Giuliani To Finance Boob Job?

Giuliani Girl Adelina Kristina Spencer“Soon my measurements will be changing,” Giuliani Girl Adelina Kristina Spencer recently announced on her Model Mayhem profile.

Have I confirmed that the 21 year old model will be using the proceeds from the viral “Obama Girl vs Giuliani Girl” video to pay for breast implants? Sadly, no, but that won’t stop me from exercising my right to spread unsubstantiated and sensational rumors.

By the way, if you somehow managed to miss the video that’s helping Adelina Kristina launch her career to new heights, you can catch it on the Barely Political Web site.

Since the rumor’s already been started, I might as well share my speculation that maybe Giuliani Girl was inspired to surgically enhance her career by her busty counterpart, Obama Girl Amber Lee Ettinger:

Amber Lee Ettinger, Obama Girl
Any nominations for Fred! Girl?

Bastille Day in France


The celebration of the storming of the Bastille on July 14th was as “festive” as you’d think it was. From 20 Minutes translated by GalliaWatch:

Two hundred sixty-six vehicles were burned and 100 people arrested in France on the night of July 13-14, it was announced on Saturday by the National Police.

By 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning, the same source indicated, 266 vehicles were torched (versus 254 the same night in 2006), 195 of them in the region of Ile-de-France.

In all, 100 persons were questioned, 89 of them in Ile-de-France, of whom 46 were arrested, 43 in Ile-de-France.

At the same time, four police officers were slightly injured.

The acts committed entailed primarily the throwing of pyrotechnical devices, hurled deliberately at the police or the public.

Among the most serious incidents was that of a little girl 6 years old, wounded by a firecracker that had been thrown in the direction of the city officials of Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis), the same source indicated. She was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Europe is doomed.

Cindy Sheehan:”They’re Trying to Kill Me!”

By they she means a coalition of Jews, Bushco assassins and members of DailyKos. From the Action Center for Justice blog where communist shill Sheehan is launching her latest publicity campaign:

Our Journey came to Lynchburg, VA after we had a nice lunch from the community of Carrboro, NC with a nice welcome from the community’s mayor.

The Lynchburg PD was very professional and kept the right-wing loudmouths away from us, so both sides could safely exercise our freedom of speech before the demo was interrupted by a thunderstorm deluge.

We found out something interesting though. In Charlotte, NC, the car that I was riding in that has “Peace Mom vs. Pelosi” had a flat tire when we were going down I-40 toward an interview. Later, when we were having the tire repaired, we found out that it had been cut. We think that’s attempted murder.

O.K., put aside your doubts for a moment in Sheehan and company’s forensic skills and pretend that her tire was indeed slashed by some right wing (and for Sheehan this would include Democrats by the way) loudmouth. How is it that if some angry yokel did slash the peace mom’s tires that it would be attempted murder? I was always under the impression that attempted murder involved attempting to murder someone, not slashing their tires.

And frankly why am I supposed to believe that there even was a flat tire? Even the left has, by her own admission, started calling her an attention whore. Maybe they ran over a nail or some glass or something else they didn’t see while smoking their pot and reliving their “golden days’ of the late ’60’s. Maybe she slashed her own tire to get into the local news.

Maybe she was too busy playing to her White Supremacist supporters to notice her tire popping.

Maybe she should be telling her supporters where she put the $700,000 that’s missing from the Crawford Peace House. Maybe an angry former supporter doesn’t like being ripped off…

One thing’s for sure, if Sheehan ever does get murdered, the main suspect should be Cindy Sheehan.

h/t Free Republic

Jew Hating Commie Joins “The Elders”

From WaPo:

OHANNESBURG, July 17 — Former South African president Nelson Mandela plans to announce on Wednesday the creation of “the Elders,” a group composed mostly of retired global leaders that will seek to tackle urgent world problems unfettered by the politics of any one nation, officials with the group said.

It will have about a dozen members, including former president Jimmy Carter, former U.N. secretary general Kofi Annan and retired Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. Among the organizers of the effort have been rock star Peter Gabriel and British airline mogul Richard Branson, who has used meetings at his Caribbean getaway, Necker Island, as an incubator for creation of the group.

The members met in private for several hours Tuesday in Johannesburg.

“Collectively we’ll be a very formidable force,” Carter said in an interview Tuesday night.

The announcement will coincide with the 89th birthday of Mandela, who plans to give the inaugural speech for the group despite having largely withdrawn from public view as he grows increasingly frail. His wife, Graca Machel, said Mandela — known to South Africans by his honorary clan name, Madiba — will not play a day-to-day role in the group.

“Madiba is sort of the initiator of the process. He took the initiative of bringing this group together,” said Machel, who is a member of the group. “But because of his age, he’s not going to have a major role in this.”

She added that despite signs of infirmity — Mandela has trouble hearing and often needs assistance walking — he remains in good health. “He’s fantastic. For his age, for his life story, he’s doing very well,” she said.

Members of the group have carefully avoided saying what issues they plan to tackle. Carter said the group was unlikely to take an active role in mediation. More likely, the Elders would investigate a situation privately, then issue public pronouncements intended to bring about a resolution, he said.

Uh, yeah. I’m not sure exactly what “The Elders” are about, but it’s safe to say with Jimmiah involved it’s not kosher.

AllahPundit point out that Jimmy’s not the only “Elder” with a brown shirt in his closet, as Mary Robinson, who authored this whimsical little anti-Semitic tirade for the U.N., is an “Elder” in good standing.

The whole “Elder” thing reeks of bad Sci-Fi and pure unadulterated arrogance to me, and to prove my point take a look at their website. I don’t know what is more disturbing that these supposedly rational people got together and had the audacity to call themselves “The Elders” or that no one around them had the guts to tell them that the name’s a bit much.

But then again I’m a Imperium man myself. I don’t trust those Elder bastards and their craftworlds…

Christian Science Monitor Thinks Israel’s Birth an “Injustice”

What would Mary Baker Eddy say to this sort of bias against Jews? She wouldn’t like it, I can tell you that.

From the CS Monitor:

Stateless Palestinians have long been a casus belli among Arab terrorists, although removing the injustice done to them by Israel’s creation in 1948 has also long been in the interests of the US and Israel, especially since the 1967 war that led Israel to take new territory.

Huh? The “injustice of defending themselves against a Nazi inspired genocidal war after the U.N. mandate to separate peaceful states. The Palestinians could have had a state 60 years ago if they hadn’t of backed the attempted invasion and destruction of Israel by their Arab “allies.” In fact, had the Palestinians allied themselves with Israel they’d be a prosperous democracy honorably defending the regime from Islamists and various totalitarian regimes.

No, the only injustice done here is by the Muslim world, who led the Palestinians astray, marginalized them and use them as canon fodder in against Israel.