Join the U.A.C. Rally Against Islamic Fascism on September 9th!

The U.A.C. is organizing a counter rally to the extremist infested “Muslim Day Parade” which will be attended by such “moderates” as Debbie “intifada” Almontaser and accused Pakistani death squad leader Ashrafuzzaman Khan, who reportedly helped lead a pogrom against Bangladeshi civilians in the 1970’s. One website describes Mr. Khan this way:

One of the chief al-Badr (Jamai Death squad in 1971) executioners. It has been clearly proved that he himself shot to death 7 teachers of Dhaka university in the killing zones at Mirpur. A certain Mofizzuddin, who drove the vehicle that carried those hapless victims to Mirpur, has clearly identified Ashrafuzzaman as the “chief killer” of the intellectuals.

After Liberation, Ashrafuzzaman’s personal diary was recovered from his residence, 350 Nakhal Para. Two pages of his diary registered names and residential addresses of 19 teachers as well as the name of the medical officer of Dhaka University. Of those 20 persons, 8 were missing on December 14: Munier Chowdhury (Bengali), Dr. Abul Khair (History), Ghiasuddin Ahmed (History), Rashidul Hasan (English), Dr. Faizul Mohi (IE R) and Dr. Murtaza (Medical Officer).

Mofizuddin confessed that Ashrafuzzaman himself shot all of them. As per Mofizuddin’s description, the decomposed bodies of those unfortunate teachers were recovered from the swamps of Rayer Bazar and the mass grave at Shiyal Bari at Mirpur. There were also other names in the diary including Dr. Wakil Ahmed (Bengali), Dr. Nilima Ibrahim (Bengali), Dr. Latif (IE R), Dr. Maniruzzaman (Geography), K M Saaduddin (Sociology), AMM Shahidullah (Math), Dr. Sirajul Islam (Islamic History), Dr. Akhtar Ahmed (Education), Zahirul Huq (Psychology), Ahsanul Huq (English), Serajul Islam Chowdbury (English), and Kabir Chowdhury (English).

Another page of his diary recorded the names of 16 collaborating teachers of Dhaka university. Apart from that there were also names of Chowdbury Moinuddin, the chief of operation for elimination of the intelligentsia, and Shawkat Imran, a member of the central Al-Badr command, and the head of Dhaka Al-Badr forces.

The diary also contained names and addresses of several other prominent Bengali’s. All of them lost their lives at the hands of Al-Badr forces. On a small piece of paper the name of the member finance of the Pakistan Jute Board, Abdul Khalek, was written down. On December 9, 1971, the Al-Badr forces kidnapped Mr. Khalek from his office. They demanded Taka 10,000 as ransom. They saw Mrs. Khalek for ransom money. But at that time she was unable to pay the kidnappers more than 450 taka. She promised that she would give them the rest of the money later, and begged them her husband’s life. But Mr. Khalek never came back.

Ashrafuzzaman has also been implicated in the murder of some journalists. It was Ashrafuzzaman who kidnapped the shift-in- charge of the Purbadesh, and the literary editor, Mr. Golam Mustafa.

Ashrafuzzaman Khan, was a member of the Central Committee of the Islami Chhatra Sangha. After liberation he went to Pakistan and worked for Radio Pakistan. Recently Ashrafuzzaman has moved to New York and presently heads the Queens branch of Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)

Joe Kaufman and Beila Rabinowitz have more on what’s being called the Islamist day parade in Frontpage.

The U.A.C. counter rally parade route will begin at promptly 12:00 noon at Madison and 41st and will end at Madison and 23rd. Bring your flags and join in!

For more info contact:

Come out and support these patriots and their fine work.

St. Paul Woman Raped in Hallway While Witnesses Did Nothing! Islam to Blame?

From Fox News:

ST. PAUL, Minn. — A security video from an apartment hallway shows at least 10 witnesses ignored a woman’s cries for help for more than an hour as a man beat and sexually assaulted her, prosecutors in Minnesota said.

The surveillance video clearly showed men and women looking out their apartment doors or starting to walk down the hallway before retreating as the woman was assaulted for nearly 90 minutes, police spokesman Tom Walsh said.

