Worst Rap Ever!

AllahPundit calls this spoken word rant “an abortion” which is unfair because abortions are easier to watch than my Starbucks barista imitating what he thinks it would sound like if a Black guy wrote really bad poetry. It’s some sort of contest for a bumper sticker or something. Witness the biggest set back to race relations since the L.A. riots:


I don’t think it would bother me at all if it wasn’t for the guy doing a really racist imitation of what he thinks Black people sound like. Without that component, this just seems lame. Here’s what a Rap song should sound like for all the readers who think the guy above did a good job projecting “street cred” which the producers think can be gained by creating the sonic black face above:


Ah, the poetry of the streets. I know as a respectable Republican i’m not supposed to like Snoop Dogg, but I love this song.

A Short Response to “ilyka” of Pandagon

Dear Hysterical White Undergrad,

I read your response to my recent post about the plight of 150,000 Iranian women arrested the other day and it was very droll madam. Very droll indeed. It does leave me with several questions, however. Perhaps you could address them in yet another homophobic straw man post.

1) You imply several times that I’m gay. So what if I am? Does it relate to the plight of these 150,000 women?

2) You claim that I’m calling for an invasion of Iran and that such an invasion would include Christians raping and killing Muslim women. I’m not advocating an invasion, just a speaking out against these arrests. International pressure has worked before to save young Iranian women from draconian punishments, and it could work again. But only if people speak out.

Also, not being a Christian myself I won’t defend them or take offense at the dig. But do you know for certain the rapists in the referenced story are Christians? Isn’t it just as possible that, coming from a religiously pluralistic society, they’re Hindu or Neo-Pagan or Atheists or even (gasp) Muslims?

3) Your implication that as a man I just accept or promote rape would be like me saying that as a White person you just write off the women in Iran, or Darfur or Thailand, or that you save your most vicious attacks for people who aren’t White. Is that fair?

4) Our young elite worship a fictional serial killer? Your link went to Salon’s front page so I’m not sure, but if you’re saying what I think you’re saying isn’t that bit of rhetoric, shall we say, overwrought?

5) Why the history lesson on suffrage in Canada? Why the whole VAGINA application vignette? Are you saying that I can’t be concerned about Iranian women unless I read a bunch of books written by White women? Is the whole satire in that section based on the idea that unless I feel for the “suffering” of rich White people who point out how awful people other than themselves have it I have no right to ask why ALL Americans aren’t appalled by Iran’s arrest of 150,000 women for dress code violations.

Perhaps you can explain why calling me a gay, rape-loving, Christian atrocity apologist is more acceptable than me saying, “Hey, where’s the outrage over this or that” but rather than force you into some sort of introspection, I’ll answer for you.

You’re a spoiled rich White child who is offended not because I did something wrong, but because you believe that by virtue of the color of your skin and how you voted last November you have the absolute right to not be criticized. Your inflated sense of entitlement, the product of permissive parenting and coddling throughout your life, makes it impossible for you to disagree with someone without vilifying them, or calling them gay or writing “motherfucker” somewhere. Like a 12-year-old who didn’t get the Jared Leto poster they wanted for Christmas from their waspy, distant parents you vomit forth as much venom as you can muster in an effort not to really get what you claim to want (Conservative men to agree with your version of Feminism) but out of the desire to hurt others who have the temerity to point out your own hypocrisy and almost destroy the carefully crafted self-delusion you have of being oppressed, radical and righteous.

UPDATE: ilyka apologized. I appreciate that and will admit I wrote the above before reading her apology.

Russia Warms Up for the Cold War with Leftist Propaganda

Like any leftist worth their salt these days, the Kremlin’s attack propaganda machine is working overtime to convince the world that criticism of Putin’s brutal suppression of civil rights is part of a Neo-Con plot. Meanwhile, Russian human rights groups are begging the EU to “intervene” on their behalf.

While America’s distracted by the show, the Russians are trying to dig a tunnel under the Bering Straight that would lead to Alaska. The Russians and the commie loving traitors from America who want to partner with Putin explain that the tunnel would be for “trade”, by which they mean their Spetsnaz forces will be trading small arms fire with Americans during their invasion.

The only thing I have to say is “Wolverines!

Buddhists Attack Muslims in Thailand!

Wait. That doesn’t sound right.

But it is! Fed up with the governments inability to control radical Islamists, Buddhist in Thailand’s troubled south have been conducting tit for tat raids on Muslim communities. Unused to violence from Buddhists, the Muslims are concerned to put it mildly:

“Romali Jehheng, a 51-year-old Muslim in Ban Bala, said he had no idea whether vengeful Buddhists shot the three Muslims, but he is “afraid of everybody.” He said he has stopped visiting teashops — popular gathering places that have become terrorist targets.

Army spokesman Akara said 38 Muslim families, fearing revenge by Buddhists following a shooting incident, abandoned their homes in Yala province’s Bannang Sata district in February, and returned only after the authorities remonstrated with their suspicious neighbors.”

Even more surprising is that the Buddhist were seemingly given the go ahead to crack some heads by the Queen herself!

In 2004, revered Queen Sirikit bluntly urged people to defend themselves, and she sponsors arms training programs that cater almost exclusively to Buddhists. After the attack on the van her military aide, Gen. Napon Bunthap, quoted her as saying: “We have to help people there to survive. If they need to be trained, train them. If they need to be armed, arm them.”

No Democrats in Thailand I see. Doctor Bulldog’s got the whole story.

FireDogLake Fears Red Alerts (or Trackbacks)

So I wrote a tempered and well measured response to TRex’s FireDogLake post on Michelle Malkin’s cheerleading abilities, trackbacking so that FDL members could get a fair and balanced viewpoint. Lo and behold as soon as the oversensitive lug got a little taste of criticism (the same type he heaped on Malkin) my trackback gets removed!


At least I have the screen shot for posterity.


Sweet. But I thought the left was all about freedom of speech and “speaking truth to power,” not like we fascist Republicans. I guess pointing out the vile racism, hypocrisy and misogyny of someone from the left counts as some sort of hate speech exception.

You know, because the left hates to hear speech it doesn’t agree with.

I was going to trackback again, but TRex closed the pings and comments. I guess dissent really isn’t welcome at FireDogLake. Maybe I’ll try another post