Gang Rape Jihad Ignored by Media!

Women in European countries are suffering frequent gang rapes by unassimilated, radicalized Muslim youths and the authorities have taken the side of the rapists time and again. From The Brussels Journal:

In March this year, native Dutch residents of the city of Utrecht rioted to protest against harassment by Muslim youths and government inaction to stop this. The authorities immediately suppressed the riots by sealing off the area and installing surveillance cameras to control Dutch non-Muslims, but they have done virtually nothing to address the underlying problem of Muslim violence. And this is far from unique to the Netherlands.

Sweden experienced a quadrupling in the number of rape charges in the space of a single generation. Yet Sweden’s largest newspaper Aftonbladet recently indicated that the spike in rape numbers was due to the “warm weather,” which would presumably mean that these rapes are caused by global warming. The fact that many of the suspects have a Muslim background is purely coincidental, no doubt.

The Dutch Crown Prince Willem-Alexander is worried about the “sharp tone” of the debate surrounding Muslim immigration, and reminds his countrymen that “speech is silver, silence is golden.” Apparently, the rest of the Dutch political class shares this view, relieved that Pim Fortuyn was silenced and Ayaan Hirsi Ali was driven out of the country.

Fjorman, the author goes on to quote from a translated Dutch press piece that is both shocking and maddening:

Dozens of boys and girls have been systematically abused, intimidated and molested by a group of older boys in the Utrecht neighborhood of Overvecht for almost a year, the Telegraaf reports.

Municipal council member Bouchra Dibi (Labour PvdA) investigated the incidents taking place at the playground near the Neckardreef in Overvecht.

Children aged 8, 9 and 10 were dragged into the bushes and coerced into performing sexual acts on boys a few years older. Most of the children involved are of Moroccan background, the newspaper reports.

The municipal council member told the Telegraaf that the problems are not being addressed. “This has been going on for almost a year. People just talk and talk and talk. And nothing is done,” she said.

Social workers, police and the municipality do not know how to approach the parents, Dibi says. “These sorts of things are taboo to talk about in the Moroccan community.”

Utrecht Mayor Annie Brouwer-Korf (PvdA) acknowledges that there have been problems among children since the end of last year. “Intimidation, threats and fights, and, since the beginning of this year we have seen signals of sexual abuse. A report of sexual molestation by children has been passed on to the public prosecution department,” the mayor says.

Brouwer says it is difficult to get an idea of how widespread the abuses are because there is no concrete information on suspects, victims and locations.

Council member Dibi says this is mainly due to parents’ hesitance to report incidents. “Parents do not dare say anything because they are afraid of the perpetrators. There is a great deal of fear. That is why they don’t always report these things.”

The problem of sexual violence in Islamic communities is wide spread among radicalized men who see the aggressive acts of degradation as part of the Jihad to spread Islam. Dhimmi Watch brings us a report out of Pakistan of a group of Muslim men gang raping a male Christian associate when he refused to convert to Islam. The rape Jihad in Sweden was being reported for years but the media has continued to ignore the problem.

Instead they blame the rape waves on the summer! Implying that these thugs and deviants are driven crazy by hormones when the weather gets warm and women wear less. In other words it’s the victims fault. And again I ask, where are the feminists? Where is the outrage?

They’ve got better fish to fry.

U.K. Under Siege!

An SUV loaded with explosives was driven into Scotland’s busy Glasgow airport. No deaths have been reported though rumors persist of undisclosed injuries. A witness to the horror described one of the would be suicide bombers as “smoldering” as he was led away from the scene. Two people are under arrest for the incident which bears disturbing similarities to Friday’s car bombs.

CNN has live video of the burning car. Fox has extensive coverage and their website is reporting that the driver was “Asian” which is a well known British euphemism for Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims.

The Scotsman gives us a solid connection between the Glasgow bombing and the London car bombs:

It was reported last night that the first car, a metallic green Mercedes, was stolen in early June and was spotted first in Scotland and then in Birmingham in the two days before the bomb was defused in London.

Police say they are looking for an Iraqi who went on the run from a control order only 11 days before yesterday’s failed bombing attempts. The man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, is part of a six-strong cell linked to al-Qaeda in Iraq.

He went missing on 18 June in north-west England, and his whereabouts are unknown.

The Scotsman understands that MI5 and counter-terrorism police consider him a suspect in the failed attacks. However, security sources insisted he was “one of many possibilities”.

h/t Hot Air

Lionheart reacts. To his credit he’s been warning of attacks like this for months. His blog is worth a look to see what some Britons are feeling in the face of Islamic Imperialism on their shores.

Counterterrorism Blog has a great run down of the story.

UPDATE: Fox is reporting the SUV was rammed full speed into the building and was soaked in Gasoline. Steve Emerson is saying that because the vehicle was on fire prior to hitting the building, and because one of the passengers tried to fight off security who were trying to put the fire out, this was likely a suicide bombing.

Roseanne Barr: Obama a Sell Out!

She doesn’t elaborate but goes on to say that Senator Clinton is a union buster. She must be a friend of jarjar from the comments section of this post, who has gone through various intellectual contortions to prove I’m both a racist and a sell out to my race.

What is it about the race card white liberals don’t understand? They try to play it time and again and never play it right.

For some Friday night fun, look around Barr’s blog for her pearls of wisdom. Pearls like this:

The Internet is the Goddess

Watch as she will expose hypocrisy, restrain untruth, bring data and information in a revolution only prayed for over the last ten thousand years of human history… breaking down the barriers between the human being and the highest knowledge… no priest, no state, no pope, no shaman needed any longer… the death of darkness, a new renaissance, a true renaissance, where light waves bounce off of transmitters and beam a billion transmissions to a billion different locations at once.. this is magic, true magic….she brings us the human will focused, and directed, she brings us evolution of the highest order, she brings us all the gifts of the ark of the covenant… information is god, and god is mind…the goddess is matter itself.

That’s deep man, real deep.

Knife Wielding Iranian Agents Attack Dissidents … in Paris

Aryamehr brings us the story, and is careful to point out that the dissidents being attacked are themselves no angels, but Iran’s heavy handed attacks of what are in essence French citizenry and thus sovereignty, are just more evidence of the Islamic Republics desire for war.



Aryamehr has more at his site. Isn’t it time Europe stood up to Iranian pretensions?

Second Bomb Found in England

The story is still unfolding, but it looks to be an Al-Qaeda attack.

Sky news is on the scene as is Fox News.

Hot Air has coverage and Spencer wonders if the “international elements” said to be involved are some sort of Christianists.

Jawa Report is in full panic mode, and reminding us that there are several Islamic extremist on the lam in the U.K. who had been planning car bomb attacks in Iraq. Now that they were compromised have they had a change of plans?