Police said they responded to a call of drunken behavior and found Somali immigrant Rage Ibrahim, 25, and a woman lying unconscious in the hallway early Tuesday. The woman’s clothing had been pulled up and she had fresh scratches on her face and blood on her thigh, according to the criminal complaint.

Ibrahim says he is innocent and that the incident was a misunderstanding, according to Omar Jamal, the executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center, who spoke on Ibrahim’s behalf.

Ibrahim was charged with several counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, prosecutors said.

Walsh said police were shocked by the behavior of the bystanders.

“(The video) shows one person looking out of her door probably three times,” Walsh said. “It shows another person walking up, observing what’s going on, then turning and putting up the hood of his sweatshirt.”

At one point, the 26-year-old woman knocked on a door, yelling for the occupants to call police. A man inside that apartment told police he did not open the door or look out, but said he did call police — although they have no record of his call, according to court documents.

Minnesota law makes it a petty misdemeanor to not give reasonable help to a person in danger of “grave physical harm.”

Walsh said it is unlikely police would pursue charges against witnesses in this case because authorities would have to show that witnesses knew the woman was in extreme danger.

Jamal said Ibrahim went into the hallway after the woman because he thought she was too drunk to drive. They struggled over car keys, and “he is saying there was a huge misunderstanding,” Jamal said, adding that the police report does not show “the truth of what happened that night.”

“He did not rape her,” Jamal said.

That doesn’t jibe with the police report however. From KARE 11:

Charged with two counts of rape, Rage Ibrahim turned himself in to Ramsey County authorities Thursday afternoon.

“Ibrahim is innocent of rape he said,” says Omar Jamal with the Somali Justice Center, speaking on behalf of Ibrahim

It all started Tuesday morning at a Saint Paul apartment complex. According to the criminal complaint, police responded to a call of intoxicated people in the hallway. When they arrived, they found Ibrahim and a 26-year-old woman, both naked from the waist down. The woman told police she was drugged and raped. Police say the alleged attack was captured by the building’s security camera.

It shows the suspect striking the victim,” says St. Paul Police spokesperson Tom Walsh.

As many as 10 apartment dwellers apparently appear on the video, peeking out in the hallway and doing nothing. Michelle Malkin has an excellent post on the case linking it both to the infamous Kitty Genovese murder and the Islamic culture of both the assailant and the witnesses. Dhimmi Watch also makes the point that this is behavior that is more in line with Islamic values than American ones:

The attack occurred in an apartment hallway and lasted over an hour. While the report does not make clear the background of the witnesses, their reaction, or lack thereof, seems culturally inconsistent with American behavior.

Additionally, while the executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center spoke on the alleged perpetrator’s behalf, and claimed the police report “does not show ‘the truth of what happened that night,'” what are they doing for the victim?

I must respectfully disagree. I live in one of the “nicest” sections of the Bronx (for now) and I’ve seen this behavior time after time. A couple of summers ago, as I was recuperating from a broken toe, I heard blood curdling screams outside around 2:00 am. I get dressed, hobble outside and see four local men in the a brawl with two women. A fight which spilled over from a bar. I called the cops, they take a good twenty minutes to show up, and no one else is around so I limp over to help the women, which immediately leads to the men breaking it up. One did threaten me just before the cops came.

The assailants were not Muslim immigrants, but middle class third generation Irish Americans.

The next day the punk who jumped two women with his three friends and told me he’d kick my ass was still on the streets despite having been arrested. He lives a couple of doors down from me, and I have to glare at him so that he remembers to cross the street away from me while I’m walking. The kicker, all my neighbors heard and saw the same thing, but did nothing. None even called the cops.

That’s one of about a dozen instances where I’ve been the only person in Riverdale to call a cop when something happens, though I’m not the only witness. I don’t live in a Islamic area, in fact Riverdale is heavily Jewish and Catholic. But the behavior here is the same as in St. Paul and what links St. Paul and the Bronx is not Islamic tolerance for misogyny, but liberal tolerance for crime and cowardice.

Liberalism teaches people to give themselves over completely to the state, to wait for a cop to magically appear during a crime to save them. It teaches them that it’s the state that is responsible for the safety of your friends and neighbors, and punishes those who try to take that away that monopoly. But in situations like St. Paul the only way for that crime to have been prevented is for those neighbors to physically stop the rapist, and Liberalism teaches people that that sort of violence is almost as unacceptable as the rape.

