Rape Loving Racists for Ron Paul!

Forget the dottering Grandpa’ routine, after seeing the third or fourth link to the official Ron Paul HQ on a White Nationalist forum I got the sneaking suspicion that Ron Paul is a miscreant swindler who trudges through the fever swamps of marginal libertarianism churning up the muck and mire of any puddle of fringe thought which he can pan for gold. He’ll reach out to any group, no matter how unseemly, if it means more money, attention and devotees for his Lyndon Larouche style political cult dedicated to carving out a position of real power for “pork barrel Paul” so he can live like a King from
the paranoid sweat of ten thousand delusional shut-ins.

One such shut in going by the handle “John Knight” has been posting fallacious defenses of Paul on several Red Alerts posts. Here’s a taste:

Ron Paul points out that for three quarters of its life, our government managed to function perfectly well, including all the government “services” you mention above, WITHOUT the IRS. He also points out that the U.S. Constitution does not give authority for the IRS, nor an income tax. There’s a huge difference between “helping widows and orphans”, and establishing a black welfare class which now costs us more than one TRILLION dollars each year in social transfer payments, which could not happen if the IRS were to be righteously outlawed–and created a criminal class which is a far greater threat to the average citizen than 1.2 billion Muslims of the world, combined.

He conveniently leaves a link to his “Christian Party” website which I assume is endorsing Ron Paul. Paul may not be excited about an endorsement by this particular group however as it exposes Paul’s appeal is not so much to libertarians as rape loving racists who hate Jews and think the New World Order is secretly calling the shots in America.

Here’s a selection of his best hits:

He calls for a boycott of companies whose ads feature Black models. As he says, “once we see black we never go back!”

He hosts a poll to see how much support there is to exile Black people.

He believes Jews are “tapping” our computers. Also the Mafia are all Jews.

Dylan Klebold participated in the Columbine Massacre because he was a Jew who believed in the Holocaust Hoax.

Women’s Suffrage made America a totalitarian state!

I could go on but literally every page on this bizarrely hateful website is full of asinine conspiracy theories and racist rambling. The worst part of his site is dedicated to proving that most rape reports are false and a feminist conspiracy. It’s an especially creepy read on his rainbow decorated site which looks as if it was designed by a Strawberry Short cake afficianado.

So why does Paul attract this sort of degenerate to his flock anyway? Why can’t Paul supporters meet my challenge to identify a rational, normal self sufficient adult who isn’t a conspiracy theorist or living at home? Is it just fate, or is Paul a grifter who grooms these people as followers because they’re easier to bilk and will work for free promoting him?

As of yet, his campaign has no comment.

Dhimmitude: “9/11 Has Brought Americans Closer to Islam”


9/11 has brought Americans closer to Islam, since the Americans started studying Islam after the bloody attacks and realised that Islam was a peaceful religion, said Walter Russell Mead on Saturday. The US foreign policy expert and Henry Kissinger Senior Fellow for the US Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations was speaking at Jamia Ashrafia on ‘The Influence of Religion on the US Foreign Policy’. Osama was not a true leader of Islam and his acts were against the teachings of Islam, he said. Mead said as far as war on terror was concerned, the American Muslims were not a problem, but a solution, since they could act as a bridge between Islam and West. Answering a question regarding the US support for military regime, he said there was not true democracy in Pakistan and the United States wanted to see Pakistan a truly democratic Muslim state with better socio-economic conditions. Religion was never a controversial issue in the world and religious education was being given everywhere, including the US, Mead said. staff report

We’re doomed. We need to defeat Wahabbism, not build bridges with it, and a Pakistan that is ruled by the majority, and armed with nukes, isn’t good for world peace as long as their are vast numbers of radical Islamists there seeking to rule the world through violence and terror.

I don’t think this guy knows what he’s talking abut.

Passenger Arrested in NYC Trying to Open Door on Plane During Flight

From the Santa Barbara New-Press:

DENVER, Colo. (AP) – A passenger tried to open a plane door during a Frontier Airlines flight on Saturday morning but was subdued by airline staff and passengers, an airline spokesman said.

Police and Transport Security Administration staff met Flight 514 after the plane landed in New York City and took the man into custody, said Frontier spokesman Joe Hodas.

Hodas said the man would not have been able to open the door even if he had not been subdued. ”You need special training to open the door,” he said.

There were 128 passengers and five crew members on the plane, Hodas said.

Passenger Bobby Vigil of Estes Park told KUSA-TV the man had been acting strangely. The man, whose name was not released, was restrained for the remainder of the flight.

”I turn around and hear the flight attendant yelling for someone to help her because he opened the back door of the plane. The whole rest of the flight, all the way in, he was yelling and trying to bite the tape, and they ended up restraining him with an extra lap belt,” said Vigil.

A surprisingly sparse account for so provocative a story. I wonder what he was telling that whole time? Anyone care to place any bets?