The Truth about Crime in America (White Liberals Cause it)

Seems a rise in violent crime can be directly related to the fight over drug territory as gangs compete for the money of White Liberal drug users. From USAToday:

In Baltimore, about 91% of murder victims this year had criminal records, up from 74% a decade ago, police reported.

In many cases, says Frederick Bealefeld III, Baltimore’s interim police commissioner, victims’ rap sheets provide critical links to potential suspects in botched drug deals or violent territorial disputes.

Philadelphia police Capt. Ben Naish says the Baltimore numbers are “shocking.” Philadelphia also has seen the number of victims with criminal pasts inch up — to 75% this year from 71% in 2005.

In Milwaukee, local leaders created the homicide commission after a spike in violence led to a 39% increase in murders in 2005. The group compiled statistics on victims’ criminal histories for the first time and found that 77% of homicide victims in the past two years had an average of nearly 12 arrests.

While it was common in the past for murder victims to have criminal records, the current levels are surprising even to analysts who study homicides.

“Anecdotally, the detectives on the street knew” victims with prior police contact were being killed, “but we wanted people to start to look at this” in the community, O’Brien says.

In Newark, where three young friends with no apparent links to crime were executed Aug. 4, roughly 85% of victims killed in the first six months of this year had criminal records, on par with the percentage in 2005 but up from 81% last year, police statistics show.

David Kennedy, a professor at New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice, says the rise in criminals killing criminals has escaped policymakers’ attention.

“The notion that these (murders) are random bolts of lightning, which is the commonly held image, is not the reality,” says Kennedy, who has examined the backgrounds of murder suspects and victims in multiple U.S. cities. “It happens, but it doesn’t happen often.”

More from USATODAY:

In some cities, such as Baltimore, the increased attention to victims’ criminal histories provides new information about old problems, including thriving drug markets — similar to the bloody 1990s — where rival dealers turn on one another. The unusually large numbers of victims’ prior arrests also underscore a tense reality on the streets.

People who are getting hurt in this crime surge are people in the game who are part of the problem,” Philadelphia police Capt. Ben Naish says.

Law enforcement officials try to increase awareness without numbing people to the killings.

Patricia Jessamy, Baltimore’s chief local prosecutor, doesn’t want to create the false impression that violence affects only certain segments of the population and city.

“If we only focus on one bad boy killing another bad boy, we never address the root causes of crime,” Jessamy says, referring to rampant drug addiction and high school graduation rates that have hovered near 40%.

David Kennedy, a professor at New York’s John Jay College of Criminal Justice, says, “This kind of violence just tears communities apart. The ripple effect is horrendous even for people not involved (in criminal activity). When people are afraid to go outside and there is limited access to public spaces, the community collapses.”

So who’s funding this bloody war between gangs in poor neighborhoods? What group funnels thousands of dollars a week into the pockets of drug financed gangs? White liberals of course, who let their kids buy a little weed because “it doesn’t hurt anybody” and who themselves imbibe. These people killing each other in the streets are where your weed comes from. This is the front line of the drug war, where that nice guy who comes around your college dorm went to get your eighth.

The money White liberals and their spoiled offspring spend each weekend to buy pot and meth and whatever else is trendy this week funds an actual war in our cities. It buys the black market guns used in the killings, the cars that transport the killers from crime scene to crime scene and provides the impetus for the violence. I know, I grew up in a city devastated by the drug trade, East Orange N.J. and most of the buyers I saw were White kids from rich havens like Montclair and Verona.

This is what “liberal” attitudes towards drug use creates in our communities. So next time you hear about a shooting in some drug infested area, give your smoking buddy a high five, because you caused it.

h/t Moonbattery

Sweden’s Intellectual Elites Suppressing Knowledge of Communist Genocides

That wouldn’t want kids to hold views that were “right wing” :

A recent study by polling company Demoskop, commissioned by the ‘Upplysning om Kommunismen’ (Knowledge about Communism) association, showed that Swedish students have a skewed view of the history of communism. Few are aware of the massive loss of life caused by followers of this ideology, and 90 percent of Swedish students aged 15-20 do not even know what a gulag was.

