A Message From Ed Brown’s Neighbors!

The people in the area surrounding Ed Brown’s unsupportable stand off with state officials are the hardest hit by Brown’s perfidity. They are the ones whose lives have been disrupted, who must fear for the day when a chaotic gun battle erupts in their backyards and are broad brushed by the media as a radical libertarian anti-American fringe when story after story of New Hampshire’s “live free or die” culture inundated the airwaves. One of Brown’s neighbors has just posted this note on an older Ed Brown post, along with a little info he wanted to pass on to any erstwhile tax protesters who were thinking of following the example of the degenerate grifter Ed Brown:

Rob –

Thank you for your voice of reason. I live in the same town as Ed Brown, and we have known for years that Ed is a delusional whack job. We are tired of this whole thing, and you are correct when you say that all Ed wants is to go down in a fiery blaze as a martyr to all of the other dummies out there.

Anyway, I wanted to alert all of the people that may be sitting on the fence on this one to a webpage that does an excellent job of explaining all of the tax arguments that have been made since 1913, and why they have been all roundly discredited. The page is at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T….._arguments

If readers to this blog have any doubts please read it. Ed’s supporters are idiots and there is no changing their minds, but for those of you who are reasonable intelligent, please read it.

It would be unseemly here to gloat over the fact that this note validates everything I’ve said about Brown and his supporters, instead I’ll renew my offer to his supporters to debate brown anytime, as long as he doesn’t insist on me giving some of his friends my home address as he has done in the past. What about it boys, ready for some spirited debate?

Also amusing, this video was posted on one of Ed Brown’s sites with this eyebrow raising explanation:

I had to wipe Earl Grey tea spray from my computer screen as I laughed and watched the very entertaining Ron Paul is the Matrix YouTube on the Lew Rockwell Breaking News blog. The Matrix–Ron Paul connection is a perfect fit. In The Matrix (in case you live in a duct tape and plastic enrobed house without outside communication), Neo (Keanu Reeves) is given a choice by Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) to take the blue pill, wake up in your bed “and believe whatever you want to believe,” or, take the red pill and “stay in Wonderland and [see] how deep the rabbit hole goes.” The Matrix, as Morpheus explains to Neo, is a computer generated program or “dreamworld” created by artificial intelligence (machines) to keep humanity under control and to use humans as its primary power source. As the story goes, Neo swallows the red pill, battles the nefarious Matrix Agents, and fulfills his destiny as “the one,” which was to destroy the Matrix and save humanity. In our present reality, Ron Paul is our Neo; he is “the one” that may be our last and best hope to revive the essence and spirit of our (former) Constitutional Republic.

Wow. That’s good political theory. The above is actually part of yet another Lew Rockwell abortion that leads to the supposedly libertarian author to discuss how much he loves the message of pro-Communist posers Rage Against the Machine. He either doesn’t understand Rage Against the Machine or libertarianism, I’m guessing both. Here’s the video that got the author so excited.


So a lame video on YouTube made the author support a Communist band and Ron Paul? Seems odd. Brown’s followers have a history to supporting known Communists, and Brown himself will be appearing at some sort of anti-American “freedom fest” with another Communist, Cynthia McKinney. It’s almost like Brown and company aren’t libertarians at all…

As for videos that have made me wax philosophic about the greatness of Capatllism and America:


She got rich doing that! Now tell me America isn’t great.

Behold the Peace of Islam!

Free Copts describes the true plight of the Dhimmi in this article:

When Islam spread in the Middle East during the seventh century, the attitude to the People of the Book, as Jews and Christians are called, does not entail any obligation on the part of the Muslim either to convert or to exterminate them. It is at that time that Islam’s reputation as a religion of toleration arises.

The People of the Book are considered as dhimmi (from Aramaic dmm, i.e.the insulted ones), that is, as persons in possession of a protective treaty, dhimma, in which they renounce certain rights and in return enjoy the practice of their religion and their customs.

Much has been made of the so called Covenant of ‘Umar as a document of an approximate description of the actual state of affairs around 800 A.D. It demonstrates beyond doubt the isolation of non-Muslims within their own religious groups. Their personal safety and their personal property are guaranteed them at the price of permanent inequality. The Covenant of ‘Umar is in the form of a letter presented by the Christian community to the second Caliph (‘Umar bin al-khattab, the second successor to the Prophet Muhammad). It reads the following: “when you (i.e. ‘Umar) came to us we asked of you safety for our lives, our families, our property, and the people of our religion on the conditions: to pay tribute out of hand and be humiliated; not to hinder any Muslim from stopping in our churches by night or day, to entertain him there three days and give him food there and open to him their doors; to beat the naqus (the wooden board which serves as ‘bell’ amongst the Easter Christians) only gently in them and not to raise our voices in them in chanting;….not to build a church, convent, hermitage, or cell, nor repair those that are dilapidated; nor assemble in any that is in a Muslim quarter, nor in their presence; not to display idolatry, nor invite to it, nor show a cross on our churches, nor in any of the roads or markets of the Muslims; not to learn the Koran nor teach it to our children; not to prevent any of our relatives from turning Muslim if he wish it;….not to resemble the Muslims in dress, appearance, saddles….; to honor and respect them, to stand up for them when we meet together;….not to make our houses higher (than theirs); not to tip weapons or swords, nor wear them in a town or on a journey in Muslim lands;….not to strike a Muslim; not to keep slaves who have been the property of Muslims. We impose these terms on ourselves and on our co-religionists; he who rejects them has no protection.” (See A.S. Tritton, The Caliphs and Their Non-Muslim Subjects, London, 1930).

