Councilman Seeks Tougher Reporting Laws After Newark Massacre

At least someone’s doing something about this disgraceful travesty.

Councilman Ron Rice is trying to get legislation passed that will make it tougher for the Jose Carranzas of the world to perpetrate their atrocities on an unsuspecting public. From Asbury Park Press:

As police continued to search for additional suspects in the
execution-style killings of three young people in Newark, the debate over the immigration status of one of those already arrested picked up political steam.

A city councilman announced Monday that he was introducing a bill to require Newark police to contact federal immigration authorities whenever they arrest someone living in the country illegally who is charged with committing a felony.

The bill is the first piece of legislation that has resulted from the horrifying shooting of four Newark college students, which left three dead and one wounded.

One suspect, 28-year-old Jose Carranza, was an illegal immigrant from Peru who was granted bail earlier this year when he was charged with assault and child rape. On Monday, a judge revoked his $200,000 bail at the request of prosecutors. Carranza’s attorney did not object.

Carranza attended the 5-minute hearing but did not speak. His listened to the discussions, which were translated, through headphones.

“He clearly should not have been out on the street,” said City Councilman Ron C. Rice, who is sponsoring the new immigration measure in City Hall.

The guidelines Rice is calling for would change policy for law enforcement in the city.

Paul Loriquet, a spokesman for the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office, told The Star-Ledger of Newark that the office generally refers cases of illegal aliens to federal immigration authorities only after the defendant is convicted and sentenced. Notifying authorities earlier might result in having suspects deported before they could be punished for their crimes.

The Newark massacre shows the danger of sanctuary cities, a danger Fred Thompson illustrates in detail on his blog:

If you listen to folks who oppose immigration and border enforcement, you get the feeling they think we put locks on our doors to keep everybody out. The truth is we have locks so we can choose who comes in.

An example of what happens when we don’t make the choice took place August 4th when three Newark, New Jersey, college students with great promise were executed, gangland style. The killers’ ringleader was apparently an illegal alien indicted twice in 2007 for felonies, including the rape of a kindergarten-aged girl.

Why would such a person be set free instead of being handed over to authorities for deportation? The answer is that Newark is a “sanctuary city” which bans cooperation between local officials and federal immigration officials. More than 60 sanctuary zones, including 30 of America’s largest cities, provide a national networked haven for foreign and organized criminals who recruit and operate outside those areas as well. These sanctuaries include Cambridge, Massachusetts; Los Angeles, California; Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, Illinois; Austin and Houston, Texas; Denver, Colorado; and New York City.

The consequences of “sanctuary cities” may be most obvious in the city that became the first in 1979 — Los Angeles. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, a confidential California Department of Justice study from the mid-1990’s showed then that at least 60 percent of the members of L.A.’s most violent gangs, with membership in the tens of thousands, were illegal aliens. Of all outstanding murder warrants in Los Angeles, 95 percent are for illegal aliens. Frustrated police say they are powerless to pick up even well-known, previously deported felons.

Blacks are especially vulnerable to violent hate crimes committed by Latino gangs, and in this disturbing case it is suspected that the murderers were part of MS-13 which has been establishing its presence in Newark for the last few years. has a concise profile of this dangerous organization, and as of 2005 MS-13 was thought to have 6000 members in Northern Virginia alone. Even back then authorities were alarmed by their over the top violence. From American Intelligence:

The signs of a new threat in northern Virginia emerged ominously in blood-spattered urban streets and rural scrub. Two summers ago the body of a young woman who had informed against her former gang associates was found on the banks of the Shenandoah River, repeatedly stabbed and her head nearly severed. Last May in Alexandria, gang members armed with machetes hacked away at a member of the South Side Locos, slicing off some of his fingers and leaving others dangling by a shred of skin. Only a week later in Herndon, a member of the 18th Street gang was pumped full of .38-caliber bullets, while his female companion, who tried to flee, was shot in the back. The assailant, according to a witness, had a large tattoo emblazoned on his forehead. It read MS, for Mara Salvatrucha, the gang allegedly responsible for all these attacks.

At the nearby headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, agents—many of whom live in these communities—fielded the reports with mounting alarm. But Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13, wasn’t terrifying just northern Virginia. “They were popping up everywhere,” says Chris Swecker, assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division. “It seemed like we were hearing more and more about MS-13.” Then one day last fall, FBI Director Robert Mueller called Swecker into his office. “You have a mandate to go out and address this gang,” Mueller told him. Mueller declared MS-13 the top priority of the bureau’s criminal-enterprise branch—which targets organized crime—and authorized the creation of a new national task force to combat it. The task force, which includes agencies like the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), aims to take on MS-13 much as the FBI once tackled the Mafia.