A recent opinion piece in Biblioteksbladet magazine (a periodical for Swedish librarians) denounced the government’s plan to spread knowledge to students about the horrors of communism.

In the article, two school librarians write that informing students about the crimes of communism would be wrong as it would risk making the pupils’ views more right-wing.

Former foreign correspondent Kjell Albin Abrahamsson, who has spent many years reporting from the former communist countries in Europe, reacted strongly to the piece.

Writing in tabloid Expressen, Abrahamsson points out how strange it is for two librarians to be so keen to preserve students’ support for socialism that they are are not willing to acknowledge the crimes of communism. He notes that a Russian government commission has admitted that the country’s former communist rulers killed 32 million people.

Support for communism, both hidden and visible, is still quite prevalent among many groups of intellectuals, such as journalists, librarians and those writing in the culture pages of the daily papers. Indeed, outright supporters of communism can be found not only in the Swedish Left Party but also in the Green Party and in the ranks of the influential Social Democrats.

One symptom of this tendency is the widely believed myth among Swedes that Cuba is a relatively prosperous welfare state, offering a decent quality of life and fantastic healthcare to its citizens. Few bother to question the official statistics from a communist country where thousands of citizens have lost their lives whilst attempting to escape on rafts to the United States. Cuba might have gone from being the richest country in Central American to being the second poorest due to Castro’s rule – but this has not stopped Swedish intelligentsia from spreading a positive view of his policies.

Similarly, Swedish journalists seem more interested in pointing out that Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez is a morally superior socialist standing up to the vile Americans, than looking at his dubious moves towards a socialist planned economy and authoritarian rule.

The socialist ideology is not only responsible for the deaths of upwards a 100 million individuals in the former communist countries, the oppression behind the iron curtain and widespread starvation in failed socialist economies. Socialist policies also account for much of the stagnation we see today in Africa, South America and the poorer countries of Asia. Indeed, the countries that today show the greatest rates of development are typically those who quite recently have abandoned socialism in favour of capitalism – India, China, Vietnam and many eastern European countries.

h/t Moonbattery

Academic analysis of the genocidal tendencies of Communism can be found here and here. The Black Book of Communism, a book which details the atrocities of Socialist regimes, ignited controversy in Europe and deserves a place on your bookshelf.

Warning Signs of Another 9/11 Style Attack?

I don’t go in for conspiracy theories, but this is pretty odd:

In the weeks preceding the 2001 attacks on America, there were very significant financial warning signs that something big – and bad – could be about to happen. Huge surges in purchases of “put options” on stocks of United Airlines and American Airlines, the two airlines used in the attacks, and “put options” on Merrill Lynch & Co., and Morgan Stanley, stocks of two financial services companies hurt by the attack were noted. Put options are essentially “bets” that a stock or stock index will drop on or before a certain date; the larger the drop, the bigger the gain for the purchaser of the option.

Fast forward to the present day, and we have the same type of trading that took place in the days that preceded the 9/11 attacks – but on a larger scale. Nearly $1 billion of “put options” have been purchased, basically betting that Standard and Poor’s 500 index will fall significantly by the third Friday in September. A large number of these options have also been purchased calling for 50% decline by September 21, 2007. For example, a 5% drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average would be the current equivalent of about 670 points. A decline of 11% would equal about 1,470 points in today’s market. Obviously, larger drops, such as a 50% decline, would cause an unprecedented market collapse. Money would be made for the purchaser(s) of the put options – but the same purchaser(s) stand to lose over $1 BILLION in the investment if the market remains relatively static through September 21, 2007.

The questions are: who can stand to lose $1 BILLION, who will gain in the wake of such a devastating collapse, who are the investors, and what do they know that we don’t?

I know someone who could fit the bill, besides our “friends” the Saudis of course. George Soros and his Shadow party have made no secret of their willingness to go to any lengths to defeat Bush (and us along with him) and the strange financial maneuvers may be part of their over all plan to gain power. I’m not saying Soros and company would help orchestrate a 9/11 to destroy the American economy, I’m just asking questions.

On a serious note, terror threats are coming fast and furious and I think we’re due to get hit any day now. That’s the price you pay for looking weak.

Bolivarian Axis Pushing Hard Against Columbia

Ecrisis is reporting a real life “wag the dog” operation by Communist dictator Hugo Chavez in concert with other members of the Bolivarian Axis aimed at destabilizing Columbia:

The Editors of ECRISIS privately expressed our revulsion of the latest abuse of integrity to try to launch a fake show of anti-USA and anti Colombian sentiments through paid caravans of reprehensibly, falsely described so called “refugees” from Colombia who were victims of a nation, Colombia, currently encouraging sustained tranquility, rising living standards, and economic liberties. Such victimhood has become the envy of Latin America to the point where Hugo Chavez and Rafael Correa have taken to staging fake international incidents and massive propaganda activities to willfully mislead, cravenly debase principled actions, and slanderously lie about international issues.

To be sure, anyone who actually trusts Chavez and Correa have only themselves to blame these days inasmuch as both avatars of abusing public trust are now well known liars. But apparently, the United Nations fell for the big lie that victims of the Uribe war against narcoterrorists were earnestly fleeing Colombia costing the UN not only what little remains of their integrity but a whole lot of money. Read the tale here.

And this money should be refunded to the UN for expenses laid out for a fake crisis which only existed in the minds of the pro FARC, anti Uribe, anti USA activists littering Venezuela, Washington, D.C., and Ecuador these days. No one doubts the gullibility of UN and OAS officials and their proclivity to do anything they can to lend credence to anyone standing proudly with the UN for more confusion and more propaganda. But at some point, one must pause and revisit the Clinton era movie called Wag the Dog with Robert de Niro and Dustin Hoffman. Of course this movie told the story of a U.S. president who staged a fake refugee crisis in a distant Serbian type nation to distract from news of his own private sexual romps. There are distinctions. While no one has ever videotaped any U.S. president in a bi sexual romp in a cheesey hotel north of Quito or videotaped any U.S. cabinet official planning bond market manipulations to cause harm to investors, we can notate that neither Correa nor Chavez are Bill Clinton, ostensibly the man in a self made mess of the moment in Wag the Dog. We also remind that Clinton was impeached but not removed. Ecuadoreans however cannot even get their facts on the table due to the hefty doses daily of propaganda and lawlessness, called lack of law enforcement, in Ecuador today by Correa’s hand. As matters have unfolded of late, we can only ponder who was hosting a film review of this ten year old movie for directorial tips to dictatorial twits.

In other words, Correa and Chavez staged a fake refugee crisis and now have no one to blame but themselves as their little lie has been exposed.

In fact, once again it took Alvaro Uribe to relay the facts that Chavez and Correa staged a very expensive, fake propaganda event and abused over 1600 Colombians. We can only insist that Ecuador and Venezuela refund Colombia for all the trouble and we hope that Uribe presents them with a bill for expenses. A slander and libel suit would not be a bad idea. An even better idea is to insure that all pro FARC actors have their tax free status ended for this latest fake crisis. We do not reward organizations for their success in lying. We are supposed to reward them for integrity of service to mankind: not duplicity as is the case.

It’s a bold move by the new axis, whose leader has purchased 1000 Dragnov sniper rifles along with millions of dollars worth of high end military equipment. A resurgent Communist bloc, this time right at America’s back door is bad enough, but the Bolivarian Axis is becoming more and more hostile and militaristic and if they remain on their present course will ignite a regional conflict that nobody in the Western Hemisphere wants.

