Chris Wallace Pounds Keith Olbermann

The Scene: Fox News Reporter Chris Wallace calls into the Mike Gallagher radio show to discover that MSNBC hack Keith Olbermann has named him “worst person in the world.”

The Players:

Chris Wallace A respected Reporter

Mike Gallagher A radio personality

Keith Olbermann a sycophantic deviant who attacks people at the direction of the netroots

Action! (h/t Hot Air)

Wallace Unbound! Listen to the whole audio at Hot Air and just imagine the tears running down the pudgy cheeks of Olbermann as he realizes no one respects him except 45 year old commies and a few college students. Oh such agony warms my black heart.

Is Rosie O’Donnell a “Christianist” Plot to Make Lesbians Look Bad?

I’ll leave it to Saint Sullivan, or excitapundit as I like to call him, to make the final call (lest I be lumped in with the rest of the unwashed homophobes) but if you ask me a more unlikable caricature of a lesbian couldn’t be found outside of fevered imaginings of the inbred degenerate Castro supporters from the Westboro Baptist Church. Rosie is at turns rude, domineering, shrill, ill-informed and often seen stubbornly rejecting reality while engaging in shameless hypocrisy.

In short, she’s everything a homophobe would expect in a “dyke,” but with a nice layer of insane sauce drizzled on top. And just when you think she can’t get any more unlikable, out comes the conspiracy theories.

Her most recent inanity comes after several incidents wherein she manages to prove herself more gullible then a freshmen Women’s Studies major and less credible then a Dan Rather expose on the pro-Israeli lobby featuring David Duke as an expert. And while her claims of the plight of 15 British sailors being little more then a “Gulf of Tonkin” incident are unlikely to be taken seriously by rational people, they will, just like all her antics, reflect poorly on left leaning gays. For those unlucky enough to have never met any gays or lesbians Rosie paints a vile picture of a thoroughly unpleasant and unhinged harpy who hates her country and everyone in it.

Her blog is worse then her performance on The View. She links to discredited 9-11 conspiracy theory sites like Scholars for 9-11 Truth or WTC 7 and “explains” her Gulf of Tonkin reference with a plagiarized essay that lacks any references. She regurgitates almost any thing she can find on the Internet no matter how retarded, then smugly tells the world to “google it!” Google it! The battle cry for anyone too lazy to read a book. Maybe Rosie should Google lesbian and see if what comes up is “true.”

But that’s the point isn’t it? Rosie’s the left’s Andrew Sullivan, an angst ridden, cliche spewing embarrassment that makes you ashamed to be even remotely associated with their political views. Rosie does more for the Conservative movement, especially those social cons who are so adamant against gay rights, then a hundred Michelle Malkins. Rosie does for lesbians what Robert Lindsay does for Marxist bloggers. Makes you hate them.

One of Sullivan’s “Christianists” couldn’t have done better.

Tamil Tigers Have Air Wing?

Fox News is reporting that Marxist Terror group Tamil Tigers conducted an air raid on a Sri Lanka air force base. There are conflicting reports coming out, but the Tigers themselves are claiming that they used two light planes to attack the base. Though the English language mouth piece for the terror group has long claimed that the Tigers had modest air power (along with substantial sea power for a terror group) the attack came as a surprise to most observers.

Iran Continues Provocations!

Iran has begun “interrogations” of the 15 British sailors they’ve kidnapped in an effort to determine “if they intentionally entered Iranian waters.” Iran has also rejected the U.N. Security Council sanctions, claiming the entire body is a tool that serves the Israeli interests while oppressing Muslim countries. Iran has thus far also rejected requests by British officials to contact the hostages.

Iran has also begun to alienate its two closest allies on the council, Russia and China, who are losing patience with the rogue regime. Of course none of this seems to phase the Iranians who are steadfast in the face of mounting pressure for them to comply with international norms. The question is: Why is Iran so confident?

Former Liberal Explains How Libs Think!

Frankly, I think his argument lets leftists off the hook for the hateful rhetoric and the unseemly speed with which they’re willing to disrobe, lube up and jump into bed with anyone who hates America. It is a great speech though, and is making the rounds so I feel obliged. Decide for yourself:
