Ron Paul Will Never be President! (Thank the Gods)

At least according to this poll that predicts he’ll receive a thorough thumping by both Clinton and Obama in the general elections should the man win the Republican primaries. An unlikely prospect since he polls at a dismal 1% amongst G.O.P. primary voters.

Via Libertarian Republican, Libertarian Party Presidential primary candidate Wayne Root has some interesting thing to say about Paul:

But what about mystery #2: Ron Paul’s own passionate Libertarian supporters who wonder how it’s possible that their hero is polling only 1% to 3% nationally?

That answer is also simple. Look at it from outside the insulated world of Ron Paul Inc. You see Ron Paul has one big flaw. He’s just too nice for his own good. Some would even call him naïve. He sees the world with rose-colored glasses. That prevents him from seeing the evil and disaster aimed squarely at our country.

In the political world, a candidate is only as strong as his weakest link. Ron Paul’s weak link is national security and the war on terrorists. Unfortunately for him, that’s the issue at the top of almost every American voter’s list. In the end, almost every parent in this country will put aside every other issue. They want a President who will keep their children safe at night. A President willing to fight and win the war on terror at all costs. They want a President who’s strong enough to stand up to the most evil enemies of freedom since Adolph Hitler.

Ron Paul looks, and is, weak on this issue. I know he means well. But he’s naïve about our enemy’s intentions. And worse yet, weak in how he’d respond to them.

Doctor Paul sounds almost apologetic to our enemies. He sounds much like the blame America first crowd. It may not be his position that America is to blame for 9/11. Maybe his comments about 9/11 were misunderstood by the media and Rudy Guliani.

Ouch. And this is from an actual card carrying Libertarian! Root goes on to hit the nail on the head, and inadvertently voices what many ex-libertarians cite as their main problem with the Libertarian Party:

Did Hitler leave alone any country that played nice with him? Bullies always see those who don’t fight back as weak. Islamic extremists hate anyone that doesn’t believe as they do. They want to cut our heads off, mutilate our bodies, and then set our corpses on fire in the streets. They hate us whether we interfere or not. They hate us for interfering, and they hate and laugh at us for appearing weak because we didn’t interfere. On this topic Ron Paul is just plain wrong. They hate us and will continue to try to kill Americans and our children until we defeat them. They leave us no choice.

These are not easy times. These are not easy questions. But one thing is easy to see- Americans side with me on the issue of the war on terror. Americans understand if Islamic extremists destroy Israel and murder millions of innocents:

They’ll come for America next.

Americans want to see strength and confidence in their President – Not apologies.

We’re a nation of courageous, tough-talking winners that have always stood up to bullies. Now is not the time to back off from defeating the most dangerous group of fanatics in history. These fanatics want desperately to destroy America, cripple the American economy, and bomb us back to the stone ages.

The war on terror is real and will hit close to home again. There will be another 9/11.

There will almost certainly be attempts at a nuclear attack on American soil. I’m certain we’ll see car bombs in shopping centers and other public places. There will be more attempts to bomb planes and trains. It’s coming. Our enemies are plotting and planning high-profile attacks at this very moment. If you don’t believe me, ask the Brits.

In other words, Ron Paul’s live and let live philosophy will only lead to us to having to fight them here on our own shores. Non-interventionism is fine in a time of peace, but Al-Qaeda and all the Islamists have pulled our punk card, and it’s time to dance. Paul and his followers are trying to close Pandora’s Box, instead of dealing with the chaos that has been unleashed. Most Americans will not accept that in a President.

And thank the Gods they won’t.

This Just In: Perverts Use MySpace to Stalk Unsupervised Children

Who would have guessed?

Why can’t parents start monitoring their kids’ Internet activity? I blogged about this problem months ago (decades in blog time), including lefty groups like World Can’t Wait that explicitly called for minors to lie about their whereabouts and join them for “protests” which no doubt involve hanging around with a whole cadre of these ‘net stalking perverts.

Parents need to step up on this one.

Syria Invades Lebanon While the World Keeps Silent

From’s Opinion Journal:

As of this minute, Syria occupies at least 177 square miles of Lebanese soil. That you are now reading about it for the first time is as much a scandal as the occupation itself.

The news comes by way of a fact-finding survey of the Lebanese-Syrian border just produced by the International Lebanese Committee for U.N. Security Council Resolution 1559, an American NGO that has consultative status with the U.N. Because of the sensitivity of the subject, the authors have requested anonymity and have circulated the report only among select government officials and journalists. But its findings cannot be ignored.

In meticulous detail–supplemented by photographs, satellite images, archival material and Lebanese military maps predating Syria’s 1976 invasion (used as a basis of comparison with Syria’s current positions)–the authors describe precisely where and how Lebanon has been infiltrated. In the area of the village of Maarboun, for instance, the authors observed Syrian military checkpoints a mile inside Lebanon. In the Birak al-Rassass Valley, they photographed Syrian anti-aircraft batteries. On the outskirts of the village of Kossaya they found a heavily fortified camp belonging to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in violation of U.N. resolutions and Lebanese demands.

This is a story to which I can contribute my own testimony. In May 2005 I paid a visit to Lebanon, just a month after Syria had announced that it had fully withdrawn its 14,000 troops from Lebanon in compliance with Resolution 1559. The rumor in Beirut was that a company of 200 or so elite Syrian soldiers remained encamped within Lebanon near the Druze village of Deir al-Ashaer. I decided to have a look. After a long drive over rutted roads, I found it.

Or rather, what I found was a hillside outpost that I was able to enter without crossing any apparent international border. The man in charge was a Syrian intelligence officer who “invited” me into a sweltering tent while he phoned his commanders for instruction. After a few tense minutes of silence with the soldiers inside, the officer reappeared, explained that the camp was 50 yards inside Syrian territory, and ordered me to go. From there I went to the village, where the mayor insisted the camp was several hundred yards inside Lebanon.

Who was right? Inclined as I was to believe the mayor, it was hard to sort out contending claims over remote parcels of land. A week later, then Secretary-General Kofi Annan announced the U.N. had “verified all [Syrian military units] had withdrawn, including [from] the border area.” It seemed that was the end of the story.

Yet again the U.N. is unable, or unwilling, to prevent despotic regimes from destabilizing freedom loving democracies. Almost as ineffective as the “demcong” as one blogger calls Pelosi and crew, though not quite.

h/t Free Republic

Egyptian Girl Dies During Circumcision, American Feminists Silent

From the Memri blog:

Budour Ahmad Shaker, a young girl from Al-Minya province in Egypt, died while undergoing circumcision at a private clinic. The Egyptian National Council for Mothers and Children called on the Egyptian health minister to ban doctors from performing female circumcisions. Egyptian Mufti Dr. Ali Gum’a said in response to the incident that the former mufti of Egypt had already banned female circumcision.

Sources: Al-Ahram, Egypt, June 23, 2006; Al-Masri Al-Yawm, Egypt, June 24, 2007; Al-Quds Al-Arabi, London, June 25, 2007.

This comes on tail of a story from Jpost on Egypt’s brutal attacks on Sudanese refugees trying to flee Egypt for a better life in Israel which left one woman dead: (h/t Tel-Chai Nation)

Egyptian police shot and killed a Sudanese woman and seriously wounded four others Sunday on the Sinai Peninsula as they tried to sneak into Israel, a local police officer said.

Many refugees trying to enter Israel from Egypt have been arrested, and some wounded, by police, but Haja Abbas Haroun’s death was the first of its kind.

Haroun, 28, was killed instantly by police gunfire, while four others, including a woman and young girl, were critically wounded and taken to a local hospital, said Capt. Muhammad Badr of the northern Sinai police force.

No word on why the police had to shoot them. I’m assuming it’s because they were Black, non-Muslim and ready to embrace the hated Jewish state.

Then if you have a strong stomach, here’s proof that Egyptian Muslims are sexually attacking Christian girls in an attempt to forcibly convert them. Free Copts presents the evidence in the form of a cell phone video taken by several men who stripped and photographed a teen-aged Christian girl in an effort to humiliate her into marrying(?) one of the degenerate perverts. WARNING! The post is brutal and guaranteed to make you angrier than anything you’ve ever seen. Steel yourself before watching it.

What’s Pandagon have to say about the plight of Egyptian women these days? Not much unsurprisingly. Of course neither do the racists at Firedoglake or the “feminists” at Feministing.

It’s almost as if they don’t care…

The Speech America Needs to Hear

Some people find this sort of fantasy tedious. I think it says something about he state of our country today that so many people have gravitated to this re-imagining of the famous scene from the movie Patton. We will lose in Iraq not because our military failed, but because many on the left want us to. We will lose the middle east as a whole because the left wants us to. Latin America, Europe and Asia, we will lose ground there as well not because America can’t beat back the hordes of islamists, communists and fascists who are gaining ground in their war against freedom and liberty, but because the left won’t let us.

And someday, when we are losing in our own cities, on our own streets and on our own soil, the left will still be working against us. Someday when we are asking ourselves how it came to this, to bloody clashes in our own homes, to American being the battleground for WWIII the answer will be simple: because the left wanted it that way.

Enjoy the video:
