Surprise! White Supremacists Site Promoting Liberal Publisher’s Attacks on Conservatives!

Birds of a feather after all. The original anti-Conservative tirade is on

Book Chief: Conservatives Want Slogans
Aug 21 02:40 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) – Liberals read more books than conservatives. The head of the book publishing industry’s trade group says she knows why—and there’s little flattering about conservative readers in her explanation.

“The Karl Roves of the world have built a generation that just wants a couple slogans: ‘No, don’t raise my taxes, no new taxes,'” Pat Schroeder, president of the American Association of Publishers, said in a recent interview. “It’s pretty hard to write a book saying, ‘No new taxes, no new taxes, no new taxes’ on every page.”

Schroeder, who as a Colorado Democrat was once one of Congress’ most liberal House members, was responding to an Associated Press-Ipsos poll that found people who consider themselves liberals are more prodigious book readers than conservatives.

She said liberals tend to be policy wonks who “can’t say anything in less than paragraphs. We really want the whole picture, want to peel the onion.”

The book publishing industry is predominantly liberal, though conservative books by authors like former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., and pundit Ann Coulter have been best sellers in recent years. Overall, book sales have been flat as publishers seek to woo readers lured away by the Internet, movies and television.

Rove, President Bush’s departing political adviser, is known as a prodigious reader. White House spokesman Tony Fratto said Schroeder was “confusing volume with quality” with her remarks.

“Obfuscation usually requires a lot more words than if you simply focus on fundamental principles, so I’m not at all surprised by the loquaciousness of liberals,” he said.

Look where the same article interesting appears, unsurprisingly. It’s almost as if those Civic Platform boys are admitting to being liberals, after all if they weren’t why would they be so exited by this article, and statements made by a political hack aimed at stroking the egos of White liberals who lead otherwise boring and unremarkable lives?

The post has a little dig at me in it, but being one of the 66% of “Conservatives” who reads more than one book a year it didn’t really apply. What books you ask?

Here’s a list of five of the most interesting books I’ve read this year, all of which I heartily recommend:

Three Major Plays by Lope de Vega. Classical Spanish theater at it’s best. Punishment Without Revenge has actually one of the best endings in theater.

Primitive Wilderness Living & Survival Skills: Naked into the Wilderness. I am, of course, a crazed survivalist. This book is pretty good if you’re into primitive camping and trekking.

The Masks of Odin. I re-read this periodically, it’s an examination of Norse myth through a theosophical lens. Interesting to ponder whether all religions, as the author claims, contain the truth in code.

Life is a Dream and Other Plays. Contains Cervantes’ epic Siege of Numatia as well as The Trickster of Seville by de Molina. Cervantes play is considered a national treasure, and de Molina takes on the Don Juan legend by presenting the audience with a sinister, dark nobleman in defiance of God himself. The suave and alluring versions of Dracula seen on stage and screen were likely the result of de Molina’s Don Juan.

Duty Calls. I’m a Warhammer 40k nerd. So sue me.

Civic Platform doesn’t reveal it’s Green Party membership in just the childish glee in linking to the above article however, they happily support anti-Capitalist, Eco-Extremist, anti-War lefties even if theoretically there should be a world of difference between those “enlightened liberals” and inbred racists who live on Canada’s dole. But for some reason there doesn’t seem to be much difference between the two groups at all.

C.I.A. Report: It’s Clinton’s Fault

I’m one of those people who happen to think only Osama bin Ladin is to blame for 9-11, and that the fact that prior to the attacks no one entertained the idea of such barbarity to be normal. Before the Manson murders no one thought drugged up hippies would slice open a pregnant women, and before WW II no one though England could be hit with rockets launched from Germany. The fact that Clinton “botched” killing bin Ladin doesn’t actually mean much except that he and the Reno justice department and most of the government didn’t understand how serious a threat Al-Qaeda and fourth generation warfare was to America. That’s not a crime, because if it was we’d all be in jail.