MS-13 spreading into Newark, a transportation hub not just to the New York City environs but deep into the heart of suburban New Jersey, is troubling. It is especially troubling for inner city Blacks, as MS-13 has been involved in prison race riots some of the worst gang violence in the last ten years:


Ron Rice is on the right track, but he and all of Newark are in for a long few years if the MS-13 infestation is allowed to take hold. It’s time for all sides to put aside their petty political differences and deal with this threat decisively and before more innocent lives are lost.

h/t No More Spin via Banks of the Potomac

Obama Getting It From Both Sides

Mitt Romney has weighed in on Obama’s most recent gaff in what Hot Air describes and a cheap applause moment. I don’t know about all that, Romney has that finger wagging air about him, I think he’d be lecturing someone about Obama’s comments even if he weren’t running or maybe taking troubled teens out for coffee to talk to them about getting their lives together. He’d be a good President, but a better guidance counselor which might be what Obama needs in his campaign now.

Elisabeth Edwards is also taking some swipes at Obama, calling out the Democrats new dream boy for not swinging hard enough to the left and being “holier than thou” which she was reported to have said without a trace of irony.

You almost feel sorry for the guy, until you remember he’s a communist.

I’m with Fred!

Ron Paul Campaign Reaches Out … to White Supremacists

More in my series on the real face of Ron Paul supporters. I’ve long said his conspiracy friendly version of Libertarianism was flavored with the warmed over anti-Semitic and racist quackery that re-emerged in the ’90’s as more and more inbred hillbillies and unmedicated schizophrenics gained access to software that made it simple to vomit forth their nonsense into cyberspace.

That in part explains the support for the “Ron Paul Revolution” by White Supremacist groups eager to use his gullible, paranoid followers to swell their ranks with more anti-American cranks. Far from disavowing these seditious traitors, rumor has it that Paul’s campaign is actively embracing them even sending out activist to contact the most loathsome of these groups.

Racist forums are awash in Paul supporters, whether this is a natural phenomenon or a campaign strategy remains to be seen. But the fact remains that members of the Stormfront forums and the VNN forums are not only actively campaigning for Paul, but driving traffic to his official sites in the hopes of raising money for him. From the Stormfront forum:


I wonder how the webmasters for Paul’s official sites feel when they look at their daily stats and sees one of their referrers is a White supremacist group whose sole desire is the overthrow of the United States government? Since this link’s been up for a while we can assume it doesn’t really bother them at all.

More interesting is he response one angry neo Nazi gets when he decries support for Paul as support for the hated Republican party (the party that destroyed the confederates):

Whats that I see? A great white savior riding in on a white horse waving his hands and magically accomplishing EVERY OBJECTIVE in one fell stroke? Oop, no, I guess I was waxing delusional. No such candidate exists, nor would he ever be elected, short of some very serious patchwork measures that Ron Paul could introduce in the meantime.

Ron will fix the border and stop the demographic hemmorhage. Thats a PLUS. Ron would pull our troops out of Iraq and end the billions of dollars in military and financial aid we send Israel every year. THATS A PLUS. He’d also dissolve the IRS, hopefully in favor of a consumption tax. If that means we stop subsidizing minorities, thats also a PLUS. As a non-interventionist, we wouldn’t get involved in places like Yugoslavia or Sudan and we probably wouldn’t be sending monetary AID to the Africans. Thats a PLUS. He’d preserve American sovereignty, shut down the NAFTA superhighway plans, and block the plans for a North American Union. PLUS PLUS PLUS.

If anyone expects better than this from the current crop of political candidates who stand a shot at winning, then that person is dreaming, and quite honestly acting as BAGGAGE to the WN movement, because they’re stalling our progress. Is Ron WN? Who knows – his policies help us, and we need action on our issues NOW, not in 2040 when we’re trying to retake California with tanks.

Some of you need to stop looking at our problems like a friggin BOARDGAME that you’re not going to play unless someone sets you up for an easy checkmate. Commit to making some progress, even if its piecemeal, and stop dragging your feet.

For every day that goes by thousands of Mexicans cross our border and change this country for the worse, and each good candidate we fail to stand behind will have a lesser and lesser chance of winning as time goes on. We are on the edge of the knife people – we’re either going to buy ourselves a time-out to make a few babies and get our s*** together with Ron, or we’re going to go with the status quo and have 40 million Mexicans to consider next round. If we want a RESULT we are going to have to WORK for it given the political variables as they exist, not what we’d wish them to be. Normally I’m not this sharp, but it burns my *ss to think we’ve got people on a WN forum off all places stealing momentum from one of the best real-world opportunities that we’ve had in a long time.

