Ed Brown Supporters in Action!

By action I mean holding the lamest protest ever. Courtesy of the Ed Brown Vlog site, which is where he keeps claiming no one will “show him the law” or debate him even though I offered to do both in an e-mail I sent like two months ago.

The radical protest involves a bunch of people dressed up in the “V” costumes holding signs that threaten the government with the ominous statement “Obey the Constitution or Else!” The or else is explained, also via a sign, to mean they’ll overthrow the government. Presumably by putting on even scarier costumes, or maybe even fright wigs.
Anyway, enjoy the spectacle:


The video is from CarolMoore.Net, home of the Libertarian Radical Feminist Secessionist Gahndi supporting anti-Zionist. Yes that Carol Moore.

Sue Myrick Forms Bi-Partisan Anti Jihad Caucus

The Republican from North Carolina announced the formation of the caucus, which includes many Democrats, back in January. Obviously there wasn’t a lot of MSM attention, because if you’re like me this story from Jihad Watch is the first you’ve heard of it. Every American should urge their Representatives to join this caucus and make a statement about where they stand in the clash of civilizations.

Ed Brown Supports Cindy Sheehan!

At least his cronies seem to, which is ironic considering that Red Alerts resident troll “ryan” and his fellow Ed Brown supporters have devoted a good deal of their time creating the web’s longest comment thread dedicated to saying that I’m a communist for not supporting Brown. The irony of course is that Sheehan is a known communist, and likely a grifter, who actively aids Marxist dictators.

More ironic is that the clip posted on Ed Brown’s vlog, which ends with her saying we shouldn’t pay taxes, includes a call for wealth redistribution, which tax protectors are supposedly against.

Sheehan is actively involved with Stalinist organization ANSWER, a group which supported the Soviet Union and still supports regimes like North Korea and Cuba. Sheehan and her friends from Code Pink refused to speak out against Cuban political oppression,(the type of oppression Brown supporters claim they receive) and is frankly known to hate America.

Tax protesters claim to be Libertarian, but the truth is that they’re just cranks who want a revolution, and they don’t care what kind. They’re just as glad to support Marxists as “Patriots” as long as they get the chance to lash out at society in general, and kill a few innocent people.

Latin American Communist Groups in Chi-Town This Weekend

Banks of the Potomac is reporting that Communist “solidarity” group CISPES will be holding a conference this weekend in Chicago, hosting the Washington branch of the FMLN and apparently protesting a local McDonalds. Violence is predicted, obviously.

Americans should be concerned with Communist organizations importing the violent ideologies of leftist Latin America to the United States, since these strains of leftism produce adherents that are more pro-actively violent than the armchair revolutionaries trained in our university system.

h/t Western Hemisphere Policy Watch.