So I hadn’t planned on hyping the recent revelation that the Clinton Administration didn’t have a workable plan for eliminating bin Laden. I was reading through the C.I.A.’s recently released report and trying to find a way to digest this admission by our supposedly sinister spy agency that, as some have expected all along, they just aren’t that good. From USA Today:

“Concerning certain issues, the Team concluded that the Agency and its officers did not discharge their responsibilities in a satisfactory manner,” the report says before advising the CIA director to empower a panel of outsiders to review the accountability of certain employees.

The investigators say they didn’t find any evidence of illegal activity or other misconduct. Instead, they point to evidence that some “individuals did not perform their duties in a satisfactory manner.”

Among the problems the investigators found:

• CIA’s counterterror center was focused on tactical and operational matters, not the sort of strategic issues that it was supposed to be coordinating for the federal government’s intelligence agencies.
• CIA Director George Tenet didn’t do enough to elevate counter-terrorism “in the formal ranking of intelligence priorities.” The report blames Tenet for the lack of an “integrated, interagency plan” of attack against al-Qaeda. The inspector general recommends that Tenet’s actions be reviewed by an Accountability Board.
• CIA managers “were not effectively managing the Agency’s counterterrorism funds.” This includes expenditures that weren’t related to terrorism. As a result, the inspector general suggests that an outside board review the actions of the executive director and those who ran day-to-day operations, including the head of the counter-terrorism center.
• Most of the officers assigned to the unit that was supposed to be leading the hunt for Osama bin Laden “did not have the operational experience, expertise, and training necessary to accomplish their mission in an effective manner.”
• The CIA had intelligence “from credible sources in 2000 and 2001” that “included that allegation that [Khalid Sheikh Mohammed] was sending terrorists to the United States to engage in activities on behalf of Bin Ladin.”
• The review found significant gaps in the analysis of intelligence. According to the report, the CIA never produced a “comprehensive strategic assessment” of al-Qaeda, nor had it prepared a “comprehensive report” on bin Laden since 1993.
• Despite reports that the Clinton administration wanted bin Laden killed, the inspector general says the government “did not provide clear direction or authorization for CIA to kill Bin Ladin or make covert attacks against al-Qa’ida.”
• The review says cooperation was “hampered” because the CIA and the Defense Department argued in the late 1990s over “the cost of replacing lost Predators,” the drone aircraft that proved so helpful after 9/11.

The Clinton revelation is startling, but the fact is this reads like a report on a dysfunctional non-profit, not a government agency that is responsible for keeping America safe. The full report is here and if you’ve ever had to turn in a grant report or evaluate a program, you’ll recognize right away what was going on in the C.I.A., a bunch of people who weren’t good at their jobs bumbled the way into 9-11 and should have been fired well before that.

The director has a statement about releasing the report here, unsurprisingly he wasn’t happy about doing it. I should think so, since this report must be very reassuring to all our enemies around the world.

Hot Air points out that Madeline Albright’s testimony to congress conflicts with this report, which is something we on the right should be hyping.

Meanwhile, as the left and right begin to fight it out over this latest issue, the Jihad marches on.

Dhimmitude in Orlando!

Alan from the Florida chapter of the U.A.C. sent this disturbing report of C.A.I.R.’s influence over local authorities there:

On the day of the CAIR Banquet at the Convention Center there was also a truck show that was open to the public. Interestingly the CAIR banquet was being held directly upstairs in clear sight of the truck show.

Three of us went to the truck show with the plan of quietly and politely handing out literature about Siraj Wahhaj and CAIR both named unindicted co-conspirators in separate cases. Two other members also drove over from Tampa to help out.

We arrived at the truck show at 3:10 PM and immediately began handing out literature to attendees, vendors, and exhibitors. At approximately 3:45 we were collectively flanked by approximately ten security guards, an Orange County Sheriff, and Beth Barrett of the Convention Center management. I was asked to present my ID, which I politely did. Then we were escorted out the Convention Center. When we were outside of the Convention Center there were 3-4 Orange County Sheriff cruisers shadowing our every move – as if we posed a serious threat.

