Sudan Attempted to Enlist Al-Qaeda to Fight Racist Jihad

From the Sudan Tribune:

The Sudanese government decided to lift restrictions on Al-Qaeda members in the country in return for their help in fighting peacekeepers in Darfur.

The classified document sent to Sudan Tribune by a group named Kosh Liberation Movement (KLM) was dated April 27, 2004 and signed by senior members of Sudan’s presidency, ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and the army.

One of the signatories was Sudan’s presidential adviser Majzoub al-Khalifa who was killed in a car accident last month signing on behalf of the NCP.

The authenticity of the document could not be independently verified.

Osama bin Laden lived in Sudan for several years in the early 1990s.

The document requests all government agencies to allow “foreign Jihadis who came to Sudan with Osama Bin Laden in 1994 to resume their political activities in Sudan given the circumstances surrounding foreign intervention in Darfur to support armed forces and the people of Sudan to fight Zionist enemies”.

The decision outlines certain steps to be taken to allow Al-Qaeda to operate in Sudan such as unfreezing their bank accounts and returning all properties confiscated in 1996.

A copy of the order was sent to President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir, Head of Security Services and a representative of Al-Qaeda in Sudan.

Last year Al-Qaeda’s second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahri called on Muslims in a video released on Friday to launch a holy war against proposed U.N. peacekeepers in Sudan’s Darfur region.

The racist violence of Muslim Jihadist knows no bounds, whether it be in Africa or here on our own streets as with the Abdel Hamze case which exposed the racist anti-black sentiments of the Muslim community in America. When will America wake up to the vile poison of the Jihadist theology, which turns people into savage bloodthirsty murderers who cannot be appeased or reasoned with, but must be destroyed before they infect others with their evil?

h/t Jihad Watch

Ron Paul Supporter Threatens to Kill Government Officials!

According to her MySpace profile she’s 23 year old Diana, supporter of Ron Paul, practicing nurse and bitter enemy of the New World Order. She also has an interesting personal history:

I was born in Transylvania and moved here with my family when I was a teenager. My town was 5-7 miles away from the Carpathian mountains. It was and still is a beautiful place. We used to hike and walk through those forests every summer. I hope to be able to go visit there again, if all hell doesn’t break loose here. 🙂

I say interesting because there is no country called Transylvania and there hasn’t been since 1918 at least. There is a Province in Romania that is the historical Transylvania, but a 23 year old wouldn’t have been born in “Transylvania.” But the real issue is a comment she left on the now thrice mentioned here Houston 9-11 Truth, on a post about the supposed “assault” on the Ed Brown encampment:

People will take a stand when they have had enough… apparently, this isn’t enough for them yet. Unfortunately, when the storm troopers come banging at your door it will be too late to take a stand.
If Ed & Elaine die, the militia has vowed to kill everybody responsible. That means a lot of people won’t be going home some night soon.

Uh, crazy much? Who are the militia and how are they going to determine who’s responsible? Is the entire government responsible, or just the officers on scene. What about the judge who ruled against Brown? What about people like myself who won’t support him?

Of course, no one should worry since this mythical “militia” is likely from the same Transylvania Diana hails from. That is to say the one in her head.

But what is disturbing about this is twofold. Firstly is that the conspiracy movements in this country are reaching a boiling point, they’ve been agitating around the Internet for years and now its adherents are no longer content to buy books and listen to Alex Jones. They want action, and if you accept a world view like this violent action would seem to be the only option.

It has in fact happened already in the case of Richard McCaslin. From Alex Jones Exposed:

Back in 2002, McCaslin decided it was his divine and patriotic duty to launch an armed invasion of the Bohemian Grove, where he expected to find ‘pagans’ indulging in Satanic ritual abuse of children. Of course, in reality, he found nothing of the sort, and luckily he was captured without him firing a shot, but the fact that he was there at all can be pinned squarely on Alex Jones, who more than anyone else has pushed the lunatic theories about ‘dark’ happenings in the Grove, and who was directly cited by McCaslin as his inspiration. The fact that there have (s0 far) been no other McCaslins is hopefully a sign that, whatever they may say, even the conspiracy nuts don’t really believe all the bullshit they’re fed, but it is surely only a matter of time before another Jones fan goes off the deep end and decides to take the law into his own hands. Let’s not forget the past examples of such lunacy – Gordon Kahl, The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, and the Weaver family being just a handful of examples of violent ‘patriots’ who were living in fear of a ‘New World Order’. (On a related note, without a doubt, the tragic events at Ruby Ridge involving the Weaver family were a disgrace, but it is interesting to see how Jones is more than happy to feature Randy Weaver on his radio show, as recently as this year, despite him being an unrepentant anti-Semite, ‘Christian Identity’ cultist and Aryan Nations supporter).

McCaslin didn’t kill anyone only by chance, as he was fully prepared to cause as much mayhem and death as possible. From The Press Democrat (reprinted on Conspiracy Archive):

On Saturday night, McCaslin went to the grove armed with a semiautomatic rifle/shotgun hybrid, a .45-caliber handgun, a crossbow, a 2-foot-long sword, a knife and a hand-made bomb launcher. Wearing a skeleton mask and carrying several of the weapons, he sneaked past guard houses into the grove near the Russian River.


After his arrest, he told detectives that he had come to the Bohemian Grove to kill child molesters and those performing human sacrifices.

“He planned on killing people,” Sonoma County Sheriff’s Sgt. Steve Brown said. “He planned on confronting people doing these weird things.”