Hat tip Western Hemisphere Policy Watch and Once Upon a Time in the West who are both keeping track of all things Bolivarian, they’re worth your time to read if your concerned about the new threat to our borders. Ecrisis, Vcrisis and Publis Pundit are required reading for keeping track of Latin America’s communist takeover.

An Uplifting Message of Hope from Ron Paul’s Supporters in the “Christian Party”

Race baiting rape advocate “John Knight” left another message on one of my fair and balanced Ron Paul posts full of the Christian charity and love of human kind the followers of the prince of peace are famous for:

I’m not a Muslim sympathizer, but I know that the 1.2 billion Muslims of the world, even IF they were behind 911 [except most of the world now knows they were actually jews], killed a mere 3,000 Americans [2.5 deaths per million Muslims], then Muslims are FAR less dangerous to our society than the 33 million blacks who MURDERED 600,000 people, JUST in the last 4 decades, JUST in the US [18,182 murders per million blacks].

This makes EACH “American” black 7,273 TIMES more deadly and threatening than ALL Muslims of the world, not even counting what they’ll accomplish in the 21st Century if their murderous rampage isn’t STOPPED.

Any way you slice it, jews are even more dangerous to our putative Christian society than Muslims–neither of whom belong here anyway.

I’ve lived in Muslim nations and even had a Muslim thesis adviser, and never knew a single one who wasn’t a perfect Gentleman. STILL, even though THEY’re Semites and jews claim that they’re NOT Semites, they do NOT belong here, they belong THERE.

It’s not just absurd, it’s a just a LIE, it’s completely contrary to all reason for you to claim that Ron Paul is an “anti-Semite” for refusing to engage in your HATE campaign against true Semites, the Iranians and Arabs.

Weird, it’s almost as if “John Knight” isn’t a Christian at all, but an Arab Muslim aping what he thinks Christians would sound like. Arab Muslim bigotry against Blacks has been well documented on my blog and sounds exactly like John Knights assertions that Blacks are more violent than Muslims (as if there are no Black Muslims) furthermore Knight’s bigoted statement about Muslims not belonging here is tempered with his school girl like praise for Muslim men as “gentlemen.”

I guess car bombs and raping little girls in in the Beslan massacre is part of Marquis of Queensbury rules.

As a supposed Christian, you’d think that “Knight” (get it? A Christian named knight) would be concerned about the plight of Christians in Muslim lands. The pogroms against the Mandean Christians, the attacks on the Copts in Egypt and the forced conversions of Christians in Gaza are not mentioned by Knight here or on his vile site however, as if those thing don’t concern him at all.

Not a very christian attitude.

Instead it bashes Catholics, accuses Jews of being evil and recycles the old “Arabs are the real Israelis” line that’s popular among jihadists. It’s filled with non-Christian theology and Wahabbist musings on the relationship between women and men. No where on his site does he even tell people that only through Christ can you achieve salvation, which is Christian theology 101. I know, I’ve got a born again Christian in my family and I hear this old standard endlessly.

Interestingly his take on Feminism is less Calvin and more bin Ladin. He’s pro wife beating and believes fathers should always be awarded custody in a divorce because they are much better parents than mothers who are unable to raise children on their own. That’s Islamist talk if you ask me.

He re-prints jihadist propaganda and claims Jews “stole” Arab Muslim land. This also does not sound like a Christian’s political platform to me.

Nor does linking to this site.

Now, maybe I’ve spent to long with the Ron Paul revolution crowd, but I think the “Christian Party” is neither Christan nor a real political party, but a Islamic Imperialist outreach program designed to make Christians look hateful and intolerant while at the same time disseminating the core jihadist message to a new audience, the Ron Paul supporting “Christian patriots” who love conspiracies and hate Jews as much as the jihadis.

Maybe I’m wrong, and if I am there’s a simple way to prove it. “John Knight” just has to publically state that as a Christian his faith demands he believe that salvation only comes through Christ, mohammed is wrong and Islam is a false religion. That’s Christianity in a nutshell, right? So how about it John, the balls in your court? If you have any that is.