Dregs! Ron Paul Supporters in Their Own (Asinine) Words

Here’s a video of a Seattle “meetup” of Paul supporters explaining why they support the littlest truther. At around 2:48 or so one retard actually claims “we” (meaning Americans) are living in a prison without bars!


We aren’t free like the Cubans, Venezuelans, Iranians, Egyptians, Brits and Chinese.

Americans have more freedom than any other people on the face of this earth and rather than fighting the Islamists and communists who seek to destroy it, or God forbid helping our fellow humans in other countries gain some freedom for themselves, Paul supporters pretend we live in a dictatorship. These people are little more than the political version of LARPGers but without the ability to differentiate between their in game characters and themselves.

Like these cretin:


I’ll bet you they’ll be voting for Paul too.

Guess who else has some kind word for Ron Paul?

Like I said, Dregs.

Another Ron Paul Supporter He Won’t Want You to See

Here’s the unhinged conspiracy monger that went nuts at a Fred Thompson event.CNN originally tried to paint her as just an unhappy conservative, until she outed herself as a truther in the comments of their story on her plight.

Here’s the video of the event. Skip to the end ( about 4:05) as she’s escorted out to see just how unstable this weirdo is:


She’s quite the catch, I’m sure. An unemployed narcissist who’s managed to to link together every major conspiracy theory into one outrageously asinine whole.

In this video she accuses Rudy Guiliani of selling land to be used for the North American union:


She basis her theory on the fact that Guiliani’s law firm has an office in Austin, one in Dallas and one in San Antonio. Like any narcissist eager to prove their point she ignores the fact that real estate lawyers don’t buy and sell land, but are hired by people to help put together contracts. Of course, being unemployed, she likely has never bought or sold a house, so maybe she doesn’t know the difference between a real estate attorney and a real estate agent.

But she is certainly smart enough to know that Guiliani, a partner in a firm that has an office in New York, likely is based in the New York office, not any of the Texas ones. But she, like Ron Paul, is just dishonest enough to omit important facts to make an argument.

Here’s one of her demanding that the media allow Ron Paul supporters to rig polls on-line, and demanding that “the corporate controlled media” including Michelle Malkin, CNN, ABC etc. stop saying that Ron Paul isn’t going to win the election! She finishes the piece by telling them that the days of brainwashing people are over now that her website will expose the “Truth.”


Yes blond truther, now that you have a slick website, the centuries old international conspiracy is doomed. This is the day that was foretold, when she of the bad dye job will bring down the mighty and lay them low via YouTube ramblings and crying hissy fits in public.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Ron Paul supporters are the dregs of humanity. A collection of self absorbed ne’er-do-wells who need to frame their failed and miserable lives in the context of a vast conspiracy keeping them from succeeding thus excusing their weekly trips to their parents house to beg for money to pay their bills. They’re are not stable, they’re not reasonable, and they are certainly not patriots.

Not like Fred Dalton Thompson.

h/t Hot Air.

Comrade Edwards Reveals Wealth Redistribution Plan

John EdwardsToday marked the release of John Edwards’ breathtakingly shallow tax plan designed to repair what he described as a “rigged” system that favors the wealthy.

Edwards vowed to hike the capital gains tax to an absurd 28% in the unlikely event that he ever makes it to the Oval Office. I’m no economist, but logic suggests that such a steep increase would slow investing to the point that federal revenue from capital gains taxes could actually decrease. It would be pretty tough use that non-existent revenue to give tax breaks to lower- and middle-income families.

Luckily, there’s little chance that John Edwards’ Robin Hood campaign won’t backfire. Members of the American public are looking for genuine economic security, not socialist snake oil from the likes of Edwards.

Giant Squids Attacking America!


From Fox:

MONTEREY, Calif. — Jumbo squid that can grow up to 7 feet long and weigh more than 110 pounds are invading central California waters and preying on local anchovy, hake and other commercial fish populations, according to a study published Tuesday.

An aggressive predator, the Humboldt squid — or Dosidicus gigas — can change its eating habits to consume the food supply favored by tuna and sharks, its closest competitors, according to an article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.

The scientist are claiming that aside from a devastating impact on commercial fishing, we shouldn’t worry as the Humboldt doesn’t attack humans. I call bullshit, as the Discover Channel has aired footage of Humboldt squid attacking scuba divers.

Then there is this piece from Outdoor Online where a journalist decided to learn about the “Red Devil” first hand by hooking up with a man who was developing anti-squid armor(?!?):

“OK,” I say to myself, and cue up the DVD. I scroll my way past clips of Cassell pimping in his Star Wars squid armor for the Discovery Channel and telling spooky tales to get people squirming in their Barcaloungers. I check out a sequence called “Attacks,” in which flashing squid take runs at Cassell, their arms grating across his camera gear as he grunts and pants for breath. Finally, I find a segment called “Giants” and settle in.

Cassell is in a pale-green underwater world, a couple hundred feet down, and directly in front of him is an utterly massive squid. (Cassell estimates that it was about eight feet long and perhaps 200 pounds.) Its skin is pocked by scars from numerous battles, and its body appears unusually heavy. Dozens of other large squid are swimming nearby, flashing their eerie messages, and none of them seems the least bit intimidated by Cassell. Indeed, they repeatedly jet in to grab at him. Sometimes the probes come head on, the squid lining up like darts and then bull-rushing him with a flare of arms and tentacles followed by the scrape of sucker teeth on his armor. Sometimes there are sneak attacks from behind, signaled by grunts and yelps from Cassell as he tries to free himself. During one attack, you can hear Cassell laughing maniacally before finally conceding an “Owww.”

I don’t think these squid were playing touch football. Then there’s this piece by Mr. Squid Armor himself detailing his mauling by Humboldt’s.

Here’s a Humboldt attack video:


Don’t go in the water!

Related: Goodbye to the Weekly World News

Loose Change Producer Arrested for Desertion!


Korey Rowe, 24, a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq, was picked up by deputies at about 10:45 p.m. Monday, Otsego County Sheriff Richard Devlin Jr. said.

Rowe, along with Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas, are members of Louder Than Words, a production company that is working on a third edition of the movie “Loose Change,” which contends the U.S. government was involved in the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That edition is intended to be a theatrical release.

Rowe and the other members of Louder Than Words have appeared on radio shows including The Alex Jones Show and have been mentioned in Time magazine. Vanity Fair magazine published a feature story on the group last August.

Since 2002, Rowe was interviewed by The Daily Star several times about “Loose Change” and his experiences in the military.

“We developed information that he was at a county Route 47 residence in Oneonta last night,” Devlin said Tuesday.

Rowe was arrested on a “military warrant” that Devlin said was brought to the attention of deputies by the Oneonta Police Department, who received information from a source outside of that department.

Rowe was living at the Route 47 home, Devlin said.

City police officials who were able to comment on the case were unavailable Tuesday night.

After deputies received the information from Oneonta police, they reached out to the Army, and officials from Fort Knox faxed a copy of the warrant, deputies said.

Rowe previously told The Daily Star he enlisted in August 2001. He left the Army in June 2005, according to the Louder Than Words website.

He is being held without bail in the Otsego County jail and is waiting to be picked up by U.S. Army officials, Devlin said.

This narcissist used his military service for years as leverage to vomit forth his vile garbage and call the government liars and worse. Now we see that he’s the liar who was on the run from authorities for years.

h/t Jawa Report

Irony, or clever Illuminati plot? You decide, but I already know what Rowe’s friends will be saying.