Jane Hamsher Lapdog Gets Catty with Michelle Malkin

Racist harpy Jane Hamsher has a lapdog at FireDogLake (who goes by the hip nom de plume TRex) whose hysterical attack on Michelle Malkin’s cheerleading post should not just shame TRex, but the Jew-hating Marxist that allows him to vomit forth his childishness on her site. As an aside, being disgusted by TRex’s petty rantings isn’t unique to those of a rightward political bent, you just need to be either Black, Latino, or a decent human being.

Hmmm. White “liberals” using their imagined solidarity with minorities as an excuse to partake in the racism they so enjoy. I’ve seen this show before. And so it is again with TRex’s screed about Malkin’s recent video, where the junior Klanner pulls out all the stops to impress his Aryan mistress:

“Oh, Michelle, you moron. Granted, dressing yourself up in what appears to be the anime version of a cheerleader costume may make all the fat, sweaty, unibrow-ed armchair warriors who read your blog squirt in their pants, but if you’re going to jump around and cheer, you should at least make an effort to remove the stick from up your ass. It would make your jumps a far sight less stiff and spastic-looking.”

Huh? Anime version of a cheerleader costume? It was pretty clear that Malkin wasn’t wearing a cheerleading costume at all, just a (blessedly) short skirt and what looked like her daughter’s shirt. Hey, good for her if she can still wear petite sizes, but I don’t see how it looks like anime … oh wait. I get it, she’s Asian thus Anime! Of course, why wouldn’t TRex think of violent misogynistic cartoons which often depict rapes when he sees an Asian woman in a short skirt. It’s only natural (for a racist.)

“No matter, regardless of where that outfit came from, I think that this is as good a time as any to tell you this, honey. Displays like this are not going to make people take you any more seriously. In fact, it only reinforces our contention that you are basically developmentally frozen at about an eighth grade level. Did something really unspeakably awful happen to you when you were 13? Is that what retarded your emotional and cognitive development? It’s okay. While I wouldn’t say you’re among friends here, I can at least say that a revelation of childhood abuse might make us slightly more sympathetic to your problem.”

TRex dwells a little long here on the fantasy of Malkin getting sexually abused. A little too long. I think by sympathy here he means “I’ll be really turned on,” but what’s even more obvious here is the bizarre jealousy that’s characterizes his raging case of MDS. It reminds me a lot of an essay by Anton LaVey I read once, where he said that misogynists hate women because they secretly want the attention women get from men to be focused on them. Their sexual anger, he argued, is an expression of jealousy not rage.

Just something TRex should think about.

But he goes on with some pretty vicious attacks on her, or I’d say they were pretty vicious if we were talking about 12-year-old girls. I’ll paraphrase TRex’s main points.

1) She’s a slut.

2) She’s stupid.

3) No one likes her.

4) Her friends all talk behind her back.

Ouch. I’m sure Malkin’s going to cry herself to sleep now, maybe she won’t even go to prom! The real question I have about the whole thing is what did Michelle Malkin do to TRex so that the very mention of her name causes him to unsheathe the claws and start scratching? Did she uses his makeup without permission? Steal his Jared Leto lunch box? Or was she born an attractive woman and TRex was born a bitter, twisted closet case who lashes out at random targets in an attempt to keep from looking in the mirror and seeing the truth? Yeah that sounds about right.

The supreme irony about TRex’s affected moral indignation is that his boss Jane would gladly put on a cheerleader outfit to fellate Ned Lamont in the all-White country club he belonged to. Jane Hamsher is the woman with questionable morals, a hate-filled, middle-aged adolescent whose outrageous bigotry has earned her the ire of strident leftists. Hamsher responded to criticism from a blogger about her racial insensitivity with this hate filled rant that had to be updated several times so that Hamsher could explain that calling White bloggers Liza Sabater’s “betters” wasn’t meant to be racist.

