M.I.T Hosts Holocaust Deniers at “Social Justice” Forum

Solomonia reports on the inroads the Holocaust denial movement has made into our universities, riding the coattails of the often Pro-Palestinian “Social Justice” movement. The most disturbing part of the story is M.I.T.’s Dean of the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences co-sponsoring an event featuring the Rabbi who attended Iran’s Holocaust denial conference and has been embraced by the likes of David Duke, and a radical Imam who has denied the Holocaust and associates with the New Black Panther Party, a racist anti-Semitic terrorist group using the Black Panther name to further their Islamist agenda.

Both men share the same view, albeit for different reasons, that Israel should be forcefully dismantled for the cause of “justice” even if that means killing every last Jew within its borders. Both men embrace vile conspiracy theories concerning Jewish power in America and the world, and both men will be wildly applauded by those in attendance who are happy to hear someone validate their own prejudice and desire for barbarity. This is “Social Justice,” a code word for the Final Solution.

Police Search Salt Lake Shooter’s House

The police found a holster for the handgun Sulejman Talovic carried in the slayings in Utah, as well as what is described as a “holster” for the 12 Gauge shotgun used in the shootings. This was likely a gun case, which gun owners in many states must use to transport to their weapons. The finds cast doubt on the Father’s assertions that the family didn’t know the young man owned any guns.

Police still don’t know where the shooter got the handgun, but the shotgun was legally purchased.

Source: desertnews.com

Marxism in Focus

The “hard Left” often levels charges that our Capitalist system is the root cause of evil in the world. Following the enlightened principles of Marxism, they claim, will end corruption, inefficiency warmongering and inequality. Or will it?

Dissecting Leftism reports that Socialist leaning England runs the world’s most inefficient asset seizure program. The program, designed to seize the assets of criminals, has spent 65 million Pounds in tax revenue to collect 23 million Pounds. Bureaucracy at its finest.

Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe, not satisfied with a pogrom against white Africans, or soaring inflation Mugabe is rubbing his peoples face in ti by garnishing civil servants wages to pay for his birthday party. Hot Air has more on this.

Just days after Al-Qaeda threatened Venezuela, among others, Venezuela is announced its plans to fight America with with “asymmetrical warfare” in an attempt to show the murderous theocratic animals who follow Bin laden just who’s side Chavez is actually on.

Looks to me like their plenty of the “sins of capitalism” running amok in areas of the world where Capitalism is a distant memory. Perhaps Marxist rhetoric is primarily projection, where Marxist tell you what type of world they want to live in, and how you’ll be treated in it.

More on the Democratic Convergence with White Nationalism

According to Hot Air John Edwards has “clarified” his earlier statements regarding Israel being a threat to world peace, claiming that he meant a nuclear Iran was the biggest threat to peace. An impressive spin, but it came too late as the radical left continues to move into territory previously only occupied by Nazis and their philosophical heirs, Islamists.

Wonkette tried to distract readers from the implied anti-Semitism of Edwards statement by resorting to base anti-Christian rhetoric that even satanic groups like the Temple of Set wisely avoid. The money shot’s in the last paragraph, where “Jesus freaks” are at once blamed for loving Israel too much while at the same time eagerly awaiting the day God will destroy it. Wonkette outdoes itself with 80’s style sataniteen smugness that is painfully embarrassing to read.

Democrats.com host several screeds by anti-Republican conspiracy theorist radical Carolyn Kay who was one of a host of “liberals” who were distraught to find out America helped the U.N. backed Somali government drive out Arab fighters who were hunting Black Africans for sport. One of her new conspiracies; that an evil Israel will attack poor defenseless Iran because “Bush needs another war.” Haven’t we heard something similar form the grand pobah of white Nationalism? Spend a few minutes with on the site and you’ll see dozens of quotes that could just as easily have come form a neo-Nazi as a “Democrat.”

Wesley Clark has a new site demanding we not go to war with Iran. Ever. I wonder what if his protectiveness of Iran is based on some shared value with the current regime?

Don’t forget my buddy Robert Lindsay, who wants to make sure that everyone knows his repeating the theories of August Kreis doesn’t mean he supports them per se. This distinction, between presenting an argument and giving it half hearted criticism before endorsing parts of it and endorsing the argument in it’s entirety is apparently a bone of contention between us. I say a man who calls Elie Wiesel a racist is probably on the Stormfront mailing list and a fan of Prussian Blue, but Lindsay will say I don’t know that for sure.

I could go on, but you get the idea. Find me a passionate anti-War Democrat, and I’ll show you a man who thinks passover matzos made of Palestinian blood. The Internet brings together all sorts of people from all walks of life, and in this case that’s a bad thing.