21st Century Socialism Already Causing Food Shortages in Venezuela

Babalu Blog has translated salient portions of a story in yesterday’s El Nuevo Herald describing the brutal food shortages caused by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez’s Communist policies. The most striking fact emerging from the article is that 73% of people surveyed have had trouble finding sugar on the rapidly emptying shelves of local groceries. Sugar! Here in America you don’t really even have to buy sugar, you get it for free from 7-11’s and Starbucks.

Socialism never works and it looks like the Chavistas are finding that out fast. As shortages of goods continue, and the population becomes restless, look for Chavez to clamp down domestically Stalin style to keep power, and he’ll likely invade a neighbor for good measure.

Guard your sugar kids, it’s apparently precious.

Al-Qaeda Planning Offensive in France?

YNet’s reporting that an Islamist message board known to have Al-Qaeda connections was the scene of a disturbing exchange where an member seemed to be trying to drum up support for a conventional offensive aimed at taking over France.

France has already lost control of many of areas where young Muslim gangs have established “no go zones” for the police, and turned the inner cities into rape camps. Al-Qaeda could easily recruit from a increasingly criminalized populace, and stage attacks from the relative safety of areas where police and even the military would be afraid to go.

This is a development we haven’t heard the last of. I expect there will be Al-Qaeda operations in France within a year or so.

h/t Gallia Watch

Andrew Stone Gets Suspended Sentence?

Michelle Malkin calls him the Facebook Stalker, I call him the new left’s poster boy. Either way we can all agree that given the nature of his crimes he deserved a little more than a suspended sentence.

The problem with letting some weirdo of the hook like this is that he’ll be encouraged to do the same thing again later. Only next time either he’ll hurt someone worse, or he’ll target someone who’ll hurt him, badly. It’s like the theory behind spanking your children when they get out of control – if you spank them now you’ll be saving them from a beating later.

Hopefully the next person he targets will teach him to “use his words” as we say to children, without sending him to the hospital.