Salt Lake Jihad?

An 18 year old Bosnian Muslim went on a shooting spree in a Utah mall Monday night,which was mercifully cut short by the heroic actions of an off-duty police officer. Though the news media is predictably down playing any connection to Islamist terrorism, some are raising questions as to the young mans motives, and the there has been a reported increase in “chatter” on known Islamist websites which are said to be encouraging individual action by lone Muslims as an alternative to the 9-11 style attacks America spends so much time preparing for.

Jihadism by individuals acting on their own is a hidden danger in our society, where officials are unlikely to label an individual like the mall shooter anything but mentally ill. Few point out this increasingly common danger, and in our complacency we all become less safe.

More people are questioning the motives of the shooter. Steve Decatur has some interesting backround on the history of Muslims in Utah in his post.

Jihad Watch is also on the case, with some great insights in the comment section.

W.N.D. doesn’t mince words, and points out that four of his victims were in the process of shoping at a card store. Some Muslims have expressed their displeasure at America’s most expensive holiday.

Atlas shrugs is also on the case, and displaying the outrage we all should be feeling.

Islamic Expansion Continues Unhindered

Here’s a round up of stories that we don’t usually cover on Red Alerts, mainly because they’re so well covered by other blogs we respect. Islamic Expansionism remains, however, one of the gravest threats to America we’ve faced. Abetted by the radical left and an increasingly radicalized mainstream in the Democratic party, those who seek world wide Islamic Empire are making inroads into traditionally “liberal” societies like Europe and “Blue state” America at an alarming pace.

The Brussels Journal has the most disturbing news, detailing how the newly formed bureaucracy of the E.U., lacking true transparency, has been secretly helping Islamic countries “colonize” Europe in the name of appeasement. The newly announced medical cooperation is just the first public step for Eurocrats who want to give Islamic state de facto membership into the E.U., no matter what the long term cost is.

Our possible next President, Barack Obama, may be an apostate from Islam. What’s of concern to Americans is the great lengths the MSM are to in an attempt to dissuade Muslims that this may be the case. It’s almost as if they know something bad will happen if it filters down into the rank and file Jihadists that the new darling of the left is technically supposed to be beheaded for leaving Islam. That the media recognizes the danger of Islam, but won’t tell us about it directly, should concern us all.

Al-Qaeda will be targeting France in an attempt to influence their elections. The fact that we assume France will knuckle under says something both about Franco-American relations and the French situation.

The much lauded compromise of Hamas and Fatah involves, not surprisingly, continued war against Israel. This guarantees that even if the left gets their much sought after defeat in Iraq and Afghanistan, unless America totally abandons Israel (which even the Democrats aren’t ready to do) America is still a “legitimate” target for terrorists.

In Virginia, Christians protesting the naming of a public street after a known terrorist have been threatened by Muslims with assault rifles who stay in a cult like compound on that same street. An armed religious compound with a habit of threatening people used to be a target of much government scrutiny, or fire bombings, but the local government has covered for the group involved and are attempting to smear the Christians as the “real” terrorists.

War with Iran looms closer as well, as evidence mounts of Iranian involvement in Iraq, but the Iranians have the advantage of a fifth collum who unquestioningly spreads it’s propaganda.

The scimitar of Islam is poised to strike at the heart of America, and with their anti-American allies, are capable of bring the war to our very streets, and our homes.

Recycling Consigned to the Trash Heap of History

When I was fresh out of high school, I went to work for N.Y.P.I.R.G as a canvaser. That is to say I went door to door begging for money to “help the environment” and get N.Y. to recycle. Of course, just a cursory perusal of the “evidence” we used to use to try to convince people to fork over near a hundred bucks a year for a quarterly news letter made it clear that recycling was a fraud. Back then it was a fraud because while we lobbied for the people of N.Y. to have to separate their trash or pay a fine, we knew that the separated trash was going to be lumped back together eventually and all end up “too contaminated” to do anything else with but throw in a land fill.

And that was the opinion of the pro-recyclers.

Again thanks to LGF, we have Penn and Teller exposing this dirty little secret and more on their program Bulls*@t. Among other thing you’ll learn is that recycling programs cost 8 billion dollars a year and must be subsidized by the government, with your tax money. Don’t tell Ed Brown. Enjoy:


UPDATE: Hippies really do hate water!


D.N.C. Imam goes Ballistic, Al-Qaeda follow threatens to follow suit

LGF scooped this one, where the much talked about Imam gets very frustrated with Sean Hannity on his radio program. Listen to the whole thing, and near the end you’ll catch the Imam claim that Jesus, Moses and God are angry at Haniity for not showing the Imam enough diffidence. How’s that for imperialism?


In other news, Jihad watch is reporting that there’s credible intelligence that Al-Qaeda will be launching terror attacks in France with the hope of influencing the up-coming Presidential elections.

Al Gore Hates America

As if the P.M.R.C. wasn’t enough to prove that Gorebekov, as a wise man once called him, hates America with an undying passion comes this news passed on by AllahPundit showing conclusively where Al Gore’s sympathies lie. Opponents of the Kyoto treaty have long put forward that the plan was an attempt to use global warming as a ploy to disrupt the strong economies of America, Canada and Australia, which has been a source of embarrassment to Marxists world wide as their own economies crumble.

As evidence many would point out that the world’s top polluters, countries like China for example, are exempted from the strict regulations imposed on western nations. If fighting global warming were really the impetus behind support for Kyoto, then finding ways to implement the protocols in China would be at the forefront of the debate. Gore has now come out to say China shouldn’t have to follow Kyoto at all, until the United State’s tanks its economy first.

Jihad Watch points out that those who seek to destroy America greatly admire the words of Al Gore. And why shouldn’t they? Gore’s hatred for freedom, prosperity and patriotism serves as an example for all, Jihadi, Marxist or neo-Nazi, who desire to witness first hand the total annihilation of “the American Empire” in bloody orgy of violence and “revolution.”

Gore wants vengence on the American people for not starting a civil war when Bush WON the 2000 election, and he’s in the process of achieving that end. Follow Gore at your peril, because the path he’s chosen will only lead Americans into a new age of oppression, poverty and death.