The Dishonest Tactics of Ed Brown Supporters

The Quest For a Fair Trail in Concord blog put out a call for people who don’t support Ed Brown for debates. They claim to not have gotten many takers (perhaps due to the vaguely threatening language) but they did get one they aren’t telling you about.

Little old Me.

I left comments on their post calling for a debate (I’m Hellfireblogs) but more importantly I’ve e-mailed them at their special Gmail account telling them I’m perfectly willing to call one of their volunteers or do an interview via e-mail (I won’t be giving out my home number or address for obvious reasons) and I have yet to hear back from them.

Perhaps they’re more comfortable posting anonymous comments accusing me of being a gay government agent who’s not important and hates America. I’m paraphrasing here.

Anyway, I’m still available for debate if any of these fine “patriots” are interested. Though just like their quasi-legal arguments claiming that taxes are unconstitutional, the call for debate is bunk, they’ll never debate anyone because the majority of them know they’re wrong. They’re trying to make people believe that no one is challenging their nonsense, and that in some way proves they’re right not just about taxes, but about the morality of plotting to kill government officials guilty of nothing more then doing their jobs.

Like Brown himself, his supporters are at best dishonest and unwilling to engage in serious discussion, instead they’ll resort to leaving angry, anonymous comments here, and pretending that they’re in the right. I doubt they’ll make arrangements to interview me, or anyone else who questions either Ed Brown or his actions, and certainly not people who’ve researched the arguments of the tax protest movement. They prefer living in their fantasy over being confronted by reality.

John Edwards Agrees with David Duke on “The Jewish Question”

A mainstream Democrat echoing nonsense first made popular by David Duke and his treasonous ilk? Seems like a pattern’s developing. Hot Air reports that the super rich Ken doll running to the left of Hillary (and Stalin) stunned some supporters into silence by claiming that Israel’s theoretical first strike against Iranian nuclear facilities is the single biggest threat to world peace we’re facing at this time.

A world wide Jihad, being fought on almost every continent in the world doesn’t come close. The enslavement and genocide of Black Africans by Arabized Islamist governments in Africa is meaningless, Russian aggression against former soviet bloc countries, and America is harmless and the increasing tensions in Latina America, where it is estimated that there are 30,000 Hezbollah supporters doesn’t come anywhere near the threat of those pesky Israelis who are constantly worried about their security.

Of course it’s not fair to heap this all on Democrats (though they seem to be embracing the uglier portions of netroot philosophy at an alarming rate) as we on the right have our own, shall we say, eccentrics working hard to embarrass us.

And not just Ed Brown supporters. Read the comments to see what I mean.

While getting a link for David Duke I ran across a Ron Paul article hosted on Duke’s site. That’s the second time in about a week that I’ve found the good Congressman’s thoughts being disseminated on a white nationalist website. The first was at a site called The Civic Platform.

Edwards will be embraced and defended by the left which, by and large, agree with him. Ron paul presents a problem for Republicans, because his association with racist groups is more overt then Edwards, thus giving ammunition to the left to smear Republicans as a racist party. Isn’t it time someone asked the G.O.P to do what the Democrats won’t, and purge itself of these unsavory elements?

Even Terrorists Want Lower Taxes!

A New York man accused of sending thousands of dollars in money and other material support to terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan also donated money to the G.O.P. on several occasions, according to a report on BREITBART.Com. Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari, also known as Michael Mixon, was a successful businessman fronting two different companies which apparently did well enough that he saw the need to vote Republican to protect his hard earned profits from the greedy neo-Marxist who masquerade as Democrats in New York.

Perhaps now that they know that even those who want “smash the empire” like their taxes low and their cities I.E.D. free, the radical left will stop viewing terrorists as allies.

Republicans Attacked in Home by Liberal Anti-War “Activist”: Reporter Has No Idea Why

23 year old Andrew Stone located the address of a random Republican on the Internet, one he hadn’t met before, promptly went there and after beginning a raucous political discussion attacked the bewildered Republican and his two roommates. Stone was arrested for assault and released without bond. The Free Lance Star reporter Keith Epps reports the incident this way: (Emphasis Mine)


The resident and his two roommates engaged in a discussion with the suspect, though none of them had ever met or had contact with him before.

The argument got heated and the suspect learned that the young residents had not enlisted in the military and “put their all” behind the Republican-led war effort in Iraq, police spokeswoman Natatia Bledsoe said.

The suspect refused to leave the home after repeatedly being asked to do so, police said. The three roommates were hit multiple times each as they attempted to get the suspect out of the door, authorities said.

The suspect continued to be aggressive and disorderly even after a city police officer arrived, the report states.

Andrew Stone, 23, was charged with three counts of assault and battery. A magistrate released Stone on his own recognizance and he was ordered to have no further contact with the victims.

It was not clear in the report what political agenda Stone was supporting.”

It is clear to any observer what Stone’s political agenda, and persuasion, is. As the comments posted on the on-line version of the story point out, the reporter is either being disingenuous or is severely sheltered because this sort of threatening, frenzied reaction is par for the course nowadays unfortunately. That a 23 year old, who’s spent the last six or more years being told how evil Republicans are in the media, schools and at home no doubt, will be spurred on to violence cannot be considered surprising. The anti-War movement is rife with rhetoric extolling “direct action” and dehumanizing it’s political opponents.

Maybe Mr. Epps doesn’t know that, but I think like any good reporter he does. He just doesn’t want criticize his own.

h/t LGF

Russia Threatens U.S. Allies Over Missle Defense

Fox News is reporting on the aggressive posturing of the Kremlin over the issue of Poland and the Czech Republic allowing the installations of a U.S. missile defense system designed to destroy missiles launched by “rogue nations.” While the nation the U.S. has in mind is undoubtably Iran, Russia is attempting to use the hosting of the U.S. system as an excuse to reignite cold war tensions and develop new weapons to “counter” this perceived threat to the region.

Publis Pundit has two excellent posts detailing why Russia’s European neighbors should be worried about an increasingly belligerent Kremlin, and how far down the road to soviet style dictatorship Putin has taken the “former” communist nation. A return to 50’s era tension between America and Russia seems more and more likely with each passing day.