Mourn for England

One of the side effects of British Islamification is that it is forcing a good deal of the population into alliances with Nationalists and radicalizes non-Muslims and those who aren’t part of the leftist elite, turning them to the ideologies of racial self-preservation. Often these ideas, abhorrent to we Americans with our long history of assimilation, are couched in terms of cultural survival, perhaps because most people are rightfully uncomfortable with bigotry.

It makes it hard for Americans, myself included, to take the side of anti-Islamificationists when they are in bed with organizations like the B.N.P. who even though they are now thought by many to be “reformed” cannot, in my mind anyway, be judged without looking at their beginning as the National Front. Not that it makes a difference, but were I an Englishman, I’d vote Tory.

That being said, Leo Mckinstry’s lamenting the passing of his once great England may well be a little more than BNP-esque propaganda, but it conjures for us the pathos that leads many good men to the doorstep of the racialist politics of parties like the BNP:

ST GEORGE’S Day should be an occasion for patriotic celebration.

But for those of us who love this land, today has the tone of a funeral wake.

The England that we cherished has disappeared. We can only raise our glasses to the memory of a once great country whose spirit has been broken by her own rulers, its fabric torn apart by social revolution.

The words of that stirring wartime song There’ll Always Be An England have acquired a tragic poignancy. For there is no longer a real England – not the England that was once renowned for its gentleness and humour, its decency and sense of history, its rich language and inspiring landscape.

The relics of our past are still around us – such as the mon­archy or the village green –‑but they have been robbed of all meaning and vitality, becoming little more than heritage landmarks in a place without a soul.

I regularly read blogs like Lionheart and Drake’s Drum because their first hand accounts of life in a country on the verge of total Islamification are poignant, brilliant and tragic. At the same time I find myself wondering how two such men could be supporters of the BNP, which in many respects is opposed to the civilized ideal of a United kingdom which they want to defend. After reading McKinstry’s piece I’m closer to understanding, not to agreeing mind you, but understanding.

Gadhafi Tells World to Ignore Darfur

As if we aren’t already. How much less could we be doing for the Black Animists and Christians being hunted, raped and enslaved by Arab foreign fighters that the Islamic government of Sudan imports to effect the genocidal campaign of Islamification it’s pursuing? We do nothing as Arab militias are being armed by the Sudanese government. We’ve done nothing to protect the disarmed targets of those militias. We do nothing as the violence spills over into other African countries, nothing but pat ourselves on the back every time some rich house fraus hold a protest.

We tell our leaders we want something done, all the while making sure that that something isn’t war, sanctions, arming the victims, evacuating the victims to our countries or pretty much anything but wag our fingers and shake our heads. But even that is too much for Islamists like Gadhafi, who tell us to ignore all the parties involved until they respond to international pressures.

Ignore the victims of rape and murder! That’s what Gadhafi wants us to do, treat the Black Africans being attacked by Arab racists as if they’re just as guilty as the Arab militias. It’s disgusting, and indicative of the Islamist mindset. Gadhafi sees non-Muslims defending themselves from Islamic imperialism as just as guilty, if not more so, as the Jihadists themselves

h/t Religion of Peace

Iran Persecutes Christians in Another Crackdown You Won’t Hear About in the MSM

Christian converts in the Islamist regime of Iran are being targeted for murder by extremists with the blessing of President Ahmadinejad, according to a report from the Assyrian International news Agency:

In addition, MOIS officials have visited known Christian leaders since Tori’s murder and have instructed them to warn acquaintances in the unofficial, Protestant house fellowships that “the government knows what you are doing, and we will come for you soon.”

A former Muslim of Turkmen descent, Tori had converted to Christianity more than 10 years ago, while in Turkmenistan.

After he returned to his native Iran in 1998, Tori began to share his new Christian faith with friends and relatives. Within two years, a small fellowship of 12 believers was meeting in his home.

But not all welcomed his message; at least one relative attacked Tori, scarring his face. In the past year he received several threats from Islamic extremists vowing to kill him if he did not stop sharing his Christian faith.

Tori is survived by his wife and four children, ages 3 to 23.

He is the fifth Protestant pastor assassinated in Iran by unidentified killers in the past 11 years. Three of the five were former Muslims, under Iranian law subject to the death penalty for having committed apostasy.

Tori’s murder came just days after Iran’s new hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called an open meeting with the nation’s 30 provincial governors. During the session, an Iranian source told Compass, Ahmadinejad declared that the government needed to put a stop to the burgeoning movement of house churches across Iran.

“I will stop Christianity in this country,” Ahmadinejad reportedly vowed.

“This was apparently a green light from the president of Iran to go out and start killing Christians,” the source said.

Dr Bulldog has more.

Plan 9 from the West Bank!

Anti-Israeli propagandist aren’t even trying anymore. This is some of the worst anti-Israeli propaganda I’ve ever seen on YouTube, and it’s not even convincingly done. It’s a video posted by someone from anti-Israeli Islamist front group, who is apparently the Ed Wood of Jew hating agi-prop films. Before watching the video keep these questions in mind:

1) If little Mohamed was shot in the stomach and was “in recovery” waiting for a second operation, why’s he so spry? I had an abdominal hernia surgically repaired and was in bed for a week, the pain was indescribable and I certainly couldn’t bounce around on a couch giggling.

2) At the end of the video they show a kid who’s supposedly been shot in the mouth. Yet except for a missing tooth, there’s no evidence of trauma to his face. Even with rubber bullets, is this possible?

3) They present a graphic claiming that “off camera” an AP cameraman admitted to erasing evidence of Jewish atrocities. They weave a little conspiracy theory as to why no evidence ever turns up of these massacres. Why should we believe them? If these occurrences are common, as they claim, why don’t they photograph them themselves, or video tape them? They obviously have access to a video camera.

4) The video I use is a reposting by a Muslim extremist (and is thus unflagged by the YouTube community) If your videos can be used as is by an extremist who retitles it as “Death to Jews”, doesn’t that say something about you?

Here’s the video, there are other mistakes in their as well, so keep your eyes peeled:
