Where’s the Money Cindy?

Did Cindy Sheehan and her radical leftist cohorts use the antiwar movement to collect funds for terrorists and Communist dictators? That’s the impression one gets as more details of the Crawford Peace House fiasco comes to light. Shock & Blog is keeping track of the latest chapter in the unseemly story of missing money and legal wrangling that is shaking up the so called peace movement. K-CEN has video.

Sheehan associates have all but admitted in the past to giving funds collected from well meaning peaceniks to terrorists and insurgents. Sheehan recently accompanied some of those same traitors to Cuba for a “protest” which was funded by supporters who thought they were sending Sheehan and company on a peace mission to close Gitmo. A round up of this supposed peace mission can be found at Ironic Surrealism.

This trip happened well after the Crawford Peace House collected over $700,000 in donations which now cannot be accounted for. The CPH is still collecting donations even though they’ve lost their corporate status under this cloud of what seems to be corruption.

The question I ask of known Communist Sheehan,a supporter of the Castro regime: Where’s the Money, Cindy?

Republicans Go Truther!?!

At least that’s what the results of this Pajamas Media straw poll would imply, where Republican Congressman and Presidential hopeful Ron Paul handily beats a plethora of potential opponents. Though often billed as a libertarian, and the “taxpayer’s friend” Paul also has the distinction of being one of the only Republican politicians to be embraced by the “truther” movement and even has support from the godfather off all conspiracists, Alex Jones.

Paul’s paranoid ramblings are regularly featured on sites like Conspiracy Planet, anarcho-Capitalist web blight LewRockwell.com and even the Communist anti-American Anti-War.com.

Are Republican voters looking to embrace the venomous politics of the left in the next primary? Would many Republicans vote for a dovish truther candidate who wants to eliminate the standing army? I hope not, but the temptation to be more radical than the Democrats, now that they’re in power, is strong in some quarters.

Ron Paul, however, isn’t a radical. He’s a mainstream anarcho-Capitalist, the new Libertarian and the reason I left that party for the GOP. No reason will ever be good enough for Paul to go to war, not another 9-11, not our allies invaded, not even America herself invaded. People like Ron Paul drove me, and many others, out of the Libertarian party after 9-11.

I just hope he doesn’t gain enough power to drive me out of the GOP.

UPDATE: Here’s a video from a typical Ron Paul supporter. Her name’s Gina, and she’s currently making her very own commercials for Ron Paul. Here she’s trying to set up a “truthseeker” anti-globalization cocktail party:


I know it hurts, but watch the whole thing and see if you can count how many 9-11 “truth” sites she plugs in her credits.

White Liberals Angry that Black Caucus won’t Carry their Water

News that the Congressional Black Caucus will be co-sponsoring a debate with the dreaded Fox News Channel has White “liberals” in an uproar that exposed the klan robes usually tucked beneath their cloak of self-righteous egalitarianism. The decision by the C.B.C. to sponsor a Democratic primary debate on the top rated cable news channel, a sound political decision for a group seeking to get its message out to more people, was predictably seen as a betrayal by the racist “progressives” who believe minorities, specifically Blacks, owe them their undying loyalty.

They repay that loyalty by continually voting for Robert Byrd and ignoring the Southern Poverty Law Center’s dire warnings concerning the genocide against Black Americans being committed by Mexican gangs in Los Angeles.

But White “liberals,” despite their own betrayals, are scandalized by the C.B.C. making a decision without the benevolent guidance of their “superiors” in the progressive movement. They’re shocked that the C.B.C. is colluding with an organization these Whites claim is “racist,” the proof they offer being a badly edited video montage of out-of-context clips that they assume will fool we non-Whites. You know, because we’re all stupid.

MyDD is using propaganda by supposed Black man and MoveOn storm trooper James Rucker. As a man of Black blood myself (half of it anyway) I am more than a little offended by Rucker tap dancing for Whites on this issue, making the case that big evil Fox should be considered racist because some White guys decided it was so. If Rucker is Black (and not some White guy with a tan, as his Huffpo bio pic suggests) then he’s acting as a mouth piece for Whites who had no problem with Black facing opponents in their political campaigns, and who now are trying to smear other Whites as racists. He has no problem with that either.

Whites of any political stripe have no say in Black Liberation. This may sound harsh, and White “liberals” are almost always offended by this, but it is necessary. Liberation means more then just getting to toe the party line of the left or the right, it means making decisions that Whites may not like, and are in the best interest of Black Americans. Fox News reaches thousands more people than its competitors, therefore the C.B.C. can get better visibility for the candidates, and their own mission, if they deal with Fox. Rucker may not like Fox, but he should like the C.B.C. becoming a major player in the elections. So Rucker, and any minority, should support whatever decision the C.B.C. makes.

I guess his White friends won’t let him.

UPDATE: I attempted to post similar sentiments on his HuffPo post, but my comments were denied.

Proof that Keith Olbermann is an Inveterate Liar!

Leftist hack Keith Olbermann is scrambling to put a positive spin on a recent Page Six item detailing porn star/Republican activist Mary Carey‘s assertions that an overly amorous Olbermann left a “rambling message” on her answering machine asking her out on date. She rebuffed him, supposedly because she had a boyfriend at the time. Having a boyfriend stopped a porn star from going out with a guy, not said guy’s awkward creepy personality.

Olby, who is reportedly dating a woman young enough to be his daughter, released his version of the story which he hoped would make him look less like a pathetic, lonely weirdo and more like the “huge star” he is: Mary Carey called him, and he rebuffed her!

Comically childish and straining the credulity of even the most rabid Olbermann fan, Keith’s story claims that he was just sitting at home, minding his own business when a porn star he barely knows gives him a booty call because, you know, who better to warm your bed if you’re a porn star then a doughy, arrogant failure who hosts a show with abysmal ratings. What girl could resist the charms of a racist hack who will say anything to get the hard left to support his show so he can stay on the air? Why wouldn’t Mary Carey, a porn star celebrity who could pick a sex buddy from dozens of hot, Hollywood beefcake types, want to give herself to the great Keith Olbermann?

Are we really to believe that Olbermann got a call from a beautiful woman with, shall we say, an open attitude toward sex and he brushed her off? How exactly did Carey get his phone number unless he gave to to her, and why would he give her the digits (as we used to say) if he didn’t want to “go out?” Something about Olbermann’s story doesn’t add up.

Jawa’s as skeptical as I am and Olbermann Watch has a fisking of Olby’s story on their site.

Carey has another message for Olby, and I think she speaks for all of us:


Well said Mary. Well said.

Democratic Corruption Exposed!

Diane Feinstein was exposed by the North California meta news site Metroactive as a corrupt grifter who awarded billions of dollars in Iraqi reconstruction funds to defense contractors that her husband held interest in. After the exposure Feinstein was forced to resign from the Military Construction Appropriations Committee. Gateway Pundit points out, rightly so, that had this been a Republican the media would have formed a lynch mob by now.

The silence among the left is deafening.