Muslims Protest Ayaan Hirsi Ali Speech at PA University

Muslim groups have tried (and failed) to stop a lecture by the anti-Islamist activist at the University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown. Their main point of contention seems to be that as an admitted atheist, Ali shouldn’t be allowed to “talk about God.”

By that logic, anyone who isn’t a monotheist isn’t allowed to discuss their objections to Islamification. This would include Hindus, Buddhists, Neo-pagans, traditional religionists and in Muslim thinking even Catholics (since Catholic are considered Pagans by Muslims). Luckily the university didn’t back down, but it says something about the mindset of some Muslim groups in this country that they are basically demanding a ban on discussions of Islam, or Islamism, unless the speakers are themselves Muslims.

Westboro Baptist Hate Cult to Protest VA Tech Victims Funerals?

Michelle Malkin got a tip that the inbred savages at the Westboro Baptist Church are planning on showing up to “preach” at the funerals of the victims of the massacre. Beyond the pale for normal people, but par for the course for degenerate hillbillies who believe they have a right to mock the dead and hate our country.

I don’t see mention of this on their website, but they do provide a list of the funerals of fallen American heroes they plan to desecrate. If you’re in the area, stop by to support the grieving families.

Is the Phelps clan using this tragedy to promote a political/philosophical agenda any different than gun control groups not even waiting for the bodies to cool before using the victims as props for their morality play?

DailyKos Uses Neo-Nazi Propaganda Film to Attack AIPAC!

Long time Kossack Haitham Sabbah, a man who looks to be in his 30’s yet still believes it appropriate to have a Facebook account, posted this diary on DailyKos today attacking the influence of “the Jewish lobby” featuring a YouTube propaganda video by a racist Neo-Nazi. The video is a product of Vanguard News Network, a White Nationalist website that serves as a meeting place for the various groups of traitors that make up the White Nationalist movement.

Sabbah claims that the film is a Dutch documentary that he found on Google, yet the posters of the video on Google are a Jihadist “group” (likely Sabbah and/or his friends) who quote seditious racist David Duke as an introduction to their site. The essay they quote includes an anti-Black diatribe that the supposedly liberal DailyKos readership would be obliged to criticize, had it come from a conservative.

Only one Kossack bothered to call Sabbah on his use of Neo-Nazi propaganda. The rest are claiming VNN stole the video and “re-branded” it as their own. That must mean it isn’t anti-Semitic, after all if White Supremacists don’t actually make the video, just support and distribute it, it means the video isn’t racist, right?

Not surprisingly, Kossack The Heathlander was quick to make excuses for Sabbah’s love of Neo-Nazi propaganda films, but they’re birds of a feather on that respect.

LGF broke this one wide open. You’d think Kos would keep a tighter leash on his people knowing LGF is always waiting to pounce on them like they’re a wounded gazelle.

Carter Center Supports Communist Expansion in Latin America

ECRISIS reports on the Carter Center shilling for brutal Communist expansion. Best quote about Jimmy’s little red cell I’ve ever read:

“The Carter Center- which never met a dictator they did not either fawn over or make lots of money from [or both] has no clue about what makes for a functioning democracy and frankly, their notions that Ecuadoreans demand an alternative democracy, which means a dysfunctional democracy, is already underway.”

h/t WHPW