Sounds live a great life. How does this attitude toward Christians and Jews translate in real life?

From Asia News:

Two Christian girls, little more than children, were kidnapped from their families recently, forcibly converted to Islam and then married off to strangers. Both of the kidnaps took place in Faisalabad, the third largest city in Pakistan, and both were completely ignored by the police. The phenomenon is not a new one however, underlined numerous human rights activist, but it is dangerously on the increase.

On August 5 Muhammad Adnan, a Muslim from Zulfiqar colony Faisalabad and his sister kidnapped Zunaira, an eleven years old Christian girl from her home in Warispura. After the kidnap, they forced her to convert to Islam and marry her kidnapper Muhammad.

The small girl’s mother, Abida, told AsiaNews: “When I was roaming in streets in search of my daughter two Muslim men of the area told me that they saw Adnan and his sister taking my daughter”. Abida decided to go to the kidnapper’s house, from which however she is thrown out. Returning home, she was contacted by two men who revealed the kidnappers identity and offer to act as negotiators for her daughters release in exchange for money.

Despite being desperately poor, Abida gives them 12 thousand Rupees (200 Euro): “I didn’t’t want to inform the police, because my daughter was engaged and I didn’t want my relatives to know. Unfortunately I found out too late that those men who said they would help me only want money: I have sold all I have, but it wasn’t enough and now I am alone”. Abida then turned to the police, but they refused help. The fact that the marriage is invalid given the age of the bride, “is not a matter for the police” said the officers.

In the second case Shumaila Tabussum, (16), was kidnapped from her home on August 16 by a Muslim man Mazher and some other unknown people. They told Shumaila that her father had been seriously injured in an accident and offered to accompany her to the hospital where he had been taken. The girl, without waiting for her mother, got into Mazher’s car: on the way she met two uncles at shouted the news of her father’s accident to them. These made their way to the hospital but found no-one.

Salamat Masih, 37, Shumaila’s father, immediately reported the abduction to the police. He told AsiaNews that he is “very worried because cases such as these are on the increase: Christian girls abducted, forcibly converted and subjected to becoming the wives of complete strangers”.

Christians aren’t allowed, under Islamic tradition, to fight back against “humiliation”, and while American apologists for Islam attempt to portray a tolerant loving Islam the truth is that to Islamists kidnapping and raping young girls, then telling the family that the girls “converted”, is exactly what kind of humiliation is allowed. I’ve written about sex attacks in Egypt aimed at humiliating young girls and shaming them into becoming Muslims in another post and as you read this Muslims are occupying and desecrating a Sikh temple.

But the left in this country, and internationally, seems intent on holding to the covenant of Umar, trading their own freedoms for theoretical safety and aiding the Islamists against the rest of us unbelievers. Whether it’s Gwen Stefani capitulating to Islamist demands or left wing groups supporting an Islamist run madrassa in NYC, the left has continued to “stand up for Muslims” in return for the the illusion of safety the Jihadists offer.

The left are allied with the Islamists in their hatred of the west, and desire to destroy our civilization. Some leftists no doubt believe that a revolution involving Jihadists and radical leftists would lead to the two groups coexisting as equal overlords enslaving the rest of the world, but that is clearly not the case as Robert Spencer explains aptly.

For the non-Muslim, the peace of Islam is slavery, rape and death. The Islam of today’s radicals is not the benign Sufism of Rumi as so many on the left suppose, nor is it the heroic answer to western imperialism. Islamists are imperialists in the truest sense of the word, seeking to establish a feudal kingdom on earth and a culture of tribal warfare, raiding and genocide. The Islamic London of Michael Hodges would look less like paradise and more like Darfur, and anyone who doesn’t see that is deluding themselves. The only peace that Islam offers is to those who submit entirely to the barbaric savages that are its modern leaders.

Support Terror Free Investing

Debra Burlingame’s brother was the pilot of flight 77 that was hijacked on 9-11 and flown into the Pentagon. She is now lending her voice to a growing movement to get American pension plans to divest from Iran and other terror supporting states. From CNS:

Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame III was the pilot in command of American Airlines flight 77 – one of the planes hijacked by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001 and crashed into the Pentagon.

Today, his sister, Debra Burlingame, is lending her voice to a national movement that advocates consider the most peaceful means of combating terrorists: calling for states to withdraw their public pension money from companies doing business with Iran.

“One of the things I’ve done for the last six years is read up on who these people are,” she told Cybercast News Service. “I found they are telling us who they are and what they are doing. But a lot of people here and in Western Europe don’t want to listen. For me, the divest terror project is a moral imperative.”

The initiative is growing in popularity, as Missouri, Florida, Illinois, and Louisiana have approved measures to take public pension money out of Iran and Sudan. Meanwhile, California appears poised to do the same with widespread support in the state legislature and support from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Burlingame, a co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America and a board member of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation, has traveled to Ohio, where the state legislature there is considering a divestment initiative.

She is also traveling around Washington meeting with media and other organizations to raise awareness about the issue.

Burlingame’s hope is for a terror free investment index, just as there is an index for people with environmental concerns and those with tobacco concerns.

Such a fund is in the early stages, but Burlingame and others are working to get the word out to people that their retirement savings are going to support companies doing business with terrorist regimes such as Iran.

“I don’t think it can initially succeed if people don’t know about it,” Burlingame said. “People I talked to didn’t know” about the investments in Iran. “It never occurred to them this was happening,” she added.

It’s a worthy goal and one that should be supported by every American. Does your pension plan fund jihadism? If you’re not sure, shouldn’t you find out and make sure your hard earned money isn’t supporting threats to the lives of your children and grandchildren?

Iranian Offensive Against Kurdish Communists Continues!

From IMRA:

Hundreds of Iraqi Kurds have
fled remotemountain villages near the country’s eastern frontier as Iranian
gunnerstarget separatist guerrilla bases, local officials said yesterday.
“About150 families have left eight villages. We are very concerned about
thesituation in the area. If the shelling continues, we may have to declare
anemergency situation,” said Hussein Ahmed, governor of Qalaa Diza

This comes after Iran dropped leaflets warning Kurds of the offensive:

Kurdish sources said Iran’s military has dropped leaflets into Iraqi Kurdish villages that call for their immediate evacuation. The leaflets warned the Kurds of impending Iranian military strikes.

“The authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran will work on cleansing this area,” the leaflet said.

On Aug. 20, Kurdish sources said an Iranian military helicopter was shot down by Kurdish insurgents near the Iranian-Iraqi-Turkish border. The helicopter was said to contain at least six Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps officers assigned to direct attacks against the Kurds.

The leaflets were distributed in the northern province of Irbil on Aug. 19 as Iranian troops began deployment along the Iraqi border. Kurdish sources said Iran appeared ready to launch an offensive against Kurdish insurgents from the so-called Party of Freedom of Life, which demands autonomy for Kurds in Iran.

The sources said Iranian forces were deployed near the Iraqi town of Haj Omran. The military operation was said to have been coordinated with Turkey.

“Our enemies, mainly the Americans, are trying to plant security hurdles in our country,” the Iranian leaflet said. “They achieved this through using agents in the [Iraqi] areas of Kandil and Khaneera inside the Kurdish region.”

Iran’s offensive may be aimed at the PKK, a Kurdish Communist insurgent group, but the timing coincides with France’s promise to help stabilize the region, and perhaps a Baathist alliance with coalition forces, which may put the Iranians in a position where they need to step up the violence to avoid having another “occupying force” left if the Dem’s get their way and pull out. This is likely a message to France and anyone else thinking of attempting to help Iraq, “We’re shelling the Kurds and America can’t do anything about it, what are you going to do?” A message that strong may shake French resolve to intervene.

The PKK are no angels however, and are basically a Communist Narco -terror outfit who’ve been able to fill in the gap for a weak and ineffective Kurdish resistance in the minds of Kurds. America may be unwilling to intervene to protect PKK interests because in the long term an armed and powerful PKK is a threat to our interests.

A heart wrenching Kurdish call to arms can be found here, and will help explain why a violent Communist group is able to garner support from the mainstream Kurds. A spirited defense of the PKK can be found here. There’s no doubt that the PKK is influential on the ground, American forces may be making a mistake by not coming to their aid.

Gateway Pundit has more.

More Jihadist Propaganda on YouTube

This time it’s an almost hour long Hizb-ut-Tahir agi-prop vid designed to call the Muslim world to battle against the west. For you Ron Paul supporters out there this video should prove to you that the list of grievances the Islamists use as an excuse to hate us didn’t start with modern American policy, but go back to the destruction of the Caliphate. They will accept nothing less than the reestablishment of the Caliphate and the subservience of the west to a Caliph, and that you should find as unacceptable as they find us.


The video is posted by this ‘Tuber, who has his own “production company” that distribute Islamist propaganda.

h/t Center for Vigilant Freedom