I’d like to blame this horrific incident on radical Islam, but it’s just as likely that American Liberalism infected these people, teaching them to keep their mouths shut, to stop snitchin’ so to speak. It is a very American phenomenon, as evidence in the 2000 Puerto Rico Day Parade sex attacks, for “enlightened” big city denizens to simply watch crimes occur, to not get involved. The people who do so aren’t penalized or stigmatized in any way, so the greater risk is to act.

Which is why I’m moving to South Carolina.

IDF Not Ready for War?

13 years of budget cuts have left the I.D.F. undermanned and under equipped for conflict, according to a DEBKA report:

Since the beginning of the week, Israel’s top military commanders have been poring over the situation of the Israeli Defense Forces in a workshop called by Ehud Barak who took over as defense minister two months ago. Some of their most alarming findings were presented by Barak at his first news conference in Tel Aviv Monday, Aug. 21 in advance of the ministry’s presentation of its budget requirements.

Not all of the findings were news after disastrous deficiencies were brought to light in the ill-managed 2006 Lebanon War against Hizballah. But the negligence was now frankly traced to 1994 and 13 years of budget slashes by one government after another, including the one headed by the defense minister himself. They have left Israel’s armed forces deprived of the three security capabilities which Barak deems essential to Israel’s survival in a hostile environment: deterrence, early warning and victory.

To restore these capabilities, Barak outlined a program, the highlights of which are to reconstitute two disbanded reservist divisions, improve tank armor to withstand armor-piercing missiles and effective, active interception measures to protect the population against enemy rocket fire.

DEBKAfile’s analysts note that, for the present, the IDF offers early warning – but not deterrence; the burning drive to prevail over the enemy was seen wanting in the Lebanon War and missing in dealing with the plague of missile and mortar attacks from Gaza, the daily fare of the neighboring Israeli population.

Senior officers told our sources: “The IDF is not only short of funds to meet its objectives, but also lacks sufficient manpower. It would take at least 10 years to rebuild and retrain the armed forces. The question is: what do we do in the meantime?”

Read the rest here. With Islamic imperialism on the march in the middle east, word that our allies may be unable to hold their ground is cause for alarm. Let’s hope for more Republican seats in the next election, so that our friends in Israel are at least guaranteed support from America, even if they can’t expect it from their own military.

A Jihadist Perspective on Interfaith Relations

The jihadist savage from Ignored Pieces of the Puzzle has this post up dealing with the old Christian advice to “love the sinner, hate the sin” which he believes is the worst form of degeneracy:

This is a refutation of those who say, “We should hate the sin, but not the sinner itself.” And this “sin” we refer to is Shirk. The obligation upon the Muslims is to hate not only Shirk, but the disbelievers themselves who commit it. Many Muslims shy away from this because they know that if they are to do it, then they will face hardships in life, especially from the disbelievers. This is why it is better for a Muslim to live amongst the Muslims than to live amongst the disbelievers. However the strong Muslims do not waiver and the disbeliever – when they see the strong Muslim – will know that the Muslim only cares about their salvation.

He goes on to site Islamic sources which prove his point, much to the chagrin of all you multiculturalists out there. Shirk by the way, encompasses everything from being a different religion than Muslims to not having a religion at all. Here’s a good list of what is and isn’t considered shirk. Where do you fit in?
What’s odd is that the author seems to imply Muslims should be separate from non-Muslims, yet doesn’t live in a Muslim land. It’s like he thinks there’s a chance that Muslims will control western countries in his lifetime or something…

Slate: The Taliban Were Super Gay

Surprising coming from the left but actually not far off the mark. The institutionalized misyogny of Radical Islamist movements creates a situation where men must seek companionship and emotional bonding only with other men, which to the western male seems effeminate, odd and a sign of being gay. The Taliban aren’t gay in the true sense of the word however, as adult males do not have sex with each other, but as the video points out, pedophilic relationships are historically common in that area.

So let’s just say the Taliban are not the good kind of Gay, which would be the Tammy Bruce, Ellen, Paul Lynde kind of Gay. They’re more like the Anne Heche kind of gay, or the Sarah Lawrence Women’s Studies undergrad gay. You know, little “g” gay.

Slate says the Taliban are little “g” gay:

h/t Hot Air