Ann Arbor Terror Attack?

From Northeast Intelligence Network:

27 July 2007: Ten people were treated for exposure to an unknown chemical substance after the as-yet unidentified substance was released in the Ann Arbor Public Library in the Westgate Shopping Plaza, and an adjacent grocery store Wednesday evening. According to a law enforcement source speaking to the Northeast Intelligence Network asking that his name not be used, “a person or persons unknown deliberately released a chemical into the air in two locations, one being the Ann Arbor Public Library and the second location being the Kroger Food Market.” According to this law enforcement source, the chemical appeared to be caustic as it caused breathing problems for patrons of the library and at the food store. The substance was initially released from the restroom of the library, possibly at the entrance to the restroom where a ventilation duct is located. This source declined to identify the manner in which the dispersal was made, adding that tests are being performed to identify the chemical.

Although law enforcement sources are stating publicly that they do not believe this incident is “terrorist related,” they deny knowing the motive of the incident…

Scary stuff. NEIN points out that this attack is similar to an earlier incident in a mall in Spokane, Washington.

It sounds like the chemical is mace or pepper spray to me, which would make it less a big “T” terror attack and more likely some sort of lefty political protest ala Andrew Stone, perhaps a statement against the Patriot Act’s infamous library reaserch clause and an attack on a corporate chain of groceries. Given the climate on the left, it’s fairly likely.
On the other hand it could be simple degeneracy, which is the story Ann Arbor authorities are sticking to:

ANN ARBOR — Police believe teenagers using mace or pepper spray at a local library and grocery store sickened about two dozen people.

Surveillance tapes showed the same two teens in the Ann Arbor library branch and adjacent Kroger store.

Ann Arbor police Sgt. Jeff Connelly said the incident appears to be a prank and that investigators had not identified the two males on the tapes, the Ann Arbor News reported Friday.

Emergency crews treated people at both locations shortly after 9 p.m. Wednesday for breathing troubles, burning eyes and dizziness. Five people were treated at the University of Michigan Hospital that night and released.

Tests on the chemical substance used were inclusive Thursday.

As a person who can sheepishly admit to accidentally macing myself (don’t ask) the burning eyes and breathing trouble sounds about right. But dizziness? Not so much, and certainly hospitalization would only be required of especially weak or frail persons. The EMT’s likely erred on the side of caution, but the fact that the police, who I suspect routinely pepper spray criminals, can’t identify for sure what these kids (if the kids sprayed anything at all, the footage doesn’t show them doing anything) supposedly sprayed in those buildings is troubling.

John Edwards:Anti-Semite?

MyDD is inexplicably pimping this snippet of a John Edwards speech where he claims that some miserly rich people who control the media and are secretly running the country are trying to silence him:


Hmmm. A super rich group of misers who secretly rule the world. Who could Edwards possibly be talking about?

h/t Politico

Liberal Blogger Steals $100,000 from Obama Linked Consulting Firm

From The Corner:

Roll Call reports today on the dismissal of Chad Schuldt from an Obama-allied consulting firm for allegedly embezzling more than $100,000.

Schuldt had been the left-wing “Clean Cut Kid” blogger in South Dakota, who started up after the 2004 election. At first, he was anonymously attacking Republicans in the state, especially Sen. John Thune (R). Once his identity was revealed, he blogged much less frequently.

One of his favorite topics was Republican corruption. (Ahem.)

Evidently, Schuldt was as unhappy as I am about the taxes that were being removed from his paycheck. And so he allegedly took matters into his own hands, stealing from his firm the tax withholdings for all of his colleagues, instead of sending them along to the IRS.

Far be it from me to make some snide remark about how Schuldt did not need need such a large tax cut.

Just like when White “liberals” come here and accuse me of being a racist when I stand up for Black people against the rising tide of anti-Black violence perpetrated by Latino gangs, we see that liberals always point out the perceived failings in others they most struggle with themselves.

h/t Jawa Report

Juan Cole is an Idiot

NonPartyPolitics proves it by fisking his inane analysis of the “new” bin Ladin tape.

His July 24th piece also claims suicide bombings were pioneered by “the Marxist Hindu Tamil Tigers” which is a misreading this Wikipedia article which states that suicide bombings were first used by “factions” in the Lebanese civil war then adopted by the Tigers, who he conveniently iignores has long ben suspected of working with Al-Qaeda, especially helping with the first World Trade Center bombing. But that wouldn’t help him make his argument that Islam doesn’t actually approve of suicide bombings, and bin Ladin is misunderstanding the religion of peace.

Oh yeah and the tape he was using to make his sweeping statements was bogus anyway.

This is what happens when you trust a “expert” in terrorism who veers so hard to the left. You get all the wrong information, and the terrorists get a hopefully unwitting ally who will steer us directly into another 9-11.

h/t Gateway Pundit