White Guy Claims G.O.P. is Declaring War on “Brown People” by Defending Black People from Racist Murderers

The White guy in question is Firedoglake hanger on Pachacutec who is also a Huffpo poster. He cross posted his latest anti-Black screed on Yahoo. Read the whole thing to see the White betrayal of Blacks to Latino special interest in action.

In a nutshell, the very white Pachacutec claims that Newt Gingrich’s recent essay on the high cost of sanctuary city policies, an essay he wrote in response to the racist killing spree of an MS-13 affiliated illegal immigrant in Newark, is proof that the G.O.P. is targeting “brown people.” The victims of these particular “brown people” were all Black which was unsurprising given the well documented history of Blacks being targeted by Latino gangs. This does not concern parchutec, however.

Blacks I guess aren’t brown enough for him to bother caring about.
He’s more interested in proving he’s a friend to “brown people” even as rivers of African American blood pool around his ankles:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Tuesday he is “sickened” that President Bush and Congress went on vacation “while young Americans in our cities are massacred” by illegal immigrants.

Gingrich, who is considering a run for the White House, was referring to a recent crime in Newark, N.J., where three college students were murdered execution style in a school playground.

One of the suspects — Jose Lachira Carranza — is an illegal immigrant from Peru who was on bail on charges of raping a child when the murders occurred.

Gingrich said another suspect is an illegal immigrant from Nicaragua with a long record of arrests who was ordered deported in 1993 but never left.

However, The (Newark) Star Ledger reported Tuesday that the man — Rodolfo Godinez — obtained permanent legal residency in 2001.

The Newark Police Department did not return requests for comment.

Gingrich said that the “war here at home” against illegal immigrants is “even more deadly than the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Let the pogroms begin good times roll! Maybe this will be part of Newt’s grand strategy to campaign on withdrawal from Iraq: bring the troops home to fight the insurgent immigrant menace at home. The rationalizations will no doubt be entertaining from the wingnut base, MalKKKin’s place and LGF as they attempt justify such Dhimmitude when anihilation at the hands of the Islamofascist horde has been their raison d’etre for six years now. Perhaps we’ll see a fracture in that fragile alliance between the hawkish Israel faction and those whose commitment to fighting global jihad is slightly less keen than their desire to keep from soiling their beautiful minds with the sound of espanol at the local Circuit City.

All of this is a lie, it was not one man, or even a couple who killed those kids, but a gang, MS-13. The ring leader was an illegal alien who had already raped a 5 year old girl (a brown person I think, but strangely Pachacutec doesn’t care about her) and should have been deported. That’s basically what Gingrich was saying in his essay, that this person shouldn’t have been here and if he wasn’t those kids would be alive.

Pachacutec is pandering to racists who murder Black children in gang initiations, who don’t want Blacks “infesting” their territory. But the G.O.P. are the racists, the people who care about the Black kids dying are the racists. Typical of a White liberal isn’t it, to pronounce from his gated community that this group of minorities rights are more important than the lives and well being of another.

Pachacutec is the epitome of the White liberals I so despise, willing to allow Black Americans to be victimized and exterminated if it makes him feel good and score points with a bigger voting block.

The left doesn’t care about Black people, just “brown people” who just happen to vote their way.

h/t Ace

UPDATE: My comments on Huffpo are disappearing faster then I can post them! As did my petulant trackback to FDL. I guess I hit a nerve.

UPDATE: AllahPundit says Huffpo worse than DailyKos, and he’s pretty much right. Also Jane Hamsher lap dog TRex stopped by to tell me Pachacutec is “Chilean-American” thus a Latino, so he can’t be White.

The fact that there are in fact Caucasian Latinos (hence so much of the anti-Black racism and the alliance between the Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood) doesn’t occur to a racist like TRex. As far as he’s concerned being of “Chilean-American” decent is on par with being a full blooded Mayan. Never mind that Latin American is the product of Latin people from Europe colonizing the continent, if you can work Latino into your resume somewhere, in TRex’s mind, you’re just like a Black guy, only better!

