Vicious Anti-Semitic Attack in France

How long before this happens here. Story courtesy of JPost:

“A 22-year-old Jewish woman suffered a vicious anti-Semitic attack by two men of Middle Eastern appearance in a train station in Marseille, France on Thursday night.

The attackers tore the Star of David chain from around the young woman’s neck, lifted up her shirt, painted a swastika on her stomach and then fled the scene.

Local police opened an investigation into the attack but had not yet found the assailants.

Head of the Jewish Agency delegation in France, David Roche, said the incident was the most severe anti-Semitic attack in France since the murder of the young Jewish male Ilan Halimi by a gang of Muslim youths in February 2006. “

h/t Tel-Chai Nation

White Millionaire Accuses White President of White Deviltry

The White millionaire: Wife of super rich Presidential candidate running on a Leninist class warfare platform only gullible college students believe he’ll come through on.

The White President: Appointed the first Latino Attorney General, two Black Secretaries of State and has appointed more minorities to positions of power than any other president in history.

The Deviltry: President Bush showed up on time to the memorial service for the victims of the VTech massacre, but didn’t rush head long into post-Katrina New Orleans while the White liberal media was spreading false reports of gangs of Blacks on a rape and murder spree that the cops couldn’t stop.

Conclusion: Elizabeth Edwards thinks Black Americans are stupid. Watch the clip at Hot Air and see for yourself

To be fair it was lumpy White talk show host Chris Matthews who basically forced Edwards into playing the race card. The only problem being that it’s not her card to play. It always astounds me how condescending White liberals are; it isn’t ultimately shocking, but astounding nonetheless.

Iran Oppresses Women, American Feminists Silent

Gateway Pundit has been following the horrifying story of the Iranian regime’s new crackdown on women, arresting more than 150,000 women for breaking a government mandated dress code. Most are released after signing a formal apology (an obvious name collection scheme for later government reprisals) but some are being forced to undergo “psychological counseling” which no doubt involves rape, torture and likely death.

What’s more shocking is the fact that only Gateway Pundit is covering this story in any meaningful way. Where are all the feminists? Where’s the outrage?

Here’s a short list of feminist blogs, or at least blogs with supposedly “empowered” women writing for them that haven’t reported this story:


Black Feminista




Woman’sSpace/The Margin



Not that They should be shamed into covering the continued oppression of women by a rogue state, one that ironically garners much support from their fellow leftists. But is it fair to remain silent on the abuse of women in Iran, to throw them under a bus, because it’s the position of the left to support Bush’s enemies?

Hell’s Angels Forever:Islamicized Holland Goes to War with 1%ers

The Europeans are ready to go to war, not with the growing number of Islamic radicals in their midst, but with a chapter of the largest, most infamous, and arguably the most violent, outlaw biker gang in the world. On the heels of appointing Muslim immigrants to high level government positions despite the fact that the appointees have dual citizenship, and belief that a Dutch pull out from Afghanistan is imminent, the authorities have stepped up a campaign against the Hell’s Angles that has led recently to the arrests of 45 members.

The Angels are not happy. The authorities are trying to ban the club and the attention of the average citizen is being nicely diverted from a growing army of radicals bent on imposing Sharia law on Europe.

Don’t get me wrong, history proves that the Hell’s Angels, like any 1%er club, will indeed break the law and are fairly dangerous. If Jihadists in the Netherlands have access to weapons it will likely be through sales with groups like the Angels, but the truth is the outlaw biker gang is the least of a countries worries during this time of world wide conflict with those who seek to destroy Western Civilization.

The concerted attack on the Angels wastes a valuable resource to the country, namely people who value living in a secular liberal democracy and will fight to keep it that way. In America, aside form their criminal activities the Angels do hold patriotic events to support the troops, though this is likely because of the high percentage of veterans in the group. The operations against this international brotherhood opens a new front in the GWOT that the draws resources away from the Islamist threat.

Understand, I’m not saying that that individual Hell’s Angels members shouldn’t go to jail when they commit crimes, but this moment in history is not the time to take on the Angels, who ultimately have as much to lose in the face of Islamic Imperialism as anyone else. Authorities should be concentrating their intelligence gathering on Islamic extremists, not the Dutch chapter of the Hell’s Angels.