the gang murderers were not actually MS-13, but I disagree, we’ll see who is right.

In other news, an MS-13 member (who oddly enough doesn’t speak any English) was just sentenced to 37 years in prison for orchestrating the gang rapes of two teenage girls.

Viva La Raza

Why Can’t We Be More Like England?

I always hate when some lefty tries to tell me how much better England is than the U.S., and tries to pawn of the lie that it’s safer. Percentage wise Europe has more assaults and rapes than the U.S. ever will. And now parents in England are taking steps like this to protect their children:

Parents are sending children to school in stab-proof uniforms to guard against knife crime, it has emerged.

They are paying a firm which makes body armour to line blazers and jumpers with a stab-resistant material called Kevlar.

The precautions are aimed at protecting pupils from knife attacks as street crime spills over into schools.

A wave of stabbings involving teenagers includes the killing of promising footballer Kiyan Prince, who was knifed just yards from his school gates in north London.

Kevlar is a synthetic fibre that can be spun into fabric five times stronger than steel and is used in armoured vests worn by British troops in Iraq.

Essex-based firm BladeRunner produces clothing lined with the material for police and security guards.

But inquiries from parents have now prompted it to modfify school uniforms.

Why would parents need to stab proof their kids clothing you ask? From the Daily Mail:

Robberies at knifepoint have more than doubled in the last two years to an alarming 175 a day, a study revealed.

The revelation follows a weekend of knife violence, including the death of 16-year- old GCSE student Andrew Holland and two fatal stabbings in London.

A study compiled from Government figures showed the number of street robberies involving blades rose from 25,500 in 2005 to 64,000 in the year to April 2007.

This means there were 175 robberies at knifepoint in England and Wales every day last year – up from 110 the year before and 69 in 2004-5.

Ouch. Now I begin to see Lionhearts point. Those Brits are also full of journalistic integrity:

David Cameron has foiled an extraordinary attempt to infiltrate the heart of his General Election machine by a Labour-supporting newspaper.

In the latest sign that the embattled Conservative leader is determined to get tough with his media critics, an undercover journalist was exposed by party chiefs in a humiliating showdown.

Emily Miller, 25, who claimed to work for a charity that helps Indian children, applied for a £40,000-a-year job as assistant to Conservative Party chairman Caroline Spelman.

She said she wanted to help Mr Cameron to defeat Gordon Brown at the next Election. But her real aim was to spy on the Conservatives’ Election plans and to help Labour win a fourth term.

Ms Miller was caught out when the Tories discovered her Hotmail email account was linked to the Daily Mirror, Labour’s main cheerleader in Fleet Street.

When officials confronted her at party HQ on Friday, she said “I have been rumbled’ and fled the building.

The exposure comes only days after Mr Cameron forced the BBC to apologise for insulting John Redwood, author of the Tories’ new tax-cutting blueprint.

It is the latest sign that he is fighting back hard following fears among Tory MPs that their inexperienced leader is being steamrollered by ruthless Mr Brown’s battle-hardened Labour campaign team.

I guess we could learn a thing or two from modern England. If we were in the Mafia.

Iran Shelling Kurdish Territory in Iraq!

They’re apparently angry that the Kurdish Worker’s Party, a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group, shot down an Iranian helicopter which was ferrying in weapons to Iraqi insurgents. From Gulf Daily News:

BAGHDAD: Iran is building up its troops near the Iraqi border and is shelling the remote northeast borders.

Two women were injured in the shelling in the Kurdish area of Iraq for the last three days forcing evacuation of 200 families, Hussein Ahmed, the mayor of Qal’at Dizah town close to the Iranian border said.

He said several thousand Iranian soldiers could also be seen near the border.

There was no immediate comment from Tehran or Baghdad on the reports.

Earlier, the Iranian news agency Mehr said an Iranian army helicopter which crashed near the border with northern Iraq had been engaged in a military operation against the Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK), an offshoot of the PKK. Iranian media said six military personnel were killed in the crash, which happened during manoeuvres involving Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards on Friday.

With the Democratic swing to the far left, it’ll be interesting to see if they back the PPK’s right to defend themselves, or are they willing to throw their Marxist allies in Iraq to the Islamist wolves?

h/t Gateway Pundit

The Face of Dhimmitude

On occasion people on the right make the argument that leftists apologists for radical Islam are either disingenuous or so full of hatred for their own western civilization that they argue for things they don’t believe. Unfortunately that leaves out a large chunk of people on the left who are literally happy to be Dhimmis and want to become part of the world wide caliphate.

One such person is this young gal from Canada who claims to be a Muslim convert (though you can sometimes see a cross on her) and has caused quite a stir by adopting Wahhabists views which she promotes on YouTube.

Her videos are hard to watch, as this is in general an unhappy girl who is using Islam the same way kids like her would use Emo. It’s a preemptive strike, something she throws in the face of people she feels will reject her anyway, giving her a comforting reason as to why people “hate” her.

Like all kids she doesn’t understand that nobody, even the people who rough her up on the comments, literally hate her. But she does draw some animosity from people for defending radical Islamic stances (while conveniently living somewhere where Sharia isn’t enforced on her) and in general parroting the ideology of Islamist websites. Here’s a sampling.

In this vid she starts slow, business picks up around 2:57. the first two minutes are informative however, because they explain why she’s so eager for acceptance and so full of self loathing:


So Muhammad wouldn’t rape a little girl and at the same time little girls back then were old enough for sex anyway, so it isn’t rape. I’ve heard that one before. It’s almost as if she’s repeating the things Muslims say without thinking about them. Watch this one to be shocked:


Translation: Muslims don’t beat their wives, but if they did beat their wives it wouldn’t be as bad as people think. Where’s Pandagon when you need them.

So how did this new Muslim come to Islam? A true conversion or some angsty immature lashing out?


The Internet radicalizing alienated youth? Who’d a’ thunk?

Odds that once she marries one of her Muslim friends she’ll see Wahhabism in a different light : 1-4

Odds that she’ll end up strapped to the wrong end of a suicide belt: That’s a sucker’s bet.

I blame the parents. And the left.

Sicko Fun Fact: Cancer Patients in Scotland Wait Months to Begin Treatment

Once diagnosed with cancer the only chance you have for survival is to start chemo and radiation immediately. In America that’s not a problem, in countries like Scotland with a socialized medicine scheme it’s not even thought to be possible. From the Daily Record:

CANCER patients are still waiting up to seven months for treatment.

Patients are supposed to be treated within 62 days of urgent referral.

But figures out yesterday showed only three areas in Scotland were meeting those targets every time.

In the worst cases, sufferers were kept hanging on for 220 days.

The figures, for the first three months of the year, show 85.4 per cent of patients across Scotland were seen within 62 days.

The target set two years ago is 95 per cent.

Yesterday’s figures were up six per cent on last year but down slightly on the previous quarter.

Health secretary Nicola Sturgeon promised to take action.

She said: “It is vital patients get the best treatment, appropriate to their needs, as quickly as possible.

“I have demanded weekly reports on progress from all health boards to ensure they get on track to meet the target.”

Orkney, Shetland and Argyll and Clyde, which is part of NHS Highlands, achieved a 100 per cent score for cancer patients being treated with two months. Lanarkshire had the poorest performance, with just 70.3 per cent of patients being seen within the target time.

Even the 62 day target that they’re trying desperately to hit is too late, allowing an aggressive cancer to spread unchecked for two months (and according to the story more) is malpractice of the worst kind. It’s a death sentence enforced by a government vote buying scheme that kills off anyone who would have a reason to disagree with it.

But let’s get some of that here!

h/t Moonbattery