I edited out the cute frowny face he ended with, because it would distract you from this guy saying very clearly that White nationalists, who are dreaming of a time when they can “retake” California with tanks (which they’ll get from their friend Hugo chavez), see Paul and his policies as not just benefiting them, but hopefully ushering in their violent revolution. There are more Stormfronters defending their man Paul in that thread here and here. So I guess all you Paul supporters are in good company

VNN forums, aside from being a place pro-Palestinian DailyKos users dredge up their propaganda videos is a virtual Ron Paul love fest, with an entire sub forum devoted to Ron Paul. Most of the threads are started by this Ron Paul fanatic, yet another adult who thinks it’s acceptable to have a MySpace page (pervert) and besmirch the good name of King Diamond by using one of his tunes on a page that includes this sissified introduction:

I wouldn’t say that I’m a health freak. But yeah, I’m a health freak. I eat only raw fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes and I only smoke organic tobacco. I ride my bicycle everywhere and do one arm pushups and one legged squats. I wouldn’t say that I’m a self improvement freak. But yeah, I’m a self improvement freak. I watch videos and take notes on subjects such as hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming(NLP) to better understand myself and others, as well as to help others better understand who they are and who I am. I use subliminal messaging software to send affirmations to my subconscious. I do breathing exercises with a skin response/heartbeat rate biofeedback monitor called the “Lightstone” through “The Journey To Wild Divine” video game, practicing the heart breath (compassion based – breathe in for 5 seconds, breathe out for 5 seconds – stabilizes heartbeat rate and skin responsiveness), the yang breath (alertness based – vigorous breathing – raises heartbeat rate and skin responsiveness), and the yin breath (relaxation based – breath in for 7 seconds, breathe out for 7 seconds – lowers heartbeat rate and skin responsiveness). I practice the emotional freedom technique(EFT), a combination of acupressure and NLP that’s useful in many different contexts.

Hmmm. “Michael Mazzone” doesn’t sound like the kind of nice Moby listening metrosexual who would be hanging around a neo-Nazi forum. It’s almost like he’s unscrupulously posting on a Nazi forum to drum up support for his candidate even though he’d never attend a Nazi rally himself. You won’t catch a Fredhead doing that!

On the other hand I’ve posted before on the frilly pink dresses that are hidden under the Nazi costumes of these cretin, so maybe Mickey is a Nazi; a Ron Paul supporting, yoga practicing, MySpace cruising vegan Nazi.

But aren’t they all, David Duke, Alex Jones and every two bit anti-American crackpot is a Ron Paul supporter these days. And if that doesn’t say something about the man, well, I haven’t even posted about the furries yet…

There’s no group to crazy for Ron Paul’s organization to reach out to it seems, and there are unfortunately quite a few crazy enough to reach back.

The Pernicious Evil of Wahhabism

The Wahhabists have been a concern of civilized men for centuries, since their Malevolent founder first penned his vile and degenerate philosophy. Winston Churchill warned against the Wahhabists in the 1920’s, calling them” intolerant, well armed and blood-thirsty” and they’ve continued to spread their baleful vision of hell on earth until this very day. Western Resistance has a short but comprehensive essay that describes this malignant movement from it’s beginnings up until now and how it’s spreading it’s evil around the world. It also details how brutal and barbaric a Wahhabi government is and why we need to fight against Wahhabisms creeping influence:

The laws enforced at Saudi’s religious courts indicate a cavalier approach to human dignity. In March this year, a young woman who had run away from home was placed in a foster home for girls and was additionally sentenced to sixty lashes.

In November last year, Deutsche Presse Agentur reported that a young woman, who had been subjected to a violent gang rape by at last four assailants, was herself convicted of “khalwat”. Before the rape had taken place, she had been alone in a car with a man. As a result, she was sentenced to 90 lashes.

The following month, an Indian man working in Saudi wanted to visit his wife, who had just given birth to a son. He lost his way, and found himself in a Muslim-only area of Medina. His maroon residency visa (indicating he was a non-Muslim) was noticed, and he was reported to the police. A religious court sentenced him to be beheaded.

Beheadings take place in public, where a victim is made to kneel before having the head severed with a sword. There are numerous cases of female migrant workers who have defended themselves from employers’ rape attacks, who have been killed this way. The figures for decapitations in Saudi Arabia have increased dramatically this year. In 2005, 83 people were beheaded, but in 2006 this figure dropped to 38. In this year alone there have been 107 public decapitations.

Disgusting. If you can stomach it, you can enter the mind of a Wahhabist terror supporter here. If you scroll through his site you’ll see that he receives regular updates from terrorist around the world and gloats over U.S. deaths with demonic glee. There is no doubt that given the chance this savage would rape or murder our friends and loved ones because his murderous ideology tells him these things are good. We should ban Wahhabism before this evil leads to civil war and worse.

Proof that Palestinians are Barbarians Who Don’t Deserve their Own State

Nahool the Terrorist Bee shows Palestinian children not to be cruel to animals … by torturing cats and throwing stones at lions:


In America, we recognize that torturing animals, especially animals like cats which are commonly kept as pets, is a warning sign of a possibly psychopathic personality. The sound track of the children laughing while this erstwhile Dahmer kicks, slaps and dangles cats by their tails should trouble any civilized person. That this is an official Palestinian state program shows that the government there is engaged in a a program aimed at desensitizing the children to violence so that they will be more likely to commit atrocities later in life.

A culture that thinks this is the way to teach children to not be cruel to animals has degenerated to far to be saved, they are no more deserving of recognition as a legitimate state than the Aztecs who skinned people alive. This is a culture of cruelty, hypocrisy and evil that should be fought against, not admired.

I’ve rarely been so disgusted. h/t LGF