Terrorist Attack Claims Lives of Three El Salvadorian Congressmen

Western Hemisphere Policy Watch reports that members of the conservative ARENA party serving in the Central American Parliament were ambushed and killed on a Guatemalan back road in what is being described as a terror attack. The remains of Eduardo D’Aubuisson, William Pichinte and Jose Ramon Gonzalez were found with that of an unidentified fourth man by authorities after it was noticed that they were missing from an official motorcade. Head of the Guatemalan National Police’s organized crime unit, Luis Arturo Herrera, was one of several individuals arrested for the brutal murders.

In an increasingly volatile area of the world, with a resurgent Communist movement gaining power and support, the assassination of three men opposed to the formation of a new Soviet Union on America’s southern borders should raise alarm bells in Washington, but political in-fighting over Iraq ,among other things, keeps our leaders attention away from the dangers brewing a stones throw, or missile launch, away.

Flying Imam Story Debunked!

St. Paul ABC affiliate Kstp ran a report on the six Imams who were asked to disembark from a flight last November that thorough debunks the Imam’s claims that they were treated unfairly. It includes an interview with the passenger who complained about the men, and footage of one of the Imams changing his story.

Watch it here.

h/t Hot Air who point out some minor inaccuracies in the story.

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition Begging for Money in Spam Campaign

A mass mailing from A.N.S.W.E.R national coordinator Brian Becker came to my Gmail account a couple of days ago begging for money to fight the good fight, in this case that means desecrating the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial.

And according to a reliable source with an excellent blog, they’ll be bringing a contingent of Jew-hating reconquista conspiracy theorists representing Latino hate site la Voz de la Aztlan. They are also Bill Richardson supporters, if it matters to anyone on the fence in the upcoming primaries.

A.N.S.W.E.R., who are no strangers to crass commercialism despite what they try to sell their supporters, is begging for funds to get their army of vandals to the Memorial not just from people on their mailing list, but are asking supporters to hit up family and friends for tax deductible donations! That’s right, just like a legitimate charity, you can deduct the money you give to an organization dedicated to the overthrow of the U.S. government on your tax forms. Outrageous!

The irony of the e-mail, this passage at the end:

“P.S. Please take a moment to make sure that ANSWER emails always go to your Inbox and not your Bulk/Trash folder. With most email platforms this can be accomplished by adding our email –( ) — to your address book, or following simple instructions to “whitelist” our email address. “

In other words, please stop treating our constant stream of e-mails asking for money as spam. And don’t forget to buy a tee-shirt. I knew these commies were a scam, sucking up money from rich college kids which they no doubt send to Cuba or F.A.R.C, and this e-mail proves it.

Andrew Stone: Portrait of the New Left

Michelle Malkin has the scoop on the man of unknown political affiliation who attacked a group of college kids in their own home because he found out one of them was a Republican. Unsurprisingly, everything one would assume about Andrew Stone, upon hearing the bare bones reporting by Keith Epps, turns out to be true.

Michelle Malkin’s post, which features the story of what happened that night told by the victim, is padded out with screen shots of his on-line activities which included making death threats and joining an anti-Israeli group on Facebook (why a grown man needs a Facebook page I don’t know) where he authored such rational discourse as:

“It’s cunts like Danny that justify my hatred of Israeli kykes”

“…God Bless the PLO…”

Well, you get the idea. After the assault, the victim and his roommates found a list of College Republicans on their porch assuredly fallen from the pocket of Stone. Again not surprisingly it included the names of women that Stone was apparently planning to assault as well.

Violent, bigoted and seemingly unaware that there are consequences for one’s own actions, Andrew Stone provides us with a portrait of the “New Left” who see fellow Americans who disagree with them politically as more of a threat to them then theocratic terrorists who want to force the world to accept their very anti-Liberal policies on women, freedom and individual rights. Raised in privilege by parents who felt no need to restrict his behavior, Stone thought that his actions were acceptable, was shocked no doubt to be arrested for trespassing and assault and battery. He will be lionized by his friends, all of whom are exactly like himself, for physically attacking a group of people who’ve never even met the man before the incident.

Andrew Stone is everything the Left wants in its new generation, which scares me, and should scare you.

Stone’s out on bail but judging from his Internet screeds, which seem to mostly focus on his belief that all Republicans are “cowards” for being concerned about terrorism, we haven’t hear the last of Andrew Stone. Or someone just like him.

OY Vey! Republicans Fall for anti-Semitic Web Hokum!

Some Republicans are passing around a conspiracy theory which states that evolution, a heliocentric universe and almost all science is part of a Jewish plot to destroy Christianity. The worst part, it’s all based on a webpage put up by some weirdo who’s selling his pamphlets on-line.

You cannot believe everything you read boys, especially if it’s on-line. Although I assume now that I doubt this Jewish conspiracy, I’ll be inundated with angry comments by “patriots” who say I’m being closed minded.

h/t Solomonia