His fears of the alleged events were based on a videotape put out a few years ago by radio host Alex Jones, who claims on his Web site that “bizarre, Luciferian ceremonies” occur there.

Is Diana from MySpace as dangerous as McCasil? We won’t know until it’s too late, but if she is the people who, for commercial reasons no doubt, have been peddling her this conspiracy garbage for years will be partly responsible.

The second problem I have is this is probably the tenth or eleventh time I’ve written a post about either a conspiracy theorist or neo-Nazi or some other dreg that proudly supports Ron Paul. What gives? I wasn’t even looking for a Paul angle in this piece, but I couldn’t ignore it because Ron Paul is all over her MySpace page. What is it about him that attracts these people, and why isn’t he doing something to keep his followers from making these kinds of threats? Even DailyKos will ban you id you start talking about killing government officials, will the Paul campaign?

Maybe if he spent less time on Alex Jones, and more time explaining to the people that support him that being a libertarian doesn’t mean holing up in a compound waiting to shoot it out with “the Illuminati” Paul would be a serious contender for President. But it would take someone sane to figure that out, and Paul’s surrounded himself with the very worst of the fringe.

Ed Brown Supporters Staging an Attack on Themselves to Gain Sympathy

Some of the more gullible denizens of the web have been circulating the story that the Brown’s compound is finally under attack by federal authorities. Finally after months of claiming the attack was coming even though it never happened.

Now the reports are that 30-40 shots were heard behind the Brown’s property, and some of the Brown supporters are supposedly missing. Here’s an audio of the panicky “patriots” calling for a civil war and a complete breakdown of American society.


Oh My. This sounds bad, surely it’s the end! No doubt they’ll be storming the Brown’s house any second!

Oh, but wait, it was all a psyop:


Even more sinister! The cops are denying that shots were fired! Good Lord, does their perfidy know no end?


Tormenting Jim!?! Why only agents of a fascist regime in league with the Ruinous Powers would bang on the trailer of the obviously sane and stable Jim, who wouldn’t see and hear things that weren’t there after a night of binge drinking and a few weeks of being off his meds.

And that brave Danny Riley, why this is the second time that I know off he’s had close encounters with federal authorities that they later denied. Why don’t you bastards leave him alone?

Ye Gods! Melodrama this bad belongs on late night cable access. Yet again, the attention starved human refuse will make up the most patently outrageous claims in an effort to get the notoriety they crave. They expect, nay demand, that you suspend your disbelief and take them at their word, no matter how bizarre and unlikely their story is.

So we should believe that federal agents fired wildly in the woods, hitting nothing, then like a group of drunken frat boys started rocking a trailer? Then they just ran off, I suppose giggling like misbehaving pre-teens. I call bullshit.

I say prove it. Show me the shell casings, show me the bullet holes. Let’s see some footage of Alpha Chi Fed smoking a bong and deciding to scare Jim. Show me the evidence.

Of course they have no evidence, just the word of a bunch of unemployed cretin seeking their fifteen minutes of fame and glory. Unfortunately suckers like the disturbed woman who runs Houston 9-11 Truth will eat up such nonsense. Ironic, because she’ll call 9-11 a staged attack, but when a fraud is perpetrated right in front of her eyes, she’ll lap it up like sweet, sweet honey.

Randy Weaver: Government Hating “Patriot” Shows Up to Support Ed Brown

And worse, using his dead wife as a prop to to push his Alex Jones style politics. No surprise it is degenerate White supremacists who are trafficking in this conspiracy porn. Weaver doesn’t seem to differentiate between Janet Reno’s out of control A.T.F. and justice department and the I.R.S. seizing the property of a couple of tax cheating con artists. He also tells the outrageous lie that any government agents shot in Ruby Ridge were killed by friendly fire.

That the Clinton era Justice department was turned loose on innocent, albeit potentially dangerous, Americans while Islamic fascists plotted the worst terror attack in history is just more proof that a Democrat in the White House would be devastating to this country. Janet Reno should have been tried and treated the way Dems are treating Gonzales now. That’s a given, but Randy Weaver isn’t innocent in his family’s deaths. Randy Weaver could have, and should have, gotten a lawyer and turned himself in.

Better yet, maybe he shouldn’t have thought better of selling shotguns at Aryan Nation rallies, allegedly sawed off, but even if they weren’t, selling shotguns to bikers at a Nazi rally doesn’t seem like something a good family man should be doing.

You’ll also notice his take on Bush is suspiciously similar to Cindy Sheehan and the nutroots. More evidence of a Leftist/White Nationalist alliance. Here are the videos:



In the second video it’s ironic that he quotes the Black Panthers with that “die on my feet” reference. And what’s this about the government making people commit suicide? The guy uploading the videos on YouTube does so under the name “9-11 Matrixx” which should explain the level of paranoia.

Oddly, he goes on to say that “religion was invented to control the masses,” a key Marxist theory of civilization. Funny how so many people on the “far right” quote communist propaganda so often. It’s almost as if they aren’t on the right at all….
Even Ron Paul has backpedaled on support for these two miscreants and their attempt to end their lives in a blaze of glory. With Weaver in the mix, no doubt attracting his old Aryan Nations running buddies, the hope of resolving this peacefully is almost gone.

One site, run by a Ron Paul supporter, is reporting shots fired at the Browns’ camp. Of course there have been sporadic and false reports by attention-seeking Brown supporters for weeks, and as of yet nothing has happened. And as long a there’s a Republican run justice department I doubt anything will, thankfully.