When Empowerment Goes Wrong

I was hard on “the White manthis week, so here’s a little something we can all laugh at together. It’s a satirical look at the state of hip-hop that’s meant to give a positive message of empowerment to young urban Black youth. At least that’s why it was run on B.E.T.

The truth is it seems like a collection of insulting stereotypes set to rap. Kind of like if the Bonndocks was written by David Duke working from Chris Rocks notes. Thus the main proponents of the video, Nationalists. Enjoy (especially you Kossacks)


Just, Damn. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Offensive, hackneyed and well off the mark. On the other hand it is kind of funny, but if your White and laughed at it you’re a complete racist.

Bono Illustrates the White Liberals’ True Feelings about Minorities

Say Anything brings us this story which exposes the colonialist racism hidden behind the chronic do-gooderism of Bono’s much lauded activism for Africa. Bono was in attendance at a tech conference in Tanzania, where organizers hoped to show a different kind of Africa, one of stability and investment opportunities. Bono likes his Africa kneeling to Europeans and begging for sustenance, as his childish behavior shows. From Technology Review:

But the second, more interesting theme–echoed by every speaker–is that traditional aid and charity, whether distributed by nation-states or nongovernmental bodies, have failed. Andrew Mwenda, a Ugandan journalist and social worker, now a fellow at Stanford, made the case most strongly. He argued convincingly that 30 years of Western aid to Africa has achieved nothing at all. More, he said that the persistence of African poverty could be explained, in part, by aid. He explained that aid had convinced the brightest Africans to work for corrupt governments rather than as entrepreneurs, and it had “distorted the incentive structure.”

“What man or nation,” Mwenda asked, “has ever become rich by holding out a begging bowl?”

Far better, he said, is finding Westerners to invest in African entrepreneurs or businesses, which would create wealth. Mwenda, like other speakers, described at length the investment opportunities in Africa. (I half expected the pitch to be directly addressed to Doerr et al.)

This line of argument enraged Bono, however, who began heckling Mwenda.

“Bollocks!” he shouted. “That’s bullshit.”

Bono is a strong supporter of intelligently managed aid. When it came his turn to speak, he said that Ireland’s current prosperity is explained by government investment in its people, particularly education. He said that listening to Mwenda was like listening to an African Margaret Thatcher.

Oh, and everything you’ve heard about Bono’s height is entirely true: he really is remarkably short.

So Bono thinks it would be Bollocks to have African countries self reliant and unbeholden to White Europeans. Bono thinks it’s bullshit for Black Africans to have dignity, prosperity and the respect of the world by using investment to become part of the first world. Bono thinks Margret Thatcher, who created much of the wealth the English are now pissing away, is a horrible example for Africa to follow. Instead they should line up, tap dance and get their free hand outs.

Bono, like anyone who thinks U2 is punk (it’s not) is white trash. A rich P.O.S. who enjoys the feeling of power he gets when the head of a sovereign state comes to him and says “Please help me beg Europe for money to feed my people.” He doesn’t want those people to be able to feed themselves, he doesn’t want Africans to be equal to his precious White Ireland. He wants a continent of servile, downtrodden peons who are sexually abused by U.N. “peace keepers” and massacred by Arabized Jihadists. He wants a blood drenched starving Africa that sends envoy after envoy to his mansion to beg him to help them beg.

When an African declares he wants to be independent from Whites, that relying on the supposed largess of Whites is poor public policy, Bono goes on the attack. Why is that?

Because like all White liberals Bono’s a racist. he wants Blacks to depend on him because he doesn’t want Black Africans surpassing him. He wants them on their knees, with chains of aid binding them to his whims. He doesn’t care about Black Africans, he just wants them to have to care about him.

Olbermann Proves There isn’t a Crackpot Theory He Won’t Support if it Might Upset the Right

The theory this time is the pseudo-intellectual rip off of The Matrix that posits that there’s a 20% chance we’re living in a Sims like construct. It’s becoming a popular theory because it ultimately removes the burden of personal responsibility from its proponents. For Keith however its allure is more prosaic. It’ll piss of creationists as he so eloquently points out at the end of this clip:


That’s my criteria for accepting a theory, who it upsets. Childishness from Olbermann? Shocking.

The hack he’s talking to is the author of this book, which many shut-ins find an enlightening exposition dealing with the philosophy behind the hit movies, and most adults find to be drivel. And like the movie it’s basically of rip off of David Icke.

h/t Hot Air

Damn You, Dreamhost! (Plus, Check Out my New Site!)

Dreamhost is having some sort of issue which means little to me except that this site was down for something like 10-12 hours out of the last day and a half. Worse all the pornography I’ve strewn through the ‘net is down too!

And that’s where the money is.

Light blogging over the weekend probably, but with the panicky pronouncements by people like Douglas MacKinnon and the recent rally Jihad world rule convention attended by 70,000 people in Jakarta (that’s a lot of Jihadis) some very smart people are starting to get worried that their Democrat infested government isn’t going to keep their homes and shores safe. That got me thinking.

Why not start a survival blog? On Monday, August 20th American Survival Blog will be launched and will be your new source for all the disaster (natural and un-natural) survival tips and info you’ll ever need, including product reviews, how to guides and updates on any impending threat to your comfortable blog reading existence.

Until then enjoy some patriotic entertainment courtesy of our greatest English ally in the War on Terror: Theo Sparks


YearlyKos Mearsheimer Video Making the Rounds on White Nationalist Sites

A Kos favorite appealing to Jew hating anti-American traitors? he devil you say! Here’s the Vid in question:


It’s been found on the site of Irish hating klanner David Duke in this whining Jew haters rant about why he can’t get a good job (The Jews). It’s also referred to on some forums, who I’d rather not send more traffic to, but you get the idea.

So, birds of a feather or are Jew hating socialists and White Supremacists just right and we’re wrong?

h/t WMD