Nevada GOP Attacked by Armed War Spending Bill Supporter!

A Nevada man threatened a GOP local official with a rifle on Tuesday, warning the man that if President Bush vetoed the Democrats’ pork laden War Spending Bill he’d return to kill the Republicans! Matthew Hunter Kramer was arrested later that day and found with a arsenal of weapons in his car.

Yet another example of Democrats attracting the worst elements into their shrinking tent with their over the top rhetoric. Read the whole story here. Then read this HuffPo piece and tell me it couldn’t have been written by Kramer in drag.

h/t Drudge

Islamists Nervous After British Jihadi Arrests

Rattled by the arrests of their “brothers” Islamists are scrambling to ensure the security of their on-line criminal activities. This from the a site called American Taliban:

“A guide providing information for safety and anonymity on the Internet, and circumventing procedures used by governments to identify users was recently posted to a jihadist forum. The author predicates the need for such a primer on the danger of having one’s personal identify and security compromised by government officials and hackers, and describes the means of infiltration into their profiles, software chat programs such as Messenger and PalTalk, and advice for web forum discussion and e-mailing.

Concerning the forums, a primary communication tools amongst the jihadi Internet community, the author describes the means by which Saudi authorities have accessed information regarding users, hiring monitors and tracking them electronically via IP information. The author also notes e-mail registration in Saudi Arabia, that any e-mail address ending with a “.sa” extension is not secure, so that the users should rather register addresses with anonymous accounts, such as Hotmail and Yahoo.”

For too long Islamist have used the Internet as virtual staging areas for their war against the innocent, it is time to use their arrogance against them. Report suspicious on-line activity to the F.B.I cyber tip line, and with any luck there will be more arrests in the future.

Al-Qaeda Affiliates Active in Brazil

Western Hemisphere Policy Watch breaks yet another story the MSM ignores yet is vitally important to every American. I encourage you to read the post, but if you’re pressed for time, it basically says that although Brazil has denied the existence of terror cells in their country for years police and intelligence officials have been monitoring the movements of a Muslim convert and the group he’s affiliated with, who are in turn affiliated with Al-Qaeda.

This report comes on the heels of another report of Islamic militancy in south of the border, this time Hezbollah in Venezuela, who put out a call earlier this month for attacks on “Jewish interests” in Latin America.

Of course, there are more immediate threats to our border that the MSM is also ignoring, like the leftist terror group EZLN who are spreading their influence into the United States and holding “meetings” less than a hundred miles from our border.

The war on terror is closer than American think, it won’t be long before a new front opens that we can’t redeploy from.

Cindy Sheehan Spits on Graves of VTech Massacre Victims!

Not surprisingly, Michael Moore is her willing accomplice by putting her repulsive ramblings on his website. But I guess he goes where the money is, the money in this case being Stalin-esque rhetoric at its worst:

“Another sociopathic killer with inexplicable and unconstrained access to the planet’s most deadly arsenal, George Bush, has condemned 100 times 33 of our nation’s bravest and brightest to death and most people walk around indifferent to the fact that our White House is inhabited by a serial killer of historic proportions. Bloody King George has even more tragically claimed the lives of more than 20,000 times 33 innocent victims in Iraq . Where is the public horror and outrage over these killings? Where was the 24 hour news coverage this past week when over 500 people were killed in Baghdad and 65 decomposing bodies were found?”

You can almost see her in the Commissariat uniform she has hidden in her closet. Plenty of sites are going to dissect this screed and it’s logical fallacies, but what’s the point? This hag just wrote an essay saying that the VTech Massacre is small potatoes. She’s officially lost the right to any compassion from America.

A Victory in England

Jawa Report has a comprehensive post on the arrest of six Islamists in England for raising funds to support terrorism abroad. The arrestees included loathsome Abu Izzadeen and this charming fellow:


His name is Sulyman Keeler and no doubt more video of this terror supporter will emerge in the next few days.

It is a small victory, yes, but an important one. Much of the evidence the authorities used to arrest these two men came from the efforts of Internet activists, including Glen Jenvey whose online adventures are detailed in the book War of the Web.

Is there hope for England yet? Lionheart thinks this is a good start although he seems less than sanguine about Britain’s future. Spend a little time on his site and so will you.

But Lionheart’s that sort of guy, a good guy, just you know, intense.

This is a good day for everyone.