“Groups of Youths” Riot in French Rail Station!

The Gare Du Nord metro station has been evacuated in the wake of a riot by “youths” set off when an illegal immigrant assaulted two inspectors during a routine ticket check. Police and at least 100 thugs clashed in the metro, terrorizing passengers who were used as human shields by the rioters.

Leftist candidate for the French Presidency Segolene Royal and “Centrist” Francois Bayrou both took the opportunity to blame the actions of these out of control gangs on the policies of former interior minister and Presidential front runner Nicolas Sarkozy who is not sympathetic to the “plight” of jihadist gangs who are terrorizing Paris.

To be fair we aren’t sure that these “youths” are part of the Radical Muslim sub-culture that have turned Paris suburbs into Hell on Earth, but it’s a long shot, in my opinion, that they are not.

frenchriot1.JPG (Photo: BBC)

UPDATE: The youths chanted Marxist slogans, including “Down with the State, Police and Bosses” as the violence spilled out of the station onto the streets. There’s video and analysis from E-nough and iNo Pasaran! puts it all in context.

Democrats to Meet with Marxist Narco-Terror Group

They’ll be “negotiating” for the release of some contractors FARC kidnapped, even as they seek to cut off funds to the embattled Columbian government. Massachusetts Rep. James McGovern is leading this mission to meet with one of the most active, and dangerous, terrorist groups in the West.

Fernando Araujo, Columbia’s brave new foreign minister, was recently scolded for telling the truth about FARC that no one wants to hear; that they’re knee deep in Chavismo and likely allied with the Venezuelan dictator. A fact that the Democrats traveling to meet with FARC likely will see for themselves, but I doubt it will bother them. Their constituency leans toward totalitarianism so there’s no harm in them getting in bed with Marxist killers. No harm for them anyway.

The Columbian people are a different story. Western Hemisphere Policy Watch has more.

PowersPoint Unbound … and Unhinged

I’ve never been a fan of Kirsten Powers, unlike some on the right who think being pretty, fairly articulate and blond are indications of moderation in a Democrat. I liked her less after reading the second life hit piece attacking John Edwards, which occurred scant hours before Edwards Second Life HQ was defaced by “Republican” virtual thugs. But just when I thought I couldn’t like her less, she hires on a co-blogger who writes such thought provoking and entertaining articles as In Praise of the Nanny State and Don’t Impeach Bush. Impeach Cheney! which are as vicious and juvenile as the Edwards hit piece, but nowhere near as interesting.

The new blogger responsible for such comedic genius is Peter Feld who is also known by the clever title Ambitious Heckler. Aside from a PhD in something or the other he has once edited an indy (white) Hip-Hop magazine called Mugshot. Mugshot? Hmmmm.

Why would a Hip-Hop magazine be called Mugshot? Oh, I get it, it’s because Black folk get arrested a lot. Ha Ha Ha. Peter and Kirsten aren’t racists at all.

Well, Peter puts a nice picture in his post, you know, to illustrate his point. So while he’s literally praising nanny statism, yes praising the concept of a nanny state, he puts a little pic up of Mary Poppins, who I guess was, like Feld, some sort of fascist. He’s also nice enough provide links to all the other places where he wrote similar pieces praising the ability of community college educated bureaucrat to better raise children then the children’s own parents. After all you can never get enough Peter Feld.

The upside; maybe a few more pieces by Feld articulating the “moderate” Democratic view will sober up all the lovesick Conservatives out there gazing longingly at Powers with puppy dog eyes and giving her nonsense a pass because she’s a “good” Democrat.

Or maybe she’ll fire Peter Feld. Either way, I’d be happy.

The Shifting Left/Right Axis

Ynet has a great article on the differences between modern leftism and the views of the left less then a hundred years ago, and how the right has taken up the call to help the oppressed of the world despite traditional Conservative views of non-entanglement. Read the whole thing but if you’re pressed for time here’s the gist of it:

“The reversal of world views on which the battles of the last century revolved has been abandoned in every global arena. For example, the traditional Left denied the importance of nations and states and hoped for a world void of barriers, yet it is currently opposing globalization and seeking to strengthen the power of these states, and in the spirit of multicultural concepts it recognizes their most important values.

Enslavement of women in Afghanistan within the framework of an oppressive regime – of the worst type in history – did not prompt the Leftist movements in the West to take a single step towards protesting in the squares. The Leftist movements are not even shocked by the genocide in Darfur and are not calling on their governments to penalize the Khartoum government.

In the mythology of the global Left, the Spanish Civil War in 1936-1939 was considered a shining example of assisting the oppressed. The good were on its side, it was written about the volunteers of the International Brigade. Had such a war erupted in our times, the global Left would have demonstrated in favor of the fascists. “

Food for thought, no? h/t E.U. Referendum

David Hicks Guilty!

Australian Taliban David Hicks has been rotting in Gitmo for almost five years after being captured in Afghanistan fighting against coalition forces. Leftists from his home country have made him into a hero, and a victim of Australian/American imperialism. As it turns out they were wrong.

David Hicks was a terrorist.

How many other recipients of leftist sympathies will be exposed in the same way? And will the left care? Hicks supporters don’t.

Gateway Pundit has the wrap up. But I’m guessing we haven’t heard the last word from the left side of the blogoshpere.