Baldwinmania! More Thoughts on Liberal Crank Alec Baldwin

The most shocking thing about Baldwin’s blow up is that you can find a few folks on the ‘net willing to defend him. People like Baldwin groupie/child abuse advocate Meleah Hawthorne who had this to say about Baldwin’s attack on his daughter:

“Let’s take a moment to appreciate the fact that a Hollywood icon, is truly upset over the fact that he is not able to talk to his own daughter. There are plenty of Hollywood (and regular life) fathers that don’t make any effort at all to have any relationship with their kids. That appears to be what Alec is really yelling about. He lives far away, he can’t see her everyday, I’m sure he is limited in participating in her life to begin with and all he wants to do is talk to his kid. Yet, he can’t even do that. So he yelled. Big deal.”

Translation: If a man shows any interest in you at all you do whatever it takes to keep him interested. One could imagine Ms. Hawthorne being called unexpectedly into the principle’s office of her teenage daughter’s high school, surprised to find a detective waiting for her.

“Why yes, detective” she’ll say, “My boyfriend Snake does spank my daughter in the nude. Why do you ask?”

“In the nude ma’am?”

“Let’s take a moment to appreciate that Snake cares enough about Betty, and ME, to be involved at all!”

In The Nude?!?

Huffpo hack and DNC operative Stacy Parker Aab also weighs in with similar defense of abusive Fathers. This one different only in that it admits that this is abusive, but that it’s the people on the outside “judging” poor Alec that are truly to blame:

“Let me repeat again: words matter. They can hurt you in deep ways. They can foreshadow actions to come. But not always. Sometimes, a word is more steam than steel. Steam that evaporates quickly and is soon forgotten. It takes understanding to know the difference. Something that we, as outsiders, with so little to go on, lack.

And even if a word said is truly mean-spirited, said with intent to hurt, that is only one moment in a relationship. Not the whole.

I feel for Mr. Baldwin, because for the sake of his relationship, and for the sake of damage control, he will not be able to explain himself. At least not now while its fresh in our minds. The slur will stay with us, the proverbial bell that can’t be unrung.

For his family’s sake, I hope this story goes away fast. And I also hope his daughter can later forgive all those involved in making her family pain some very public news copy.”

I put the parts in bold that her therapist will probably want to go over in their next session. Mrs. Aab seems to be saying that even though words hurt, verbal abuse is transitory but love is forever (at least until the guy kills you, right Stacy?) and it is we outsiders who are doing something wrong by pointing out that Alec Baldwin is a dangerous loon who’ll just as likely hurt his daughter than not.

Sorry ladies but in New York, where Alec Baldwin called from, this phone call is legally considered abuse. I worked in youth programs for many years and I can tell you that if one of the parents was heard saying something even remotely similar, we were required by law to report it to social services. And defending a grown man calling an 11-yr old girl a pig reeks of the kind of abuse enabling low self-esteem that Women’s Studies programs were supposed to eliminate.

Feeling about Baldwin’s parenting are sharply divided among ideological lines, unsurprisingly. An unfortunate commentary on the state of the New Left.

Wuzzadem imagines Baldwin in a new career.

Ace of Spades and Slublog team up. Hilarity ensues.

Hot Air has more comedy based on child abuse. Plus news that a judge has severed Baldwin’s visitation rights, which is the family court version of a restraining order.

Vince Aut Morire isn’t happy with Alec.

Fred Thompson on Gun Control

Thompson says what a lot of us have been saying, but he says it better. From the National Review Online:

“In recent years, however, armed Americans — not on-duty police officers — have successfully prevented a number of attempted mass murders. Evidence from Israel, where many teachers have weapons and have stopped serious terror attacks, has been documented. Supporting, though contrary, evidence from Great Britain, where strict gun controls have led to violent crime rates far higher than ours, is also common knowledge.

So Virginians asked their legislators to change the university’s “concealed carry” policy to exempt people 21 years of age or older who have passed background checks and taken training classes. The university, however, lobbied against that bill, and a top administrator subsequently praised the legislature for blocking the measure.

The logic behind this attitude baffles me, but I suspect it has to do with a basic difference in worldviews. Some people think that power should exist only at the top, and everybody else should rely on “the authorities” for protection.

Despite such attitudes, average Americans have always made up the front line against crime. Through programs like Neighborhood Watch and Amber Alert, we are stopping and catching criminals daily. Normal people tackled “shoe bomber” Richard Reid as he was trying to blow up an airliner. It was a truck driver who found the D.C. snipers. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that civilians use firearms to prevent at least a half million crimes annually.”

Read the whole thing here, then look me in the eye and say “I’m voting for Rudy.”

Yes I linked to it twice, I really want you to read it.

h/t Hot Air

Lopez on Chavez

An editorial columnist for the Detroit news raised eyebrows among the liberal journalist establishment by filing this unflattering piece on Communist dictator Hugo Chavez after returning from a 10-day trip to Venezuela. It details how Chavez has decimated the country in just a few short years with his “21st Century Socialism” which causes food shortages, encourages criminality in the poor and hordes oil wealth. It comes complete with pictures of the empty grocery shelves and spray painted propaganda.

Second Hand Conjecture has an interview with the author where he exposes the hypocrisy of rich celebrities carrying water for Chavez, calls Joe Kennedy a “lapdog”, and tells the truth about life under a Marxist dictatorship.You must read both pieces, if only to refute the outlandish claims of the American hating left about how much of a paradise Venezuela is.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Alec Baldwin’s Progressive Parenting Raises Eyebrows

Wife-beating Communist and anti-C.I.A. activist Alec Baldwin took time out from defending degenerate racist Don Imus to show the world his mad parenting skills. The HuffPo favorite left a profanity-laced tirade on his 11-year-old daughter’s cell phone that included a vague threat to assault the child who he not surprisingly doesn’t have custody of.

Atlas has more, including audio from the site that broke the story, TMZ. In typical liberal fashion Baldwin is claiming that his ex, Kim Basinger, has done everything possible to alienate him from his daughter and is thus somehow to blame for his stunning immaturity and lack of self-control. He is apparently angry that the voice mail was leaked, saying through a “friend” that he’s already apologized to the kid for the bizarre incident and that he is the victim in this story.

The most surprising thing about this whole story is that there are still people willing to admit they’re friends with this animal. Listen to the audio and keep it in mind the next time the sanctimonious socialist lectures the world on morality.

Salafi Jihadist Gloats Over Virginia Tech Massacre!

Abu Irsaad, human garbage who deserves nothing but contempt, wrote an essay for this pro-Jihadist propaganda blog where he explains why no Muslim should feel sorry for the victims of the worst tragedy in the history of American college campuses. Here’s a taste:

“So do not grieve over what happened to the Americans on September 11th, nor grieve over what happened to them with Katrina. These disbelievers deserve for their nation to be lifted up in the air, turned upside down, and smashed down into the face of the earth – the way it was done to the evil nation of Prophet Loot (‘alayhis salaam). And that was a nation of homosexuals; what to say about a nation that has more homosexuals than them and commit more crimes and sins than them?! If the people of Loot, after their punishment, came to know of the American nation, they would be rolling in their graves! So let the Americans destroy their own selves while we enjoy the destruction of an evil empire.

For those Muslims in America that are in love with the American way of life and don’t see any conflict with that and Islam, then we say to them what the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alayhee wassallam) said,”

Nice. Allah is truly compassionate, merciful and full of wisdom I see. The same site also praised the barbaric bombing of the Iraqi parliament, and links to this blood libel on another site claiming that Israel experiments on Palestinians. It’s as vile as any blood libel, but now they’ve just stopped trying to make it look real at all:

“In a country famous for conducting illegal medical experiments on its own citizens, it is perhaps not surprising to find that Palestinian political prisoners are being used as subjects for illegal medical experiments. There is no direct proof of this – nor would there be, unless an Israeli doctor confesses, as the experiments are done without the knowledge or consent of the prisoners – but the allegation is based on the combination of a marked decrease in the health of the prisoners coupled with an admission that there was an annual increase of 15 percent in the number of permits given to the Israeli ministry of health to conduct experiments on Palestinian prisoners. This is just one of a long monthly list of Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity….”

Can we call the Salafists savages now?

h/t Jawa Report