But TRex wouldn’t dare call his beloved White queen a “talking dog” or “a novelty act” or imply in anyway that Jane Hamsher, who spent months dry humping Ned Lamont’s leg while simultaneously extolling the virtues of tossing his salad is immature or unseemly or unlikable. Although he must know she is all those things. While watching Jane Hamsher call Joe Lieberman a Nazi, hire someone to put him in Blackface on HuffPo and than sit back and say “I don’t see the big deal” it never once crossed TRex’s mind to challenge her rank bigotry, her immature spitefulness or her online Kamikaze missions that tanked Lamont’s campaign, but Michelle Malkin in a short skirt gets him spewing out Jack the Ripper flavored bile at some woman whose only crime is being a minority who doesn’t pledge eternal loyalty to White liberals.

The only talking dog I see here is TRex and his novelty act is wearing very thin indeed.

Gateway Pundit takes on Wonkette over this very same issue.

Armed War Spending Bill Supporter Update

Gateway Pundit has an exclusive interview with the guy who Matthew Hunter Kramer pulled the gun on. Surprise, the guy was crazy. Oh, and he is apparently from California.

Read the whole article and you’ll see why far left conspiracy mongering is so dangerous – this guy basically recited the DailyKos political line before threatening someone with a rifle.

Michelle Malkin, sans cheerleader uniform, adds Kramer’s ugly mug to her collection of moonbat mugshots. (I shouldn’t assume, she might be in her tiny skirt right now.)

I wasn’t going to post the degenerate’s picture, but it’s being reported that Kramer’s out on bail, so if you see this guy be careful.


Communist Vietnam Contiunes Attacks on Montagnard People

SOF has a short piece by Kay Reibold of the Montagnard Human Rights Organization in the current issue regarding the plight of the one time American allies at the hands of the vicious Vietnamese communist government which is pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing against the many indigenous peoples of South East Asia. While the United States looks the other way in an effort to improve trade relations with Hanoi, Montagnards attempting to flee Vietnam are being abused, raped and murdered by government officials.

The United Nations has been complicit in helping hide the magnitude of the atrocities committed against the Montagnards, as can be seen in the whitewashing of the situation on the UNHCR’s website shows. In the meantime, Montagnards that have been able to resettle in the U.S. are in limbo, waiting to hear of the fates of their families and debating what their next move should be.

It has been thirty years since America’s precipitous withdrawal led to the massacres of millions of people. Thirty years and the vengeful communist regime continues a campaign of terror and brutality that the MSM ignores. America has a responsibility to these people, an obligation to protect them and resettle them here if necessary and it is to our shame that we do not.

Michelle Malkin in Pigtails and Cheerleader Outfit!

Thank you Hot Air for providing this lazy blogger with the link bait of the gods. There’s a point in there somewhere as well, something about the Malkster being hotter than Ann Coulter and “hit piece” Powers, or the Democrats or something.

Anyways after receiving a death threat from some Muslim on this post I wanted to put some time into finding more things to blog about that will get dangerous radical Muslims, like “zoombug” to wail and gnash their teeth, and a video of Michelle Malkin in cheerleader outfit may fit the bill. Just more of the secular worlds mission to spread corruption and unrest.



Gods help me, but I’m filing this one under Patriotism. C’mon. how could you not?

Palestinian Terrorists Use Children as Shields (Plus the Worlds Most Homoerotic Exorcism!)

So brave, these “men” of the Palestinian resistance, as Atlas says let’s give them a state. They’re the good guys after all, right?

Here’s the brave resistance the left throws their lot in with in action:


Now on to the good stuff. I found this video of a supposed exorcism of a Jinn from the body of a young man. I thought it was a joke but the comments and the poster, a Jihad supporting heathen who calls himself TruthDaTruth are credulous enough to take the video of the “exorcism” at face value.

I use the term exorcism loosely here, because in my day being straddled by a middle aged man in a dress while he squirts liquid in your face wasn’t called an exorcism, it was called a weekend at Paul Lynde’s place! The whole video’s pretty funny, but if you’re in a hurry “teh gay” starts around 2:40 or so. 3:20 and 4:15 are no picnic either.

This just isn’t right:
