The Blitz Begins in London

Hot Air has all the details of a car bomb found outside of a London nightclub. Sky News is the best source for first hand information, including the fact that it was a quick thinking cop who disarmed the bomb before it went off:

Sky News sources say one of the first police officers on the scene of the London West End car bomb may have saved dozens of lives by diffusing the explosives before the bomb squad arrived.

It is believed the quick-thinking cop recognized that the car was wired to blow up, jumped in and disconnected the trigger device, thought to be a mobile phone.

This backs up an eye-witness account of a police officer briefly entering the metallic green Mercedes before running for cover.

People are being warned to stay vigilant after the discovery of the “massive” car bomb, which could have killed hundreds of nightclub revellers.

The device, which contained 60 litres of petrol, a large amount of nails and several gas canisters, was found in the Mercedes early this morning.

Park Lane has also been closed to traffic due to a suspect vehicle in an underground car park that police believe is connected to the attempted bombing in Haymarket.

Without that heroic officer the news coming out of England would be much different.

There’s a lot of folks blogging this, but 186k Per Second has a must read about the nutrootery going on at some popular left wing sites who are claiming that England’s last nail bomber, a National Socialist named David Copeland was a “right wing nut.” This is interesting because National Socialism is far to the left of most every political philosophy except one; Communism.

It is also fairly obvious that we’ll find out the bomber has connections to the religion of “peace” once the investigation is done. Seems like only yesterday I was blogging about left wing sites propagandizing for Islamism, now they’re also covering for their car bombing allies. When will we realize that the “far left” is as much our enemy as Al-Qaeda?

UPDATE: Hot Air points out that Huffpo and D.U. just don’t buy this story. 6/29 Truth!

UPDATE: Fox just reported that an Internet posting saying “Rejoyce, London shall be bombed” has been uncovered.

Methodists Channel Their Inner Eichman

Another protestant denomination has declared it’s intention to divest from Israel following the release of a biased report on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict which accused Israel of war crimes while ignoring the near constant rocket attacks on Israel and the bloody take over of Gaza by Hamas. From the NY Sun:

A leading Jewish group said the United Methodist Church’s call to divest from 20 companies that do business with Israel “borders on anti-Semitism,” upping the pressure on President Bush and Senator Clinton — both Methodists — to distance themselves from the church’s statement.

The report, which drew criticism from the Anti-Defamation League yesterday, was written by the Divestment Task Force of the church’s New England Conference and targeted such companies as Blockbuster, General Dynamics, and General Electric.

“The urgency of the humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories cannot be overstated,” the report stated. “Palestinians face soaring unemployment, malnutrition, restrictions on movement, denial of medical care, denial of access to their agricultural lands, humiliation at checkpoints and extended lockdowns called curfews.”

The national director of the Anti-Defamation League, Abraham Foxman, said in a statement that the report “borders on anti-Semitism.”

He added: “The authors of the report must be living in a bubble to ignore ongoing attacks on Israel and Hamas’s violent takeover of Gaza to issue such an outrageous, biased report that focuses only on Israel.”

There is also criticism of the move coming those within the church who are scrambling to distance themselves from what’s seen as a far left fringe group using the church as cover for it’s anti-Semitic agenda:

The report also drew criticism from within the United Methodist Church. A senior minister at First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto, the Reverend Archer Summers, said he would work to get the next General Conference to reject a divestment move and to push the body to pass a resolution similar to the United Church of Christ’s recent measure calling for “a balanced study” of the Middle East conflict.

“They’re flat-out wrong. They went off the deep end this time,” Rev. Summers said of the New England Conference. “The powers that be in the New England Methodist Church are clueless about how to bring about a just peace. The report would make it appear that there’s some sort of animus on the part of the United Methodist Church toward the state of Israel, which undermines our credibility as an institution which preaches the good news of peace.

h/t Hot Air

Is DailyKos the New Propaganda Wing of Hamas?

This isn’t the first time DailyKos has voiced support for the Islamist terror group. This time the diary is by Hamas cheerleader Litho who seems to believe that life under a regime that oppresses homosexuals, women, and Christians is some sort of heaven on earth. One wonders how he fits in with the supposed freedom loving liberals at DailyKos.

The diary itself is just a vehicle to link to propaganda from anti-Semitic Islamist sites like Angry Arab News Service and Tabula Gaza, both of whom are busy trying to white wash the barbarity of their ideological brethren.

So is it now o.k. to question their morality, if not their patriotism? In Litho’s case we can as later in the comments to his diary he has this pearl of wisdom regarding suicide bombings:

Actually, suicide bombing is proving an amazingly effective tactic undermining the US occupation regime in Iraq.

The insurgents have proven that the US and its allies have been unable to guarantee security and stability, which in turn has led to declining support for both the US since the occupation began and for Maliki since the puppet regime was installed.

The way things are going in Congress (I’m referring to Lugar and Voinovich), it looks pretty clear that the occupation will be ending sooner rather than later, and the continued campaign of suicide bombing is almost certainly a major element contributing to the change in US plans.

And they call us wingnuts.

h/t LGF

The Case Against PETA

Not only are they animal killing hypocrites but a communist front group! Zionist Anti-Communist puts together the links that most of us have ignored for too long:

 So here comes a consumer group quite concern about the likes of a radical group known as the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, led by the likes of the woman pictured to the right of the blog-Ingrid Newkirk, where PETA as exposed by the Federal government is a “grey terror”, or should I say to be more correct, “grey eco-terror” front group for the likes of the Earth Liberation Front, and the Animal Liberation Front, where PETA is often used as a recruitment ground to radicalize unsuspected idealists who are misled to believe they can “save the environment” and “protect the Earth”. Instead, these poor saps are being led by Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front to be radicalized into implementing various acts of economic sabotage against the U.S., by targeting its fur industry and other sort of products like that. They range from simple vandalism to outright arson which costs millions of dollars in damages. They are also known to target fast food places and also implement campaigns against them. Much of their tactics are aligned with the Communist front group-Greenpeace International, where it openly has a Moscow chapter in the 1980’s and is still active. Greenpeace International’s rhetoric is also right on the lines of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation/Soviet Union, and its Western Communist puppets which push the “anti-globalization” agenda.

Read the whole post, it’ll make you think next time some hippy hands you a “fur is murder” flyer.

Attempted Honor Killing in Pennslyvania

From NBC10:

MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP, Pa. — A Bucks County father was accused of going to extremes to break-up his daughter’s romance Police said the father and his son tried to kidnap her fiancé by beating him up and tossing him into a sport utility vehicle.

Robert Webber, of Middletown Township police, said he thought he was being dispatched to a Bucks County diner Friday night for a fight but once he got there he was in the middle of a family disagreement turned violent.

“The victim advised me that his fiancée’s family was trying to kill him, drag him into a car and take him somewhere, where he believed he was going to be killed,” Webber said.

Webber said the alleged victim told him his fiancée’s family was upset the two had moved in together.

He said there were cultural differences and that’s why 48-year-old Mohd Nasher and his son 20-year-old Mohammed Nasher were allegedly gunning for the fiancé.

“The father and son came in, grabbed our victim, pulled him outside, began choking and beating him. Drug him into the back of a Ford Explorer and that’s where they advised him that they were going to take him somewhere. He jumped out the other side window in fear for his life and as he went to run away the father told him, ‘I’m going to find you and I’m going to shoot you.’ The son went and grabbed a bat and went to chase after him,” Webber said.

Both Nashers were charged with assault and kidnapping. They both posted $20,000 cash bail and were released.

NBC 10 went to the Nashers’ Newtown home. People came to the window but didn’t answer the door.

NBC 10 left several voicemails asking for comment and when a call was returned, a woman who did not identify herself said this was not a criminal case but a family matter between them and their daughter’s boyfriend.

“It’s a little more than a family matter. Once you touch somebody or put your hands on somebody and try to harm them, that’s when we come into the situation,” Webber said.

The woman NBC 10 spoke with also said she would sue if NBC 10 did the story, saying, “That’s the problem with this country, we put everything on TV.”

The alleged victim and his girlfriend are still together and living out-of-state, NBC 10 reported.

Respect the cultures of others kids, they’re so much richer than our base American culture where killing the boyfriend of your daughter is considered newsworthy.

h/t LGF