Salt Lake Shooter Pay-off?

Winds of Jihad made a great catch lost among the great gnashing of teeth on the Blogosphere over the Salt Lake Massacre coverage by we “ultra conservatives” and other undesirables. Scroll to the bottom of the Sheik’s post and you’ll see what is claimed to be an envelope full of cash stuck in the shooter’s family home’s door. Great investigative reporting or put on, you be the judge, but if the family of a Muslim who dies while in the process of killing unbelievers gets a little something in their bank account a short while afterward, well it raises alarms for me.

Robert Spencer writing at FrontPage points out that the Salt Lake Shooter’s rampage mirrors advice given in an on-line Jihad guide. He also gives a brief history of other attacks officially not declared Jihad.

Bonus: Bookworm Room debunks the Post Traumatic Stress angle that’s just in it’s infancy as the standard M.S.M. position of this case. Well worth your time to read.

Venezuela Does a Spit Take: “Al-Qaeda Said What!?!”

The reaction from Venezuela at Al-Qaeda’s recent call for attacks on suppliers of U.S. oil which hilariously cited the newly Sovietized nation by name, has been one of bewilderment and confusion. The Devil’s Excrement is reporting that Rear Admiral Luis Cabrera is questioning the authenticity of the message, stating that Al-Qaeda and Venezuela are both fighting against what he calls North American imperialism, so they should be allies. Jihad Watch is also offering analysis of Venezuela’s statements.

Perhaps a threat against the “socialist paradise” of Venezuela will be enough shake the radicals out of their stupor and we on the right will finally get that “popular front” we’ve been waiting for from our left leaning “fellow patriots.” Or more likely “peace” protesters will be donning traditional Islamic guard and calling Chavez “the little Bush” while burning him in effigy.

Welcome to our world Hugo!

Salt Lake Jihad Update

The killer was a Muslim refugee from Bosnia, his tragic tale of leaving his country is told here. Was he radicalized by fellow Bosnian Muslims? We’ll never know for sure if, as this article claims, he rarely interacted with anyone. Here’s a quote from his neighbor:

“Me or my family, or pretty much anybody on my side of the street never came in contact with Sulejmen or any of his friends or anything like that. So to hear that this happened is somewhat shocking because you really didn’t know who he was”

Another concerning development, authorities have yet to determine where he acquired the firearms used in the killing spree. As a legalized resident over 18 he could have purchased them, but for authorities to mention this piece of information seems to imply that they may be looking for co-conspirators, or a weapons cache. As a gun owner myself, I know that the state has a record of your firearms purchases. The question is are investigators just slow to check the records, or did some third party arm Talovic for his rampage?

Stanford Continuing Studies Department to Screen Film Featuring Blood Libel

They’re playing it up as a service to their students, who will now “the chance to see this important film for yourself.” and by important they mean anti-Semitic. The telegraph has called it “virulently anti-Semitic” and describes the horror with which rational people view a film so nakedly anti-Western embraced by young radicals, especially when it features a evil Jewish doctor stealing a organs to sell to the rich people in New York.

The same “New York money men” Wesley Clark spoke of no doubt.

I won’t link to any sites promoting this modern version of Birth of a Nation, suffice it to say that whomever wrote the wikipedia entry for it gives the films fanciful anti-Jewish, anti-American plot more credit then a decent person should. And various left wing blogs celebrate the film with such vigorous cyber-cheering that even the Nazi who authored the wikipedia entry would cringe. Gary Busey, who plays the evil Jew, deserves special mention as both a traitor to America, and a hack who will take any role as long as it affords him the money to continue taking whatever it is that makes him, well, Gary Busey. (My vote’s for Meth) They are not alone in their adoration of anti-Semitic propaganda.

It is part of a general pattern of left wing acceptance of anti-Semitism, especially when it is middle eastern flavored. Even leading “progressive” websites spew vicious anti-Semitic propaganda, though to their credit sites like DailyKos often have enough members challenging this bias to give freedom loving Americans hope.

But the Jewish community is under attack in America, and our universities are complicit in spreading views that are unenlightened, unAmerican and better left to Hitler’s Germany. It is time that we on the right speak out against this rising tide of hatred and venom before it sweeps us all away.

h/t LGF

O.K., Two Congressmen, a Cop and a Cigar are on Capitol Hill…

Hot Air found this story. Set up for the best joke ever, or a sad example of the sense of entitlement the radical left fosters within their new allies? Keith Ellison, lawmaker and apparent anti-cigar activist, called the cops on his Tom Tancredo because Tancredo was smoking a cigar in his congressional office which is next door to Ellison’s.

It should be noted that congressmen are allowed to smoke in their offices.

Ellison never bothered to actually tell Tacredo the smoke bothered him, he cut to the chase and called the “the man.” Aside from being extremely rude it’s a bit effeminate isn’t it? Which illustrates a very humorous, and very un-P.C., facet of Islam not often discussed.

It’s got no balls.

Let me explain, I grew up in East Orange, N.J., one of 3-4 Bi-racial people in a predominantly Black city. It was rough, and no one group made it rougher on us then Black Muslims. Hateful, racists and always ready to advocate violence, the shadow of radical Islam terrified we “zebras” and “devil children” (as Black Muslims were apt to call us) more then the drug gangs that were rising to power there. That is, until we realized that despite the rhetoric, the Muslims rarely did their own dirty work.

Oh, they talked a good game, and a crowd of them are as dangerous as anyone, but the sad truth is that once a man puts on that long white dress and starts slapping his wife around he loses his desire to confront others directly. Instead they gather a crowd around to preach against interracial dating (while your around of course) or they give you a dirty look here, leave a Malcolm X quote there.

Or they call a cop on you.

I’ve seen this happen before, and I can guarantee you it’ll happen again with Ellison. Lot’s of bloggers who’ve not seen the real face of Islam, fearful, self-doubting men and women who find strength in the fatalistic nihilism of a religion that tells you ending your life is a victory, don’t understand how the individual radical acts, thus stories like this seem shocking in the sheer obnoxiousness of it. Mark my words though, Tancredo, and his cigar, haven’t hears the last of this. Not that they’ll hear from Ellison, but from varoius officials Ellison demands “help” from.