Also I was spelling this guys nerdy ‘net handle wrong. I was blind with rage! Is this another Black Power moment?

Jose Padilla Found Guilty: “Progressives” Left in Shocked Disbelief

Jose Padilla, who changed his name to Abdullah al-Muhajir after his conversion to the Wahhabist death cult’s version of Islam was found guilty today of terrorism related charges. Michelle Malkin has the details of his trail here and lest we forget Padilla bears a shocking resemblance to the mysterious third Oklahoma City bomber. Reporter Jayna Davis wrote a book about the possibility that a then radicalized Padilla helped the White Supremacist plot as part of the growing alliance between White Nationalists and Radical Muslims.

None of those facts prevent so-called progressives from wailing in anger and disbelief that there erstwhile ally, who would have thinned out the population of the hated America quite nicely with a dirty bomb, wasn’t released into their waiting arms. Here’s a shot of some comments at Dailykos:


It gets worse from there as the angry Kossacks claim that jury’s are stupid to believe the government, Padilla was tortured until he was insae, Bush is the anti-Christ, etc. In essence the Kossacks are throwing out their usual canard: We’re Whiter and smarter than the rest of you.

The Christian Science Monitor, ever ready to martyr America, wags their collective fingers gravely, while the liberal hacks at Newshoggers tearfully lament the verdict with this slice of melodrama:

I can’t say I’m surprised, but I’m really disappointed that the jury found Padilla guilty. I suppose they were constrained by the rules of evidence and probably didn’t have much of a choice since Padilla is far too damaged from three years of torture while in US custody to meaningfully assist in his own defense, but in no way was justice served by this verdict.

If there was any justice left in the system, it would have been the Bush administration on trial for violating Padilla’s rights as an American citizen and as a human being. What really bothers me about the verdict though is that this will only embolden the White House to further abridge all our civil rights. They violated every rule of human decency and twisted the rule of law into a hideous contortion that bears no resemblence to our Founder’s vision of a fair judicial system. And they got away with it.

One might hope this travesty will be reversed on appeal, but since Padilla lives inside the wrong color skin, I’m not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.

Oh! The Travesty! Needless to say it’s my contention that the author of this tripe is some White guy who’d cross the street if he saw Padilla or anyone like him coming toward him. And just for once I’d like to see what rights of mine have been abridged by Bush? I own couple of guns, do what I want, when I want, how I want and the ATF or any government agency isn’t kicking in my door. I think I’m free, but since I’m the “wrong race” maybe some nice White liberal will explain things to me.

I guess the left is really letting us know what side of the war they’re on.

h/t Hot Air

White Liberals Refusing to Address Newark Massacre as the Hate Crime it is

Hot Air has a video of Kirsten “hit piece” Powers filling in for Colmes on Fox News’ dreadful Hannity and Colmes where she and Geraldo Rivera bend over backwards to try to shift the blame for the deaths of three innocent Black kids from liberal sanctuary city policies to a supposedly failing criminal justice system. At one point Powers even claims that had we deported the racist MS-13 member he would have committed his crimes in Peru which should be as unacceptable to us as him committing them here.

As Allahpundit says in his post, I’d like to see here tell the grieving parents that. Here’s the vid courtesy of Hot Air:


Geraldo never seems to mention the S.P.L.C. report which details violent Latino gangs targeting Blacks as part of a racist pogrom. Nor does Powers or any White liberal who would be forced to take sides if the report became widely circulated. They ignore the rising tide of hate crimes committed by these Central and South American terrorists against African American citizens because they don’t want to lose the votes of either. They hope to sweep this under the rug and not rock the boat. It’s disgusting, Immoral and typical of White liberals.

Typical because White liberal blogs have a history of ignoring hatred directed against Blacks if speaking out works against furthering their political agenda. If speaking out against racism and violence aimed at Blacks may lose them Latino, or worse Muslim, support so-called progressives will gladly watch their white hooded compatriots lynch every Black American in this country. Their allegiance is to the “common good” not to justice and decency. How else do you explain their silence in the face of obvious anti-Black animus and hatred?

When a racist Arab Muslim named Abdelaziz Hamze ran over 44 year old Sandra hall and then dragged the mother of two over a mile underneath his car, swerving and speeding along the unforgiving asphalt in an attempt to dislodge the dying Black woman, they were silent.

When the Muslim community began a smear campaign against the dead woman and laughably claimed he ran down the unarmed woman in self defense, they were silent.

When DailyKos banned a proud Black man named Francis Holland for speaking his mind and not accepting the White power structure closet fascist Markos Moulitas had put in place, after a Kos Diarist called him a monkey few liberals even mentioned the incident, and most to attack Holland.

And in the face of an execution style killing of three innocent Black kids by a violent Latino gang which included an illegal alien, they are resoundingly silent.

Atrios is silent

Pandagon is silent

Democratic Underground is silent

MyDD is silent

DailyKos only mentions the tragedy in passing as part of a larger swipe at Newt Gingrich!

They are all silent on the truth of the problem, that anti-Black racism is being imported here by immigrants who need to be assimilated into the American ideal of racial equality. Someone, and ten or twelve years ago I would have expected it to be liberals, needs to really speak truth to power as the left is fond of saying and say “Look, there’s a problem here and we need to address it as a society.”

But White liberals won’t address it, anymore than they’ll address the racism of their own far left. They care more about the illusion of cohesion than lives of Black Americans. They are too invested in identity politics and special interest pandering to take the hard stance; to tell newly arrived immigrants that we don’t run over or shoot Blacks here. They won’t stop and tell the Hamzes and Carranzas of the world that we don’t tolerate racist aggression toward our citizenry. And that’s what all these situations are; racist aggression.

The left tolerates it to a degree they would have you believe only the “evil, bigoted” right would. But the truth is that every Republican I know is angry, upset and in mourning for those kids from Newark. How do those “liberals” you know feel?

This is a hate crime, a real hate crime not some made up outrage that the media loves to hype. So where’s the solidarity marches? Where’s the spokespeople from the left telling Central Americans that if they want to stay here they have to accept that Blacks are their equals? Where’s left wing bloggers demanding that we crack down on racist gangs like MS-13?

I guess they’re too busy pandering to the “undocumented” to care about some dead black folk.

England Takes “White Flight” to the Next Level

From the Daily Express:

BRITAIN is facing a mass exodus of people looking to escape the crime and grime of modern living.

The country’s biggest foreign visa consultancy firm has revealed that applications have soared in the last seven months by 80 per cent to almost 4,000 a week. Ten years ago the figure was just 300 a week.

Most people are relocating within the Commonwealth – in Australia, Canada and South Africa. They are almost all young professionals and skilled workers aged 20-40.

And many cite their reason for wanting to quit as immigration to these shores – and the burden it is placing on their communities and local authorities. The dearth of good schools, spiralling house prices, rising crime and tax increases are also driving people away.

The article glosses over the elephant in the room, which is the general feeling among ethnic English that their government has betrayed them by allowing the most vocal and anti-social elements of the Muslim immigrant community to dictate cultural relations. Radical Muslims committing crimes against British citizens (Black British citizens are often targeted but affluent whites are not spared at all) are defended, coddled and most horrendously not deported. Lionheart sums up what is driving the British from England’s shores in this post:

Within every sphere of British life and society now, Islam is their seeking to assert its dominance upon us and our way of life, forcing us to change our ways and adapt so that the British way of life and society falls in line with the Islamic Kingdom and its way of life that is based on the 7th Century scriptures within the Koran.