The irony of this exercise is that right upstairs as we were being forced out of a partially tax payer funded venue for simply handing out literature. The group CAIR which is currently listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the ongoing Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding case had as their keynote speaker another unindicted co-conspirator in the 93 WTC Bombings who was also a character witness for the Blind Sheikh, who was sentenced to life in prison for his role in the murder and destruction at the WTC, were conducting business as usual.

The question I have is how could our city leaders allow CAIR Orlando and Siraj Wahhaj to speak at a taxpayer funded venue in the first place. I have left three messages with Mayor Buddy Dyers office and faxed info to Mayor Rich Crotty’s office but have no responses as of yet.

That is briefly what our experiences were in our goal to hand out a few pieces of paper and educate the public about what is going on at the Orange County Convention Center.


United American Committee
Orlando Chapter

Everything you need to know about the C.A.I.R. is here. Michelle Malkin connects he dots between C.A.I.R. and the Jihad in this post. The terror supporting C.A.I.R. were the ones who should have been turned away in Orlando, not concerned citizens exercising their first amendment rights. Support the U.A.C. in their fight to protect our country.

Tila Tequila: Flagged by YouTube (Anti-Semitism Remains Acceptable Public fare)

This is the shocking video that is considered adult content by the YouTube community:


By the gods! You wouldn’t want people under 18 seeing a celebrity like Tila Tequila in a bikini drinking a pina colada. It’s a good thing someone flagged that. Here’s what they didn’t flag:


Yes that’s Frank Weltner of Jew Watch claiming that neo-Nazi hate groups aren’t hate groups at all, they’re love groups. The National Front was a neo-Nazi love group.

So an adult woman in a bikini is considered risque by Tubers, yet Weltner’s white washing (pun intended) of violent White Nationalist groups is acceptable? Also acceptable: promotion of pedophilia

It’d be shocking if I hadn’t blogged about this so many times before.

More Conspiracy Mongering Ron Paul Supporters Spreading Internet Hokum

This time it’s the paranoid mouth breathers from Freedomtown who are putting up YouTube videos supporting Ron Paul’s fight against “neo-conservatives” and demanding “9-11 truth.”


Wow. Feedomtown has (I kid you not) a Sheeple De-programing section on their website where they ironically recycle Communist propaganda and as you would suspect promote Alex Jonesian hoaxes. It’s funny to check out Paul’s supporters, until you realize that President Paul would have people just like them in positions of power.

Imagine Secretary of State whoever telling the U.N. that we need to contain the NWO (Jews) by force if necessary. Or Ron Paul brownshirts rounding up “Zionists” for stirring up trouble in the mid east. If Paul was elected that’s exactly what would happen.

In case you want to make the case that Freedomtown isn’t anti-semitic, check out this page then try to make that argument. Yeah, I didn’t think so.

But is Freedomtown really a bunch of rabid conservatives and libertarians? No their quite far left actually, or at least their trusted anti big media sources are. A few progressive websites the “patriots” at Freedomtown think you should be reading (taken from their links page):


Think progress


Common Dreams

Mother Jones


Democratic Underground

Micheal Moore


Village Voice

and of course, HuffPo

That’s a lot of links to the far left on a site dedicated to radical libertarianism. And as Ron Paul supporters I’d expect them to be the most radical of Libertarians. In fact there are almost no mainstream libertarian or conservative sites linked to by these supporters of Paul. What gives?

Here’s a conspiracy theory I’ve just come up with that’s got a better chance of being true than any of the garbage Freedomtown peddles; Liberals are faking support for Ron Paul in the hopes of drawing libertarians and conservatives away from the front runners in an effort to get one of the Dem’s in the White House in ’08.

Now that’s a conspiracy theory that at least makes sense.