Jihad against the infidel’s and their supposedly godless non-Islamic society takes many forms, whether it is within the top echelons of the political realm putting pressure on MP’s asserting dominance over them, turning them into Dhimmis and then forcing laws and legislation through government so that British life changes and adapts to fall in line with Islam or whether it is on the streets terrorising our communities, and enforcing Islamic dominance upon our society. You have got to be completely blind and stupid if you cannot see that the Islamic Kingdom has now well and truly arrived here upon our beautiful innocent green shores and that it is now conducting Jihad against us and our innocent supposedly godless secular democratic way of life, seeking to assert themselves upon us and our country because they believe that they are divinely commanded too based on the teachings of the Koran.

The government for the past 10 years have been serving the Islamic Kingdom from a position of Dhimmitude for their votes to stay in power, forcing us the innocent people of Great Britain into changing our way of life and society so as to keep the Islamic Kingdom happy and voting for New Labour. We have been forced to adapt under the banner ‘Multi-cultural diversity’ which has now changed to ‘community cohesion’ and if we disagree with this or cause the government problems then we are labelled as racists, Islamophobic and are in the position of being potentially arrested for disrupting ‘community cohesion’. The Islamic Kingdom is not seeking to blend into our society because that goes completely against Islamic teaching. The Koran teaches that the ways of the Islamic Kingdom laid down in the Koran are Allah’s supreme way for mankind so all other ways of life must eventually submit to Islamic rule and dominance.

The process of submitting and conquering Nations and peoples under Islamic rule and dominance is called – Islamification – this is where bit by bit they infiltrate and break down the host society until the Islamic Kingdom is large enough to eventually force its dominance upon the whole of the infidel’s society, converting them into Dhimmi’s and making them accept and embrace Islamic rule.

This is the ultimate goal of Islam, the transforming of the host Nation from Dar al-Harb (The House of War) into Dar al-Islam (The House of Islam) as laid down in the teachings of the Koran which is the basis of their faith and way of life.

Read the whole thing to understand what is driving the mass exodus from England. This is what happens when “liberalism” dictates that one group be elevated above all others for protection. The left in Europe is playing a dangerous game, and driving the average Brit out of their home country or into the waiting arms of racist organizations. With a situation like that, can civil war be far behind?

Chavez:I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Term Limits!

Sean Penn must think this qualifies as a great government:

CARACAS, Venezuela, Aug. 14 — President Hugo Chávez will unveil a project to change the Constitution on Wednesday that is expected to allow him to be re-elected indefinitely, a move that would enhance his authority to accelerate a socialist-inspired transformation of Venezuelan society.

The removal of term limits for Mr. Chávez, which is at the heart of the proposal, is expected to be accompanied by measures circumscribing the authority of elected governors and mayors, who would be prevented from staying in power indefinitely, according to versions of the project leaked in recent weeks.

Willian Lara, the communications minister, said Mr. Chávez would announce the project before the National Assembly, where all 167 lawmakers support the president. Supporters of Mr. Chávez, who was re-elected last year with some 60 percent of the vote, also control the Supreme Court, the entire federal bureaucracy, public oil and infrastructure companies and every state government but two.

The aim of the overhaul is “to guarantee to the people the largest amount of happiness possible,” Mr. Lara said at a news conference on Tuesday.

The project has already led to fierce debate over Mr. Chávez’s expanding power. Critics in the Roman Catholic Church have been clashing with Mr. Chávez over the re-election proposals, with one cardinal, Rosalio José Castillo Lara, calling him a “paranoid dictator.”

Mr. Chávez’s proposals would centralize his control over political institutions even further, potentially weakening opponents like Manuel Rosales, the governor of Zulia State, who received nearly 40 percent of the vote in presidential elections in December, analysts said. Mr. Chávez’s current term expires in 2012.

“We are entering a new stage implying more intensive state control of society,” said Steve Ellner, a political scientist at Oriente University in eastern Venezuela.

While the proposal to be unveiled by Mr. Chávez may contain surprises, he recently said that “the Venezuelan people should be given the right to keep a president in power as long as they like, whether it be for 5 years, 12 years, 40 years.”

The Devil’s Excrement is reporting that Hugo’s new socialist government is busy making the people happy by blaming women in bikinis for rapes and covering up financial scandals.

h/t Hot Air